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Gifted Wife Has a Bad Day at Work

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Sleazy boss drives wife insane and she brings it home.
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My "Gifted" Wife Has Bad Day At Work.

My wife works in telecommunications and had recently started a new job as a consultant to a global company. She negotiated a lucrative salary and had been on the job for about 3 weeks when this day happened. She had told me that during her interview one of her bosses kept leering at her and she knew he was going to be problem. She nicknamed him "scum boss".

Landing her dream job she didn't want to make a fuss too early, figuring she could handle him same as she had other predator men and women she had worked with or for. Day by day though he was getting worse and worse. She had told me that they work on a newly leased floor and currently it was just her and the "scum boss" on the floor. She had tried to get some of her team to move upstairs with her, but it seems that "scum boss" had thwarted any moving plans.

He was obviously practiced at his "art" as he never said or did anything in front of anyone who could get him in trouble or overhear some of his comments and be a witness. You know, the occasional sexual comment, 'accidental' brush of a hand, bump in the hallway. Typical "scum boss" actions.

Anyway, today seemed to be a breaking point.

"This has been the worse day of my new job!" She yells as she walks in the door to our house from the garage.

I am in the kitchen getting dinner ready since I got home before her; it is our custom of whoever gets home first starts dinner.

"What's for dinner?" she inquires.


"Good, it can simmer for a while; I need you to take of something for me."

"What's that? I turn and ask, but as I turn around I see what she has in mind.

She is hiking up her skirt and has a very lustful look in her eyes. I know that look well and drop to my knees knowing exactly what she wants to help relieve her stress. I reach out and caress her thighs feeling their softness. She has pulled her skirt over her head and tossed on the counter allowing me full access to her pantied crotch.

As I move my hands toward the front of her panties I can both see and feel her excitement, a small wet spot has already formed. I lean in even closer and place my face against her mound breathing deeply as I do. I love her smell; it intoxicates me every time I get this close.

"Stop teasing!" she demands, "Make me cum!"

I slowly pull her panties down her legs and as I do I place little kisses on her skin. When at last her sex is uncovered I lean in and take her into my mouth. I slide my mouth down her shaft getting as much of her eight inches as I can into my mouth.

That's right, my wife has a beautiful eight inch long, two inch wide uncut cock!

A little explanation is due here, when she was born her parents thought she was a boy, she grew up playing all the normal games with the neighborhood boys and was leading a normal boy life. That is until she reached the age of 11 or 12.

At this time she started to develop breasts, small little bumps, really just swollen nipples mostly. But as they continued to grow, she, and everyone around her became more aware that she was different. Her parents took her to a specialist recommended by their doctor and it was discovered that she had the hormones of both male and female.

Further tests revealed that while she did not have any female reproductive organs, her breasts would continue to grow as if she were a normally developing female. While this could have been devastating to her, a lucky thing happened. Her father was transferred to another state. Seeing as she was most visibly noticeable as a female she decided to assume the female gender as a way of life.

Later I'll explain how we met, but right now I have a hard cock the needs attended too. As I was saying, I had about 6 of her 8 inches in my mouth and was happily slobbering all over her cock. Having been with my wife for close to 20 years I have become an accomplished cocksucker and she often enjoys my talented mouth, this day was no different.

I was taking my time enjoying the feel of her hardness on my tongue, but she was not in the mood for teasing, she wrapped her fingers in my hair and proceeded to unmercifully fuck my face. I loosened my mouth and opened my throat as best I could. The feeling of her heavy balls slapping against my chin was an incredible turn on for me and had I had more time I would have been stroking my own hard cock. As it were I was giving all my concentration to my task at hand, and that was to coax a large load of spunk out of my wife's nuts.

This whole time my wife is mumbling obscenities.

"Suck me you bitch, swallow my cock, eat my cum."

