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Good Girl Ch. 01

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A young girl learns to love and accept herself.
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Abigail Hawkins ducked by a fence as the car passed, and wondered, yet again, if walking down the road at eleven o'clock at night was a good idea. Abby was tall, pretty and slender. She had blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and long runner's legs. In other words, she stuck out alone late at night walking on a dark road. It didn't seem safe. Honestly....it wasn't safe! But Abby felt like it was worth it. She hadn't snuck out since she was like 12, and that time was just so she could go in her backyard and watch a comet that was supposed to be passing by Earth.

She could have driven....she wanted to drive! Her parents were out of town, and they couldn't track her phone since she simply left it at home. It had taken her days of searching her car a little at a time to find the small gps device her mom had hidden there. And she had made sure that her sister, Rebekah, had plans that night. But then Becky had come down with a cold, or more likely a hangover from her previous night hanging out with her friends, and Abby knew without a doubt that Becky would tell mom the second she took the car out after 9:00PM. So she snuck out her window and walked.

Mom never tried to control Becky like she did Abby. Becky didn't have an after school job, no sports or activities, she got straights Cs and Ds on all her grades, and that was when she bothered to go to school at all. She came home at 2AM half the time. She smoked pot, and drank, and mostly hung out with boys who smelled like they only showered once a month. She was a little troublemaker, and no one seemed to care. Abby wasn't sure why she cared - Becky could ruin her life all she wanted. Abby's future was going to be good... At least if her mom wanted her future to be good.

Abby had every aspect of her life controlled: She wanted to quit track 2 years ago, and mom wouldn't let her. She hated the smell of coffee, but mom made her get an after school job at Starbucks that she's been stuck at for a year now. Abby had been accepted at several schools, but mom had picked the one she would be going to, just as mom would pick all of her classes and her major. Abby wanted to save up for a car, but then mom bought her one that Abby wasn't even allowed to pick out, then she refused to put it in Abby's name.

Becky was only 15, almost three years younger than Abby, and she got to do whatever she wanted, while Abby was nothing more than an extension of her mom. It was infuriating.

Abby's dad, a computer engineer at a software company, sometimes tried to encourage Abby to live her own life. But dad was just as much under mom's control as Abby was. He worked for 65 hours a week, even though their family was quite well off and he didn't need to. Abby eventually realized that it's what her dad wanted to do, instead of be there for his daughters.

Then early last month, mom had thrown a combination 18th birthday party and highschool graduation party for Abby, and a few of her friends were invited.... Well, no, not friends. Abby didn't have any real friends, she was too busy with school, and track, and her stupid job. Every second of her time was taken up by things she didn't choose to do. And the few friends she had made over the years were always chased off by mom. Even Becky refused to come to the graduation/birthday party, and although that hurt Abby deeply, she hid the pain from her sister.

But mom had simply invited the children of her work friends to the party. Abby didn't know a single one of them at the time. It was just like mom to throw a party for Abby that wasn't actually *for* Abby. And the whole thing made her feel sad and alone, like mom would never let her be happy. She was 18 now, but she would always be her mother's daughter, and never her own person.

But then she met Scott.

As soon as she saw him at the party, laughing at something a girl next to him had said, she felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. It was like that scene in Hamilton when Eliza first saw her future husband. Abby knew that she was destined to be with Scott, and she wished desperately that she had a sister who would introduce them and break the ice, like Eliza had Elizabeth. She had never seen such a beautiful boy though, and she had to talk to him. He was tall, athletic without looking like he had to try, blond hair that was just a touch darker than her own. Blue eyes that she wanted to look into forever. Abby had never been in love, but she was sure that this is what it felt like.

It took every ounce of courage she had to talk to Scott and start a conversation. And she felt like a moron - she was sure she was babbling. They talked for what felt like hours. Scott was the son of one of the partners at mom's law firm, and he was going to the same university that Abby was about to attend. She had felt lonely for so long, and to meet someone so cute and funny...it felt like a dream come true, like he was her prince and they were meeting at some Disney cartoon ball.

