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Good Girl Ch. 01


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"Someone el...'"

"WHO?!?" Master yelled. "All of your friends that don't exist? Your little sister Becky, who hates you for being the golden child? Who's going to look for you??"

Abby was speechless, so she just buried her face in her hands again and sobbed.

"You are my pet" Master said, "You belonged to your mom, and now you belong to me. But unlike her, I am going to teach you how to be happy with who you are."

"Wh-what??' Abby said between sobs.

"You don't want to accept it yet" Master continued, "But you were born to belong to someone. You shouldn't be ashamed of it, some people are just made that way. You are a good girl who always does what she's told. Your mom abused her ownership of you. I will treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

Abby's memory briefly flashed back to that day in the hospital 6 years ago, when her grandmother, the only person who ever truly loved her, was about to die from the cancer that destroyed her body.

"You be a good girl, Abby." Gran had said in her raspy, sick voice. "You listen to your mom and dad. Go to school, get a good job and a handsome boy, and have a family. Be a good girl for your grandmother. I'll be watching."

At the time, Abby wanted nothing more than to be an astronaut. She never cared about boys, never played with Barbies while growing up or daydreamed of getting married. But she liked astronomy. She would stare at the stars every chance she got. She loved her Gran more though, and when Gran died an hour later, Abby promised herself that she would be a good girl. She would do all of the things that Gran had said would give her a good life.

And now, 6 years later, Abby sat chained to some psycho's breakfast table, wondering if he was right. Because she still didn't want all of that. She didn't want the school or classes her mom picked out, or the career she would definitely be pushed into. She didn't even want Scott, as pretty of a boy as he was. She lived for those rare times that her mom said she loved her and was proud of her. That's why she did everything that she did - for those rare moments of affection.

All Abby really wanted, all she ever wanted, was to be loved for who she was. To feel accepted and cared for. She realized that her "master" knew it. If he got into her laptop somehow and found her diary files, he knew all of this, and so much more that she had never told anyone. Her deepest thoughts and desires, things that she would have never shared with anyone.

As if to confirm her suspicions, Abby's Master took her hand again and squeezed it. "I love you for who and what you are." He said softly. "I'm going to prove that to you. But first you have to love yourself for what you are."


Abby didn't know what else to say, so she just continued to sob quietly. Her Master unlocked her from the table, attached her leash, and led her down the hallway again. This time he opened a thick wooden door and led her into a small room. There was a mattress with sheets and a blanket in a corner, a small bookshelf with paperbacks against the wall, an end table with tootpaste and other hygiene supplies stacked on it, and a small toilet and sink built into the floor.

"This will be your room for right now." Her Master said, "I want you to rest for a few hours and think about what I said. I'll be back in a while, and we'll continue your training."

Her Master closed the door behind him, the handle making an audible click, indicating that he locked it. Abby lay in the bed and found a teddy bear under the blankets. She hugged it close to her, curled into a ball, and cried herself to sleep.


A few hours passed, and when her Master returned, Abby was still curled into a ball. But she was awake, and she looked up at him, a resigned and sad expression on her face.

"Are you ready for some more fun, pet?"

Abby looked at the leash in his hands, and answered in a quiet voice. "My name is Abby!"

"No, it's not." Master said with a laugh, "I haven't thought of a good name for you yet, but pet will work until I think of something better. Stand up! Now!"

Abby stood, glaring at her Master. She wanted to rush him, choke him with his stupid leash. But she knew she wouldn't win. She had to bide her time, wait for him to leave a pair of scissors near her again.

"Let's get it over with then!" Abby said, not caring if he pulled her hair a little.

A look of rage fell over her Master's face, and he punched her hard in the stomach. She dropped to her knees, barely able to breath, and he grabbed her hair. He pulled her roughly into the small concrete room that she had started in.

He stood her up and slapped her hard across the face, letting her hit the ground hard. Abby felt her head slam against the floor, and briefly saw blood smeared on the ground.

"I've warned you about talking when I want you to remain silent!" The Master said in a cold, angry tone. "I've given you every chance to stop disrespecting me! And now you're going to learn the hard way."

The Master picked Abby up by her legs, snapped her anklets together, and hung her upside down from a hook on the ceiling. Then he snapped her bracelets together behind her back.

"Are you ready, pet?"

"Please don't...." Abby begged. She wasn't sure what he was going to do to her, but she knew it couldn't be good.

