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Generation Z Pt. 02

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A Virus has wiped out the female population.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/27/2019
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Hi Guys

This is the second part of my Generation Z story. This story follows a young transvestite, this particular chapter is more world building, developing the character. There is a little dressing, and some male on male smut.

Hopefully it is worth it in the end.


Chapter 3 - Market Day


A new world had opened up for James. It wasn’t long before he revisited the rooms of other long-gone girls who would have been a similar age to himself. He discovered clothes, shoes, fabrics that his rough spun world could never had dreamed of.

He discovered ways to paint his face and nails to accentuate his already feminine features. It had been almost fourteen years since the last woman had died, and the last recorded girl born would have been entering puberty now, if she had survived.

James had been alone for over two weeks now. His father travelled further and further to find work, James too was traveling further and further to fulfil his new needs.

Normally he stayed in the same village that he grew up in. He would forage for supplies, new sources of fresh water, batteries and when he needed it, he would look for new clothes. He tended his gardens growing fresh vegetables some wheat and fruits. He was able to grow and harvest enough food to keep them well fed over the harsh winters.

In the driveway next door James and his father Ethan stored firewood, that they would chop and cut together.

He and his father were the last residence of Green Nirvana, so Ethan had a free run of all the homes. In its heyday Green Nirvana was home to over thirty families. Now it was just him.

Every new moon, James would fix a cart to his bicycle and load it up with batteries, that he had charged with a jerry-rigged solar panel, he would take them to the next village to trade at a ragtag produce market.

The bike ride was a difficult one, Green Nirvana was in the valley of two high hills. Not quite mountains but high enough. Larson’s Crossing the next Village was in the next valley. So, the downhill section was always fun.

He left just after sunup and it was almost time for lunch time when the tired teenager arrived into the village square.

As always, he parked up beside his uncle Tommy. Although he was not really his James’s uncle, He was a friend of his dads, apparently, they had fought together in a war. Uncle Tommy got hurt so badly that he lost his leg. His dad Ethan carried Tommy to get help. Now Tommy repays Ethan by keeping an eye on his son.

“Hi uncle T.” James shouted as he parked up his bike. He had built up quite a sweat during the ride, so he removed his blue coat to try and cool down in the October air.

“Jimmy Boy!” The older man greeted him. Turning to face James, only to instantly going ashen faced as he saw what his proxy Nephew was wearing. A pair of knee-high black stiletto boots, a denim mini skirt and a red halter neck top.

He stepped closer to the boy, “Are you trying to get yourself raped?”

“What!” James protested.

“Fuck me, are you wearing make up?” Tommy asked.

“I just wanted to make an effort uncle Tommy.” Tommy nervously looked around, grateful that the market had not yet got busy. He shook his head in disbelief at the situation and tried to formulate a solution.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, he said. “James, I need you to go to the stream and wash that crap off your face. Do you have any other clothes or shoes with you?”

It dawned on James that Tommy wasn’t fooling around. He trusted Tommy and knew he would have to do as he was told.

“Just my coat, I have a pair of shoes in my bag in case I had to go across country.”

“Ok, put your coat back on, and change your shoes. Then wash your face. I will see if I can get you a pair of pants.” Without hesitation James did as he was told.

When he got back to the stand Tommy handed him a pair of blue slacks. “Here, put these on.”

James took the battered pants and looked at them briefly before complaining, “There too big.”

“You’d better tie them with string then.” Tommy said not looking at his charge.

The two then went about their day, the haggled old veteran repaired the firearms of the village, people would come for quite a distance to have Tommy clean and repair their guns.

Mr Tench, who sat on the other side James, fixed bicycles changing tires, tightening brakes and selling parts he had scavenged over the previous month.

Pervis, had a stall facing James, he sold dirty books. His was usually the busiest stand.

Mr Fetterage, was an old school teacher, he would repair clothes his friend Charlie would fix shoes.

There were people who traded vegetables, fish meat, lizard meat, fresh water and anything else people could find.

James traded his seven car batteries for one litre of gasoline, a bottle of medicinal alcohol, one kilogram of frog meat and five kilos of smoked fish. He was also given seven new batteries to charge.

James was packing up; the sun was already beginning to sink lower in the sky. Mr Letterman approached. “James, looks like you had a good day today.”

Joel Letterman was the sort of law man in Larsen’s Crossing. He was a cop before everything fell apart. He was a kindly man, who had always looked after James.

“Yes Sir.” James boasted.

“I didn’t see you around. So, I left your battery in your office.” he added.

“Thanks James. Listen son, are you thinking about riding home tonight?”

“Yes sir.” James said tying off his trailer. Tommy stepped closer overhearing the exchange.

“It’s a little late isn’t it?” the officer offered.

“I always ride home at this time.” James said confused at why Mr Letterman was asking.

“Is everything ok Joel?” Tommy asked. Joel took off his hat and ran his hand through his silver hair.

“Pervis and Charlie spotted a group of wonderers near town earlier this morning. Myself and Billy went to check it out. But it got ugly. Billy’s pretty beat up. He is with the doc hopefully he will be ok. I just don’t want James here riding around in the dark. And I’d rather he wasn’t alone over in Nirvana until we track these guys down.”