Abby remembered shooting a few glances at her mom, expecting see to a scowl or deadeyed stare shot back at her. But her mom was glancing back often, a smug smile on her face. Maybe mom was setting them up on purpose. Maybe Abby was finally allowed to have a boyfriend, as long as it was a boy that mom chose.

But looking into Scott's pretty blue eyes again, Abby decided that she was happy with mom's choice. They had texted constantly since then, even met a few times for lunch with a few of his friends. And Abby began to fall for him more and more, but he hadn't made any serious moves on her, and she was too afraid to make moves on him. Scott had invited Abby to a party on Saturday, just a few miles away from her house. And she felt it. This was the night...

Which was why Abby was spending her Saturday night half-jogging half-skulking through dark neighborhoods. It was ridiculous that she had to sneak around. She was 18 now, practically an adult! But she knew that her life didn't work like that. She couldn't even call an Uber without her mom checking her phone and finding out. This was her only option, and she was determined to see it through. Her heart beat with adrenaline as another car passed, and she continued jogging down the sidewalk, growing more and more excited. She knew she might be a little sweaty by the time she got there, which is the only reason she wasn't running. But she couldn't walk either, she was just too happy!

Abby had never kissed a boy before, but she imagined what it would be like to kiss Scott tonight. They would stare at each other for a moment, and she would lean as close to him as she could. His lips would be firm but soft when they met hers....


The car honked its horn loudly as it passed, and a greasy looking guy stuck his head out the passenger window and yelled at her. "Hey baby, want a ride? I got somethin' you can ride all night!!"

The car passed, but it pulled into a driveway up the street, and Abby realized with disgust that they were going to turn around and come back. She didn't have her phone on her, she couldn't call for help. She could bang on the door of one of the houses if she needed to, but then her night would be ruined. She'd never make it to the party, never have a chance to see if Scott would kiss her. She made a split second decision. She knew that the park trail was just on the other side of the nearby houses, she ran on that path almost every day. Abby quickly cut through a backyard, ran up a small hill, hid behind some trees by the park trail, and listened. She couldn't hear any signs of pursuit, and was confident that she could outrun anyone. She couldn't see anything. The walking trail was pitch black with the moon hidden behind clouds, and there was only the faint glow of porch lights down the hill for illumination. No one would be dumb enough to try and follow her here anyway, she was sure of it.

And she was only around a quarter mile from the party. The party...and Scott. Scott with his sky blue eyes and firm, tasty lips....

An arm reached around Abby's waist, pulling her backwards and holding her against a strong body. A hand holding a cloth covered her mouth, and a man's voice whispered in her ear. "You belong to me." The last thing Abby remembered was trying to scream, and then the world was darkness.


Abby began to regain consciousness some time later, but she still couldn't see anything. It took her endless seconds to realize that her eyes were closed. Her eyelids felt heavy, and it stung to try and open them. Her mind felt heavy as well. She felt slow and foggy, like she couldn't hold onto a thought before it slipped away.

She decided to concentrate on her other senses. Maybe it would wake her up. She could feel her hands, they were above her head for some reason. And then she noticed the slight sting in her wrists. Her hands were tied together above her, and it hurt. She could tell that her feet were tied as well, though not tied together. They were a bit apart, so that there was space between her legs. She could feel cold stone or concrete under her feet....she was barefoot. She could also feel the fabric of her pants and shirt, so at least she wasn't naked.

But she was scared. So scared. Her thoughts were beginning to come back to her now, and she knew that someone had taken her, that she was hanging in some creep's basement dungeon. She screamed, but only a muffled noise came out. She felt with her tongue and tasted soft plastic. Someone had put a ball in her mouth.

She screamed again, and she could feel a little drool sliding out of her mouth and down her chin. She felt a hand, gently touching her face, then firmly holding her head still. Abby finally opened her eyes.

At first it stung so bad that she wanted to close them again, but she had to see, had to know who had kidnapped her. Tears began to run down her cheeks, and it took almost a minute before she could focus on the man standing in front of her.

