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Gentlemen and Ladybirds Ch. 01

Story Info
A lord has his first encounter with intriguing doxy.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/30/2020
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"My deepest condolences, my lord. I know how much of a disappointment this must be to you, but rest be assured, there will be plenty of other opportunities."

Alistair Beaufort, Earl of Marlcaster and the eldest son of the Duke of Exeter, regarded the physician carefully while swallowing down the remains of his recently refilled glass of whiskey. He didn't even bother trying to hide the contempt he was feeling inside of him.

How come his wife could never do anything right?

He never wanted this marriage to begin with, but as the heir apparent to his father's Dukedom the decision of whom he was to marry didn't fall to Alistair. No, his father had carefully picked out the most suitable of brides for his son, and as one who never shirked his duties, Alistair complied with his decision.

His wife Constance, the Countess of Marlcaster, was in every sense of the word a lady. As meek as a lady ought to be, just as boring as all the other ladies of his acquaintances and her sensibilities were of the most fragile kind. The kind that can only ever be found in the fairer sex.

The first months of their marriage were quite uneventful. Alistair went by as he used to, his days looked much the same as those before he was a married man, with the exception of his nightly visits to his wife's bed-chamber. About once or twice a week, he opened the door to Constance's chamber and performed his husbandly duties. And duties was truly the right word it. The act went by quickly and without any type of unnecessary actions that could disturb his wife's sensibilities, just as his father had ordered him to go about the whole ordeal.

And finally, after 4 months of doing the unpleasant deed, Constance got pregnant. If he had been happier any time during his 32 year long life, he couldn't remember it. Not because he was finally going to have a child, no that was not what made him so ecstatic. It was the fact that he didn't have to fuck the blasted woman for a whole year that filled him with joy. Getting a son, a legitimate one that is, to carry on his name would just be a bonus, a very good bonus that meant he wouldn't have to sleep with his wife ever again.

And now, his wife had given birth to a daughter.

A worthless little chit who would be of no use to him what so ever.

But that was not what angered Alistair the most. No, it was the fact that now he had to sleep with his wife again until she conceived another time. Who knew how long that would take? He put his crystal glass down on the desk and looked up at the doctor still standing in front of him.

"How long until her ladyship is... fit for another attempt, so to speak?"

The physician reddened a bit at his way of phrasing. "I would recommend at least 2 months rest for her ladyship, my lord", he replied. "The babe didn't make a lot of fuss during the delivery so I don't see why you would have to wait longer than the regular recommendation."

Alistair dismissed him with a curt nod of the head and after the doctor had left his library, he immediately ringed for his butler.

"My lord," he said with a bow after entering the room.

"I'm planning on going to White's tonight, Palmer. See to it that my carriage is ready to depart at 9 o'clock."

"Right to it, my lord." He fidgeted his feet a little. "If I may, my lord. I would like to, on behalf of the entire staff, congratulate his lordship on his recent addition to the family."

Alistair noticed that Palmer was a bit unsure whether or not he had overstepped his place as butler, and even though Alistair himself didn't feel very cheerful, he could tell that Palmer was genuinely happy for his master's sake.

"Thank you, Palmer, though I am sure you and the rest of the personnel will not get much rest in the future if her screams so far are anything to judge by."

His butler released a breath, which he probably didn't even had noticed he was holding, and even dared showing a little smile.

"No need to worry about us, my lord. I will see that the carriage is brought up. Was there anything else, my lord?"

He thought about it for a moment. He ought to say something to his wife, didn't he? Even though she had made his life almost unbearable for the last year, she had carried his progeny for more than nine months. That has to count for something, doesn't it?

"Yes, one more thing, Palmer. Tell her ladyship that I hope she recovers quickly from her endeavours and that I will visit her and the babe on the morrow."

"Certainly. My lord." The butler bowed and the moment later he was already gone.

Alistair refilled his glass once more and quickly gulped the liquor. There was only one thing which could clear his mind at this point, and when the night was over he was sure his mood would have improved massively.


"You old man, I hear felicitations are in order!"

