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Futanari Sexperiment Ch. 02

Story Info
Emilie sees - and feels - more of what has been done to her.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/17/2024
Created 03/01/2018
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She bit back a groan as he finally slid out of her, and immediately, she clamped her knees together, knowing on a higher level what a futile gesture it was. He looked down at her with a satisfied mien, tucking his softening penis back into his pants.

She wanted to curl up and shut herself away from the world. She'd been experimented on, and raped. Rape. There was no other word for it, regardless of what the doctor would say. He'd placed himself in a position of supreme advantage and made full use of it with no regard for the welfare of others. He'd taken what he wanted, and he would do it again and again.

The reality of that was something she knew would take a while to process, and she was grateful for the distraction when she heard him ask if she wanted food.

The bowl was filled with what he said was split-pea soup. Whether there were actual peas in it was debatable, but it tasted pretty good, especially after several days of intravenous feeding. He'd left her alone to eat, and she had to resist the urge to look around the kitchen for a knife or try the keypad next to the door.

Emilie stirred her soup, seeing the thick green liquid give way before her spoon. The doctor had explained that the soup was vitamin-dense, not that she'd needed further encouragement after the growl her stomach gave out as her nose registered the scent of hot food.

He had plenty of packets and containers of such meals, making it clear that he wasn't much of a cook, if at all. One had only to open one of the packets and put it in a bowl or cup, add a certain amount of water, and stir before heating or allowing it to sit for a couple of minutes.

Such food items were available to the Lower Echelons, but in limited variety, and generally more expensive than the common staples of the poor.

As the warmth from her recent activity cooled down, she shivered a bit. As she would have expected, the rooms were air-conditioned. Nothing but comfort for the Upper Echelon, that was for sure, she thought dryly.

"You may watch television, or use this tablet to access the library for books to read. Just remember that this, like anything else I give you, is a privilege."

"Yes, sir," she muttered dryly. He regarded her with a tight smile.

"Well, then. I've spent much of the last week tending to you, and I have other projects I must work on. Quite a bit of catching up to do, but so far, you've proven yourself more than worth it."

She almost spat out a sarcastic 'good to know', but merely nodded. Once he was gone, she picked up the tablet, idly clicking on the screen. The tablet was much nicer than anyone in the Lower Echelon could ever hope to own, but the commands were easy enough for her to access. Once she familiarized herself with the book program, she decided to do some exploring but was quick to find herself restricted from most functions on the tablet, being asked for a password to access the Internet or phone services.

"Figures," she muttered to herself. The television was much the same, most entertainment channels were available to her, but connecting to the Internet or accessing other files was also blocked. After channel-surfing a bit, she stumbled across a show that was popular with people of all Echelons.

It was the Super Happy Fun Time Game show. It was often humiliating for the participants of the show, but winners went home with an amount of money that was very decent for the average member of the Lower Echelon. Members of the Uppers would suggest ideas and dares, which could be presented by the game show host. Should the participant manage to accomplish the task quickly enough, or garner enough ratings, they went home with plenty of money, but it was not without cost. For the rest of eternity, or at least until the end of civilization, the stupid stunt they'd done was on tape, recorded for posterity to laugh at.

The Lower Echelon had mixed feelings about this. On one hand, it was obviously exploitation, for the entertainment of the lofty elite. On the other hand, participation was voluntary, and the payout was good. And in the slums and ghettos that made up much of the world of the Lower Echelon, money did buy happiness. It might not erase the shame, but when someone who had enjoyed very little in life could surround themselves with creature comforts, such comforts provided easy distractions.

She rolled her eyes at the footage of the unfortunate man running naked down a street in what appeared to be a densely-populated Middle Echelon neighborhood while people from upper stories pelted garbage and scraps at him. If he was successful in this challenge, at least he would be able to buy a jacuzzi.

She left the television on with a sitcom that was popular among the various levels of society before exploring the rest of the apartment. There were a couple more locked doors, but she opened the door to his bedroom. Several pieces of clothing lay on the floor, and though the bedroom was far from filthy, it was apparent to her that he did not spend much more time cleaning than he did cooking.

