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Gaby's Cuckquean Adventure

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Gaby makes her move to get her boyfriend into her fetish.
2.2k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 08/18/2024
Created 08/15/2024
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This story is a work of fiction, all characters are purely made up by me. This is also my first work I'm posting online, so please let me know what you think of this intro!

If the title didn't make it clear this work includes themes of cucking, while it's the good kind, please leave if this makes you uncomfortable.

On the positive this story is obviously intended to have multiple parts, so if you like it there's more where that came from!


Hi, I'm Gaby! I'm a 24 year old 5'5" woman, with shoulder long black hair, solid B-cups and a pretty slender figure. My ass is totally fine, nothing special, but what really makes me stand out is my freckled face! I think these are details that everyone reading this should be interested in. And I'm in a happy relationship with Damien! I know that might be a bit of an exotic name, but bear with me when I talk about the love of my life!

We're both nerds and met at university, we instantly clicked, he was funny, smart and oh so charming. That mixed with his looks, dyed hair, a bit of tattoos and a body that always seemed to somewhat stay in shape (I'm serious that guy can eat anything!) made me fall for him with ease. Oh I should probably mention his huge dick as well! He's well endowed, knows how to use it and takes his time with me every single time we have sex. Which is a lot. We've been a happy couple for over two years now and I still don't know how I deserve to spend my time with him.

And this is kind of where our story starts. We share a lot of common interests, we play video games, we watch movies, we love to go to concerts and we do all of that together, I truly think we are a perfect match in that category. But when it comes to sexual stuff I sometimes think I might... hold him back? Don't get me wrong, we do a lot of the basics, different positions, oral sex, toys for me, but I just couldn't tell him how submissive I'd like to be for him. Our sex life is pretty vanilla, there are no associated roles, sometimes I like to blow him while he's playing a game, which makes me feel really fuzzy and submissive, but I think he thinks I'm only doing that because I'm nice, not because I'm really enjoying it! On top of that: my body. I have a fine body image, I know I can look pretty good and I 100% Damien finds me attractive. But I'm only his second girlfriend and I'm pretty convinced with his charms he could way prettier fish in the sea... Do you get where this is going? Yup this is the story on how I wanted to get my perfect nerdy boyfriend to cuck me and the discovery of many more kinks...


"Hey babe!" I said and gave Damien a big hug. He finally was done with classes for the day and I waited AGES for them to end. "Can we please have some dinner? I'm literally starving."

"Hi hun! You're hungry after my late class? What a surprise!" He pulled out a bag from behind his back. In. There. Was. Sushi.

"I think you need to marry me. Now. Seriously, you're the best!" And I meant every word of that, only the love of my life could know me like this.

We sat down and ate our meals. He was always so thoughtful. As I enjoyed my salmon sushi, I contemplated what I should do, as you read in the intro it was kind of my plan to warm him up to the idea of well... cucking me. Sleeping with other women. But (un)fortunately he really wasn't the type to cheat. So we'd need baby steps here.

"Hey this sushi reminds me of that food anime we wanted to watch... Food Wars? I heard it's pretty good." I started. Food Wars was pretty good and I have in fact already seen it, but it also was wildly oversexualized at times.

"Sure, if you want we can try it!"

Damn he always agreed to everything I said, of course this works in my favor here, but just imagine if he put his foot down one time! If he just said "No Gaby, I want to play a game, if you want to spend time with me you can warm my dick while I do that!"... I guess that might be a bit too much. Or maybe not?

We cuddled down in front of the TV and the show started playing. While I was grateful that we've just eaten, because the show really featured some amazing looking food, the absurd scenes where characters got undressed were just as present. I tried to make subtle comments about it, but Damien played it off as "A bit ecchi for his taste!". So eventually I had to pull out other methods and started to rub his dick through his pants.

"Really you don't find that hot at all?"

"I don't know these scenes just come with anime and aren't they still in school?" He was obviously unimpressed, time to turn up the heat!

"Babe, you're making this way harder than I expected." I paused the anime. "Okay how about this: do you still watch porn?"

"What kind of question is that suddenly? No? We're pretty much together all the time and even if we're separated we can sext or have phone sex!" Okay these were actually super good points by him.

"Fair. Well, would you be interested in seeing one?"

"Gabs, I literally have you right here, if I were horny I could literally just come over here", he started to gently touch my boobs through my shirt "And have all the sexual pleasure I ever wanted or did that change?" That stupid sweet-talker! I felt my nipples harden and my pussy getting slightly wet under his touch and loving eyes

"Hey, no, that of course didn't change! But I don't want you to miss out on porn, just because we're together!"

"What would that give me what you do not?"

"I don't know, maybe some better views?"

"Ahhh, I see what this is, it's a test! Gaby you're literally the most beautiful person for me, I'm attracted to you and only you." He leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Why was he so good at this, no Gaby, focus, I'm on a mission here.

"No, that's not a test! Let me rephrase this: Would you watch a porn video for me?" There I said it. The first step in the right direction!

He stared at me for a little longer than I'd like, followed by an "Uhhhm". I'm pretty sure his smart brain was not computing what was going on. Time to push him over the edge!

