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Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 15


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Slowly, I worked my way into the living room, trying to act normal while keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Honestly, I'm sure I probably stood out like an awkward nerd at prom, but it was kind of hard for me to blend in with a bunch of happy go lucky party people when all I wanted to do was find that bitch and get out of there.

Upon closer inspection, the room actually wasn't so bad. There was a minimum of dancing occurring here - thank god - so the people were mostly just in little groups chatting. The number of couches around must have made the place an attractive target for couples and people who were mostly just looking to hook up, because there were quite a few of them taking advantage. Most of the couples seemed content to just cuddle and maybe do some light making out, but a few were really going at it.

There was this one girl in the corner, for example, a cute shy looking little thing, who had picked up this big muscular guy and was pinning him against the wall as she furiously dug her tongue deeper and deeper into his mouth. With the way she was slamming him around people actually had to move out of the way lest they be caught in their path of destruction.

Another couple, seated right next to me, was likewise starting to get all hot and heavy without a concern for who might be around and who might be watching. Squished together in a loveseat, the guy's tits pressed up against her chest as his head roamed around her neck blowing kisses. Her eyes were half closed and her head was leaned back, but that didn't stop her from snatching surreptitious glances at the other guys in the room. She got an especially big eyeful of me, not that she noticed me looking at her. I laughed as he looked up and noticed. It sounded like she was in trouble.

There was one couple though that really stood out to me. They were practically fucking then and there. I tried to sneak closer to get a better look.

The girl - who was stunningly hot - looked like she'd just stepped out of a porno or something and was still following the stage direction. She was sitting on top of the guy as he took a commanding presence in the chair, urgently grinding her excessive girth into him as they amorously ran their tongues along each others faces.

Okay, yeah, that was weird, right? I took a second look. The guy was maybe five foot six, curvy body with big natural looking tits. The girl looked like she could be a bikini model, easily twice his size by mass and shaped roughly like a sack of potatoes. She was really going for it too. This wasn't love, this wasn't passion, hell, this wasn't even mutual. She wanted him to want her and didn't care what he was bringing to the table. Hell, she looked half ready to fuck him here and now, what with the way her Calvin Klein shirt was torn open to reveal the excessive cleavage of her fat hairy chest.

I let out a breath I didn't even realize I'd been holding. Damn, this girl was hot. What the hell was a girl as hot as her doing with a guy like this?

He leaned back his portly, zit covered face and let out a sigh of contentment. Oh my god, she had slipped a hand down below his waist. She probably thought no one was watching. She was fingering his pussy right here in the open, her hand playing delicately and subtly beneath his tight designer skirt.

That's when it clicked. Oh my god. I should have realized based on the way they were dressed. Of course she was all over him - this guy was probably rich. She hadn't been swapped to think that he was hot or anything, she was just using him for his money.

I didn't know if that made things better or worse. I tried not to judge. Either way, it wasn't anything supernaturally weird.

It was than that I noticed that my hand had been instinctively reaching for where my bag would normally be. I bit my lip. These two were prime candidates for a swap. Hell, looking around half the couples here would be perfect targets. But no. I needed to stop thinking like that. Besides, I didn't even have the device.

Okay this room was a bust. A few people stood out, but nothing beyond the realm of conventional possibility. There was no evidence to suggest she'd been using the device. But that was good, right? Like, maybe she just didn't even realize what the thing could do. Maybe she hadn't even tried.

Or, oh god. Maybe she had swapped herself with a spider or something and was now trapped in some kind of freaky cartoonish hell.

I shuddered. Hopefully it hadn't come to that.

Okay, if I was in her situation, where would I have gone? I wouldn't have gone far, so she was probably still in the house somewhere. God, at least I hoped she was. I'd hate to have to try and find her in the crowd outside. I'd need a better vantage point. Maybe I could get onto the roof somehow? There were girls up there dancing so there had to be someway up there.

What if she had just left the party altogether? But no. Who just leaves their shit behind like that? Someone who's just found a magical swapping device, that's who. Someone who's probably stolen all the hottest body parts by now and wants to make a get away before the one person who can stop her finds her. If that wasn't something worth losing a phone over, I don't know what was.