She repeated these over and over as she continued to ravage my throat. I knew her well enough to know that she could not keep up this pace for long and I was right. Just as I reached up and grabbed her heavy balls, she pulled all but the head out of my mouth. I took this opportunity to use my other hand and stroke her shaft.

I swirled my tongue around the tender underside of her cock and was immediately rewarded with the first shot of her hot juice. I continued to pump her shaft and massage her balls as I felt shot after shot of sperm enter my mouth.

No matter how often she cums, she seems to always have gallons the next time, and this was no different. She filled my mouth so much I had to swallow three times to get it all down. As her shaft started to soften I kept the head in my mouth and only stopped sucking when she pulled out of my mouth saying she couldn't take it anymore.

I slowly rose to my feet where she gave me a deep tongue kiss tasting the remainder of her load that was still on my lips.

Slowly she broke the kiss saying, "Thank you, that felt great, but I'm not done yet, we'll get back to it after dinner though, cause I'm starving right now."

I finished with dinner and brought it out to the living room where she had suggested we eat. She had gone to the bedroom to get out of her work clothes and was just entering the living room as I was pouring the wine.

She was dressed in a wife beater and boxer shorts, with her cock already tenting the front of her shorts. When she is dressed like this I know that she is feeling more manly than feminine and it usually means I am in for a good hard ass fucking. As I said earlier, the doctors told her that she had a mix of both male and female hormones in her system.

Most of the time the female hormones seemed to dominate her system, you know the gentle nurturing ones, so normally when I suck her off she wants it gentle and slow, but occasionally the testosterone seemed to dominate, you know the urgent, cram your cock into any hole to get relief, testosterone. Based on how she fucked my mouth before dinner, this was one of those times, and if previous occurrences were any indication, I was in for some rough sex this weekend.

Throughout dinner we chatted about our day at work and she continued to rant about her bastard boss. I noticed the more she went on about him the harder she got, until finally she was fully exposed and sticking out of the fly in her boxers. She noticed my gaze and told me the only thing that got her through the day was thinking about ramming her cock down his throat and in his ass.

She confided in me that she was more rough than usual earlier because she was dreaming of it being her boss on his knees in front of her. I agreed with her that she was rougher than normal but also told her that I really didn't mind.

"You really are a little cock slut aren't you?" she replied.

"Only for this" I said as I reached over and caressed her ample hard-on that was now angrily protruding from her boxers.

She leaned back against the couch and moaned softly as I slid my hand up and down her length.

She was really enjoying my hand, but suddenly pushed me away saying, "Let's get the dishes cleaned up, then we'll play."

Grudgingly, I let go of her and proceeded to gather the dishes and head to the kitchen. When I came back I brought another bottle of wine and noticed that she was putting a movie in the DVD player.

"What are we watching?" I asked.

"Wait and see, I think you'll like it, I know I will." She answered. As I suspected it was a TG movie and had one of her favorite adult stars in it.

"I picked this up a while ago, and didn't know when to sit down and watch it, but after this week I thought it was perfect timing."

I gave her a puzzled look but soon realized what she meant. On the screen a sleazy guy in a cheap ill-fitting business suit was doing his best to harass his secretary. Leaning in a little too close, making lewd comments, etc.

At one point he reached in her blouse and grabbed her breast. Well this turned the tide of the movie as the secretary grabbed his hand and spun around pinning him to the desk.

At this point my wife reached over, grabbed my hand and guided it back to her throbbing erection. Pre-come had started to leak from the hole and I used this as lubricant as I stroked her length.

The scene on the TV had the girl pulling open her top exposing her large tits and her telling her boss, "If you want to play you have to do it my way! If you want me to satisfy you, you have to let me tie you up."

He readily agreed never taking his eyes off of her swollen nipples. She let go of him and reached into her purse and pulled out a set of handcuffs, pulled his hands behind his back and quickly snapped them onto his wrists.

"Are you ready for the fucking of your life?" She asked him.

"I'm more than ready." He replied "Let me see the goods!"

