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Gang Aft Agley

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Their plan didn't quite work out the way they thought.
9.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/25/2023
Created 07/07/2020
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From the author

First I want to thank all who took time from your life to read my humble first submission to Literotica, well first submission anywhere. Needless to say as such it contained several errors and ended prematurely mainly because I thought it was getting too long. Then, when I continued with a chapter 2, I again neglected to reconcile a problem related to DNA testing. Therefore I am resubmitting both the original submission and the chapter 2 submissions with this final combined revision. My sincere apologizes for any remaining errors, I'll have to live with them.

Gang Aft Agley (Revised)

Their plan didn't quite work out the way they thought



As I worked late in my office one Friday night, my phone rang with a ring tone I hadn't heard in almost three years. The tone announced a call from 'Her Majesty', my ex-wife, Deborah. Guess I forgot to remove her number from my cell phone address book when we divorced.

How I found out about her cheating was the oldest cliché in the world, I came home a day early from a business trip and found them passed out naked in our bed together. I didn't wake them, and I didn't shoot them though that would have been so easy. I just left and hired a PI to gather evidence for the divorce. To give my PI time to investigate, I called and left a message that I was sorry, but my out of town business would take another two weeks. I stayed at the Hilton for that two weeks while my PI got plenty of DVD's and pictures of my wife and her boss, Ian. We waited almost two months so I had time to rearrange much of my business affairs before we had them served and then sat back and watched the shit hit the fan.

It had been a bitter divorce. Deborah and her boss/lover, Ian, were trying to get their hands on as much of my wealth as they could, while still trying to force me to raise her children and let her screw around with her boss. While gathering evidence of their long time affair, my PI uncovered the fact that 'Our' two children, Cindy 16 and Ross 15 at the time, were not actually mine. Seems that it was a long time 'joke' that Ian and Debbie would refer to the children as 'Debs B's', a not so subtle reference to their being her 'bastards'. Now, I could have sued Ian for supporting his children for 16 years, but that would have meant taking DNA tests and as I didn't want the kids to know they weren't mine (I really did love them) I opted not to. Besides, by that time I really didn't care who the real sperm donor was. Knowing Debbie, it might not have even been Ian. My main concern was for the welfare of our children and I knew this information would be devastating, especially to my son Ross.

Thank god we lived in a state where adultery was still a crime and Alienation of Affection was still a legal option against it. I had them both arrested for adultery and sued the shit out of Ian and his so called company. Funny how his company magically "disappeared" almost overnight. Fancy that. I didn't even get a cent from the Alienation suit. What a waste of flesh that man is. He's a grifter, a con man and a cheat, and the only reason he married Debbie after the divorce was final was to gain access to what little cash she did get from the divorce, I'm sure. He had no real interest at all in the children he'd sired and little real interest in Debbie. He was strictly out for the money. Well, she made her choice, screw her.

Still, Debbie didn't come out too bad. No alimony and no child support, but still a hefty lump sum cash payment of $ 100,000.00 and the house (which I never wanted in the first place) that was valued at a little over $ 250,000.00 . Yet, it was a far cry from what the pair was anticipating they would get. I had successfully blocked Ian's attempt at a hostile takeover of my company, so they didn't get control of the company's funds. In addition, my legal team arranged the divorce settlement in chambers with the judge so the children wouldn't know the specifics of Debbie's adultery. I think that by then she had realized I was two steps ahead of their planning and she agreed to the lower settlement so her babies would not know how evil she really was. Still true to form, only thinking of herself.

After my divorce was final, I had broken all ties to my ex-wife Debbie and the two children she had with her lover(s). I didn't have anything against the kids, but I thought my PI reported that DNA showed that they simply weren't mine. As it is, I still don't know who their real father is, could have been Ian or some other unknown asshole she'd had an affair with on the side; but, for sure, I wasn't even 'in the running', so to speak, and that almost literally broke my heart.

As much as I didn't want to have anything to do with my ex, I was a little curious as to why she'd be calling me now. I said to myself as I picked up the phone to answer, 'Bet he's finally dumped her ass and stolen what's left of the money.'

"Hello Debbie, it's your dime so what do you want?" I said short and to the point.

