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Futa Club Ch. 07

Story Info
A curious and confused boy joins the club.
16.2k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/09/2022
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Chapter Seven: Damian's Invitation


Damian hadn't ever managed to get the incident out of his head; the time he'd simply tried to hit the bathroom and had somehow walked in on a girl blowing another girl. There were a few different but related things about the memory that kept it firmly implanted in his mind.

One was the sheer novelty of the event, and the fact that he had no idea how to even process it. The other was that he kept seeing those same two girls. Almost every day, lately.

They kept going into a room that, as far as Damian could remember, had been unused for a year or two until just recently. And they weren't the only ones. His locker was close enough to the room that he'd been able to observe comings and goings whether he wanted to or not. There was only a relatively small number of students using the room, but most of them tended to be very consistent about it.

It drove Damian a little bit crazy trying to guess what the deal was. What was special about that room all of a sudden. And what the deal was with those two girls. Emma and Misty, if he remembered correctly. Why one had a penis. Why they'd been doing... things... in the boys' bathroom. Blowjobs or whatever. Though granted, he'd only ever found them there once.

There was some part of him that couldn't let go of the idea that they were using the formerly abandoned classroom for more things like that. Blowjobs or whatever. And if it had been only those two, he would have felt relatively confident that he'd solved it. But all those other people? It couldn't be inappropriate sex stuff. That didn't make sense.

Then again, it wasn't like Damian was an expert on these sorts of things. He was pretty sure students didn't just, like, all get together and blow each other in the middle of the school day, but he couldn't actually say for certain that it didn't happen.

His curiousity kept getting the better of him, and he'd wander closer and closer to that doorway, sometimes standing right outside, but not quite daring to go in. The small window on the door had been covered on the inside, and there was no other vantage point from without. Maybe from outside, with a ladder or something, but nothing feasible.

Once again that lunch time Damian watched from his locker as a small, sporadic parade of students slipped into the mystery room. A few were surreptitious about it, most just walked in. Everyone shut the door behind them as quickly as they opened it.

After the initial flood, when it seemed no one else was going in, Damian walked over to the door. He still didn't quite dare to open it. It should be easy enough; open, take a quick peek, close and leave. Theoretically, he could definitely do it. Realistically, he still wasn't there yet.

Damian sighed and turned around, nearly bumping straight into the grinning girl standing behind him.

"Shit! What?"

"Nearly thought you were gonna look," the girl said. "I was just gonna come talk to you, then I thought maybe I wasn't gonna have to." She shrugged. "So close."

It was her. Emma. Or Misty? One of them. He couldn't remember which was the one giving the blowjob in his memory. Her, anyway.

Damian wasn't quite trapped, but he felt like he was. She was standing too close, and seemed far too pleased with herself, considering.

"Just curious," Damian mumbled, blushing and ducking his head, darting his eyes left and right to see which would be the better escape route.

"Curious huh? What about?"

"Um, you know, what's going on in there. It just seems like it's every day and--"

"Oh it definitely is every day." The girl's smile was only getting wider and more mischievous. "But you don't know what we do?"

"How could I?"

"Not even a guess?"


"Even after you saw me and Em that time?"

Her and Em? So she was Misty? Probably.

"I don't know what I saw."

"Yes you do," Misty said easily. "And you were either terrified or fascinated. Or probably both, really."

"It's... it's not the sort of thing you expect to see."

"That's true."

"But, like, it's not just you two in there. It can't just be you suck-- I mean, doing that thing."

"No," Misty agreed, "it isn't just that."


"Yeah." Misty waited to see if Damian was going to say anything else. He wasn't. "You still wanna see?"


"In the room. You wanna come in? You can. Usually the rule is you can't just watch, unless you're a futa. The club's kinda for us."

"A what?"

"Oh, right." Misty scratched her head. "Well, you know how most girls got vaginas and stuff?"

"... sure?"

"And you know how me and Em got penises instead?"

Damian's face felt embarrassingly warm. "I remember something like that," he mumbled.

"So it's kind of a whole thing," Misty said casually. "Cocks, raging hormones, and usually no easy outlet. Let alone anyone to share it with in some cases. I mean, it's something of a family tradition in my case, I'm lucky that way. Some of us don't have anyone to talk to, let alone play with. So..." she waved her hand at the door, "Futa Club."