“Thanks for letting us know Joel, James can stay at mine until this clears over.” Tommy said offering his hand for the officer.

“Actually Tommy, with Billy in with the doc. I’m a little short-handed. I could sure use your help and experience.” Joel said.

“Oh.” Tommy almost gasped. He was happy to be of use again but knowing full well that could not let Ethan down.

Mr Fetterage was crossing the street, and offered his services, “Its ok Tommy, he can stay with us.”

Charlie joined his friend in the of the street and offered, “Yea we have plenty of room.”

“It’s settled then, Jimmy you’re staying with Charlie and Mike. Tommy, I think you need to break out that shotgun.”

With that the group separated. Tommy followed Joel Letterman to his house to get his shotgun. Charlie asked James, “Do you want to bring your bike to the house?”

“Yea sure.” James got his bike and pushed it as the three made their way up the street. To the big house on the corner of Oak Ridge road. As soon as they entered the two men set about their chores, of putting todays earnings away, putting their tools away and lighting a fire in the big living room.

“You can make yourself comfortable in here James.” Said Michael Fetterage, “Feel free to read if your like.” He added, waving his hand towards the massive shelves of books that lined most of the walls in the room.

Charlie entered the living room with a pitcher of water and offered the two a glass. James took a deep drink and stood by the fire, soon enough he was warm enough, and he removed his coat for the first time since his Uncle Tommy scolded him that afternoon.

Charlies right eyebrow almost hit the ceiling in shock at the site. “Are you wearing a halter neck?”

Having never heard the word halter neck James was a little confused. Mr Fetterage intervened “Don’t mind him he is being catty.”

“But Mike, he is wearing a girls top.” Charlie defended himself.

“Oh yea. Uncle Tommy said my clothes would get me in trouble. I must have forgot, I’ll put my coat back on.”

“No, no. You certainly mustn’t. Please make yourself comfortable.” Mike Fetterage tried to reassure James.

“Clothes?” Charlie couldn’t let it go.

“What?” James asked.

“You said clothes, plural. There is more than the top?” Charlie asked.

“Yea I had a skirt and a pair of boots. But Uncle Tommy was worried. He made me wash my make up off as well.” Charlie almost danced on the spot, instead he draped his arm over Mike’s shoulder and said,

“Seems to me that James here is another friend of Dorothy.” Mike chuckled a little before saying.

“Charlie don’t be mean.” Reprimanded Charlie went back to his chores.

“James, if you want to get your clothes from earlier, please make yourself right at home. I bought a couple of those retched gaiter steaks why don’t I put them on, and we can crack open a bottle of Cider. Make a little dinner party out of it.”

James gladly went back out to his bike and fetched in his duffle bag containing his denim skirt and his beloved knee-high boots. Soon he was dressed, and he offered his hosts help with the cooking.

“You know what, Tommy was right to make you change. Those animals would have eaten you alive baby.” Charlie said.

James didn’t know if it was a complement or a warning.

Before long the three were sitting down to dinner. The conversation was timid at the start, but as they drank the strong home brew cider it got a little less debonair.

“Are you gay?” Charlie asked bluntly. He was in his forties and was of Filipina decent, he looked pretty James had always thought. He was wearing a blue V-necked sweater and a pair of white trousers that James had no idea how Charlie had kept so white.

“What kind of question is that Charles? There are no girls anymore, so either your gay or your noting.” Retorted Michael Fetterage. A balding man in his fifties, he was dressed in the rather common rough spun grey shirt and a pair of old denim jeans.

James shook his head, “I don’t know what gay means?”

Michael tried to answer, “It used to mean two men who loved each other. But now...” Charlie interjected;

“Don’t be a queen. Its two guys who like to fuck each other. Not in the way they do now out of necessity, but because they like fucking other guys.”

“I’ve never really thought about that.” James said hesitantly.

“I know I’d like to try it. I have seen it in Mr Pervis’s books, the girls looked pretty and all, but...” James added the cider having a strange effect on him.

“But you’d rather be the girl getting fucked.” Charlie said excitedly.

“Charlie he is our guest.” Michael Said abruptly scolding Charlie.

“But he is a virgin, don’t you want...” Charlie began to beg

“Not another word Charles.”

The rest of the dinner was pretty uneventful. James helped the two older men tidy up and do the dishes.

Eventually it was bedtime, James was shown into a room just up the stairs. “You can sleep here; it keeps the heat from the chimney so you will be warm enough.” Said Michael gently.

“Thank you, Mr Fetterage.”

“Not at all James, Charlie and I are just across the hall. Let me know if you need anything.” James never thought to question the fact that the two men shared a room. He assumed that it was just for tonight as James had taken one of their rooms.

He stripped naked and hung his clothes up on a hangar at the back of the door.

He was awoken with the sound of a fight. He leapt out of bed and stepped silently across the room to the door and listened.

Sure, enough he heard the unmistakable noise of someone getting hit, along with the muffled cries.

