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Futanari Club Ch. 04

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A young shy woman learns it is not so bad having a girl cock
8.5k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/19/2022
Created 04/15/2013
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This is a story about my own kind of Futanari. Futanari is a Japanese word meaning hermaphrodite, but over the ages in Japan it has had other meanings too, just as how in western society today it can mean a few different things. My story holds true to the hermaphrodite meaning and the futanari in this story all have a pussy and a cock. They all see themselves as women that happen to also have a cock. There are no men in the story but only women, with or without cock: therefore, I view this a story of lesbian sex between women regardless of genitalia

I know that my version of the futanari might not fit everyone's description of what a futanari or hermaphrodite is. This is a story and you could say that I have created my own little futanari universe where the story is taking place. It is a story and it does not try to be real and I hope I will not offend anyone with how I tell my story either it be by how people look, how I describe them or how the characters in the story describe themselves or others. If anyone still has something they want to point out please send a private message or email and we can discuss it in private.

Main Characters

A shy 20 year old girl with long hair, nice breasts, a wet pussy and a big secret in the form of a giant girl cock. She have lived a sheltered life but is soon on her way to a new world of lesbian sex.

A doctor in her forties who specializes in hermaphrodites. She is a member of the Futanari Club. She is from Latin America, got a fit body together with long beautiful hair. Not a futanari.

Former volleyball player who works as a personal trainer. Though over 40 years old but still has a fit and athletic body. Smaller breasts but amazing long legs and a perfect butt. Likes to put her long hair up in a knot. Also a friend of Mandy and Maria and a member of the Futanari Club. Not a futanari.

A friend of Maria and Jenn. A member of Futanari Club. Around 40 years old. She got more of a full figure and especially a big set of breasts. She can be a bit wild and eager at times. Mother of three and happy in her marriage even if she can't resist some futanari fun.

The Queen
Another girl with a big cock. Around 35 years old with a very sexy body. The leader of the Futanari Club.

A young girl about the same age as Lisa with Irish descent which is noticeable in her long red hair. Thin body with smaller breasts but a lovely ass. Girlfriend of Yumi with whom she visits the Futanari Club. Not a futanari.

A Young girl about the same age as Lisa of Japanese heritage. Got a small frame but beautiful long black hair and a perfect Japanese butt. Girlfriend of Aine with whom she visits the Futanari Club. Not a futanari.

Futanari Club Chapter 4
By: Sonatatre

Maria had not yet moved in with Lisa and Jenn. Lisa had not fully moved in either but she had been sleeping in bed with Jenn every night since the first one they spent together. Maria had started to talk to her husband about things. He had known about her keenness for women - especially the kind that had a cock and pussy. Maybe that is why they had never had any children as they both knew their relationship would end eventually. Still it was a transition to end their life together. Maria had said she would need a bit more time before she could move in with Lisa and Jenn.

Nonetheless, Lisa was sure it would turn out well. Maria had visited a few times this week and the three women had made love several times. Jenn a few times more since they had been able to spend more time together but when Maria been there she had usually been made the primary focus of Lisa's big girl cock.

At the next meeting at the Futanari Club, Lisa was excited. This was to be her third visit - The first two visits had been life changing, but this time it would be calmer. First time she had been nervous. Second time it had been the horniness driving her on. This time she was calm and relaxed. She wanted to make love in there, that thing was certain, but having been with Jenn and Maria the whole week (and the weekend before) meant there was no desperate horniness as with the second visit.

She would even be entering with a new set of confidence now. In many ways she was the same person as before but she also had something new in her. She felt like she had grown so much since she had first learned about the club. The first time she had come there alone, the second time with strangers. Now she would be walking in there with friends. It was a new life for a new person and she was very happy she had been able to do this journey.

Jenn had made them some good food to make sure they would be able to hold up for a few hours at the club. Maria had not been with them but she came to pick them up in time for the club to start and they drove there together.