Damian was still trying to put everything together. "All girls like... like you. In there. Doing... things?"

"Jerking off and sucking off and fucking around and whatever else." Misty was still grinning like either this was all a joke, or she just though Damian's reaction was funny. "And you're welcome to come see, if you want."


"Well, as I said, we're not exclusive. Only you do have responsibilities as a non-futa."

"You can't just invite me in and expect me to... to do things."

"I mean, I kinda can. But like I said, I'd give you a freebie the first time."


"'Cause you're cute."


Misty giggled. "I mean, you are. And honestly, we've only got one boy who comes here, and his sister's got dibs on him. He plays around a little with everyone, but mostly just her. Wouldn't hurt having another boy, y'know?" Misty tilted her head. "You probably don't know, actually."

Damian wasn't quite sure why he hadn't long since darted away. He could outrun Misty if it came to it, he was pretty sure. And she probably wouldn't even chase him anyway.

But he was still there. Still thinking. Still... considering? He couldn't be considering this. But he kind of was.

Whatever else he thought about any of it, he had to admit that accidentally spectating a futa blowjob had had an effect. It had stuck in his mind. And, though he didn't like to admit it, it kind of excited him.

Damian didn't think he was actually really into it. Not like it was a whole thing. But it was interesting, and different, and arousing.

And, purely pragmatically, it wasn't like any other girls were casually inviting him to watch them masturbate or mess around with each other. That wasn't exactly a common thing for him.

"You sure I wouldn't have to do anything?" Damian asked.

"Promise! You just stick with me."


Damian still technically hadn't agreed yet as Misty slipped past him and opened the door. She waved him in behind her with increasingly large gestures as he only slowly turned and took very small steps closer. Misty eventually yanked him in far enough to close the door behind him, causing him to stumble.

As Damian righted himself, he immediately felt his warm blush returning in full force. He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but the sheer casual display of partial or full nudity was beyond anything he would have imagined. It seemed like he and Misty were the only ones wearing any bottoms at all, and quite a few girls were entirely naked.

And the cocks. Cocks everywhere. Mostly on girls, which might help some, but it was still overwhelming.

Most everyone glanced over at Damian and Misty upon their entry, but to Damian's relief there wasn't any kind of group stare at the intruder. Mostly there wasn't even any curiousity as there were more important things to focus on. Only one of the girls even bothered coming over.

"So you brought him in, huh?"

Damian recognized Emma, and flashed back to the last time he'd seen her cock, disappearing in and out of Misty's mouth. Now it was just... just there. In the open and hard as could be, pointed almost straight at him.

This was too much. There was no way he could handle it.

"Of course," Misty said, patting Damian's shoulder. "He was hanging around outside again. I knew he'd be interested."

"My locker's nearby," Damian mumbled. "Wasn't hanging around on purpose."

"Sure, sure," Misty said with the tone of one who didn't believe him at all. "And you're not really staring at my girlfriend's dick with a look of utter fascination."

Damian jerked his head up and stared dead forward, feeling his face fairly burn at having been so easily caught out. The change in direction didn't really help him any, since it only meant he was now looking at a boy sitting in a girl's lap, bouncing slightly for some reason, as though... oh.

"Real smooth, bud," Emma said. She seemed unable to decide if she was amused or annoyed by him.

"Give him a break," Misty said. "It's all so new. You'd be awkward and staring too if it was your first time coming here."

"Yeah, you're right." Emma sighed. "I just wish it hadn't been today. I was looking forward to time with you. I got all horny this morning."

"You get all horny every morning, babe."


Misty moved in for a quick kiss. "I think Damian's just gonna watch today. We can still fuck, no problem."

"What if I don't want an audience?"

"Well, Em, remember those times you made me walk naked and usually cummy through the school?"

"I was usually naked too."

"Yes, but more by choice."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Fiiinnne. If you're gonna play that card."

"I'm not playing any card."

"Yes you are."

"I'm not. I'm just saying sometimes it's fun doing something a little different."

"I don't think that is what you're saying, but...." Emma glanced at Damian. "Just don't make it weird."