He was old...really old, like at least 30. But despite his age he was handsome. He had black hair, long but not too long. His eyes were bright green, and were shining with interest. He smiled at her, and his smile was so friendly that she would have found it charming if she wasn't hanging from the ceiling by her hands.

He spoke then, and his voice was masculine and smooth, with a calming quality.

"Hello, Beautiful," He said. His smile grew wider as he brushed the hair out of her face. "I'm glad you're awake, we have a lot to do." She could hear the excitement in his voice, and she tried to scream again.

The man laughed a little and turned his back to her. She could hear him rummaging around in a nearby box, and when he faced her again he held up a pair of sharp looking scissors. Abby screamed a third time, and more tears ran down her face. The man looked sad for a moment, then wrapped his arms around her. "Don't worry," he said "I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to be more comfortable."

He released his hug, then began cutting her shirt off in long lines, letting the tatters fall to the ground around her. He smiled the entire time, like she was a present that he was unwrapping on Christmas. When her shirt was gone, he knelt in front of her and did the same thing with her pants, the sharp blades of the scissors easily slicing through the thin denim skinny jeans.

When the pants were gone Abby was left wearing nothing but her pink bra and panties. She had put them on earlier thinking they were her sexiest underwear, and she wouldn't mind if Scott saw her wearing them, assuming they did more than kiss. She wished she had worn her granny panties now.... The man remained kneeling and ran his hands up and down her long, pale legs, like he wanted to feel every inch of her. Abby tried to beg him to stop, pleading, hoping he'd understand her even through the ballgag in her mouth. The man just smiled up at her, then he kissed her panties, holding his lips in the middle of the fabric for a few seconds.

The man stood up then and took a step back, examining her, desire evident in his eyes. "We're going to have so much fun together." Abby felt heat rushing to her face, and embarrassment flooded her thoughts. The man seemed to notice immediately. He stepped close to her and began kissing her neck. He nibbled on her ear a little, then whispered. "You look sexy when you're blushing."

He moved behind her then, and with a practiced motion cut the straps of her bra off, letting her second to last piece of clothing flutter to the floor. He wrapped one arm around her and began fondling her breasts, his hand caressing her delicate skin. Abby was never completely happy with her breasts; she would have liked to have bigger. Not giant like Becky's, but just a little bigger. The man obviously liked them though, as he fondled one, then the other.

The man's right hand slowly moved down Abby's tummy, pausing at the waist, tracing the outline of her panties, lightly moving over a few stray pubic hairs. As if deciding he couldn't wait any longer, he moved his hand under the fabric of her panties and began rubbing between her legs.

Abby was a virgin, she'd never been with anyone before. Certainly never had anyone touch her there before! But she had masturbated...who hadn't?? Her sex ed teacher even whispered to the class once that masturbation was perfectly natural, and after that Abby didn't hesitate to try it. She'd do it a night or two every week. She would turn off her lamp, light a candle, watch some porn for a few minutes on her laptop, or look at sexy movie stars she liked. It helped her to relieve some of the loneliness she felt, and she thought she had gotten quite good at it.

But this man...he was better... Abby didn't want to enjoy it, but it was like he knew exactly how to touch her, what she would like. And as the waves of pleasure began building, she let out soft moans. She felt ashamed immediately, tried to hold her whimpering moans in, but she couldn't help it. It felt so good to have a man touch her.

The man continued to play with her for several minutes, sometimes going fast, sometimes slowly. But always gently. Lovingly. Abby tried to hold her orgasm in, tried not to show how much she wanted it. But she couldn't stop herself from moaning anymore, she couldn't stop her body from moving in motion with his fingers. She tried to move her waist back, and she pressed up against the man. She felt his manhood against her butt, felt how turned on and hard he was. And she liked that, too.

Abby felt like she was going to explode, and knew instinctively that when she did, it would be the best feeling she'd ever had. But just before her orgasm finally came, the man stopped suddenly. He wrapped his arms around her, held her tightly against him. Abby leaned against him, panting, her body absorbing the heat from his. The need to finish her orgasm - the need for him! - was overwhelming. It was like torture, but good torture. She hated herself for thinking it, hated herself for wanting it, but she knew she would do anything if only the man would touch her some more.