"What do you guys think Mandy will say?" Lisa had been thinking about that too. Mandy might get a bit upset. Her two best friends had decided to move in together with their futanari lover. Mandy was Lisa's lover too but Mandy was happily married with three children. A very different situation compared to Jenn and Maria. It would be up to Jenn and Maria to tell their friend about it, but if Lisa could help by making love to Mandy she would gladly do so.

There were already over one hundred horny women of all ages at the club. They looked around for Mandy and did not find her at first, but just after they had scanned the room she came in through the front entrance. They all greeted each other with hugs and kisses but then came the awkward moment when Jenn and Maria were going to tell Mandy what had happened since the last club meeting. Mandy already knew that the three of them would hook up, but not what had transpired other than that.

"So did you three have a fun weekend?" Jenn and Maria looked at each other. Lisa felt like she better escape to let them clear things up.

"I am gonna go to the bathroom." Lisa hurried away. She did need to go to the bathroom as well so it was not a blatant lie. She went out of the first door and into the hall entrance where the bathrooms were. She went inside the bathroom and of course all three of the stalls were busy. She had to wait for her turn.

When she finally made it back she could not see either of her friends anywhere. The big room had filled up even more. She was just about to dive into the crowds to look for her friends when she saw Aine and Yumi run up to her.

"Bad news., the Queen has taken your friends." What could the Queen need with them? Lisa wondered. The queen did not seem to like older people much and most of the women she surrounded herself with were 20-25. She had some older people around but that was more to abuse them then to make them feel good.

When that fact dawned on Lisa she started to run. She did not even take the time to thank Aine and Yumi for letting her know. She ran across the room pushing her way through the people to the Queens room.

There on the floor in the middle of the room were Jenn, Maria and Mandy, on their knees in front of the naked Queen. Lisa could not fully see from this angle, but it was quite clear that the Queen had her big girl cock in Mandy's mouth taking it forcefully. When she heard Lisa come out she turned her head.

"Well hello there Lisa I heard you've been paying so much attention to these three old skanks so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. I am sure you don't mind since I let you use two of my girls last time." Lisa felt her anger build up. She knew that no one at the club dared to speak up against the Queen; if they did they would be cast out of the club, but this was taking things too far. The three women were forced to do this because they were friends with Lisa, so she knew it was up to her to stop it.

"So far I am not very impressed. They are decent at sucking cock but nothing more." Lisa watched as the Queen pulled herself from Mandy's mouth and took a step over to Maria, grabbing her by the hair and started to slap her cock in the doctor's face. Lisa could not take it anymore. She went over to the Queen and pushed her out of the way making her fall over behind Jenn.

"You are making a big mistake Lisa." The Queen was outraged but Lisa ignored her.

"Get up. We are getting out of this room." The three ladies hesitated at first, Maria was the first to take Lisa's hand, and the other two shortly followed. They started to leave – but Lisa stood perfectly still, feeling the fire of anger burn inside her.

"You have gone too far this time Queen."

"I have gone too far? You have gone too far Lisa! You are out of the club! Your friends too! Banned forever!" Lisa knew what she had to do. There was only one way left to save the club and it was up to her.

"I challenge you to a fuck off! The winner becomes the Queen and the leader of the Futanari Club." The Queen had stood up and even if she was not that much taller than Lisa, Lisa still felt like the Queen was towering over her. Lisa was more angry then she had ever been before but she still felt it dwarfed compared to the anger that the Queen.

"I accept the challenge. I have seen you fuck and you don't stand a chance little girl. After you lose I will have you beg to be my fuck slave in front of everyone. If you show enough regret I might grant you that wish but your friends are still gonna be banned forever for disobeying me." Lisa looked back at her friends standing behind her by the door.

"Same rules as when you won the title from Cynthia." The Queen was slightly taken back from Lisa knowing about that, but soon her surprised expression turned into an evil grin.

"That means five girls. You only got three. Good luck finding two more that are willing to fight for you. Better tell them that if they do they will be banned from the club as well. I give you one hour. That should be enough time for you to get a willing outsider here and I can have my people set everything up."

