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Game Show

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Sexual game show forces contestants to strip & more.
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The summer after our first year of university, my girlfriend and I took a trip into the city for a week. In a park, we encountered two promoters of a new television show who asked us whether we'd be interested in being in the studio audience. The promoters, a guy and a girl who were a couple of years older than us, explained that it would be a late night sex-oriented game show that would push some boundaries. The game show would air on a new cable station aimed at the college market.

Since we didn't have any plans for that evening, we said we would be totally interested in going. The girl, a bubbly redhead, told us we would have lots of fun as she wrote our names down on her clipboard and handed us two glossy tickets for the show.

My girlfriend's name is Tara. We were staying at her older sister's apartment. As we got ready, Tara asked if what she was wearing would be "dressed up" enough for the show.

Tara is a 5'7'' brunette with blue eyes and is the absolute girl-next-door type. Her wavy hair comes to just above her breasts which are big for her nineteen year old firm body. We'd been dating for about half a year at this point in our relationship. During that time, I'd learned that she was as smart as she is sexy. Tara was majoring in business administration and was at the top of her class.

I looked her up and down. She was wearing a pair of tight dark blue jeans with a slight flair and a silk charmeuse top showing just the right amount of cleavage.

"You look hot," I said.

Looking up as she did up the straps of her high-heeled sandals, she asked, "Are you sure it's not too casual?"

"We're only in the audience," I reminded her.

Tara responded hopefully, "We might get seen in the background."

As she looked through her handbag for money for the taxi, I admired her perfectly shaped ass and the expanse of skin above her low-rise jeans.

We found the address printed on the tickets. The show was being taped in a converted industrial building tucked away from the downtown area. There was already a line for the show out onto the street and we took our place at the back. I spotted the cute redhead who had given us the tickets earlier that day standing with a couple of the other employees. She glanced over at that moment too and, seeing us, she came over.

"I'm glad you guys could make it to the show," she said as she gave both of us hugs.

She asked us some more questions about ourselves and after making small talk for a few minutes, she told us that we had "great personalities" and hoped we might get a chance to participate in the show. The line started moving and she motioned that she needed to get back to work.

The show was in a large studio with bleachers for the audience. The set was very simple and modern and consisted of a shiny white floor and back wall. Immediately in front of us were television cameras, sound booms, and the lighting equipment. The crew rushed around and completely ignored us.

A lot of people had joined the line behind us and we ended up with seats in the second row of the bleachers. I looked around and guessed that there were probably over a hundred people in the audience. The audience was mostly made up of people in their twenties but I noticed a few older people too.

A comedian warmed us up. He made a lot of sexual jokes and I was beginning to see this was not going to be a family show.

The lights went dark and rap music played as the show began. Two hosts walked onto the stage and welcomed us to the show. The man introduced himself as Ronald Holiday and the woman introduced herself as Heidi Klippgen. Ronald had slicked back hair and talked with a wide grin. Tara whispered in my ear that he seemed really greasy. Heidi had model looks and height and had at least three inches on Ronald. She had a slight European accent and there was something about her that was incredibly sexy.

The two hosts began to call out the names of the contestants. I couldn't believe it when I heard Tara and my name called out.

Still in disbelief, I heard Tara say "Come on, let's go."

My heart was pounding as we made our way up onto the stage.

There were four other couples who were also called up to the front. The hosts introduced each of us to the audience. There was Whitney and Andrew, Brit and Dave, Julie and Chad, and Nina and Jon.

All of the girls were dressed differently. Obviously an extrovert, Whitney had bleach blonde hair and the tightest little tanned body. She was wearing a jean skirt barely covering her crotch and a tiny golf shirt. Brit, another blonde who was a bit curvier, was wearing tall black boots, a pleated wool miniskirt, and a yellow blouse. Julie, a haughty Asian chick with long bangs swept to the side of her face, was wearing a little black dress with a plunging neckline. Nina, a tall Italian-looking girl with long curly dark hair, was wearing a dressy tube top with form fitting black dress pants.

"Our contestants must make it through three challenges for a chance to win one hundred thousand dollars in cash," Ronald announced.