Aware that she might be under surveillance, she resisted the temptation to look through his closet or wardrobe. Once she had the lay of the accessible areas of this apartment, she returned to the living room, flopping down on the couch as she again tried to process this chain of events. It would do no good to freak out, she had to keep reminding herself of that.

Emilie leaned forward as she changed the channel, moving on to the news, looking for any information on what might have happened to her friends, or anything else that might be happening in the Lower Echelon. It was an open secret that the Uppers had more channels and media options, and she was seeing that firsthand as she surfed the channels.

She gasped softly as she came across porn. The sounds of the woman's moans rumbled in from the speakers as the man pounded into her. Both of them were conventionally attractive, though whether that was real or from surgical enhancements, she could not tell. Quickly, she changed the channel.

How the god damn fuck was she supposed to get out of this? In the back of her mind, she was aware that in all likelihood there was no escape, but she did not want to recognize it.


Nearly six hours later, Emilie heard her captor's footsteps as he entered the apartment. Silently, she continued to watch the television even after he gave her a brief greeting. He approached, making his way around the couch before he filed her line of vision.

"If you want to give me the silent treatment, that's fine. I am sure we can find other uses for that pretty little mouth of yours," he said. She slowly tilted her head to meet his gaze.

"I've been busy with work, but my thoughts kept returning to you, my dear. It was not easy keeping my attention to my rounds, but then you provide an excellent distraction, especially now that you're awake." He reached out, and she went stiff, turning her head away only slightly as she felt his thumb caress her cheek.

"It is nice knowing that I have you here waiting for me when I am finished with my work in the lab. Hopefully, in the future, you'll be more inclined to grant me some witty repartee."

I'd much rather give you a burning stick in the eye, Emilie thought acidly as her eyes slid to the window, fixing past a point to the side of his shoulder while she felt the pad of his thumb slide along her lip.

"I trust you have been able to keep yourself cared for in my absence. It's nice to know I can trust you to not try to trash this place."

She scoffed quietly at that. "I'm not stupid."

"No, you aren't." He was silent for a moment. "Come, let's go play."

Instinctively, she pulled back.

"Come now." He held out his hand. She stared at it for a moment before reluctantly taking it, allowing him to lead her to the bedroom. By now it was getting dark, but he muted the lamps in an apparent attempt to set a mood. Her suspicion was confirmed when music started piping in from the speakers. After what he did, did he think any of this would have any effect on her?

He started unbuttoning his shirt as he looked at her. "Remove your clothes and get on the bed."

Emilie clenched her teeth but did as she was asked. He'd already seen it all, so what was the point of resisting him over something relatively minor in light of what had been done -- and could be done -- to her?

She slid the shirt off over her head before bending down to slide the pants off, standing before him for a moment, feeling the warmth creep into her cheeks despite her best efforts to remain stoic.

"You haven't been here too long but already your new lifestyle agrees with you." He nodded approvingly before he started to unbutton his shirt, fingers deftly undoing the buttons that marched from near his left shoulder down to his waist.

"It is hard to not agree with better nutrition or cleaner surroundings," Emilie replied pointedly as she climbed onto the bed, shifting around several times before settling into a reclining position with her knees drawn up loosely, mindful of the weight between her legs. So this is what it's like for guys, she thought as she made herself comfortable.

"Is that meant as a biting commentary on the inequality between the castes?" the doctor asked dryly as he divested himself of his shirt. The use of the word 'caste' was frowned upon, as the current system was meant to be an improvement upon the much-maligned caste system that had been in use centuries ago. All primary school-aged children were taught this, and how much better the Echelon system was because one could move up with hard work and determination. Or so the propaganda said, but as real life proved, it was very difficult to move to a higher Echelon.

"It certainly can be interpreted that way."

"Duly noted, but that is not my concern." He reached down to undo his belt, and she looked away.

"Your only concern is yourself."