She stammered a bit "Well uh ... um I need your help with a 'little' problem that's come up lately."

"And just WHY should ANY problem that you may have, 'little' or otherwise, concern me in the slightest? Didn't you do enough to me while we were married? You think I'm going to forgive and forget the disrespect and humiliation you and your lover heaped on me? If you do, you've got another think coming." I said with as much sarcasm and anger as I could muster.

"Come on Ron, you can't still be mad about all that. It was three years ago. Besides you and your lawyers got off pretty easy in the divorce settlement. Jesus, pick your little ego up, dust it off and grow a set." she replied with even more sarcasm than I.

Damn. She was still the selfish bitch she always was. She still thought that what she wanted was all important and the hell with anyone else or their feelings. Well I wasn't gonna take it this time.

"Goodbye Debs." and I hung up.

Stupid bitch still thought her shit didn't stink and everyone should bow to her wishes. Well not me, not anymore. I was so mad I couldn't think straight, it brought back all the pain and anger I had been trying to cope with since finding out about her long term betrayal.

She had cheated on me from the very beginning of our relationship, she lied and foisted upon me two children who were not even mine and expected me to happily raise them and be her and her lovers voluntary cuckold. Not gonna happen!

I began going through the mental exercises my therapist had taught me to calm my nerves. As I started calming down, my phone again buzzed with that awful ring tone.

'She e e e 's back' I thought as I picked up the receiver.

"Debs, you better keep a civil tongue in your mouth or I'll hang up again and I won't ever answer any more calls."

"Hi Dad. It's me, Cindy." said my daughter, her vice shaking as if she'd been crying.

Surprised would be an understatement. During and after the divorce, Debs and Ian had made me out to be the bad guy in my children's eyes and had effectively destroyed any relationship I had with them. I didn't help matters either as I was so devastated that they were not my biological children that I didn't fight very hard for them and could never seem to make visits. I was so humiliated and ashamed that I could have been cuckolded and fooled for so long that I just couldn't face them.

"Cindy, sweetheart, forgive me for my angry words. I'm mad at your mother, not you or your brother." I said as calmly as I could with a lump in my throat.

"I know Dad." she said. "And, I know a lot more too about what happened to make you divorce Mom and apparently abandon the family. Ross and I are sorry we treated you so badly when you separated yourself from us, but Mom and Ian lied to us and blamed everything on you." she was crying now and I could hardly bear it.

"How did you find out the truth?" I asked. I was sure Debs didn't voluntarily admit to her adultery and lies to the kids and wondered how Cindy found out.

"Well, Dad, I was looking for my birth certificate in the safe so I could play soccer with our church's young adult league when I came across the divorce decree and the settlement agreement," she paused, then she whispered so low I could barely hear her " ....and several DVD's hidden at the bottom of the safe."

I was shocked and deeply concerned. "You didn't watch the DVD's did you?" I was so worried that Cindy would learn that she wasn't my real daughter that I forgot what other stuff was on those DVD's. They were acquired for the most part by my PI to use for the divorce and included several hours of sexual encounters between Debs and Ian complete with audio where they fully discussed how they were going to screw over their cuckold (me) and then steal my company from me. That was how I knew what to do to block Ian's plan to take over control of my company.

I guess now I knew what Deb's "little" problem was. Obviously, Cindy now knew the truth about everything and she couldn't lie her way out of it anymore.

"Yes Dad. I'm sorry to say that Ross and I both watched all of them, some more than once as we had to look up some of the words Mom and Ian used in their 'after sex talks'." Her voice was shacking with emotion as she continued, "Ross and I are so ashamed of how we treated you and how we blamed you and thought badly towards you for the destruction of our home when it wasn't you at all. It was all Mom." she cried.

I could hear the tears through her words and felt so sorry for my daughter having to have seen those tapes that I wanted to beat the shit out of both Deb and Ian for not securing them better. Dammit, they should have destroyed those DVD's as soon as the divorce was final.

