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Golf Lessons For My Cousin Pt. 01

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My cousin Lily gets lessons on and off the course.
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My cousin, Lily, added me on Snapchat as I sipped my coffee before my round of golf last Saturday morning. She is the baby of the extended family, 14 years younger than I am. She's a senior in high school, and I haven't seen much of her lately due to COVID and the fact I'm not particularly close to anyone in her immediate family, so we just don't end up around each other much. Back when I did see her more often, we had been buddies, at least to the extent someone can be with their much younger cousin.

I snapped a quick selfie with a confused looking face, joking with her.

"Sorry, who is this? Do I know you?"

A notification informed me she took a screenshot and a minute later she sent her response. She had an exaggerated pout on her face. "Just your boring, forgettable cousin" with a tear drop emoji.

"Who could ever forget that face?" I wrote. "That's the same expression I saw on my whiny little cousin's face when I didn't have time to play a game with her. I see you're the same old Lily I remember!" I captioned this over a short video of me grinning and winking to make sure she knew I was joking.

My phone buzzed a couple minutes later. She had screen captured my snap again and sent a reply. She was sitting against her headboard now. Her bed spread was pulled up over her chest and a thin white strap of fabric was visible on each of her bare shoulders. "Still a whiner, maybe, but now I'm the one refusing to play games with boys, so not the same!" She had a big smile on her face.

"You're welcome for all the life lessons I taught you, cuz! It's been too long. We should catch up soon. Join me at the course tomorrow? Maybe some more of my wisdom will rub off on you if you're lucky." This time I made sure the beautiful golf course was visible behind me as I smiled warmly into the camera. She had mentioned wanting to play before casually and she had a set of clubs, but we had never played together.

I put my phone on silent and teed up and hit my first drive of the day right down the middle of the fairway. The day was off to a good start. I played a couple holes before looking at my phone. I opened the snap from Lily. She was sitting in the same position, but the covers were no longer pulled up. She was wearing a white tank top. One of the straps was no longer over her shoulder. A fair amount of cleavage was now visible and she had a serious look on her face. "But I don't play games with boys, remember?"

I took a screen shot. She looked pretty damn cute. I replied in text only. "I'm a man, not a boy, so it's your lucky day. See you tomorrow morning or not?"

"What time will you pick me up?"

"7:30 on the dot."

About ten minutes later I received a notification and purple box, indicating Lily sent me a video. I sat on my golf cart and opened the video. She was standing in front of a body length mirror wearing a white skirt that went maybe halfway down her thigh, and she held what appeared to be a purple skirt in her hand. "Will one of these be okay to wear tomorrow?"

The video continued. "Also, I don't have a proper golf shirt. Do I need to wear one of those?" She was still wearing the little white tank top she'd been wearing in bed earlier. "I hope your golf game or whatever is going well. I'm going to get in the shower. Let me know about the clothes when you're done please."

As the video ended, I pictured Lily peeling her tank top off showing off her perky tits. I thought about the little skirts she was asking me about. My dick started to swell while I sat on the middle of the fairway in the cart, losing interest on the round of golf.

I drove to the sporting goods store and went to the women's section. I picked a purple Nike polo and a matching hat. I almost grabbed a skort to go with the set, but the thought of her wearing just a skirt and panties kept the skort on the shelf. I sent her a picture of the new clothes and told her to wear the white skirt.

The rest of the day was filled with work around the house and I was ready to go to bed at 10. I sent a picture of my bed with the caption, "Better get some beauty rest, cuz. I'll see you bright and early!"

She replied with a selfie in the mirror, wearing pajama bottoms and a tank top. "Way ahead of you! See you in the morning!"

I stroked myself as I pictured my baby cousin lying in her bed playing with herself, sliding her hand inside her shorts and fingering her little pussy. I came within a minute, cleaned myself up and fell asleep.

At 6:30, my alarm woke me up. I showered, shaved and got myself ready for the day. At 7:05 I sent Lily a picture of her new clothes again. "See you shortly!"

"I'll be ready," she responded, with a picture of her clubs in her bedroom with her outfit laid out on her bed. The white skirt, a white halter top, a white sports bra, and a purple pair of panties. I couldn't see them in detail, but now I knew she would be matching the rest of her outfit underneath her skirt. My cock shifted in my pants. I decided to put a pair of compression shorts underneath my boxer briefs to help keep my cock against my leg. I was still partially hard, but with my spandex and underwear on, my pants didn't make a tent. I pulled my pants tight with my hands in my pockets. You could make out a bulge if you tried, but it just looked like I had a big flaccid dick. Problem solved.

