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Gaming vs. Femboy Ch. 03

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Time with Adora, the Church of Femboy, and a new magic item.
8.1k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/12/2024
Created 09/13/2023
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Cassian lay on his bed, staring up at nothing. He had so much going on in his head that he didn't even know where to start.

A knock at his door startled him a bit, mostly just because he was so wrapped up in his own world. Scarlett peeked her head in a moment later when he didn't respond right away.

"Hey, you ok?" she asked.

"Unsure at the moment," Cassian said.


"I mean it's fine, you don't have to worry," he added hastily. "Just... just a lot to process."

"Oh sure." Scarlett padded closer and slipped onto the corner of his bed, crossing her legs and studying him. "We would have gone easier on you in there if I'd realized. You just seemed so into it."

Cassian grinned crookedly. "I was. That's part of what confuses me now. It may surprise you to learn I've never sucked cock before." He frowned slightly. "Technically I'm not sure if I did in the game or not, actually. Since for some reason everyone has absolutely massive penises."

Scarlett laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that. Not everyone does, if that helps."

"But you do."

"Well... yeah." Scarlett had the grace to appear somewhat abashed.


"It... jeez, it was just a joke, I guess. I was playing with the character editor and I realized you could give yourself a stupidly long penis. Even if you were a girl character. So I did." Scarlett shrugged. "I honestly just thought it was funny. And then... then I started to really like it. I know it's awfully pervy and masturbatory to have sex with essentially glorified computer programs, but Cass, it feels so good. Like really, really good. And there's such a power trip there already, even without stuffing an impossibly huge cock down some poor NPCs throat."

Scarlett brushed her hair back, deflecting her gaze for a moment. "Sorry, you probably don't need those details."

Cassian bit his lip. "I don't know. I mean I kind of played with that cock a fair bit today. I don't think your details are the biggest issue here."

"You really don't have to do stuff like that if it's not what you want. There are other ways to provide blessings and stuff. The game does tend to nudge players toward naughty behaviour. It's just the kind of game it is, and we all kind of know what we're in for. But you definitely don't have to do anything you don't want to."

Cassian nodded absently. "I think I liked it."


"I still can't figure out exactly why. I don't think I'm gay or anything."

Scarlett smirked tentatively. "Don't have to be gay to like cock."

"I know. Just... I'm having trouble expressing my thoughts. I don't have any particular interest in boys, generally speaking. And I didn't think I had any in penises, whoever they are attached to. But maybe that was all wrong." Cassian looked straight at Scarlett. "That was so hot, though. Like playing with you, and that demon girl. And getting sucked off by that boy at the church. To be fair I thought he was a girl at first, but I don't even think it changes anything for me." Cassian sighed. "I think I'm having a sexistential crisis of sorts."

"I kinda get it," Scarlett said. "I went through a period like that when I first started playing. There are so many options all at once that you don't normally get in real life. It's overwhelming."

"It is."

"But I think that's kind of a good thing, even if it seems like a lot at first. It's somewhere to actually explore almost anything you want without real world consequences."

"That's... true," Cassian said. "I think."

Scarlett smiled softly and stayed quiet a minute, just letting him think. "I was kind of surprised you decided to be a femboy in game," she eventually said. "I like it, but I wouldn't have guessed."

Cassian blushed lightly. "It wasn't on purpose. I got rushed and I picked an option that I thought looked kind of cute."

"Not handsome and sexy? Why cute?"

"'Cause... I mean honestly 'cause I've never had the chance to be like that."

"Oh Cass...."

"No no, seriously. Like I've always been a big guy. I was always the fat kid in school, at least until I got into football for a while. That helped with the weight, but I'm just stuck with being big. It's fine, it has advantages, but I used to get so envious sometimes of people who could be picked up, or didn't have to worry about accidentally hurting someone just by being who they were."

Scarlett tried another gentle smile. "If it helps, I can carry you around in game sometimes. Maybe on my shoulders or something."

"Hehe, I think I'd like that actually. You kind of went the opposite of me, huh?"

"Yeah, Scar's a unit, and I kind of love her that way." Scarlett fussed with her hair a bit as a distraction. "I get the desire to be smol, truly I do, but being so physically powerful and dominating...." She sighed. "It gives me a sense of control I don't always have in life. I think I'd take it over being a li'l cutie any day. Especially when I can manhandle li'l cuties like you so easily."

