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Girls' Night Out Ch. 18


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Angie asked Ginny, "Don't you dance?"

"Me, dance? You have to be kidding," Ginny laughed. "Two left feet. How about you?"

"I dance but not very well. Now Kylie, she can dance. Can't you?"

Kylie blushed. "You would think after three years of ballroom dancing lesson in junior high I should know how to."

Tony stood up. "Wait here." He headed towards the band.

Ginny leaned forward and whispered; "Now you have done it!"

He quickly returned and held his hand out to Kylie. "Tango?"

In a moment Tony was leading her to the dance floor, giving her no time to think or say no. Kylie felt her heart begin to race and she began to panic. "I don't know if I can, Tony."

"What are you afraid?"

"If you only knew," Kylie thought. "I might made a mistake," she said, "It's been a long time."

"There are no mistakes in the tango. Relax and just follow my lead, young lady."

That was easier said than done. All her life she led on the dance floor and now, in front of people and in Tony's arm, it would be a moment of truth. The music started and they began.

For his size and age Tony was surprising agile. More than that, he was a great dancer. The more they danced, the more Kylie relaxed. She let the music carry her and she found it easy to follow his lead. She couldn't help but think of the scene in 'Scent of a Woman' with Pacino! As they danced, Kylie found herself enjoying every minute. She let herself go and just followed Tony's lead. She laughed in surprise as he spun her and then pulled her close. When the music ended, Tony dipped her and she wrapped one leg around his.

They walked off the floor to the sounds of polite applause.

Returning to the table, Tony said, "I haven't danced like that in a long time. Thank you, Kylie, to have a beautiful young lady as my partner, well, it made an old man feel good."

They ate dessert and stayed late talking and joking. Ginny suggested a few places they might want to see on the island but as she checked her watch she said, "It is getting late." She glanced over at Tony. "We should be getting back. We are not getting any younger."

Tony waved his hand. "How can you say that? With these two young ladies with us, why I feel younger already."

Ginny stood up. "Come on Tony, let's go."

Before they left Kylie kissed Tony on the cheek. "Thank you for the dance."

"You made an old man very happy tonight, sweetie," Angie said sprawled naked on the bed.

Kylie stood in her panties looking out the door at the ocean. "You don't know how difficult that was at first, not wanting to lead."

"You know, you say those things but you just naturally seem to do the right thing. You just do it. I know you get nervous about slipping up but I really don't see that happening."

Kylie came to the bed and sat down. "You really think so?"

"Yes I do," Angie replied. She held her hand up and looked at the ring. "You have no idea how this makes me feel. I feel like I could just burst I am so happy!"

Kylie crawled up next to her and rested her head on her stomach. "I'm glad because I feel that way with you every day. There are times usually early in the morning that I wake up next to you and lift myself up to look at you. You are still asleep, just softly snoring and I just smile to myself knowing how lucky I am. As I lay back down and rolled over, you roll over. Even though you are still asleep, you put your arm around me and pull me close. There is not a better feeling in the world."

Angie hugged Kylie and smiled. "Love me tonight, sweetie."


Day 3

"Hey, sweetie, you ever coming out?" Angie said from the doorway. "It's a gorgeous day and you can't stay in bed forever. Charlie brought some fresh fruit and mimosas. Meet you by the water."

Kylie rolled around on the bed. So far this trip had been amazing and she was pretty sure she didn't want ever leave. Dinner, dancing, and love-making, what could be better? She wondered if it could get any better.

"I see you finally decided to join me." Angie laughed. Looking up, she gasped. "Wow you look fantastic! Even more daring?"

Kylie was wearing her coral colored two-piece for the first time. The color showed off her tan so well plus Kylie was showing a lot more skin. "Baby steps, babe."

"Good for you," Angie replied. "Think you will ever go topless?" Angie already was for the second straight day. "You say Ginny was yesterday. Why not you?"

"We'll see," Kylie answered sipping her mimosa. "It is kind of early to be drinking."

"We're on vacation, sweetie!" Both girls laughed.

Kylie wasn't that daring yet but as she lay on the blanket next to Angie she did undo the straps to her top, allowing her to tan without any lines. It was a start.

"Bonjour," a soft, French accented voice said, "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Kylie rolled over and shaded her eyes. As she did her top fell off, exposing her breasts. Quickly grabbing it she covered up. "Sorry, you surprised me!"