Lily looked adorable as she put her clubs in the back seat and hopped in the passenger seat. I handed her the shirt and hat I bought the day before and told her there was a women's locker room at the club. She laughed and pulled her white halter top over her head before slipping her arms into the purple golf shirt and pulling it down. Although only visible for a couple seconds, I noticed her sports bra held her little tits tightly in place. I'd never worn one before, but it looked uncomfortable. We arrived at the course a couple minutes later. The bag attendant got our clubs loaded onto the cart as we checked in and got ready.

We didn't spare enough time to stop at the practice green or driving range, and made our way onto the course. For her first shot of the day, Lily asked me to take her picture, probably to show off on social media later. I pulled out my phone and snapped several shots as she grabbed her driver, walked onto the tee box, leaned down to place the ball on the tee, got set and swung. She barely made contact with the ball. Giggling, she went to pick up the ball ten feet in front of her. I kept snapping pictures. After a few more humorously bad swings, she told me she would play from my ball this hole. I poked one down the right side of the fairway and we both hopped in the cart and took off.

I took my approach shot first when we got to my drive, then Lily dropped a ball where mine was. Her hips flailed and her knees bent and arms moved in all the ways they weren't supposed to. After missing the ball three tries in a row, she was about to give up again. I walked over as she turned back and looked at me, her face red with embarrassment.

"Can I show you a couple things that will make it easier?" I asked.

"Please do!" came her reply.

I told her to stand over the ball like she normally does. After she got set, I began adjusting things. I kneeled down, took her front foot in my hand and moved it forward, guided her back foot to the proper place, put a hand on the back of her thigh and one on her lower back as I told her to straighten the line of her back. I adjusted her grip slightly, then stood behind her little frame and reached around so my hands were on top of hers. Slowly I showed her how to keep her arms straight through her backswing. Her hips shifted as She raised the club back, and I felt her backside run against me. I told her to hold her position and placed my hands on her hips.

"Less movement down here. Keep the hips locked until you drive through the ball. All your power is in the lower body. You don't want to use it up until you need to. As you swing the club through the ball, release your hips and open up as you follow through."

As I talked her through the motions I also turned her hips with my hands, trying to demonstrate the proper time to uncoil.

"Hit the ball with your butt, not your wrists," I told her to summarize the demonstration broadly.

She took a couple practice swings, then lined up for her shot. She made contact and drove it about 50 yards, somewhere by the tree line on the right side of the fairway. It wasn't a good shot, but she was pretty happy that she hit the ball at all. Over the next several holes, she made consistent progress, and I gave her pointers and suggestions here and there.

When we got to the 8th tee box, I asked her if she wanted a re-take of the picture she'd asked for earlier. The hole is beautiful. The tee box overlooks most of the rest of the course, and the water in front of the green shines in a way that makes the green grass surrounding it look like something out of a magazine. Lily began posing as she approached the tee. I was lying on my stomach taking pictures. I zoomed in closer as she bent down and teed up the ball. As she stood up, the ball fell off the tee to the ground and she bent down to place it back on top. A slight gust of wind caused her skirt to sway and as she was bent forward it flipped up. She probably didn't even notice, but my camera did. I kept snapping away as she got set and hit the ball.

"Send me the pictures, please," she said after I took my shot.

"I'll send them all after we're done. Let's golf!"

She agreed, and we played on. I gave her another demonstration on the 14th hole, this time addressing her putting. My cock was at least partially hard most of the round, but as I positioned myself behind my sexy cousin, even the tight compression shorts had a hard time keeping my erection from showing. I could feel my shaft make contact with her bum as I reached around her and simulated the putting stroke.

"Putting is all in the shoulders. Keep your arms straight, knees steady, head down, and ass in place. No extra movement."

She did her best to follow my instructions, but her hips swung out of habit.

"Are you gonna stop swinging your ass while you putt?" I teased her.

"Sorry. I didn't know you'd be so focused on my butt today," she replied as she stuck her tongue out.

"Very funny. You've just got to learn how to use it to your advantage."

"Like this?" She bent forward slightly as we reached the cart and shook her butt a little.

I slapped her skirt-covered behind with my hand gently as I got to the cart, catching her by surprise. I winked at her as she looked up at me. "This is a golf course. Behave yourself."