The female host kicked off the first challenge.

"I am going to make all of the boys kiss me in my kissing booth," she said seductively.

"That's right," Ronald added, "Heidi's going to rate each of these dude's kissing abilities. The winner of this round will win an additional fifty thousand dollars if they win the final round."

A stage prop reading "Kissing Booth" was lowered from the ceiling just above Heidi's head. She called my name first. My penis grew stiff as I walked across the stage towards her. She was gorgeous, probably around thirty, and with a face that had the symmetry of a fashion magazine model. She was impeccably dressed in a black business suit with a pencil skirt running just above the knees. I hesitated for a moment as I stared directly into her into her big blue eyes.

"Don't be shy," she said flirtatiously.

My hand automatically went to her lower back as I began to kiss her. A "whew" sound went up from the females in the audience. Our mouths slowly moved apart in unison and our tongues met. I broke it off just as she seemed to be getting more into it and I wondered if I should have kept going further.

"Well done," she said to me warmly.

When I walked back to where all the contestants were standing, I sheepishly looked over at Tara. To my surprise, she did not look angry and from her cocked eyebrows it seemed like she was only a little bit miffed. In fact, I even detected a hint of amusement on her face.

She called up Chad next. He was Asian but not the geeky kind of Asian. However, when it came to the kiss, the dude was a complete mess. He was visibly nervous and missed her mouth on the first try before clumsily putting his tongue down her throat.

After Chad retreated, she asked for Dave. Dave started off slowly, kissing her forehead and neck before moving in towards her mouth. He squeezed her ass when he was done.

Jon was next. He was by far the most aggressive. Like Dave, he went down as if to kiss her neck but instead went lower and kissed the top of her breast where her shirt parted. It almost looked like he was trying to give her a hickey. Heidi grabbed his hair and pulled him up before he left a mark on her skin. Jon then open mouth kissed her. He kept going for such a long time that she had to push him away forcefully with both of her arms.

Despite being rejected at the end, he grinned at the audience. I looked over at his girlfriend, Nina, to see if she was upset. She rolled her eyes and faked jealousy. Maybe she was used to her boyfriend's lewd behavior.

Finally, she called Andrew's name. Andrew was built like a football player and in a big show he reached behind her legs and picked her up in his arms. It was such a quick motion that Heidi gasped as she was lifted her up.

"Pucker up," he joked in a deep voice before kissing her. Heidi responded to his kiss more than any of the other guys and it was clear that he was the winner.

He put her back on her feet. She immediately pressed down her skirt as it had ridden up her thighs. She stepped back into her heels and took a second to compose herself.

"Well," she cleared her throat, "Andrew is our winner -- he certainly knows how to sweep a girl off her feet!"

She then mentioned that I was the runner-up in the challenge and said that I had made her "toes tingle". She winked at me after she said that and I was pretty happy that I'd managed to place in the top two.

Speaking into his microphone, Ronald congratulated Andrew, "You have won fifty thousand dollars, but only if, and here's the kicker, you win the third and final challenge for one hundred thousand dollars. Good luck."

He then turned to the audience, "Coming up, these young men's sexual knowledge will be tested. But first, stay tuned for the following messages."

The lighting changed and there was a flurry of activity around us as the crew pushed five podiums onto the stage. We were directed to stand behind each with our girlfriends at our sides. I guessed correctly that the next challenge would be something like a quiz show.

During the break, one of the producers came over and told us that the next part would be a bit more risqué and gave us a pep talk about being up for the challenge. I wondered what he meant.

"Welcome back," Ronald said to the camera, "our next challenge involves stripping."

"Yes," Heidi continued, "the men will be asked a series of questions about sex, if they get the answer right, their partner must remove an item of clothing, if she can get naked before the last question, she will proceed to the final round and they will have a chance to win one hundred thousand dollars."

When Heidi said "naked", some of the girls' mouths literally dropped open. However, no one moved or ran off the show. I looked over at Tara's reaction but I could not tell what she was feeling. My heart was racing. I was pretty excited at the chance to see all of these girls naked but was not excited about Tara having to take off her clothes. I'm a very jealous guy and wasn't sure how I felt about other guys seeing her nude.