"Here I'll make the deal even better for you! I will put porn on our big TV here and suck your cock while you watch it. All you have to do is promise me to focus on the screen."

His eyes went narrow. "Is this a kink thing?"


"Well, if you insist... Who am I to turn down my gorgeous girlfriend!" His nerves seemed to calm down, at least a bit! There was this mischievous sparkle in his eyes again, that was a great sign. At the very least he was curious what I was up to.

I stopped the show we watched and opened Pornhub on our SmartTV, he kept a poker face over the sudden appearance of sexual thumbnails. Obviously he watched porn before we were together, he won't freak out over some thumbnails. I typed "Sklyer Fox" (that's exactly what I typed, this is a story, any similarities to real life people are just coincidences! Are YOU typing that into Pornhub? Well I guess I should've expected as much) into the search bar and there she was. Skyler is an actress about our age, she always has some form of dyed hair, is a master of seduction and has giant pierced tits, I really mean it, they have to be G-cups or something. I clicked on some POV video with her. My eyes were fixed on my boyfriend as his eyes were watching the scene. He looked over a couple of times, but I always shooed him back in the right direction. As Skyler finally got undressed, I saw a tent forming in his pants and slipped down between his legs. I unzipped his fly, pulled his pants and underwear down in one go and there it was. The most beautiful dick on earth. It wasn't rock hard yet, but it was already longer than what most girls had taken. Paired with its girth and veins, it was just irresistible! I gave it a few gentle kisses and started to take him in my mouth as Skyler did the same in the video. I tried to still keep my eyes looking at Damien while I did that and soon I noticed his attention was with me again.

"Babe, it's okay, just ignore me, focus on the video."

"That's a little hard to do when you suck my cock!"

"Just imagine you're in the scene."

His eyes went back to the video and I wanted to see if I could get even more out of him. I have to be honest with you here, this already got me incredibly excited, I don't know why and my inner confident girlboss was probably unhappy with this situation, but sucking my boyfriends dick while he watched someone else was already making me wet, I wanted to see if I could push him further.

"Describe her to me!"

"She... she's pretty" on the screen she now switched to riding the lucky male actor, her giant tits bounced up and down as she moaned.

"Babe, she's not pretty, she's gorgeous, look at those tits!"

"Ahhh, yeah her boobs are really nice!"

I took his dick out of my mouth for a moment and started to jerk him while talking. "Hey, I know you love me, but we don't have to kid ourselves, that woman is stunning. And I think I would be really happy if you would compare her to me. Like in a non-complementary way. I know you're way too kind, but let's start with the obvious, compare our boobs."

He looked at me with a confused expression, but his dick probably felt a little too good in my hand so he said: "She has bigger boobs?"

I nodded to encourage him and started to suck him again.

After a surprised yelp he tried to continue: "No, her boobs are of course great, they're so much bigger than yours!"

FUCK that was what I wanted to hear. "Keep going!" Was my only response as I started to touch myself while trying to take his cock deeper into my mouth.

"I bet they feel great too, they're probably soft..." He stopped a second before looking at me. "They're probably way more pleasant to touch!" That was it. I know it wasn't much, but this fantasy was on my mind for weeks. I felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm building up inside and moaned around his cock. I quickly got up.

He looked a bit shocked. "Did I do something wrong?" Was his immediate question.

"No you didn't! You're doing everything right." I got on the couch next to him on all fours. "Please stick it in, no foreplay for me." At least I didn't have to say that twice.

"Fuck you're so wet" was his comment as he inserted his giant dick into my welcoming pussy. And he was right. I almost orgasmed just from that. As he started to fuck me I instructed him: "Please continue to watch the porn, don't mind me, just use my hole to get off!" I'm going to be honest, I don't know where that came from. But it seemed to have an effect as Damien started to pound even more aggressively into me.

And then he said it. Six little words. "I bet she's a great fuck." I scowled as I had one of the biggest orgasms of my life. I moaned and shuddered, Damien being the good guy instantly slowed down to make sure I'm okay.

"Babe, keep going, this is not about me, please just use me to get off to her." After a brief pause he finally continued to fuck me relentlessly, Skyler in the mean time also started to finish the nice actor off with a titjob. "I'm sorry I can't do that!"

"Yeah your tits really are that much smaller huh?" FUCK! I came again as he grunted that sentence. And soon my pulsating insides also managed to make him cum inside me, just by the time the actor also exploded on Skylers boobs. I collapsed on the couch. I always love sex. But this was way more intense than anything I ever experienced. For a few minutes we just lay there panting.

"Are you alright?" Damien finally broke the silence.

"Alright?" Are you kidding? That was amazing!"

"I never knew you were into... whatever that was."

"I had a feeling, but now it's pretty much official."

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striker24striker245 months ago

Not cucking yet, but it's a start. Let's go!

ausreaderausreader7 months ago

Short and to the point. A great read.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow, really loved it, great story!

PappasleazePappasleaze7 months ago

To take a journey or an adventure you have to take the first step and you certainly did that here. Remember once you find the right cuckcake gabby can't dom the situation from the bottom and for what you wrote here neither can Damien so make sure the cake stays in control. great 5 star start

ColdxxxColdxxx8 months ago

Not really an adventure yet. More need to follow. But hey you can make it happen

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