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Game of Ruins Ch. 01

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Sexual Game has just begun.
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An extremely luxurious car came to a stop in front of the gate of Joshi Multispecialty Hospital. The door of the car slowly opened, and from it emerged one of the most beautiful legs to ever walk this earth. In just a few seconds, the entire body of that beauty was standing on the pavement, raising the temperature of the already hot afternoon.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, the epitome of perfection. The words of poets would fall short in describing her beauty, and not even the most talented painter's brush could capture her essence. Her bright and clear eyes were the most expressive feature of her face, drawing you in and holding your attention. Her skin was smooth and flawless, like fine porcelain. Her long hair flowed down her back like the cascading waters of Niagara Falls, reaching all the way down to her hips. It was a sight to behold, an alluring and captivating vision of true beauty.

The car door shut with a soft click, and she walked through the main gate of the renowned hospital. Every eye turned to watch her entrance, and work came to a halt as the room was captivated by her presence.

Staff sitting at reception table stood up and said "Good morning Mam, Have a Nice Day".

The beautiful lady greeted the staff at the reception with a warm smile, which ended up highlighting her pearly white teeth.

As she walked through the hospital, the other staff greeted her with a show of respect, bowing their heads in acknowledgement of her presence. She continued walking without saying anything, and the only sound that could be heard was the soft click of her high heels on the polished floor.

Her walk was extremely confident. There was grace to her walk that any professional would have equated with extreme self-confidence and authority.

Tap..tap..tap of her high heels made sure that everyone's attention gets fixated on her. Her mere presence was enough to ignite a fiery lust in anyone who looked at her.

Anybody who looked at her from behind would have consider there good dead done for the day, on that floor her hips were swaying up and down mixing with the sound of tap tap tap of her walk, creating hypnotic and seductive rhythm.

With every passing step swaying of her hips was becoming more and more pronounced as if someone has choreographed dance step with her hips. She looked at her watch, sensing that she is little late she increased her speed by taking longer steps causing her hips to sway even more seductively.

The fabric of her dress clung to her body, accentuating her figure, showing all her curves in all of its feminine glory. She had such a graceful figure that if she walks into the shop to buy undergarments, shopkeeper wouldn't need to ask her for measurement, he would simply search the rack for a 36C bra and a 38 for the panty, knowing that they would fit her like a glove. That's how big her assets were.

She wore backless blouse on a traditional Indian saree. She was the perfect example of wearing traditional dresses with modern sensibilities. The graceful curve of her neck was made even more beautiful by the golden necklace and mangal sutra she wore. Her Mangal sutra was tucked into her cleavage. Her smooth milky cleavage looked even more stunning with gold on it. But all of this treasure (Yes, both her tits and mangal sutra) were hidden behind her pallu from the sight of everyone.

As she moved forward, the air seemed to grow thicker, filled with an intoxicating mix of her perfume and the scent of her hair. Smell of jasmine was wafting through her hair.

She had applied light shade of pink lipstick, so when she smiled it felt like as if pink rose has bloomed on winter morning.

Finally that graceful walk came to an end at the entrance of her office, on which name plate was adorned with the name of the owner -- "Priya Mishra"

She sits in her official chair, going through her mind about her schedule of today.

Her eyes falls upon the picture which was there on her desk. It was the picture of her and her husband when they were on their honeymoon in Switzerland. Smile lights up her face. She was married to love of her life, she had her on hospital to manage. What more she could ask of life? Everything was perfect for her.

Her husband's name was Rahul. The hospital she is currently managing was actually started by her father-in-law. But long ago, her father-in-law moved to the field of politics and now he is one of the famous politicians in the city. Her husband's side happens to be extremely rich. He is 62 years old.

They got married in a big fat wedding. Money literally flowed; no expense was barred. The costliest jewellery was purchased for the bride. For the wedding day palace in rajasthan was booked. Most of the guest were royalty. It was quite surreal for Priya because she was born to middle class parents.

She was an orthopedic surgeon, and her husband was a heart doctor. His cabin was up on the eighth floor, in the same building where she worked. Down on the first floor was Dr. Priya's ward. Priya was all about getting folks healed up and healthy without breaking the bank.

"When she fell in love with Rahul, she didn't know that he came from such an affluent family. She didn't want others to think of her as a gold-digger. At first, Rahul's father was hesitant to get his son married to a middle-class woman. But when he met her, he knew that his son was lucky to have found such a wife. She was smart and, above all, a doctor, which would greatly benefit the old man's hospital work.

It had only been six months since their marriage, but Priya was already proving herself on both fronts - her marriage and work. She was excelling in her role as a doctor, and her contributions to the hospital were invaluable. Despite her background, she had earned the respect and admiration of everyone she worked with.

It was clear that Rahul had made the right choice in marrying her. She was not just a loving wife, but also an asset to his family and their business.

So, one must ask what could go wrong with such a woman. What cards would fate deal her? Does fate play dice?

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Are you planning another part?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

When will be the next part bro

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good start. Love father in law is stronger themes

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Story is already in ruins.

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