Damian shrugged awkwardly. "I genuinely don't know how to make any of this any more or less uncomfortable than it already is."

"Uh huh."

As the girls led Damian over to a corner, he tried to take in some more of his surroundings without being obvious about it, and more importantly without freaking himself out.

There was porn playing from the room's projector, which for some reason didn't even faze him. Though maybe that was simply due to how much nudity and sex otherwise occupied the room.

Everyone else seemed to be occupied in some sort of sexual or masturbatory act, much as he'd earlier assumed they actually wouldn't be doing, since it was so far beyond his experience and knowledge. Now he had no idea if everyone here was that much more liberated than the norm, or if he was just unusually repressed.

A lone girl who Damian hadn't noticed before still had pants on, though unbuttoned, and had a hand slipped inside her panties. Her other hand was occupied jerking off the girl next to her. She alone in the room wasn't flaunting a big ol' erection.

Even Damian was starting to get uncomfortably tight in his jeans. Uncertain as he still was, there were an awful lot of nearly or fully naked girls around. That they mostly all had cocks didn't seem to be dissuading his hormones from kicking in. And in some cases might have been helping?

Damian snapped his eyes forward again before he had to delve too deep into what that possibly meant.

Emma sat down on a couch that was in the corner of the room. Misty took just long enough to strip her jeans and panties off, then knelt between Emma's legs and started licking her cock.

Damian, not knowing what else to do, sat awkwardly next to them and tried to figure out where to let his gaze rest. Absolutely nowhere seemed safe.

At first Emma didn't seem totally happy about Damian's presence, but as she relaxed into her blowjob, her expression softened and she appeared more willing to take pity on him.

"You can take your pants off, if you want," Emma said.

"I'd rather not."

"Suit yourself. S'not like you're hiding that bulge any, though. Looks uncomfortable."

There was no point denying it. Emma had spoken as casually about his erection as she might have about the weather. Plus, really, short of fully covering his lap he wasn't going to be able to hide it very well.

"It is," Damian admitted. "But... I can't take my pants off."

"Why not? Everyone else did. Well, 'cept for Sierra over there. Odd girl out, having a pussy and all. I get her not showing off too much."

"Not many boys either."

"True. But there's Jax, and he's hardly even a novelty anymore."

It was true. The only other boy in the room was getting his butt pounded by the same girl whose lap he'd been sitting on when Damian entered, and there really wasn't any more attention on him than anyone else.

Emma didn't bother waiting for Damian to come to a decision. She did, however, start pointing out club members and giving him some names that he wasn't convinced he'd remember.

"That's Maddy over there fucking Jax," Emma said. "They're usually together. They're cute that way. That's Kayla. Sierra I mentioned already. Tori. Jasmine, she's almost as new as you."

"You'd never know," Damian said absently as he watched Jasmine jerking off and having quite a giggly, whispered conversation with Kayla.

"Some adjust fast, it's true. Honestly, if you knew how horny we get...."

"I, uh, have some idea."

Emma patted Damian's hand. "If you think you get as horny as we do, and just as often, imagine like twice whatever you deal with. Or more."

"Uh... well...."

Misty pulled off Emma's cock, trailing spit and panting softly from having been deep throating her. "Em's right. There's research I can probably find, if you wanna see. Or you could just meet my family."

Emma gently pushed Misty's head back to work on her cock. "Don't do that to the poor boy. He's confused enough already." She tilted her head. "Though admittedly a smaller group wouldn't hurt. And as long as we didn't leave you alone with Saphy...."

Once again, Damian didn't quite know what to make of things. The mentions of Misty's family suggested... something. But he had no idea what.

As he kept sitting there he began to get used to the idea that, in fact, no one was taking issue with his presence, nor paying him any mind really. He wasn't being ignored exactly, but he also wasn't being either glared at or having cocks shoved in his face. Probably he could have cocks shoved in his face if he wanted though.

Which was a weird and intrusive thought, and Damian wasn't quite happy to have had it.

But really, though. Girls horny enough to form a club specifically for jerking off or having sex? It felt like there was potential there.