Cassian blushed deeper. "Oh."

"I mean, sorry. I think that came out more intensely than I mean it to."

"It's fine. It's... I mean I'm kind of into it. I got a little thrill just then. You don't think it's going to make things weird between us or anything, do you?"

"Sure hope not. But I know what you mean. If... jeez, if you don't feel comfortable with us doing stuff in game, I get it. If I think about it too hard, maybe having you playing with my cock does change our dynamic quite a bit. Maybe we shouldn't do that again?'

Cassian bit his lip. "Well I need to buff my team, don't I?"

"There are other ways."

"Are any of them as fun?"

Scarlett's eyes glinted and she gave a crooked smirk. "Not really. And I have to admit, I've already been thinking about what it would feel like if 'Cass' gets more involved with his buffing."

"You mean if I could blow you, don't you."


"Pff, well joke's on you, no way I'm taking that monster in your pants."


"Shouldn't have made it the size of my goddamn body if you wanted it inside me."

Scarlett tilted her head. "But what if it did fit? What then?"

"Um...." Cass knew he was blushing furiously.

Scarlett grinned and got to her feet. "I've got some plans to make."

"Scarlett? Hey, I don't like how evil that grin looked," Cassian said. "Scarlett?! Oh never mind."

Cassian settled back down, alone again, and despite being slightly worried about things still, and Scarlett's fascination in particular, he couldn't help being excited about next time they played together.


Cass stepped back into the game world, tentative with his first few steps until he remembered how this version of himself felt to move around in. He pulled up his menu and checked himself out in the character viewer, smiling at how damn cute he was. It was a little surreal experiencing himself as such a realistic but totally different person.

He bit his lip while touching his hair, so long and pink with braids strategically mixed in. A style he never in a million years would be brave enough to wear in reality, and honestly probably wouldn't have worn in game either if it hadn't been chosen for him. It wasn't exactly out of place in this game where people could be all different shapes, sizes, and colours, and where gender and sexual expression flowed free and wild.

Even more importantly, when Cass let himself really appreciate it, he was smol and cute in this body in a way he'd never been in reality. In a way he physically couldn't be, for that matter. It just wasn't how he was built.

With an actual, audible laugh, Cass darted forward through the virtual city street and just enjoyed being someone different. His hair streamed out behind him, floating more artfully than any real hair ever could, which added to the fun. At some point, though, he remembered that he was currently wearing a fairly short skirt with no panties, since they'd been stolen from him. The realization slowed him down, as he wasn't really ready to flash everyone around him quite so brazenly.

No one was actually paying him that much attention though. A few interested glances, sure, which was only fair. Objectively, Cass knew his slender, girlish frame, short skirt, exposed tummy, thigh highs, and elbow-length gloves made for a hot combination. He still didn't fully believe it in his heart, though, as changing his whole view on how he appeared to others was more difficult than that.

The scattered glances were the extent of the outside attention. Running around like a joyful child wasn't even super out of place. Other players were running, parkouring, flying, or riding mounts all over the place. One more giddy person in the midst of it didn't stand out too much.

Cass progressed at a more measured pace for a while, but couldn't help dashing ahead at times. He tried to be as mindful as he could of his skirt and not letting it flip up too badly in the not-quite-real physics of the game world.

He arrived at the Church of Femboy, and only paused for a moment before heading inside.

At his timid request, Cass was guided to a back room to see Adora, the arch-cleric who'd bestowed him his initial clerical powers, as well as apparently having taken an immediate shine to him. Cass hoped it would be ok to come back again for some assistance.

Somewhat awkwardly, as the acolyte showed him to Adora's current location, it turned out Adora was in the middle of... distributing blessings, as it were. Which was to say Adora was on his knees and rather enthusiastically sucking an elven warrior's cock.

As Cass shyly watched, Adora finished swallowing a load of cum, tenderly cleaned the elf's shaft, then finally got to his feet. The elf pulled his pants up and happily left the room, seemingly unconcerned with having an audience.

"Hey, cutie," Adora said, gracefully approaching Cass, while smoothing out his dress-like robes. "Didn't think I'd see you again so soon."

"Is that ok?" Cass asked. "I didn't mean to interrupt anything. I--"

"Psh, who's interrupting? If I didn't want to be disturbed, I wouldn't be. Trust me." Adora smiled so winsomely and with such feminine charm, it was easy to remember thinking that he was a girl when Cass had first met him. "What can I do for you. Another... blessing?"