"Why shouldn't self-preservation be my first concern?" he countered casually as she heard the soft swish of pants falling to the floor.

"Why should being kind be so difficult?' she retorted. A soft laugh met her ears.

"If I had no kindness, I wouldn't have given you drugs during your treatment that would enable you to sleep -- or forget. If I had no regard for you, I would keep you in a cell." Soft footsteps padded across the carpet, and she felt his body brush against her own as he climbed onto the bed, arms grazing before she felt the light poke of something -- she knew exactly what it was but did not wish to name it -- against her hip. His hands came to rest on her shoulders as he sat behind her.

She kept her eyes fixed on the bedspread as his hands slid down her arms and up her sides. A hand moved to cup a breast as she felt his chest against her back, and his warm breath against her temple. She bit back a whimper as he squeezed her breast, lightly pinching and rolling the nipple between his index and middle finger. Though she hated the doctor and what he was doing, her nipple tightened nonetheless, tingling faintly as he tugged at it. Her hands balled into fists as she fought the urge to slap the hand away.

His other hand moved along her stomach, tracing one side of the vee that led to her groin. The fingers slid along the side of her new organ, and then to the side, finding what she had always had.

Despite her best efforts to remain collected, she could not help but finch away as he attempted to probe her open with a finger. She felt the flex of his arms as they held her to his body. His breath ruffled several locks of hair against her cheek.

"Relax," came his quiet command. She let out a soft groan, tamping down the urge to try to kick him as she felt a finger and then another slide into her, the fingerpads rubbing her for several moments before withdrawing. She gasped quietly when his slick fingers touched the tip of her new organ. Gently, he hooked his fingers under her penis, lifting it as he looked over her shoulder at it. He used the slick on his fingers to rub the underside near the tip of her cock. She squirmed at the unfamiliar sensations, registering nerve endings that had not been there before.

"It will be another day or two before that is ready for play. The hormone levels in your body are still normalizing as the physical attributes of your transformation go through the final stage. But in the meantime, there's plenty of things we can still do." Dr. Tymbry looked down at her as he dropped her penis, letting it rest against her thigh.

Without further ado, he shifted into a spooning position, sliding into her and thrusting against her merrily as she braced herself with her elbow and knee. Her head dropped as she closed her eyes, trying to imagine him as another person. Boys and men she had crushes on. Good-looking media personalities and movie stars. But his voice cut into her thoughts before she could even attempt to daydream herself out of this. He moaned her name and spoke to her.

"You're so hot and tight. And I bet you're feeling all of this, aren't you?" he panted against her ear as his hips swayed against her, his fingers digging into her hips as he pulled her up to her knees. Oh yes, she was feeling it. Every thrust, every inch. The tip of her penis was tingling with a sensation too similar to her clit before the mad doctor had done this to her. And to her horror and embarrassment, she was clenching at him, as if she wanted more of him and his cock!

This can't be happening, she told herself as she felt him pound into her, his flesh filling her, pressing against her cervix when he bottomed out, his balls slapping against her. She let out a mewl as her toes curled, the constant friction against her newly sensitized inner regions pushing her -- much as she tried to will herself against it -- to pleasure.

She stuffed her fist against her mouth to muffle her scream as she clenched around him, her inner walls spasming and fluttering against the intruder as he made himself at home within her, her rebellious womanhood aching under the modifications it'd been given. Another scream pressed against her fist as pleasure pulsed through her, her core alight with stimuli as his attentions continued before he reached his climax.

His rhythm slowed, and some of the fuzziness seemed to fade from her consciousness, sending her into a small panic. What other modifications had he done to her that she was unaware of? When she was alone earlier, she'd tried to rack her memory, but most of the last week was gone, with only a glimmer here and there, and some whispers she was not sure were memories or dreams. He could have fucked with her mind in all sorts of ways and she wouldn't know unless he told her about it.

Rage at her helplessness threatened to choke her off, and she did her best to calm herself as he pulled out of her, plopping down on the bed next to her. If she asked him for a list of everything he'd done to her, would he be honest with her?