Lisa did not bother to answer. She just walked out of the room with her three friends. Out in the big room everything was normal. She figured that would soon change. They were in desperate trouble now. There was a huge risk that no one at the club would dare to fight for her. Maria, Jenn and Mandy did not have a choice as it was their only chance to stay at the club. They might need to find someone from the outside for this.

"We should get a room to plan things." Lisa agreed with Mandy. They really needed some privacy to formulate a plan.

"You can get a room for us. I need to talk to Aine and Yumi. They can be our fourth and fifth." They all agreed. If there was anyone who might be willing to support Lisa it would be the young lesbian couple. Lisa already knew they did not like the Queen but sometimes had to accept her bidding.

The three older women moved towards the stairs to get a room on the balcony while Lisa bolted out into the crowd again. She found Aine and Yumi where she had left them a few minutes ago.

"What happened Lisa? You look like you seen a ghost." It was much worse than that.

"The Queen was torturing them because they were my friends. I stopped her and she banished us all from the club."

"You have been banned?" Lisa swallowed hard. It sounded like the two girls were scared from the thought of getting banned.

"We've got one chance to stay. I challenged the Queen to a fuck off. It was how she won leadership of the club and if I can beat her I will become the new leader."

"We have heard about that. She crushed the old president of the club. Do you think you can win?"

"There is one problem. I need five women that I make love to. Right now I got Maria, Jenn and Mandy which is three. So the question would be if you think I can win?" The young couple looked at each other without saying anything. They both nodded and looked back at Lisa.

"If there is a chance to save the club from the Queen's tyranny then we need to try and do it."

"If I lose you will get banned from the club too."

"We would never be able to live with ourselves if we missed out on this chance. Let's do it!"

Lisa hugged both of them closely and then led them through the room and up the stairs. Below the balcony, where the queen usually had her fuck show, they saw how some women had started to build a small stage. This was sure to be a spectacle but there was no need to think about that now. Mandy was standing outside one of the rooms and they all went inside.

"We got our team now. Wait, where is Maria?"

"She said she had to make a phone call. Don't worry she will be here."

Lisa looked at the clock. They still had plenty of time. A few minutes later Maria showed up but she wouldn't say what she had been up to. They had managed to get a full team and now the rest was up to Lisa. The fate of five very special women rested on her girl cock and she wished she had a more than just a few weeks of experience using it.

They all waited in silence until only a few minutes remained and then Maria stood up.

"We better go out now. Lisa, are you ready?"

Lisa stood up but kept her eyes on the floor. She was far from ready but there was no turning back now. It had all felt so simple when she was angry but now that was all gone and all she could feel was fear. Still it had to be done.

"Maria I will do you first." She looked at the latina doctor and Maria did a nod in return. Lisa knew it would be awkward out there but by starting with Maria she might be able to forget all about that.

"Aine you will be second." The cute little irish girl looked as nervous as Lisa felt but she made a wink to show she was ready to battle nonetheless.

"Mandy I will do your after that. Since you need it to be a bit rougher I think it would be good for you to be in the middle." The 40-year old mother of three blushed and wanted to protest but she probably understood it would be pointless at this time, especially since it was true.

"If we make it that far Yumi will be number 4." The Japanese girl seemed to be the least nervous out of everyone. Maybe she had that much faith that everything would turn out well? Lisa didn't know if she became more or less nervous knowing that.

"And if we get the happy ending we all hope for then you will be last Jenn." Jenn didn't say anything but instead walked up to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"Whatever happens out there I will still love you Lisa" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Someone loved her?

"We all love you." Everyone else had said it in unison. Lisa felt like she was about to cry.

"I love you all too. Now let's go out there and show them!"

Lisa opened the door and walked outside. It was completely empty at the balcony but when she reached the stairs she saw the biggest collection of women she had ever seen looking up on her. She looked behind her to make sure her five women were with her and then started to walk down the stairs. She felt like a general leading her army to war.