"I am sorry you had to find out the truth that way. I wasn't ever going to tell you or Ross anything about it." I said.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have Dad, but at least we both now know the truth and who to really blame for the breakup." she said as she calmed down. It felt really good hearing her call me Dad again. I hadn't realized how much I had missed that. Then again, I also knew that on several of the DVD's Deb and Ian had referred to the kids as 'Deb's B's', their not so funny inside joke for Deb's Bastards. I'm surprised they didn't have T shirts made and force the kids to wear them.

"I'm sorry Dad, but there's something we found that I'm sure you don't know." she sobbed. "In with the DVD's your PI collected, were several earlier tapes that apparently Ian had made of their affair from the beginning BEFORE she married you. The two of them planned this whole mess from the start. Mom planned to cuckold you and steal your company and wealth. They actively made sure Ian was our biological father and not you." By now Cindy was crying again because she was sure this revelation would hurt her Dad again, but she felt she had to tell him the truth. It was the least she could do.

Cindy continued, "I think that revelation affected Ross worse than it did me. He was forced to see how wrong he had been when he so harshly blamed you after Mom told him you were getting a divorce from her. He had immediately assumed you were having an affair and you were the sole cause of destroying our happy home because his mother would never do anything to destroy the family. When Mom and Ian got home after we discovered the truth, Ross went ballistic. He called Mom and Ian terrible things, told Ian that he was NOT his father and never would be. Then he left the house to go stay with Grandma and Grandpa. He took several of the DVD's and one tape with him and announced he was going to use them to 'clear HIS Dad's name' with Grandma and Grandpa and prove to them what really went on." she finished.

Oh, my heart ached for my son Ross' pain. He had always been a momma's boy and idolized Deb. She could do no wrong in his eyes, so finally being forced to accept that she had actively been destroying the family for years had to be devastating to him.

"What about you sweetheart?" I asked.

"Right now I'm staying with Mom. She's locked herself in the bedroom and I can hear her crying over Ross' harsh words, but I don't think she really realizes the extent of her betrayal, nor is she accepting any blame for the consequences of her actions."

"What about Ian? Is he still there with you" I asked as I was worried for Cindy's safety.

"No, Ian packed some things and left right after Grandpa called to let me know Ross got to Grandpa's safely. Grandpa had a few words with Ian over the phone and I don't think he wanted to stick around to confront Grandpa. Grandpa said he's coming over tonight to speak to Mom and said I should pack a bag and come stay with them too while we clear up this mess. I wouldn't be surprised if Grandpa didn't call you soon to discuss the situation, Dad." she said.

Grandma and Grandpa were Deb's parents, Herb and Hertha Hamilton. Herb was the local Sheriff and took no lip from anyone. Hertha was a typical stay-at-home mother. Throughout the divorce Herb had been just as fooled by Deb's and Ian's lies as everyone else was and he took it out on me as much as he legally could. I'm sure there will be some apologies coming now that the truth is out, but I won't press it. I have liked and respected both Herb and Hertha since we first met, and don't blame them for taking their daughters side. I just wish they had given me the benefit of the doubt at the beginning so I could ease into revealing the full extent of their daughters betrayal. As it was I just didn't have the heart to destroy the vision of their only child as a good person. Deb simply wasn't, she was far from it.

"Well, I'm sure your Grandpa Herb will take care of you two; but, I'm not too sure what, if anything, can be done to help your mother. Until she admits to herself that what she's done to the 'whole' family was all her fault ......Well, I just don't know. The one thing I do know is that I'll never forgive her for her actions throughout our marriage. The cheating, the disrespect, the humiliation has been too much to ever be forgotten." I stated more forcefully than intended. Guess even after three years I am still carrying a lot of anger issues over the whole situation.

As I calmed down I continued, "Tell Ross that I don't blame him for his initial reaction about the divorce. We were all three lied to by your mother from the beginning and there was no way he could have reacted any other way. Let him know that if he wants, I'm sure I can get my therapist to counsel with him to help him over this tragic affair. You, too for that matter, if you want." I offered.

"You're seeing a therapist?" a surprised Cindy asked.

"Yes dear, I was so devastated at the depth of your Mom's betrayal, that I needed as much help as I could find to get past even the beginnings of accepting the inevitable heartbreak. How could I have been so blind for so long. I'm ashamed to say that I even considered suicide for a while." At this Cindy gasped. It was hard for her to envision that there was anything that could make her strong, confident father even consider ending his life. The realization there was shocked her and made her see more deeply the pain her father had suffered.