Ronald asked the first question, "True or false: does using condoms for vaginal or anal intercourse reduce the risk of transmitting HIV by 10,000 times."

Probably true I thought to myself. There was a blue marker on the podium and I wrote in big block letters "TRUE".

"Please hold up your cards," Heidi instructed.

We all held up the first card. The podiums were arranged in a semi circle and Tara and I were in the middle so I was able to see all of the cards. We had all answered the same.

"You are all correct," Heidi said with a smile.

"You may all remove an item of clothing and place it in the glass bucket at the center of the stage."

They started to play cheesy stripper music and the audience cheered loudly. The five girls went for taking off their shoes first.

"Both shoes count as one item of clothing," called out Heidi.

Seeing all five girls bending over in some pretty sexy outfits to take off their shoes got me totally hard. Whitney simply had to kick off her thong sandals and was the first to scoop them up and put them in the bucket. Julie, Nina, and Tara had to wiggle around a bit to untie the straps of their high heels. Brit had the most trouble unzipping and pulling off her tall leather boots.

I had to chuckle to myself at how the girls tried to remain modest as they took off their shoes considering that they could be naked very soon. The girls in short skirts struggled to keep their legs together and Julie held her arm across her chest so that her breasts wouldn't fall out of the front of her dress. After putting their shoes in the bucket, the girls returned to their positions barefoot.

Heidi read the next question, "Name two types of contraception."

I wrote down condoms and birth control pills on the next card. When we held up our answers, all of the guys had managed to come up with two forms of birth control except for Chad who had only written "condoms". I wondered if he had intentionally flubbed the answer. His girlfriend was wearing a dress and clearly did not have a bra on underneath.

"Bad strategy," I thought to myself, "you're supposed to be getting her naked to win the show."

All of the other girls had to remove an item of clothing. I mostly kept my eyes on Tara but I could see all of the other girls in my peripheral vision. Julie was on my immediate right, Brit farther on my right, Whitney on my left, and Nina at the end on my left.

Tara and Whitney were the first to pull off their tops. Tara had on a lacy pink bra and I suddenly felt very proud of her bust line compared to the other girls. She was blessed with perfectly proportioned breasts which nicely fill a C cup bra. Whitney revealed a turquoise push-up bra which gave her teenage breasts a lot of cleavage. She was beautifully bronzed and there was not even a hint of tan line on her skin around the edges of her bra. I looked forward to finding out if she tanned topless.

Brit had a lot of buttons to undo on her blouse. This gave Nina enough time to work up the courage to pull her top down. Since it was a tube top, she simply wiggled it down over her waist and stepped out of it. I noticed for the first time the glint of a silver pendant with a cross around her neck and wondered if a Catholic upbringing was making her a little hesitant to take off her clothes. She had on a white strapless bra that contrasted nicely against her olive skin.

Brit's blouse had not hidden the fact that she had huge knockers so the bigger surprise came once she took off her shirt and we could see that the rest of her body was trim. Her bra could hardly contain her breasts and the bottoms of her mounds peeked out from below each cup.

Heidi asked, "Question: True or False -- having sex right after a girl's period is safe and prevents pregnancy."

These questions were not exactly difficult and I scribbled down "FALSE".

"Yes, that's right, all of you," Heidi smiled as we held up our cards, "The answer is false as ovulation can take place around the time of the period. Also, sperm can live in the woman's body up to seven days."

The girls now had to take off their bottoms or their bras. Whitney unzipped the front of her jean skirt and let it fall down her legs. Underneath were turquoise Brazilian-cut panties matching her bra. I was impressed that she color coordinated beneath her clothes.

Brit undid the back of her short skirt and let it drop as well. She was wearing black boyshorts which also matched her bra.

Tara pulled her jeans down her legs revealing her cotton thong with the little pink and orange stripes.

With a lot of reluctance, Nina reached for her zipper and slid her pants down her long legs. She had on a black v-string. The front was a mesh material and you could see the faint outline of her pussy lips.

It was then that I remembered that Julie now had to take something off too and the first bit of real nudity would happen.