"Did you like that?" The man asked. Abby heard herself answer, though she couldn't remember wanting to. "Y..yess" she said in a trembling voice. She realized that he had taken the ballgag out of her mouth at some point, and she hadn't even noticed.

"Do you want more? Do you want me to make you moan?"

"Yy..yes please"

The man untied Abby's legs, then her hands, standing close against her as he did. Abby quickly realized that this might be her chance to fight back, and she rushed towards the pair of scissors he had dropped earlier. But the man, apparently expecting it, grabbed her by the hair and yanked her back. When she was facing him again he slapped her hard on the face, and she tumbled to the floor, her ears ringing. Then he stood her up, still pulling her hair, and frog marched her through a doorway a few feet away.

Abby could see a small bed with straps on it in the center of the room. Knowing what that meant, she tried desperately to fight back, to escape. She didn't expect him to be so much stronger than she was, so much faster. He quickly threw her on the bed and sat on top of her, strapping her arms down one at a time, smiling down at her while he worked. He reversed positions then, and when he began strapping her legs down she tried to kick him, putting all of her energy and desperation in the movement. It didn't work. He merely laughed and slapped her thighs, like he enjoyed fighting her off.

When the man was done, Abby was strapped to the bed spread-eagle style. She wore nothing but slightly wet pink panties, with her arms tied to either side of the bed, and her waist slightly raised so that her knees were pointing in the air. She begged him to let her go, and her pleas were met with the return of the ballgag in her mouth. She felt humiliated and scared. She knew there was no escape. But at least... "At least I don't want him anymore," she thought. "I'll never want him again.'

Abby was wrong. The following hours would be complete hell, and she would secretly love nearly every second of it.

The man sat on the bed beside Abby and rested one hand on her tummy, like he was relaxing on a piece of furniture after a hard day's work. He looked at her and spoke, kindness in his eyes and understanding in his voice.

"Don't worry," he said. "I understand why you tried to escape. Why you fought me. I'm not angry." He began to fondle her right breast, almost as if he were patting her on the shoulder, comforting her. "I want you to fight me as hard as you can over the next couple of weeks. It'll be better for you to get it out of your system quickly."

"Next couple weeks...." Abby thought. "Noooo!!" A deep fear engulfed her as she realized that this wasn't going to end quickly. That he wasn't going to just force himself on her and let her go back home. Maybe it would never end... She remembered the whispered words in her ear just before she blacked out on the park trail: "You belong to me."

Abby shuddered with fear and began crying again. He wiped the teas from her cheeks, smiling as if he had the secret to her happiness. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife, which he used to cut off her panties. He pulled the loose fabric from under her butt, then used the panties to wipe the remainder of the tears from her cheeks. "Don't worry about your panties." The man said, "You never need to wear clothes again."

The man looked at Abby's waist, frowning slightly in concern. "This won't do at all!" He said, running his hand through Abby's small patch of neatly trimmed pubic hair. She liked to keep it trimmed for track and when she went to the lake, but she was never too worried about it. It's not like anyone but her ever saw her pubic hair. The man apparently didn't like it though. "Let's fix this. It'll give you a chance to calm down while I get rid of it."

The man left the room, and soon reappeared with a small bucket of water in one hand, and what she thought was a leather grooming kit in the other. He sat on the bed beside her and pulled a razor and can out of the kit, then began spreading shaving cream on her waist. She unintentionally moved her butt, instinctively trying to resist. But the man simply held her still with one hand. He took his time, careful not to cut her. He seemed to enjoy shaving her just as much as he enjoyed playing with her earlier.

Abby felt humiliated...disgusted that anyone would treat her like this, see her so vulnerable. But as the minutes passed by and the man continued his work, she calmed down. She allowed her breathing to even out and her heart rate to slow, and she tried to think. Maybe she could talk her way out of this. Her mom made her take that debate club in sophomore year, and she was pretty good at talking. Maybe she could convince him that the cops were coming for her.

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