"No. Well, maybe. I, uh, got a magic item, and I don't know what it does yet. It's supposed to be maybe something good?" Cass finished hopefully.

He pulled out the butt plug from his inventory and held it in front of Adora. Adora seemed amused at first, which was only fair considering he was being presented with a sex toy, but a look of interest quickly mixed in with the amusement.

"Well now that's interesting," Adora murmured. "I didn't think you'd be one to go so quickly for the anal option. I suppose I should learn not to judge things like that."

Cass blushed. "I don't know that I'm... doing that," he said. "It's just, you know, loot. Like in lots of video games. Except... yeah, it's a bejeweled butt plug. Very unlike any other game I've ever played."

"You have the luck of the Femboys then," Adora said cheerfully, "if that's a random drop, and not something someone gave you just because you're so adorable."

"... it might be both."

"Haha, ok."

"Can you tell me what it does? And... and if it's worth me considering using?" Cass paused. "I don't stick things up my bum, as a general rule."

"You may have to learn a new rule," Adora said. "This is potentially a very good item for you, if you're prepared to make use of it."

"Like if I'm prepared to... wear it?"

"That, yes." Adora was smirking entirely too happily for Cass's comfort. "And acquiring sufficient catalyst."


"Cum, in this case. If you wear this item, you can first of all store quite a good amount of cum inside you."


"And once you've acquired cum, you can use it to power up your spells."

Cass chewed his lip. "So it's genuinely useful?"

"Very much so. Far more powerful than anyone as new as you would usually have access to." Adora moved dangerously close. "Question is, would you like to make use of it?"

Cass swallowed hard. "I... can I think about it?"

"Of course."

"Will it hurt?"

"Shouldn't think so. Magic items have a tendency to being very comfortable to wear. Magic plate armours and such would be such a drag otherwise, for people unused to their weight and stiffness."

"And the fact that it's made of gold and decorated profusely with gems?"

"Shouldn't be an issue. These aren't real world physics we're dealing with. If I had to guess, I'd say they are decorative but not functional. As in, you probably won't even feel them. Or if you do feel them, it will be in a pleasant manner."

"Oh." Cass rolled the butt plug back and forth in his hands. He wasn't usually the sort to even think about sticking something up his bum, but a powerful magic item was an interesting reason to try. Plus it wasn't like he had anything against the idea, exactly, just that he'd never considered himself the sort to be into that kind of thing. Now, however....

Cass looked up at Adora. "Would you, maybe, help me?"

Adora beamed the kind of smile that could melt hearts. "I'd be delighted."

Cass simultaneously felt nervous excitement that someone as angelically beautiful as Adora would so interested in him, and a creeping sense that he was getting in way over his head. Cass didn't have any idea at all what to do with the fact that Adora was unequivocally a boy underneath the flowing and feminine facade, another nail in Cass's formerly sturdy sense of self and sexuality.

Adora was undeniably hot and moved with seductive purpose strong enough to bend Cass around his little finger. Cass might be worried about how easily he was swayed if he wasn't so busy being horny.

Adora took Cass's hand with a gentle touch--padded further by the long gloves they each wore--and led him to an adjoining room. The new room possessed a ridiculously large and comfortable looking bed, which had Cass blushing immediately at the implications.

"Haha, don't worry, I'm not going to take advantage of you," Adora laughed.

"Oh, ok," Cass said, mixing relief and disappointment.

"This time," Adora added as an afterthought.



"Did you just say--"

"Didn't say anything. Let's get that skirt off, shall we?"

Adora pushed Cass over a padded contraption that didn't visually make any sense to him, but upon leaning on it Cass decided that was, in fact, its purpose. It was a device specifically designed for someone to bend over and lean on it in comfort.

"What have I got myself into?" Cass mused aloud.

"I assured you already I won't take advantage," Adora said. "Even if I might like to."

"But this is a room you have, you know, sex in and stuff?"

"Well yes, but the same could be said of all rooms of my church."


"Hehe, you frazzle easy, huh?" Adora teased.

Cass stayed quiet as he felt his skirt being gently removed. Adora was entirely correct, in fact, plus he felt even less able to verbally defend himself while being rather intimately divested of key parts of his outfit.