I clenched my fist. Isn't that what I did with it? Got drunk and made myself sexy? Not that I didn't have my attractive features before. Every girl is hot in her own way, that's what Jessi D has always said, anyway, and I get that. But I wasn't... well, I was never hot enough for this party, that's for sure. I had nothing on these people.

And fuck, were these people hot, oh my god.

I had to practically slap myself back to attention on more than one occasion. Everywhere I laid my eyes I was dragged down into a sea of soft supple jiggling girlflesh. Decadently decorated tits and strategically revealed asses were on display like an all you can eat girl-buffet. I thought I'd struggled to stay focused in the mall, but I was quickly finding that without Evan around to help me keep focused my mind could really start to wander.

There were two types of girls here, I think. Those that were just looking to party and have a good time, and those who were here to hook up. The former were just kind of hanging around, dancing and enjoying themselves while the latter were practically fighting with each other to show how available and eager they were.

I couldn't help but sigh. As hot as these girls were, a part of me rebelled against the idea. I liked girls who liked to party - I was a girl who liked to party - but too many of these girls gave girls like me a bad name. My whole academic career I've had people assuming I'm only here for the, er, extracurriculars, when that was explicitly not the case. I mean, I'm here on a scholarship for fucks sake. So, I'd always been, you know, cautious to associate with those types. I don't fault them for being who they are - much - but I don't want people thinking I'm one of them.

Of course now I had a whole new appreciation for them. Fuck, no wonder the guys couldn't resist them. I bit my lip at the sight of a gaggle of such beauties walking past in polo shirts and khakis. One of them was running her hand through her short messy hair. My head turned to follow, catching a glimpse of the way her toned, muscular butt filled out her pants.

And that's when I slammed into the wall. Ow.

I chastised myself for not paying more attention. I was supposed to be down here looking for that girl, not gorging myself on eye candy.

There was something going on in the hallway further up. A big crowd of hooting girls had formed. What was going on? Was this the device at work? The crowd was thick. I craned onto the tips of my toes, but despite my best efforts, I couldn't get a good view. Finally I had to push my way through to the front of the crowd.

Delicate tongues lapped at smooth flesh as soft curves writhed and rubbed together to the music of soft low moans and desperate gasping cries. About a dozen guys were involved in what looked like an orgy on the floor. A handful of them seemed content to just be very enthusiastically making out, their long flowing hair carefully parted to allow the cheering audience the best view possible, but as my eyes swept down the line the level of debauchery quickly peaked until finally, Several of them were a tangled knot of gentle bodies and smooth limbs as they struggled for the leverage to frot their long, precum-slick dicks together for all the world to see.

I curled my lip in disgust. These guys were still at it? I remembered them from when we'd first walked in, even if they seem to have uh, advanced, quite a bit since then. Honestly, I'm sure if I was still straight, I'd probably be cheering along with the rest of the crowd, but as it stands all I could do was roll my eyes. This was such a typical frat boy thing. It's like, did they not realize how neanderthalicly chauvinistic this sort of thing was? People like them gave frat parties a bad name.

Damnit, I didn't have time for this.

I had to work to pull myself out of the crowd. You could practically feel the rush of air as the girls pushed in to occupy the space I had been a moment before. Normally I wouldn't be complaining about being pressed between the muscular chests of a swarm of cute girls, but I didn't have time to linger and enjoy the scene.

I managed to push past into the kitchen, which was surprisingly empty save for the looming wall of yet-to-be-drunken alcohol.

I frowned. Alcohol hadn't exactly been my friend lately. I'd gotten so wasted on Thursday and then again yesterday. God, it was so out of character for me. Normally, I try not to lose control. Maybe it was some kind of subconscious reaction to the stress having the device had caused? I guess that's another little lesson to learn here: Do not drink while operating reality bending machinery.