Alistair turned in his seat at his regular table at White's to look at the man who had just spoken to him.

"Not you too, Lennox. I came here to escape all the fuss about babies at home. If you speak another word on the subject I will be forced to leave this place as well."

Lennox (or more exactly Henry Sawder, Viscount of Lennox), who had been one of his closest friends since Eton, laughed and took the seat next to Alistair.

"Relax, Marlcaster, I won't mention it again," Lennox replied and grabbed the whiskey carafe on the table and filled his glass. "But a daughter! Damn, you must not be the Lord's favourite child at the moment."

Alistair took the bottle from his friend and started to pour himself another glass. God knows how many he had had since his offspring was born.

"What sins have I committed that caused God to not even bless me with a son after putting up with that woman for more than a year?" His friend knew all the inside information about his marriage and how horrible it was. During the last year they had gone out gambling and whoring together more often than ever before as the unhappy nature of Alistair's marriage had more or less forced him out of his house.

"You know what, Marlcaster? Let's leave this place and go get some female company instead. What do you say about Jewel's? One night with Minette is guaranteed to improve your mood."

Alistair stared at his friends with wide open eyes. Minette had been his friend's mistress for more than six months, and even though she still lived at the premium bawdy house Jewel's, Lennox was the only man she had ever entertained since their relationship began. Alistair had tried multiple times in the past to persuade Lennox to let him share his mistress on their nights out but he had always refused. The fact that he proposed the same thing now... He must jest.

"Don't joke about such things, Lennox. You know how much I would give to spend a night with Minette," he said. A hint of sadness clear in his voice.

"I'm not jesting, Marlcaster," his friend replied, "if there has ever been a time when you deserve as night with her, it is today. And furthermore, I've actually got a bit bored with her. She's almost too compliant. I want more spice, if you know what I mean, and maybe you could ignite that in her."

Both of them knew that when it comes to carnal pleasures, Marlcaster was the one who enjoyed inflicting pain on his bed partners the most. Nothing turned him on more than watching the fear in a woman's eyes when she wasn't sure on what he would do next. He craved their screams during a session and he immensely enjoyed seeing them wiggle their bottoms in pain during a whipping or bugging. Those things alone were enough to get him off. Sometimes.

"Are you sure you dare lending her out to me? You might not like what you get back," he said with a wink.

"I take my chances," his friend replied. "I will have to get rid of her if she can't induce some more spark in her. Why not give you a chance to make her a bit more exciting? If I find that she becomes too biddable after your session, you may become your lady bird instead."

Alistair smiled at his friend's words. A chance to make Minette his own. He would be a fool not to take it. He had longed for this moment for half a year, and tonight he would finally be able to have a go at Minette and her delectable body. If this didn't lighten his humour, nothing could.


Minette sat on the window sill, legs bent up towards her bosom, trying to sew a torn seam of one of her skirts. Just over six months ago, she had come to London from Dover and taken up residence at Jewel's. It was by no means an easy decision to make, but bad harvest and increased taxes back in her home town made it almost impossible for her mother to continue to support herself and her four children. If her virtue was the price for a stable living for herself and the possibility to help the rest of her family to support themselves, then so be it.

Almost right away had a gentleman, a viscount had Madame Levain informed her with gleaming eyes, noticed her and wanted her entirely for himself. He had paid Madame very well for the privilege of being the one who took her maidenhead, and he also provided her with more fripperies than she could ever have dreamed of. Viscount Lennox was in all ways a knight in shining armour. He was always very considerate during their times together and even though he wanted to dominate in the bedroom, he was never truly aggressive or harmful. She knew that she didn't even have to mend the garment she held in her hands, if she just told him he would buy her a new one until their next meeting, but it wasn't in her nature to be squandering.

The sound of horses captured her attention and looking down at the road beneath her, she recognised the badge on the carriage as her patron's. Lennox exited the carriage, as expected, but right behind him was another gentleman.

The Earl of Marlcaster.

The man sent chills down her spines. He had accompanied Lennox a couple of times and during one occasion he had even watched when she and Viscount had coupled. His eyes had seemed fixed upon her the entire time as she and Lennox were engaged in different sexual pursuits.