Julie was near hysterical. She covered her mouth and kept shaking her head "no". The roar from the audience must have got the better of her because she finally relented and her hands fell to her hemline. She slowly lifted her dress up, showing us her tiny thong, and up past her pierced and jewelry encrusted bellybutton. She had one arm clutched across her chest and for the final bit tried to pull her dress over her head really quick so that she could keep her breasts covered. Unfortunately for her, the dress caught on her long black hair. In all of her thrashing about to get it over her head, she showed all of us her small Asian breasts and brown nipples a couple of times.

She was the last to step forward to place her dress, crumpled up and held in one hand, in the bucket. I admired her almost nude ass as she tip toed forward. Her gold metallic thong was a T-back.


We never really got a chance to think about any of this! I mean, if someone had asked me to get naked on television for a hundred thousand dollars, I would have said to them, "No way!"

But in the pressure of the situation, we were all just going along with whatever they told us to do. I mean, I couldn't believe that I was able to take my top off in front of all of these people. By now, I was standing in nothing but my bra and a thong.

They asked us another stupid Sex Ed type question, which, of course, was so easy pretty much all the guys got it right. This meant we had to take off another piece of clothing.

Even though it was so easy, Chad held up a blank card. I think he was just trying to save Julie from having to strip off her last piece of underwear.

I wondered briefly if I should take off my bottoms just to be unpredictable. But, of course, I would not do that. The bra would have to go. This brought back memories from when I went to Antigua with some of my girlfriends after high school. My friend Sara who can be a big slut sometimes took off her bikini top at the beach and she convinced another of my friends to the same. I completely refused. I didn't care if I didn't know any of the people there. They didn't have any business looking at me!

But from this situation, there was no escape. Some of these girls were probably sluts, like Whitney and Julie, but most of us appeared to be good girls. Still, I noticed they were all reaching for the clasp at the back of their bra. Well, except for Brit whose bra had a front closure. She popped her bra open in no time and ended up giving the audience a nice show! Even when she did attempt to cover her boobs with her hands, she could only hide half of her giant tits.

Whitney, Nina, and me all turned our backs to the audience at the same time. It was strange that we all did this at once as it was spontaneous and not planned at all. I held one arm across my breasts and unsnapped the back of my bra. I could see the other girls doing this as well. We then turned back towards the audience all at the same time too. There were a lot of cheers from the audience as we did this. I actually felt decent since I had one arm draped across my breasts and no one was seeing anything, at least not at this point.

I sighed as I placed my bra in the bucket with the other girls. I could see the look of apprehension on their faces as well. We all knew what was coming next.

I was so nervous during the next question I actually felt drunk! I don't even remember them asking the question or what the question was! I thought my entire body was trembling but afterwards my boyfriend told me that I appeared to be totally calm. Brit's boyfriend Dave didn't get the answer so they were immediately eliminated.

All I could think was, oh my god, I hope my parents will never see this. First I had to drop my arms to my hips and expose my breasts to everyone. Then I had to pull my thong down. I might have actually closed my eyes as I pulled them down. At first I tried to cover myself, leaving one arm across my breasts and holding my other hand over my pussy. But then I noticed the other girls stepping forward and remembered we had to put our panties in the bucket. This is it, I thought. There's no way I can hide across the stage. I resigned myself to this and let my arms fall to my sides. My body was being recorded and the whole audience was getting to see me naked.

What's worse is that I had just gotten a Brazilian wax to surprise my boyfriend. As I walked towards the bucket, I knew everyone was getting a clear view of my coochie.

When I got back to my spot beside the podium, my boyfriend was trying to hide a big grin. He must have been enjoying the sight of all of these boobies. Probably, he liked seeing all of those pussies too, knowing his dirty mind.

This gave me a chance to check out the other girls. Whitney and Nina were also completely shaved which made me feel better about showing my naked pussy. Julie had trimmed her pubic hairs pretty close to the skin so she didn't have too much bush anyway. Besides, her pussy was an "outtie" so she couldn't hide much either! I think those kind are ugly but my boyfriend says guys don't care that much about the shape of a pussy.


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