I peaked out the window. The party seemed to sprawl out of the rear of the building like a curtain of horny college students, broken up only occasionally by events and party games. The window gave a perfect view of one of the beer pong tables where one of the players was taking off her shirt. Time seemed to slow down as her rock-hard abs and pecs came into view. My dick throbbed. Fuck, you could even see the sweat beading on her like morning dew.

I shook my head again. Fuck. Everywhere I looked it was just sex sex sex. I tried to take a deep breath but it was coming up ragged. It was just too hot in here. I needed to get away from all this. I needed to get it together. I needed air.

I stumbled my way over to the dance floor. The exit was on the other side of the crowd. I sighed. well, sometimes the only way out is through.

I scanned the crowd as best I could as I went, looking for that girl, but it was a nebulous thing, a constantly shifting and churning mass of hot, half lidded revelry, too mercurial to catch a glimpse of any one in particular.

Oh shit.

I almost ran headlong into a pair of strippers, naked down to their underwear save for their aviator glasses and cop hats, with little fake police badges pinned to their bra straps. They must have been here to make sure everybody was having a good time.

I ducked down into the crowd. Shit. If they noticed I wasn't having fun this whole thing was going to be ruined. I could not afford to get arrested at this stage in the game. I had to sneak around behind them and get out before they could see me.

Instead however, I let out a small scream of surprise as I felt a solid smack on my ass. Who the hell? I turned to look, ready to beat the tar out of whoever had just dared, only to get smacked again - hard - right in the balls.

I keeled over and tumbled to the floor, blinded by that very special pain.

"Oh my god!" a tiny voice rang out "I'm so sorry! Are you all right?"

I looked up to find myself face to face with a foot-long black silicone dick, bouncing and jiggling inches from my nose.

"What the hell?" I groaned

Beyond the colossal dick, a tiny waif of a girl held a hand out in apology. "I'm sorry, it's got a mind of its own sometimes!" The strap-on bounced and jiggled in time with the girl's words. The pain receded as I gave the girl a lookover. She was cute, in an energetic, girlish kind of way. Short hair, petite body, athletic build. Her small breasts were a little small, but they looked perky and firm, and were topped by a surprisingly large pair of nipples. She looked the spitting image of some kind of party fairy, clothes and all.

"You need to be more careful with that thing" I groaned, rising to my feat.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry! Sometimes I just get going, you know?" She wiggled her hips in time to the music, setting both the phallic thing and her breasts warbling and waving. Fuck, that was hot. Finally, it got so out of control that she had to pull her hips back to avoid smacking the ass of one of the boys nearby.

She must have caught me staring at her tits because she raised an eyebrow flirtatiously.

Damn, she had a cute smile.

"Do you want to dance?" she asked.

"I... uh"

She pressed her body up against me, her warm body and the hardness of her strap-on both rubbing furiously against the crotch of my already tight pants. Ah fuck, that felt good.

"I- I can't. I have a boyfriend."

"That's okay" She laughed. "It's just some dancing. It's not like we're making out or anything. Unless... unless you want to make out a little, of course. And even then, we're both girls so it doesn't count, right?"

I laughed. I wished I could - I really did. My dick, recovered from its ordeal, was begging me to stay, but I just didn't have time for this right now.

"No, no, I can't. Really. I'm looking for someone. I don't suppose you've seen her? Blonde girl? Stupidly hot? Might be running around with some kind of like, sex toy dress on?

The girl raised an eyebrow in thought before giving a cute smile and a shrug. "Sorry" she said, looking around the room at the sea of blonde heads and hot bodies. "You'd have to narrow it down considerably."

Well, worth a try.

"But hey," she added, running a hand down my chest "After you find her, if you still want to dance, you just come and let me know okay?"

I gulped as blood pounded in my head.

She gave me a coy smile and giggled as she waved goodbye, her dildo flapping.

Keeping a better eye for where I was going this time, I worked my way over to the open sliding door that was the division between the interior and the exterior aspect of the dance floor, and stepped outside into the cooler air. It wasn't a big improvement - there was still what felt like thousands of bodies worth of heat and sweat, but the air at least could claim to be fresh.