"I thought you'd never ask."

With that she reached down and slowly lowered the zipper on her skirt and let it fall to the floor. She was standing in front of him with just her panties, garters and stockings on, and then the camera panned to her backside and you could plainly see a massive bulge running up the crack of her ass. Encased in her shear panties was fat cock. She had to have been packing at least 9 inches of man meat. Panning back to the front of her, all you could see was a dark hint of hair above the "V" where her thighs met.

Slowly she stood upright and hooked her thumbs into the waist band of her panties.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"More than ever!" was his response.

"I want you to lick me first, can you do that for me?"

In reply he quickly dropped to his knees in front of her. She began to slowly lower her panties revealing a small landing strip of hair as she went. Taking special care not to give up her secret too quickly she kept her legs pressed together. Her boss was openly drooling at the sight before him.

When at last she had her panties to her knees she began to slowly open her thighs, just when he thought he was going to see lips. With a wiggle of her hips her engorged cock sprang free smacking him in the face.

"What the hell is that, you freak!" her boss yelled.

"It's what you wanted this whole time," she tells him "Now we are going to have the sex you have been bugging me for this whole time."

As she was saying this she was rubbing her cock against his face and he was trying desperately to avoid it.

"Let me show you something." She said turning to her computer. "I filmed your last attack on me just minutes ago where you grabbed my tit."

As she was saying this, the screen showed a web cam movie of him doing just as she described.

"Now, I can send this to human resources and you can loose you job, or we can finish what you started, what's it going to be?" Well, in true porno fashion, he relented and opened his mouth.

I didn't get to see much after that as my wife reached behind my head and pulled me to her crotch. Never one to pass up the chance to swallow her beautiful cock, I leaned down and greedily sucked her into my mouth.

"Honey, I'll make it up to you later, but right now I am going to live out a fantasy of mine and treat you like I would my own sleazy boss if I had the chance."

I was a little confused with that comment until she forcefully grabbed my head and began to ravage my throat much like she did earlier in the kitchen. Only this time she turned up the verbal assault.

"Suck my cock you fucking bastard, I'm going to fuck your face over and over till you beg for it!" she screamed.

And she really seemed to mean it, I have never felt her so hard or so forceful. I had moved to the floor between her legs so I could get a better angle when she stood up and had me get on my knees.

Once there she dug her fingers into my hair and began bucking her hips against my face driving her cock all the way down my throat with each thrust. In only seconds I felt her swell even larger and then she began to blast her hot cum into my throat.

She continued to pump in and out of my mouth until she stopped spurting and only then did she pull back far enough that I could suck on her lovely head and clean the remaining cum from her cock.

Still in character, she pushed to the floor saying, "I'm not done with you yet, get your ass back on the couch!"

Keep in mind I had swallowed two loads of her cum and I had not had any relief yet so my cock was extremely hard and getting more painful by the minute. She didn't seem to care as she had an agenda she wanted to meet and my pleasure was obviously not part of the plan. I knew I would get mine sooner or later so I played along with her fantasy by getting into the role of her boss.

"You'll never get away with this!" I yelled at her. "I'll have you fired!"

"You think so, you sleazy bastard?" She responded back to me. "All I have to do is show all your buddies how you just swallowed my cock and you'll be the laughing stock of the company."

"Now you have pissed me off again and for that I'm going to fuck that ass of yours!"

"Oh no you won't." I said back to her.

"Watch and see!" she said as she grabbed me again.

Since we were only playing I didn't struggle too hard and let her pin me down. She grabbed my shorts and pulled them to my knees while still holding me down.

She was really getting into it and was screaming, "I've wanted to do this since the first time you leered at me in the interview, now who is on top bitch?"

Reaching under the cushion she pulls out a tube of lubricant, at that point I realized I had been set up. It didn't matter as I love the feel of her cock in my ass. I looked over my shoulder as she was smearing the lubricant on her erection and then I felt the cold liquid pour into the crack of my ass. Just as it reached my hole, the head of her cock was there to catch it.