She remained on her knees for a couple of moments before rolling to her side, this time facing him as she curled up loosely to block easy access to her intimate parts.

"As delightful as that was, I do need to ask you a couple of questions. Do you feel more sensitivity in your vaginal canal? Was there any sensation in your penis?"

She wanted to tell him that he was gross, but she merely nodded.

"Oh, really? Very good. How about this?" Despite her loosely crossed arms, he pushed one aside to cup and massage a breast. She nodded again.

"What all did you do to me?" she demanded quietly, figuring it was her turn to ask questions. "Besides giving me a dick and increased sensitivity?"

"I can't lie, I did consider giving you larger breasts." His eyes gleamed as he looked at her before he lightly pinched her nipple, rolling it between his finger and thumb. She shuddered before he pulled his hand back. "Or plumping your lips."

Visibly, she recoiled at that, and he chuckled softly. "Luckily for you, I am not a man of such... extreme tastes."

"As if putting a penis on a woman isn't extreme..."

"I figured this would be enough. I like your face and tits as they are. I did have much of your body hair lasered off, but I understand most women are happy for such a treatment, anyway."

Gee, thanks, she thought sarcastically. Though in this case, she supposed she should be glad to hear that was as far as he went.

"Is there anything else?" she asked, a cautious edge to her voice. He regarded her with a faint smirk.

"You want to know if I fucked around in there..." He lightly tapped her temple with a finger. "Yes, yes, I did."

Her eyes widened even though she knew she should have expected that answer, and another blow of despair overcame her, dragging her back into the depths that she was trying to claw her way out of.

"... What?" she squeaked. She slid away from him, logic battling emotion as she tried to think of what she was going to do now, and in the long run.

"Not as much as you probably think I did, I am sure." He reached out, grabbing her wrist before she could climb off the bed. She tried to pull away, but he was surprisingly strong and forced her to remain on the bed, his eyes glinting as he stared at her. "I'm not interested in a brainless fucktoy. But there was truth serum involved."

Flashes of uttered words came to her. She'd heard his voice and responded without thinking. Then there'd been darkness. What had he asked her? What had she answered? Fuck if she could remember anything besides a word here or there. Yet she felt violated, even more so than his actual physical assault. "No, no..." she whimpered, shaking her head.

"And then there's this..." His thin lips pulled into a triumphant grin. "Lie down."

The muscles at the back of her neck tightened for a moment before she settled down on the bed, lying on her back with her arms and legs stretched out loosely. She blinked as she registered how she had obeyed without thinking. Like she was a dog. What further humiliation would she have to endure?

Was he going to tell her to roll over next?

"Spread open."

Again, her body moved under his command, nerve impulses responding to whatever he'd implanted in her subconscious. Her knees spread and raised, offering her captor a fine view of her most private areas. She tried to move her arms and legs, but they trembled as she tried to issue her silent command.

"I hope I won't have to use these commands too often, but I figured they would be good for... just in case." He leaned over her, eyes moving along her body and noting her struggle.

She let out a quiet whimper, her eyes glazing over with tears. Control over her body was something she'd taken for granted, and here she was, unable to lower her knees, unable to lift her arms, even though she was able to flex and curl her fingers and toes and shift around a bit.

"Relax," he said, and control of her body returned to her. She gasped quietly and sat up, fighting the urge to punch him in the face.

"You..." She took a slow breath, trying to quell the rising panic that threatened to overtake her. She wanted to kill him so that he could never have control over her like that again. The primal part of her brain was screaming and recoiling and lashing out in fear.

She knew that the people of the Upper Echelon had access to technology not offered to the Lower Echelons, but this... this was beyond the pale. She'd heard stories, of course, but to experience it firsthand... Her hands balled into fists as he stared at her. She glared at him, baring her teeth.

"You must feel hateful and terrified right now. But that's okay. Like with your body, I could have done much worse. But a puppet would be boring. I'd rather have you lavish attention on me because you're happy to see me, not simply because you're told to.."


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