Somehow, I managed to work my way over to a bit of a clearing at the edge of the patio. The music wasn't reaching here quite as well and it had created a kind of vortex of space. I stumbled as I pulled away from the central crowd and almost crashed face first into some mousy looking guy's boobs.

"Sorry" I said, hastily. Luckily, he just laughed it off, his friend offering to help me back up. Both their attentions, it would seem, were glued to the small circle that had formed nearby. There was some kind of topless drunk girl in the middle who was evidently partying way too hard. She had a total dad bod thing going on, so I wouldn't quite say she was my type, but hey, a shirtless girl is a shirtless girl, I couldn't blame them for staring.

She was trying to dance, I think? She looked more like a wounded bird doing some sort of mating ritual. Not that the guys were complaining. I always felt bad for people who got this drunk. This time though I couldn't help it as visions of myself the past few nights flashed in my head. I hadn't been that bad though, had I?

Remembering why I was here, I turned to get a look at what was happening out in the backyard. I had a pretty good view from here. Not that that helped. She was nowhere to be seen. Just lots of games and revelers and some girl in the corner getting a blowjob.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. I don't know what it was, but I just felt like there was something obvious that I was missing. Was it paranoia? Was I just assuming the worst in assuming that she had come out here and changed everybody around?

I think maybe, deep down, I just really wanted everything to be changed. I wanted her to have wreaked havoc on these partygoers. After all, wouldn't that help assuage my own guilt? To know that it wasn't just me who immediately started messing around with everybody in sight? That that was just a thing that people did?

I sighed. This party was great for that too. I was almost jealous. There was something about the device's power that could be so addictive. Even now I just wanted to swap these people around, to experiment, to see how they react.

I thought back to when I'd swapped all the cheerleaders and the jocks around. I gave a half smile. What I did was wrong, I recognize that now. And I'd never do that sort of thing again, but it was still kind of funny. Man, fuck cheerleaders.

Maybe I was just being crazy. It's not like anyone told her what the thing did. What was she going to do, press the button by accident? Here I had it built up in my head that she'd gone off on some weird adventure when the simplest explanation was that she probably didn't even know why she was still carrying that stupid thing around. I'm sure everything was fine. I just wish I had some sort of sign that the girl was still even here.

Suddenly, there was a panicked scream from inside.

I sighed, took one last breath of fresh air, and ran back inside as quickly as I could. I'm sure there was probably a perfectly logical explanation, but with the way tonight was going, I wasn't willing to bet on it.

I shoved my way back in through the crowd. Ripples and holes were forming as everyone was starting to react to the commotion. Those closest to the scream were moving away while those that couldn't hear it were pushing back in. The crowd flowed like a dense liquid as I struggled to swim against the current.

Thankfully, I was tall enough to get a good view. There was definitely some kind of commotion going on. I had to get closer.

I squeezed my way past a skinny looking pair of girls who were grinding together in time to the beat, their beer bellies rubbing together sensuously as they poked out from under their tight, bulging halter tops.

I narrowly ducked out of the way of a couple who decided that they were just going to suck face here in the middle of the dance floor. He had his shirt ripped open, revealing the lacy demicups beneath as he ran a gentle hand along her beard. Jesus, get a room.

I spun, trying to orient myself in the shifting flow of people. I almost slammed right into a muscular jock, his enormous plump ass swaying back and forth as he twerked, completely unconcerned for the way his G-string poked out of his skin-tight little pants.

Finally, I managed to get close enough to the screaming to see what was going on. It was an unmistakably male scream - high and piercing, as some dude wearing a strap-on, a lacy crop-top and a pair of six-inch hot-pink thigh-high stiletto boots looked down at his body with alarm and surprise, squeezing at his plump tits with one hand while his other fished around his crotch, under his strap-on.

Okay, fuck. This had swap written all over it. but what had happened here? Gender swap? Had this guy been a girl moments before? Or maybe he had his pussy stolen or something?

Somewhere in the distance I couldn't help but here a faint, almost imperceptible Zzzzttttt. But as soon as I noticed it, it was gone, subsumed into the music. Was I imagining things?

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