"That's alright," the voice continued, "They are very nice. My name is Emily. I'm from next door."

"Hi, my name is Kylie and this is Angie. Won't you join us?"

The young girl that sat down on the blanket appeared to be about twenty. She had deep brown eyes, mousey brown hair that fell to her shoulders and a bright winning smile. She was definitely petite, standing about 5'4" with a cute figure. Like almost everyone on this beach, she was topless with small perky breasts, standing proudly and just daring to be touched. She wore a yellow micro bikini bottom that barely covered her and showed her camel toe, leaving little to the imagination.

"We saw you yesterday on the beach and thought about coming over to pay you a visit. We saw you left and thought you were gone for good," Emily said getting comfortable. "Then I saw your lights last night so I said to myself, 'Better get over there."

"Yes, we went into town for some shopping," Kylie told her, "And then ate up at the resort last night."

"Ah yes, we decided to stay down here last night," Emily said with a smile, "But tonight we are thinking about possibly going to eat up there. No real plans yet."

"Where are you from?" Angie asked, "We are from Boston, the Cape to be more specific."

"We are from Quebec. You come here before, no?"

'No," Kylie replied, "This is my first time. You?"

Emily laughed. "I have been here many times but this is the first time without my parents." She leaned forward. "It is much more exciting, no?"

"Are you here with your husband?" Kylie asked.

"My husband?" Emily laughed again. "No! Henri is a very good friend so we come here, to have some fun." She waved towards her bungalow where they could see a man standing. He waved back. "And you? You are away from your husbands?"

It was Kylie and Angie's turn to laugh. "We're not married," Angie answered.

"I see. I see the beautiful rings on your fingers," Emily said apologizing, "I thought you were."

Angie looked at Kylie and smiled. "It's not quite like that, is it sweetie?"

The three girls talked for a long time. Charlie brought a light lunch and some drinks to them so they retreated to the porch for a break from the sun. For entire time Emily was there Kylie didn't refasten her top but continued to be topless like the other two. She didn't think about it so it wasn't a conscious decision. She just did it. Another big baby step.

"So what are you two doing tonight?" Emily asked, "Henri and I also thought about going into town, hit some spots, do some dancing."

Angie looked at Kylie. "What do you think? Sounds like it might be fun."

Without giving either of them time to answer, Emily quickly replied, "Great, we will come over here and we'll go up together. I'll tell Henri." She bent over and kissed Kylie on the cheek then Angie. "Au revoir!"

As Emily left, Angie turned to Kylie. "So decided to go topless finally."

"I guess so, really didn't even think about."


Dining, Dancing and More

Emily said that she had been to St. Thomas with her parents but it seemed she knew things she didn't learn from them. On the ride she explained the plans she made for tonight.

"I made reservations at a little spot right along the waterfront. We'll get there a bit early but I thought we could sit at the bar and enjoy the view."

Kylie replied, "Sounds good to me."

"Good," Emily continued, "After that there are some good night spot, usually live bands and good drinks. I think you will enjoy it."

The ride to town was another wild ride. It certainly got one's heart going. Kylie decided to ignore the thrills and look at the beautiful scenery. She leaned over to Angie and said, "I think I should sell the gallery and you should quit your job then move here."

"And where would we work?"

"Work?" Kylie laughed, "Who said any thing about work?"

The cab dropped them off and it was a short walk to the restaurant. It was a small French style bistro right on the water. Emily talked to the girl at the door and returned. "There's room at a table outside, right near the bar. We can sit there until our table is ready."

The girl led them out onto the veranda. Emily said something to her in French and the girl nodded.

As they sat down, Kylie looked across at Emily and her "boyfriend" Henri. Though they were from Canada, they definitely were, what one would say, European. Emily was wearing a white dress that was extremely short. Kylie wondered how she could sit without showing off everything yet it looked real good on her. The right amount of jewelry and make-up completed the picture. She imagined Emily posing for pictures standing at the Eiffel Tower.

Emily had told them that Henri was a part-time model and Kylie could see why. She wasn't into men but she felt some attraction to Henri. He had the broad shoulders of a swimmer that tapered down to tight stomach and waist. He wore a silk shirt that was open exposing some of his smooth chest. Kylie began to think about what it might feel like to touch him. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Henri by his movements gave off a distinct air of sensuality.