"Ooh, no underwear underneath," Adora cooed happily. "Someone is a naughty boi after all."

"That's not on purpose," Cass insisted quickly. "My panties got stolen."

"I believe that," Adora said. "But new ones aren't an overly expensive purchase, especially for someone who's clearly been adventuring beyond their level already."

Cass did, in fact, have more than enough of a bank now that he could have bought many a new outfit, if he so chose. "Haven't had a chance yet," he mumbled.

"Of course not."

Adora was kneeling behind him. Cass couldn't really see what he was up to, but knew he was there, and could feel his feather-light touch every now and then. Mostly just stroking up and down the back of Cass's thighs at the moment. Cass was painfully aware of his overly exposed backside, though, and wasn't entirely certain that the warm breath caressing his intimate skin was all in his imagination.

"I'm going to have to touch your bum," Adora said. "Quite a bit. Is that ok?"

Cass felt faint, but nodded. "Yeah. That's... it's what we need to do, right?"

"Yes," Adora said with a distinctly amused tone. "Need to. Exactly."

A kiss landed on one of Cass's but cheeks, then several more followed. His ass was spread rather lewdly, and the probing lips kissed their way directly to his fluttery little butthole.

Cass found something to grip and held on tight as he got his asshole kissed and licked. He was totally unfamiliar with this kind of play, but trusting his instinct actually seemed to be paying off. It was... nice. That was all he could think to describe it. Not wondrous, or horrible, or overwhelming, or going to make him cum, but it was nice and gave him some rather pleasant sensations.

Adora tongued him like a total pro. No hesitation, no reservations about eating the ass of someone he'd only very recently met, just straight in with focused enthusiasm.

Cass spread his legs wider and rested more of his weight on the support beneath him. He wanted to relax into it, but he wasn't sure he was capable of untensing all that much. He wanted to just enjoy having his ass licked, to fully embrace it without overthinking it, but it just wasn't happening.

"Do you do this a lot?" Cass asked, mostly just to fill the silence a little.

"Heh, what kind of boi do you think I am?" Adora said.

"That's not an answer."

"I'm aware."

Adora adjusted his grip on Cass's butt, then dove back in. He properly tongue-fucked Cass this time, pushing his tongue inside Cass's tight little hole. Not super deep, but enough to make Cass squirm.

"You're sure this is necessary?" Cass asked.

"You don't like it?" Adora replied, sounding amused.

"I do. Just... ah!"

Adora sneaked a finger inside Cass, completely interrupting his train of thought.

"Need to get that big ol' plug in here, don't we?" Adora said.

"Why do I feel like I'm being tricked somehow?"

"Can't see how that could be. You asked me for help, remember?"

"You sound far too amused and pleased with yourself though."

Adora slid his finger back and forth in Cass's bum. "I'll admit I'm rather enjoying myself. It's kind of the point of this whole game world. Find something that makes you happy and indulge yourself."

"And this is it for you? Licking bums and stuff?"

"Haha, no. Mostly the blowjobs. That's more my thing." Adora kissed Cass's butt. "But I like mixing it up sometimes."

Cass found it hard to concentrate as Adora added a second finger inside him. His ass felt a bit stretched, but not painfully so, and not in a way that felt bad. It was odd more than anything, though the attention was still weirdly nice.

"I'd have thought people would spend more time, like, getting blowjobs than giving them," Cass said. "Given the option."

"All in what you're after, I suppose," Adora said. "I certainly did a lot of that when I started playing. Indulging every hedonistic urge. Why not, right? But it all becomes empty after a while. A sense of purpose really does bring more to one's life than pursuit of purest pleasure."

"And your purpose is... cum?"

"Haha, not exactly." Adora withdrew from Cass and padded off to retrieve the magical butt plug. "I get to be someone different in this game. Someone who attracts a whole different kind of attention than in the real world."

"I get that," Cass said, hesitantly standing up and already missing having a tongue lapping at his booty. "I feel the same."

"Right. And I could simply trade on being a cute and slutty little thing, feed on the attention, and... well I'm not sure exactly what other than that." Adora sighed. "There is some merit in it, don't get me wrong. No reason someone can't indulge themselves."

Cass bit his lip, trying to pay attention but all too aware that he was hard and fairly horny. It would probably be uncouth to ask Adora for a blowjob--or 'blessing'--just at this particular moment.

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