With out much warning I was impaled on her spear. The sudden intrusion caused me to lurch forward, but she grabbed my hips and held me in place. She took a few seconds to allow me to relax, but once she felt my asshole begin to open she continued her inward push. This was her fantasy and she was going to ravage my ass the same as she would her bosses if she ever got the chance, so I did my best to encourage that fantasy.

"Stop, don't do this, please, I'll give you a raise, anything you want!"

"Shut up bitch, all I want right now is your ass!" she angrily replied.

With one final thrust she was balls deep inside my gaping asshole. She only held still long enough to adjust her footing; she then began her relentless assault on her boss's backside, only problem was it was me that was really receiving the pounding!

She has fucked my ass on many occasions and I have reciprocated with my cock in her ass just about as many times, however, this time was different.

It wasn't her husband receiving a loving fuck, in her mind it was the jerk she worked for, and he (I) was going to pay for weeks of pissing her off.

She really is a master at using her cock and this time was no different, she was pulling all the way out and driving forcefully back in, and to tell the truth, I loved the roughness of it. I started to push my ass back at her and this caused her to push at me even harder.

Her cock is shaped perfectly to massage my prostate and it was doing a good job of it.

I reached down and started to stroke my own cock but she pulled my hand away saying, "It's all about me right now, you can get yours later bitch!"

I knew then she was still in her fantasy, so I grabbed the back of the couch and held on for the ride. I could tell she was getting close because she was taking short choppy strokes instead the long full ones she started with.

I began to really buck my hips at her and it worked, she yelled, "Take my come you fucking bastard!" Drove in deep one last time and exploded.

I could feel every vein in her cock expand and pulse as I felt jet after jet of come race into my bowels. She continued to shake and quiver for a few seconds before gently pulling out of me and falling to the floor. As soon as her cock slipped from my stretched hole I immediately felt her cum begin to run out, she must have come in gallons!

I slowly started to get up off the couch and she asked me to lie beside her, so I got on the floor and snuggled up close, as I did my own hard-on pushed into her side.

"That was wonderful, I am so sorry I was mean to you I hope you know that I didn't mean any of it towards you." She whispered to me.

"Well I won't be able to sit all weekend but I did enjoy it" I tell her. "You really do hate him don't you?" I ask her.

"You have no idea."

"Actually I think I do, after that ass pounding you just gave me."

"I am so sorry, let me make it up to you" she replies as she rolls me onto my back and scoots down so her face is at my purple dick.

Being the expert cocksucker she is, she swallows me in one motion and uses her throat muscles to tickle my glans. I think I have been hard for about two hours now and it will not take any time at all for me to shoot. My wife knows me very well and can tell I am close, so having pity on me she pulls her mouth away so that just my swollen head is between her lips and proceeds to lick and suck all the tender areas.

Using her hands she only has to stroke about a half a dozen times before I cry out that I am going to cum. My wife continues to stroke and suck as my spunk is released into her mouth.

She swallows me down and lets my shrinking cock slip from her lips saying, "Short fuse tonight huh?"

I remind her that it is the first time I have cum and she has cum in twice in my mouth and once in my ass since she came home.

"Oh, yeah." was her sheepish response.

As we lay together on the floor we both realize that the movie is still going on the TV, and the "boss" is on his back getting another ass fucking, only this time he must be enjoying it because he is pulling on his own stiff dick at the same time.

We look at each other and realize she is getting hard again.

"You're insatiable" I tell her as I crawl up onto the couch trying to get into the same position the boss is in the movie. "I love your cock, please fuck me again, but first I'd love to taste it again"

I say this in my best mimic of the actor on TV. Falling right into her role she straddles my legs and waves her renewed erection in my face. Without hesitation I swallow her length.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Amazing Story! Hope we can see more chapters!

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