"Let me get back to you on that, Dad. It's been a lot to absorb over the last few hours for both of us, but I'll surely let Ross know of your offer." After a short pause she continued, "Sounds like Mom is coming down the stairs so I'll have to go for now, Dad. Love ya."

I thought to myself 'she used to always end our calls that way before the divorce' and it really touched me that she did again. When I realized that she was still on the line awaiting my reply, I quickly answered, "Luv ya too, Baby....Luv ya too." and with tears in my eyes, I hung up.


As I got home from football practice I found my sister Cindy in the front room watching some porno on the big screen TV my stepfather Ian just had to have. Shocked does not come close to describe my reaction, it was so out of character for Cindy to be watching this crap. Then I noticed two things almost at the same time. First, Cindy was sitting there bawling her eyes out; and, second, I knew the voice of the porn star Cindy was watching intimately. I'd heard it all my life, it was my mother Debbie.

I looked up and saw my mother riding up and down on Ian's cock and being the geek I was I also noticed the date and time stamp at the bottom of the screen. It showed the DVD was made the day after my 15 th birthday, almost two months BEFORE my father served my mother with divorce papers. I thought that couldn't be true because my mother had told us that she didn't start seeing Ian until three months after Dad filed for the divorce. I didn't say a thing. I just walked around the couch and fell onto the cushion in a daze. My movement startled Cindy and she jumped up looking frightened to death.

We could hear mom say to Ian as she screwed him, "Don't worry about Ron, he's clueless. Besides I bet you could screw me on the front porch as he came home from work and he still wouldn't notice."

Ian said, "Still, we can't keep taking chances like this too often. Another year and I'll have everything setup to take over his company and kick him to the curb with nothing. Then, when you divorce him we'll have most of his money too."

They finished screwing and both laughed at the thought of all that cash. Ross could tell they were laying together on the bed in the master bedroom, his fathers bedroom and he felt ashamed. Ashamed because of how he'd confronted his father when he served his mother with divorce papers.

"What about Deb's B's?" Ian asked. "Isn't that little shit Ross supposed to be home from practice soon?"

"Yeah, you better get dressed and leave before he finds us together. That wouldn't do at all. He'd believe whatever I told him, but I don't really like lying to our son." replied Debbie.

Ross picked up on that immediately. 'Our son'? Jesus, was his mother saying that Ian was his father! NO!

Ross got up and turned the TV off and looked at his sister. "Where did you get this crap?"

"From the safe in the study. I was looking for my birth certificate to take to church for the soccer team when I came across the divorce papers, the settlement agreement and several DVD's all labeled as evidence of mother and Ian's adultery. There is also a large folder there from Dad's PI. I read part of it and we really did Dad wrong. Mother and Ian have been having an affair for 20 to 21 years from what I gather. I hate to tell you this, but Dad is not our biological father." Cindy said through her tears.

"No wonder he dumped us all. God, I would have too." Ross said with tears in his eyes.

Cindy and Ross watched all of the DVD's and went through the settlement agreement and PI reports the rest of the afternoon. They kept finding more and more lies that their mother and Ian had told them about their Dad which made Ross madder and madder with each discovery. Going back to the safe, Ross found additional tapes hidden below everything else indicating they were made much earlier than the DVD's from his Dad's PI. These proved worse than anything they had watched so far. Finally Ross could stand it no more and told Cindy he was going to pack a bag and go stay with Grandpa Herb. He picked up three of the worst DVD's and one of the tapes to take with him to show his grandpa the truth.

Just then Ian and Debbie came waltzing into the house happy as ever. When Debbie saw Ross' face she immediately knew something terrible had happened. "What is it Ross, did someone die at practice or something?"

"NO, YOU CHEATING PIECE OF SHIT! YOU LYING SLUT. WE KNOW EVERYTHING YOU BASTARDS!" Ross shouted. "All our lives have been nothing but lies you two made up to steal my Dad's company, his wealth, and our love for him. Well, that's over now." Ross stood facing his shocked mother and shaking the DVD's and tape he held in his hands.

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