The wonderers must be here he thought. He looked around the room for a weapon, he found a cast iron poker in the fireplace, swinging it a couple of times to get used to the weight.

Back at the door he listened again, another smacking noise followed soon after by the same muffled groans. “Mr Fetterage and Charlie are in trouble.” He though stepping out to try and save them.

There room was glowing with candlelight, cautiously James inched forward the poker raised high above his head ready to strike. He resisted the urge to burst in and take on the assailant’s head on. Instead he moved closer to the door, which was slightly open. Using up every ounce of courage he had, he peered into the room.

Sure, enough Charlie was hurt, he was lying bent over the bed crying his cries muffled by the bed clothes.

Suddenly a bare arm brought a stick down with a woosh across Charlies bottom. Only now did James notice that Charlie was naked. Scanning the room James couldn’t see the person hitting Charlie, but if he took him by surprise James was sure one crack to the skull with the iron poker would buy enough time to allow him to rescue Charlie.

He steadied himself taking a couple of deep breaths and just as he was about to leap into the room, he heard the voice of Mr Fetterage. “You’re nothing but a naughty boy.” James was startled, was Mr Fetterage talking to him?

Before he could answer Charlie looked up from the bed and said, “Sorry Daddy, I thought you would like another sissy to play with.”

Smack, the cane was brought back down across Charlies bare ass cheeks.

“Don’t make assumptions. You, silly little bitch.”

“Sorry Daddy, how can I make it better Daddy?”

“It’s ok, you know how cross Daddy gets when he is full of cum.”

“Let me drain your balls Daddy?”

“You can suck on my dick, and if your good I might even fuck your little cunt.”

“Oh, thank you Daddy, I would like that so much.” With that Charlie sat up on his knees and turned to face the door, Michael Fetterage stepped between James and Charlie. He was wearing black leather shorts a leather vest and leather boots. His boots were not at all like James’ as there was no heel.

There was muffled slurping noises, and Mr Fetterage groaned from time to time. He stepped to the side offering James a better view. Now he could see that Charlie was sucking on Mr Fetterage’s dick. Michael reached down and pulled Charlies hair pushing his cock deeper inside Charlies mouth.

“That’s a good little cock sucker. Is your cunt clean you little sissy?” said the Mr Fetterage unkindly.

Charlie pulled his lovers cock out of his mouth and answered, “I think so Daddy. But I got so hot and wet thinking about that sissy James. My little snatch is aching from you daddy.”

Mr Fetterage slapped Charlie across the face, “I guess I will have to check you then. God help you if its dirty. Bend over the bed you little cunt.”

Charlie stood up and duly bent over the bed. Pulling his ass cheeks apart with his hands. Mr Fetterage slapped his ass again before kneeling behind him and passionately kissing and licking Charlies asshole.

After a few moments of this Charlie urged “Daddy, I need you inside me.” Without a word Mr Fetterage stood up and placed his cock into Charlies wet asshole.

He began to plough the man hard and fast, fucking him deep and long. Their grunts and groans were almost too much for the eighteen-year-old voyeur watching on in amazement.

“Daddy, I wanna see you as you fuck me.” Charlie begged again.

Mr Fetterage pulled out of Charlie and allowed him to climb onto the bed, he positioned himself between the younger man’s legs, and James watched Charlies face as his lover’s dick penetrated him again. It looked amazing; Charlie was in complete bliss. James needed to know what it was like to get fucked. It was all he could do not to try and shove the poker he was still holding up his asshole there and then.

But he didn’t want to miss anything.

The two lovers were on the bed, Mr Fetterage was holding Charlies ankles and bent his legs almost folding Charlie in two.

“Oh Daddy, can I Cum Daddy?”

“Not yet.” Came the reply

“But Daddy I’m so close, I’m so close Daddy.” Charlie pleaded.

“I’m Close, wait for me you little bitch.”

“Oh, but Daddy your big manly cock fulfils my little sissy cunt.” Mr Fetterage was fucking really hard now, he was almost stand over his lover.

“Here it cums, here it cums you little bitch!” he screamed as he slammed home once more , before yelling out, “Oh Fuck!”

“Oh, Daddy yes, fill me up Daddy. Can I cum now Daddy?”

“Yes, yes you can cum baby.”

“Oh, Thank you Daddy.” Charlie sighed as thick ropes of cum shot from his cock up his torso onto his face.

James stood naked at the door, in awe of what he had just witnessed. Below him was a puddle of his own precum. He slowly regained composure and looked up just in time to see Charlie walk towards him, Charlie stuck a finger into his ass coating it in the creampie and pulled it out, before putting it in James mouth to suck on.

James like the taste. He was about to step in and join the two lovers when Charlies closed the door, Locking James out.

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Joann69Joann69over 2 years ago

Can't wait for part three

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great stuff

I absolutely love the premise. I always had a fondness for fantasy scenarios that result in a lot or all trans society. I quite like the world building though I wish you made the sex scenes longer and more detailed. All in all great stuff and I look forward to giving you more 5s ;)

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Generation Z Previous Part
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