And then he slapped her on her butt, lightly at first, but with increasing strength and speed as he went on. It began to sting, then it outright hurt! Abby's body began to spin in midair, and she felt sick to her stomach. She was being spanked like a child. She felt humiliated and hurt....and sorry. She wished she hadn't talked earlier.

The Master grabbed Abby's breasts roughly to keep her still, and she let out a terrified cry. She was careful not to beg though. She wanted to. She wanted to plead with him to stop, but talking was what got her into this, so she only whimpered and cried.

It went on for what may have been an hour. Her Master spanked her over and over again, only giving her brief respites while he fondled her breasts to keep her from spinning too much. Just when Abby thought she'd pass out, her Master stopped. He lowered her to the floor, stood her up, then roughly bent her over a nearby countertop. He pressed his waist up against her raw ass, and held her head down against the surface of the counter by her hair.

"Do you understand why I had to punish you, pet?" Master asked, kindness in his voice despite how much pain he was causing her.

"Y...yess" Abby whimpered.


"I...I spoke without permission..."

Master slapped her butt again, hard enough to make her loudly whimper. "That's right. You were very rude too. Are you ever going to do it again?"


Another hard slap. "NO WHAT?!"

"N..No, Master. I won't do it again."

"Good girl" Master said. He loosened his grip on her hair, but kept her face down, bent over the cabinet. She could hear him open a drawer and rummage around for a second. Then she heard him unzip his pants, followed by a slight liquid sound.

When the Master slid his cock in Abby's sore ass, she wanted to scream. It wasn't slightly painful but mostly pleasant, like when they made love in the shower this morning. It was just brutal and dehumanizing. Master slammed into her, over and over again, and she finally started to scream. She screamed until her voice grew hoarse and her throat began to hurt. She cried until her entire face was covered in tears. But she did not speak. She did not beg. She didn't dare.

When her Master finally finished inside of her, he pulled out suddenly, and slapped her ass one more time, as if he wanted to leave a final humiliation for her to remember him by. Abby didn't even notice. She was barely conscious by then, the fear and pain beginning to shut her mind down. She could feel his cum though, slowly dripping out of her butt, warm and sticky.

She knew that her Master must have reattached her leash and led her back into her room, but she didn't remember it. The next thing she remembered, she was in her bed, hugging her teddy bear. And once again, she fell asleep crying.


Another nightmare. This time her mom was looming over her, demanding to know why she hadn't shown up for her first day of college. Scott was there, but he had Becky on his arm, and they were laughing at her. Her dad was there too. He smiled and said "You should live your own life, sweetie!"

Abby woke with a start. She tried to scream, but couldn't. She gagged a little instead, feeling an ache in her throat. Her skin was covered in sweat, and her butt still hurt from the punishment she had endured earlier. It wasn't surprising that she couldn't scream...her voice was gone. She had screamed too much already.

Why was she having nightmares of her mom, when a monster was holding her captive? It didn't make any sense.

And then she heard it. The relaxing ocean sounds, and the voice...her voice...whispering.

"I am a slave. I was born to serve my Master."

Was there a speaker in here? Was he trying to brainwash her?! This was stupid....

"I love the feel of my Master's cock in my ass." Abby's soft fake voice proudly proclaimed.

Abby began to cry again, the tears pouring out unbidden. She didn't love his cock in her ass. She felt sad and humiliated, and...and like she deserved it! Her Master had been so gentle up until then. She didn't want to have sex with him in the shower, not until she did want it. But he was gentle with her the entire time. And she knew that he would have been gentle even if he had forced himself on her. He didn't want to hurt her, he only did it when she disobeyed him!

And then she was rude to him, talked back to him, and she paid for it. Paid dearly. Her butt still stung a little from the spanking. But was she going to do it again? Could she endure that again?! She didn't think so. She couldn't.

Abby fell asleep thinking about their lovemaking in the shower. How good it had felt at the time. How loved and protected she had felt in her Master's arms. She could endure *that* again. And maybe, someday soon, she would find her escape. She had to be patient.


Abby woke again hours later, feeling rested, but still a little sore. It was only seconds later when she heard the doorknob turn, and she sat up, her butt resting on top of her long runner's legs.

Her Master entered the room and smiled down at her, holding her leash in one hand.

"Good morning, pet!" He said brightly. "Are you ready to get cleaned up?"