She saw the Queen standing on the right side of the stage with five young girls. She had figured that the Queen would hold true to her belief that young is better but she prayed that it was not always the case since she had three older women on her team. The only way up on the stage was on the right side so they had to walk past the Queen on the stage to get to their designated area. She could feel her mocking looks as they walked past and after all six of them were up the Queen took center stage.

"Looks like the challenger decided to show up after all. I am surprised of that but I guess she doesn't know what she is getting herself into." The Queen spoke out loud to the audience.

"Let me recap today's events. That puny futa over there decided to attack your beloved leader and I didn't have any other choice but to ban her and her old lady friends from the club. That made her challenge me to a fuck off and I thought why not humiliate her further and accept, all so that my pupils can get a good show. After I win you can all be sure that they will be gone for good and never be able to threaten out happy club again. That goes to the two pets that decided to join the treason as well."

If Lisa had calmed down the anger from before was coming back now and she could tell she was not the only one. As everyone in her team looked ready jump across the platform and take the Queen out. Still they all stayed calm enough to save their feelings for the battle ahead even as the Queen continued her speech.

"As you can all see I have five beautiful specimens of young girls on my team, naked for your enjoyment, of course. Something the other team hasn't done. But then who would want to see such old ladies naked?"

The Queen was the only one laughing as Lisa and her team looked at each other wondering if they could really undress now. Still all six of them started to undress and Lisa couldn't help but thinking that the Queen must be crazy not loving Maria's, Mandy's and Jenn's naked bodies.

The Queen looked ready to speak to the public again when the front doors opened. She looked a bit angry wondering who dared to show up late to the club and disturb her time at stage taking the attention away from her. What she saw must have been much worse than that.

In through the door came ten women that Lisa believed was in the range of 30-60 years old. Some people in the audience gasped.

"Who are they? Lisa whispered to Maria."

"That is Cynthia Campbell, CC, the founder of the club we told you about. Together with some other members that been banned. I thought they would love to be here when you take the club back."

Lisa felt like she was in the presence of futanari royalty. The Queen must not have agreed with her.

"You are not allowed to be in here. None of you are."

As the newcomers came closer Lisa got shocked. Cynthia Campbell was her professor from social studies. She had spent many lessons thinking about how sexy she was and what Lisa could do with her new found cock powers to her and now she turns out to be the founder of the club.

"They are my guests. If I win they will be reinstated as full members again." Lisa stepped forward towards the Queen to show her support of Professor Campbell and the other older members.

"If you win? Are you crazy? You are just a little pup trying to play with the big wolf. As soon as I beat you they better run away with their futanari tail between their legs. You all better run away. Let's get this over with, assume the position fuckholes."

The Queen returned to her girls on the stage that all followed her instructions getting into position as scared from the steam coming from the Queen as she had clearly lost control of the situation. Lisa figured she would take her anger out on the poor girls but there was nothing she could do about that now. She had to focus on her task. She gave one last glance at Professor Campbell before she noticed she was standing alone at the front of the stage completely naked and she started to cover herself as she made her way back to her team.

"it used to be customary with the onlookers to do the countdown, right? So start counting already. 3."

The Queen started the countdown and Lisa and her team started to panic. Maria moved down on her hands and knees on some soft padding that was put on the stage. Lisa got behind her and noticed that she wasn't even hard yet. The audience continued to count and Jenn came to Lisa's rescue starting to work on her cock with her hand and as the audience screamed out "start fucking!" Jenn gave Lisa's big girl cock some quick twists in her mouth.

"That will have to do Lisa. Now show us what your magnificent cock can do."

Lisa saw that the Queen had already gotten into it when Jenn's words woke her up from the stress. Her cock was not fully hard yet as Jenn held her against Maria's pussy she could still slide in easy enough. She started to move and she could feel that Maria was quite wet even if she was usually wetter. Maybe the moment had gotten to her too but as Lisa felt her cock harden she also felt Maria's juices start to flow.

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