Would he have to suck cock? And if so, was that a deal breaker? Like, what if it was in exchange for someone sucking him? That might be alright. A cock attached to a cute girl wasn't the worst thing in the world to have in his mouth, if it came to that.

"You can still take your pants off," Emma said.

She'd slipped down in her seat, totally relaxing into her blowjob. Misty was swallowing Emma's cock like a pro, and also seemed to have a hand busy beneath her, either on her balls or at her ass.

"I kinda actually might need to," Damian admitted. His self-control had limits. There was just too much constant stimulus around.

"So do it."

There was something in Emma's tone. Something different from before. Not annoyance anymore, but maybe something like interest or anticipation? Maybe the effects of a quality blowjob on her. Because really, it looked absolutely amazing to get that kind of treatment.

Damian closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and started removing his jeans. He cracked his eyelids, but didn't want to accidentally meet anyone's gaze while he stripped. He couldn't believe he was doing it, except that he was more than horny enough now to do something stupid.

It felt so much better letting his cock spring free. Good enough to keep his mind off of potential embarrassment for a moment.

Damian gasped as a hand closed around his just-released erection. He hadn't been expecting it, and with his gaze deliberately narrowed her hadn't seen it coming either.

Now, however, his eyes were wide open as he stared with shock down at his lap and Emma's fingers curled around him. She wasn't even looking at him, still focused on Misty sucking her off, but she started jerking him off nonetheless. Without paying him any extra attention, aside from her hand sliding up and down.

"Shut up," Emma said.

Damian frowned and was about to protest that he hadn't said anything. He noticed just in time that Misty had pulled back to the tip of Emma's cock and was grinning at her around the small mouthful still remaining between her lips. Emma was most likely talking to her.

And, indeed, Emma reached out to the back of Misty's head and slowly pulled her all the way down. Misty's forehead was pressed to Emma's tummy, chin to her balls, throat stuffed full as could be.

Misty choked and gagged some as she was held in place, fully throated on Emma's shaft. Damian was worried about for, but realized Emma wasn't really using much force, and that Misty was allowing herself to be held like that.

Emma jerked Damian off faster the longer Misty gagged on her cock, and only slowed down a little when Misty had to pull back and take some deep breaths.

When Misty went back to bobbing her head, it was more of a normal rhythm, and at her own pace. She still swallowed an awful lot of cock very easily, but didn't hold herself on it to gag and make more spitty mess.

Damian tunnel-visioned for a while, practically forgetting there was anyone else in the room. Just him and the two girls, one of whom was casually playing with his cock. That was the sort of thing that helped him adjust rather quickly, it turned out.

He could tell when Emma was cumming, though he didn't realize it at first. Her fist squeezed significantly tighter all of a sudden, and she arched her back while squirming slightly. It was mostly in retrospect as Misty sat back, a dribble of cum leaking from the corner of her lips, that Damian knew what had just happened.

Misty took over for Emma after that. Emma sat slouched down, relaxed and contented. Misty scooched over and jerked Damian off while she relaxed.

Misty didn't use her mouth except at the very end to catch his cum and prevent a mess. It was, regardless, the craziest orgasm he'd experienced, and the first time a girl had made him cum.

It was in no way how Damian had expected something like that to happen, but it had certainly been an amazing and fascinating experience.


Damian lay in bed that night thinking about his handjob over and over. The whole event surrounding it, too, but mostly him on the couch with the two girls.

Emma getting sucked off was part of it, and when Misty had had a turn afterward too, but the most visceral memory was when he'd been getting jerked off. Somehow everything before and after that seemed less relevant.

He was going to go back. He knew he was. There was no way he could ever rationalize not going back.

There was, of course, the looming notion of having to participate more next time. This time had been a freebie of sorts. He wouldn't be able to just go and get handjobs. He was quite certain of that.

But then, that was probably ok. He wouldn't want that every time anyway. After being there only once, his head was already filled other ideas and visions. Scenes of him involved in a blowjob instead, mostly. And... and not just receiving one either.

He'd fought it at first. Damian had pictured Emma and Misty, and had generally tried to see himself as Emma, knowing that whatever she was feeling had to be amazing. Misty's skill was clear, even to someone who very much wasn't an expert on these things.

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