The waiter returned with drinks. "I bought the first round," Emily said. "Rum punch since we are in the islands!" She picked up her glass. "To new friends!" She looked at Kylie. "And new adventures!"

Like the conversation this afternoon, they found much to talk about and it was like they knew each other for some time. Maybe the islands had that effect on everyone.

"I find it so dated to describe people as boyfriend and girlfriend," Emily said as she ordered another round of drinks. "Henri and I are very open about our relationship. We are lovers and we certainly enjoy each other."

Henri took Emily's hand. "I would like it to be more exclusive but." He shrugged his shoulder. "Sometimes variety is the spice in any relationship."

"So tell us about you two," Emily said leaning forward. "Those rings mean something."

Angie looked over at Kylie. "Ok," she began, "We are engaged and will be married soon. Haven't finalized the date yet but everything is a go."

"I see. Does that mean you are engaged in the traditional way?" Emily asked.

Kylie looked confused. "The traditional way? What do you mean?"

"In France it is common for a married couple, how should I say this?"

Kylie interrupted her, "To not be exclusive?

"Yes, that's it."

"Well let's just say this, we always wake up together," Kylie said with a knowing smile.

Emily smiled and nodded. "I like to say, 'Il n'y a pas du mal a se faire du bien.'"

The meal was amazing. As she ate, Kylie realized one thing she overlooked. She could never live in the islands. With all the great food, the amount of drinking she was doing, and just lying in the sun, she would soon weight over 200 pounds! She laughed just thinking about it.

"What's so funny, sweetie," Angie asked.

"Oh nothing," she replied with a smile.

Henri entertained them with a story about his modeling while they ate dessert. It seemed that during one shoot for a perfume the female model was nude while he was clad in only the briefest of briefs. There was a lot of body contact and he got an erection.

"What did you do?" Angie asked.

As Henri explained, Kylie felt Emily's hand on her knee. It slowly moved to her inner thigh and ever so lightly began to move upward. Maybe it was because of the drinks but it felt fantastic. Kylie spread her legs apart to give Emily more encouragement to continue. Her hand slipped under the hem of Kylie's dress. As it did, Kylie sighed and shifted in her seat.

"You remember that, right Em?" Henri said.

His question caused Emily to stop and remove her hand, breaking the spell.

They headed out hoping to find a place that had a lively nightlight. Emily said she knew of one and off they went. When they got there they found it noisy and not too crowded. The band though enthusiastic wasn't particularly good but it didn't really matter. They were there to have a good time. Now on to her third rum punch, Kylie was ready for one.

Henri and Angie were hitting it off very well leaving Emily with Kylie. As they sat giving themselves a breather from dancing, Emily moved close. "I find you very interesting, Kylie, but there is something different about you." As she spoke, she traced her finger along her ear and down the side of Kylie's neck. The light feathery touch sent tingles down Kylie's spine.

Again Emily placed her hand on Kylie's knee and began to move up her inner thigh. Again Kylie spread her legs, giving Emily access. As her hand moved closer, Kylie could feel her cock beginning to stir. She grabbed Emily's forearm and stopped her. "No, not here, not now," she said softly.

Emily gave Kylie a confused look but stopped. "Maybe later, mon cheri?"

Kylie smiled, "Maybe."

They danced a few more dances, switching partners or just all four dancing together. Henri suggested they look for another place so they went looking.

The cool breeze felt good on their bodies as they walked along the waterfront. Everyone was laughing and enjoying themselves. If Kylie cared to notice it seemed Henri and Emily could hold their liquor better than Angie and she could.

The final dance place was much better than the former one. A better band, a better venue along the water and a much bigger crowd was found here. They jumped right onto the crowded dance floor and began dancing. Of course another round of drinks was ordered but who cared.

As before Emily and Kylie found themselves together. Emily locked her arms behind Kylie's neck as they rocked to the music. She rested her sweaty forehead on Kylie and looked at her. Kylie felt like Emily looked right through her. Kylie put her hands on Emily's waist and moved them around to her bare back. Swaying to the music. Kylie's hands wandered over Emily's smooth skin. As she did, Emily moved closer, grinding herself against Kylie. The heat grew between them, causing beads of perspiration to form. Kylie's hands grabbed Emily' ass. Through the thin material Kylie realized that Emily was commando. The thought made her sigh.