Hunger. That was all she had seen in his gaze.

It absolutely terrified her.

And now, he was here again. Hopefully, he would leave and find himself another girl to enjoy himself with while she and Lennox engaged in their pursuits, but somehow she knew that wasn't what was going to happen.

She jumped down from the window and brushed her hair quickly. She also tried to tighten her front-tied corset a bit more, although it didn't make a lot of difference. As she was just about to apply some more rouge to her cheeks, someone knocked on her door.

"Miss, his lordship and the Earl of Marlcaster are here to see you," the girl on the other side said.

Minette took a big breath and plastered a big smile on her face.

"Oh, thank you. Please, let them in straight away."

The moment after the door was swung open and her patron appeared in front of her, his friend close behind.

"My dearest Minette. How lovely to see you looking so radiant today," the Viscount said and kissed her. First, on both cheeks and then lingering on her lips.

"The pleasure is all mine, my lord. I have missed you terribly. Even if it was but a fortnight since you were here it seems like a lifetime to me." Minette tried to keep her focus on Lennox but the penetrating look the Earl regarded her with made it rather difficult.

"Very true, my dear." Lennox turned to look at his friend for the first time since entering her chamber. "Come, Marlcaster, and greet Minette properly. I mean, you two are going to be very intimately acquainted very soon," he said with a chuckle.

The Earl walked up from his place right in front of the door and let his gaze travel up and down over Minette before taking her hands in his.

"Good evening, Minette. I am the Earl of Marlcaster and your master has been so very kind and allowed me the pleasure of your company for the rest of the night," he said with a baritone voice which allowed no uncertainty of what he meant.

Lennox had given her to the Earl to spend the night with him.

She turned to face her patron who regarded them with an intriguing smile.

"Do you not wish me to please you tonight, my lord", she asked Lennox.

The Viscount tilted his head to one side.

"Watching you with my friend will please me immensely, Minette. Following his every command is what you could do to please me the most."

"Forgive me, my lord, but have I done something to displease you?" She realised she sounded very curt and saw that the Earl looked quite infuriated with her tone but it couldn't be helped at the moment. She needed to know if there was anything she could do to avoid being handed over to the Earl.

Lennox released an exasperated breath and crossed his arms.

"In fact, you have displeased me, Minette. Our latest meetings have left me rather unsatisfied. To put it bluntly, you have been too comfortable with my presence. You have almost tried to be the one in command instead of fulfilling your role as submissive to my demands as your masters, which is in no ways what I want out of this relationship. That's why I've decided to let Marlcaster here have his way with you for a night. If you please him, then maybe I will continue to give our relationship a chance, otherwise you will soon find yourself dependent on Marlcaster or any other of the patrons here at Jewel's to keep you in comfort. Do you understand, Minette?"

Minette couldn't believe what she was hearing. She thought their relationship had been such a good one. She admitted that she might have started to behave a bit more brazenly during their most recent meetings, but she felt that it was just a natural progression of things. She felt that tears were close, but she refused to show any more weakness than necessary.

"Yes, my lord. I understand," she finally replied.

Lennox sent Marlcaster a satisfied smirk before turning back to Minette.

"Perfectly, my dear. I will stay here until Marlcaster here wants me gone. Who knows how soon that will be," Lennox chuckled and turned to face his friend. "She's all yours, my friend. I'll just sit here and enjoy the show."


Alistair looked down at the girl in front of him.

What a beauty!

He could really understand his friend's fascination with the tart. She wasn't tiny but quite short compared to his 185 centimetres (6,1 feet), around 160 centimetres (5,2 feet) if he had to guess, and she was a rather plump little thing. Her breasts and arse were a bit bigger than what was à la mode amongst the ton, whose opinions his wife followed to the letter, which Alistair didn't mind the slightest. Minette had curves in all the right places and he couldn't wait to see what was hidden below the her embellished dress.