"Wow. Did you just spank me on the golf course?" she asked rhetorically as we rode off. "That sounds like the plot of a porn for 50-year old bankers with no creativity!" She laughed at her own attempt at humor.

"Hilarious," I said sarcastically. Secretly, I wondered if there were actual pornos that began like that. I made a mental note to check later. "I didn't know you were a comedian, Lily. The group behind us is waiting, though. Try to play faster from now on, Okay?"

"Fine. If I'm too slow are you going to spank me again?"

"Maybe I will." I tried to act annoyed, but was really just turned on. The last two holes were played with my cock fighting to be free from its constraints. The revealing clothes, close contact, and tension of the day had me horny and ready to take care of the issue.

We finished up, packed the clubs in the car and drove off. As Lily got out of the car and grabbed her things she reminded me to send her the picture I took of her teeing off. She didn't know I had taken more than one picture, and I drove back to my house faster than usual, anxious to take off my pants and release the pressure built up in my loins.

I undressed and sat on my bed, opening my phone to the photo gallery. There were several good shots, but the one I was after in particular was when the wind lifted her skirt as she put the ball on her tee. I hadn't gotten a good look at it yet. I scrolled until I saw it. My jaw dropped a bit as I clicked on it and zoomed in. The timing couldn't have been better. Her ass was almost entirely exposed. I couldn't see her panties from this angle. Just butt cheeks and a skirt flailing in the wind. It was all I needed. I tugged at my cock as I envisioned myself lining up behind her on the tee box.

After I jacked off to completion, I sent her a couple pictures from the day. I then sent her the picture of her bare ass, and joked with her "Next time you should probably wear underwear to the course!"

I received a snap from her a couple minutes later. It was a picture of her sitting on the edge of her bed. She was still wearing her clothes from golf, but had the skirt pulled up, showing lacy purple panties beneath. "Don't you like the ones I wore today?"

Before I could reply, she sent me another picture, she lifted the skirt from behind and I could see the top of her panties disappear into her ass crack. "Are you going to spank me?"

"I should spank you right now."

"What's stopping you?"

"Your parents."

"They won't be home until later."

I wasted zero time getting into my car and racing over to Lily's. I walked up to the front door, knocked twice then turned the knob and walked in. Her room was upstairs and I headed towards it. When I reached the second floor I called out her name to let her know I was coming. She didn't say anything. Her door was open and when I looked in she was sitting against her headboard, her legs spread wide enough to show off her purple panties beneath her skirt. I was rock hard.

"End of the bed. Bend over," I quietly demanded of her.

She crawled to the end of the bed and leaned forward on her elbows, staying on her knees so her ass pointed up and the skirt hiked up and exposed her ass cheeks. I gently smacked her ass and held my hand against it for a moment before using it to pull her skirt up, revealing the purple triangle of her thong above her ass crack. I gave her a couple more gently slaps, then grabbed at the top of her panties and pulled them down her butt.

As I struggled to pull them down past her thighs she got off her knees and fell onto her back on the bed. The skirt now was covering what it was supposed to cover. Her legs were held together, restricted from spreading much due to the panties that now stretched between her lower thighs. I pulled them down and then grabbed her foot to guide them completely off. After removing her underwear I pulled her closer to the edge of the bed and lifted up her skirt, revealing her pussy for the first time.

Her plump lips were spread apart enough to show the pink petals peeking from within. Her mound was covered with a neat, but full bush of pubic hair.

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Sucker4BoobiesSucker4Boobiesover 2 years ago

You did a good job of making the flirting natural and hot. That cliffhanger at the end has me aching to read the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Hot story need more description of Lily.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very nice beginning.

I was out on a military golf course with an adventurous wife and after walking into the women's restroom with her I stood chatting as she pee'd. We talked as she washed her hands by looking in the mirror. She said, "I'm wet, can you help me?" To which I closed the last ten inches between us and jerked her panys and panties to her knees and did her at the sink. It was quick and it was hot and we never got caught.

Thanks for sharing

Domes88Domes88over 3 years agoAuthor

Sorry about the bad stopping point. I’ll make up for it in part 2. And yes, 14 years younger. Not 14 years old!

SomeDamnedDudeSomeDamnedDudeover 3 years ago

Keep going, good start, odd stopping point though.

MikeinMemphisMikeinMemphisover 3 years ago

Anonymous, read it completely before commenting. She wasn’t 14 years old, she was 14 years younger than him. If it said she was 14 Lit wouldn’t have published.

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