There on the floor, the heat grew between the two girls. Emily pressed harder against Kylie. The beat of the music, the heat, the alcohol, and the sexual tension caused Kylie to response to it all. Despite being held tightly, her cock began to harden. In the past, it might have been a cause for alarm but tonight she was pass caring.

Emily could feel it too. It pressed against her crotch as she moved against it. Instead of moving away in shock, she slipped her hand between Kylie and herself. She pressed her hand against it and said, "Mon nous sommes pleins de surprises!"

Returning to the bungalow, Henri and Angie walked past it, headed to the beach. Emily and Kylie went straight towards the house. Entering they began frantically kissing while trying to remove the other's dress. Emily pulled Kylie's over her head while Kylie untied Emily's halter allowing it to fall to the floor.

Kylie gasped as she looked at Emily's almost perfect body. Small perky breasts, boyish hips, and smooth skin, her petite body seemed to beg to be touched. She stood before Kylie waiting with a wanton look in her eyes.

Emily stepped forward and pushed Kylie onto the bed. She crawled beside her and began kissing her. As their lips met, it ignited the smoldering fire that had been building all night. It was as if they couldn't get enough of each other. Their hands roamed over each other, caressing and touching. Kylie slid her finger between Emily's tight butt cheeks. Finding her asshole, she began to circle it with her finger.

Not waiting any longer, Emily moved between Kylie's legs. With a wicked smile, she hooked her fingers on the waistband of the panties and pulled them off. Kylie's hard cock popped free, the tip shiny with pre-cum. Emily looked at Kylie and smiled as she rubbed her hand over the head of her cock, spread the wetness over it. Kylie arched her back and groaned.

Emily took Kylie's cock and began sucking it. She wrapped one hand around it and moved it in unison with her mouth. Her other hand alternately squeezed and massaged her balls. As she reached the tip she continued to suck hard but added to Kylie's pleasure by swirling her tongue around it.

The feeling that surged from her cock caused Kylie to grab the bed sheets and thrashed her head from side to side. Her entire body began to tingle as if small shocks of electricity were coursing through it. Her entire thoughts centered on the intensive sensation that came from her cock.

Using the wetness of her mouth and Kylie's own pre-cum, Emily began to move her hand faster up and down on Kylie's erection. She kept her mouth over its head and continued to suck on it. From Kylie's reactions, she knew it wouldn't be long.

Kylie's body went rigid and she raised her head from the bed. "Oh fuck!" she screamed out, "I'm cumming! Don't stop!" Her orgasm hit her like a tidal wave and she collapsed back on the bed.

Emily quickly moved up and kissed her. She pushed Kylie's own cum into her mouth. Kylie greedily swallowed it, forcing her tongue into Emily's mouth to get it all.

It was now Kylie's turn to return the favor and she positioned herself between Emily's legs. Spreading Emily's legs apart, she moved her face within inches of her pussy. She inhaled. There was nothing better than the scent of a woman's pussy, especially one that was as wet and swollen as Emily's was. Kylie loved the taste of pussy finding it better and more rewarding than actual intercourse. She had been told that she did it well. Tonight she would give Emily her best.

She slipped her tongue up the length of Emily's pussy, separating her lips and tasting her wetness. It tasted sweet and she took another taste. Emily moaned from the feeling. As Kylie pushed her tongue deep inside her for more, Emily moaned again, "Oh mon dieu ne t'arrete pas!"

Kylie's tongue found Emily's clit standing proud and erect. It was bigger than any clit Kylie had ever seen, almost a tiny penis. Taking it in her mouth, she began to suck and lick on it, giving it the same treatment Emily had given her cock. The taste and scent caused Kylie's cock to harden again.

She was so totally immersed in Emily's pussy that she didn't notice that Angie and Henri had returned to the bedroom. She barely flinched when Angie squeezed a cool daub of lube on her asshole but when Angie slipped two fingers inside her, she responded by moaning and sucking Emily harder.

The bed creaked as Henri climbed behind Kylie and positioned himself. Angie, her hand wet with lube, stroked his cock, making sure he was hard. She grabbed it and put the head near Kylie's opening. Removing her fingers, she guided the first inch into Kylie's ass.

Kylie raised her head and gasped. It was bigger than anything she ever experienced and she was unsure if she could take it.

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