She looked him straight in the eyes, a behaviour which soon would be beaten out of her, but he had to admit her eyes were very beautiful as well. He could easily get lost in her almond-shaped, dark brown eyes if he allowed himself the pleasure. But that was neither here nor there. Now, it was time for business.

"Don't ever look your betters in the eyes if not expressly told so, whore," he said and saw how Minette shrugged when being addressed as a whore.

Minette looked around the room, hoping to find any help from her patron, but Henry did not show any visible reaction to Alistair's command. Resigned, she lowered her gaze, and felt a sharp sting to her left cheek.

"When I tell you something I expect you to comply straight away. Do you understand or a you too much of a brainless slut to comprehend the meaning of my words?" Alistair asked her after sending a hard slap to her cheek.

Flustered, she raised her eyes only to quickly remember that he hadn't given her permission to look at him and lowered her gaze.

"No, my lord. I understand perfectly well what you're saying," she replied docilely.

Alistair allowed himself to smile at her attempt to appease him.

"Good. From now on you will address me as 'Master'. I will address you however I seem fit. From this moment forward, whenever you hear a word like 'Whore', 'Slut', 'Tart', 'Tramp' or such, you may presume that I am referring to you. Understood?"

This time she kept her gaze lowered, although he could see she was fidgeting her fingers.

"Yes, master," she answered.

Alistair grabbed her chin and forced her head up, making eye contact inevitable.


He took a few steps back in order to give Minette some space to undress. Minette stood motionless for a few seconds before she found her composure and started to unlace her corset. Once she had dropped her corset and skirts to the floor, she turned her attention to the lower half of her body. She removed her shoes and then started to roll down her stockings. After a couple of minutes, she stood in front of the Earl in just her nightgown and the teardrop shaped necklace Lennox had given her after their first time together.

When he realised she wasn't planning on removing her nightgown, Alistair stepped towards her and grabbed the front of the garment and tore it in half.

"Next time I suggest you follow my instructions to the letter unless you wish to ruin more of your wardrobe," he said and threw the shredded dress to the ground.

He took some steps back and regarded the beauty in front of him in her full, naked glory.

She was truly magnificent!

Her breasts were in perfect proportion to the rest of her body, and her curly brown hair, which had gotten quite tangled at this point, was framing them beautifully. Her flat stomach led down to a little triangle of light brown hair that covered what he assumed was a pretty, young pussy, ready for banging.

Damn, how he wanted to fuck this girl! Well, all in due time. First, he needed to establish who was in command here.

"Lennox has always boasted about how beautifully you respond to the paddle. Let's put it to the test, shall we?" he said and went to the cabinet next to the bed where he knew Lennox stored all of his different implements. He decided for a medium-sized oak paddle with holes all over it. He noticed Minette looks over to see what implement he had chosen and she shuddered when she saw his chosen tool.

Lennox never used to start of a session with that particular paddle. That one was extremely painful, used only as means a punishment and then always after a long warming-up with another instrument. The fact that the Earl had chosen to start off with that paddle could only mean that this was going to be a very long and painful night for her.

"Up on the bed, slut. On your stomach, legs and arms spread wide apart."

She complied quickly with his commands and while lying spread-eagled on the bed, Alistair started to tie up her wrists and ankles to the bed posts, leaving her completely exposed to his attentions.

Alistair then turned to face his friend who was now seated in the armchair on the other side of the small room which gave Lennox a first-class view over his tart and his friend's administrations.

"Do you have any recommendations on how I should go about, my friend?" Alistair asked Lennox while slapping the paddle casually against his hand a couple of times.

"Not really, Marlcaster," Lennox replied, "just make sure to not go too easy on the sit spots and between the legs. It's easy to forget about them and only focus on the buttocks, but those are the areas which will give you the most, hmm, loud responses out of her."

Alistair smiled towards his friend, appreciating his advice, and then returned his focus to the beauty lying on the bed.

"Listen up, slut. I will give you thirty-five smacks with the paddle all across your arse. You may scream out and beg for mercy, but you may not in any way demand that I stop the spanking. Do you understand?" he asked and for effect he allowed the paddle to hit the centre of her right buttock hard.


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