Abby kept her head down, and answered in a hoarse, whispery voice. "Yes, Master."

Her Master kneeled down in front of her, and snapped the leash on her collar as he stroked her hair.

" poor good girl! A hot shower will help your throat, and I'll make you something soft for breakfast afterwards. Does that sound good?"

"Yes, Master."

From there, things went the same way as yesterday. Abby's Master led her down the hallway by her leash, and once in the bathroom, he unhooked the leash and locked her hands to the hook on the ceiling. This time when he undressed, Abby noticed that he pulled the smaller of the two vibrators from his pocket.

"Don't worry" he said, "It's waterproof."

And for the next hour, Master played with her pussy, making her beg for orgasms over and over again while the warm water fell down around them. When he was finished playing, the Master once again picked her up by her still-sore buttcheeks, and entered her as she wrapped her legs around him. This time she kissed him. She did it without thinking, lost in the passion and the need for him.


Later, Master sat a bowl of yogurt and some sliced peaches on the table in front of her, along with a cup of tea and some orange juice.

"Tell me about your mom" he said it softly, but with little doubt that it wasn't a request.

"What about her, Master?"

"Was she always a narcissist?" He asked.

"No... She was nice when I was a kid. She loved me. She was never close with my sister, Becky. But she always loved me."

"So what happened?" The Master asked, his voice soft with a bit of sadness.

"I don't know... Her mom died, my grandmother, six years ago. It was lung cancer. By the time the doctors found it, she had months to live. We had to watch her waste away... My mom changed after that."

"And you" Her Master asked, "Did you change?"

"I don't know". Abby began to cry a little, the tears slowly pouring from her beautiful eyes. "My Gran was my best friend, and my mom just wanted me to be her puppet."

Abby's Master took her hand and gently squeezed it. "It wasn't wrong for your mom to want to turn you into something better. You were born like that. Born to be shaped by someone stronger. But it was wrong for her to do it without love and respect for you. Your mom only loves herself. You know that, right?"

"Ye...yes..." Abby said, still crying.

"Good." Master said. "I love you, pet. I'm going to help you be your best self."


Later, as Master was strapping Abby to a block in the concrete room, she looked up at him. Curiosity and fear fought for control in her eyes.

"Do you have a question, pet?" Master asked.

"Yes Master... Wh...what are you going to do to me?"

"I'm going to teach you how to suck my cock!" He replied excitedly. "Open your mouth."

Abby was strapped to a heavy, thin block, her knees barely holding her weight against the wood. Her hands were locked behind her back, and her head was even with her Master's waist. With a resigned sigh, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

"No, pet" Master chided, "You will look up at me while you suck my dick."

Abby opened her eyes in time to see her Master shove a thick piece of plastic with a big hole into her mouth, fitting it over her teeth. She couldn't close her mouth anymore, and the plastic hurt her gums a little.

"Sorry about that, pet. I can't trust you to not bite yet. Since you can't use your lips as much with that in, I want you to use your tongue. Understand?"

Abby nodded, and her Master gently pushed his cock into her throat. He didn't push it all the way in - it was big! - but it felt like maybe a quarter of it.

Her Master held her head, and he started to push his cock in and out of her mouth, while she pressed her tongue and lips against it as much as she could.

"Good girl!" Master said, and Abby felt an unwanted rush of happiness go through her body. She wasn't a good girl, she was being forced! But part of her liked the feel of his cock in her mouth, and she was growing excited by the sound of his moans of pleasure.

After a few minutes, Master began pushing deeper into her throat, and Abby gagged. He quickly pulled out of her and held a small bottle of water to her mouth. She drank hungrily.

"You have to keep your throat muscles relaxed. I expect you to swallow my cum, and I'm going to want deeper blowjobs from you soon. You need to learn quickly. Do you understand?"

Abby nodded that she did, and her Master slid back into her throat.

Abby practiced on her Master for the next hour. She would always eventually gag, and each time her Master would pull out, stroke her hair gently, and give her a drink of water. He didn't seem angry or impatient, but determined that she continue. So each time she learned to relax her throat a little bit more, and to move her tongue in the same rhythm as the cock going in and out. She started to get much better at it.

But then Master came, and the sticky, hot substance flooded Abby's mouth. She tried to cough it out, but she still had his cock in her throat, and her Master didn't pull out. He looked at her, said "Swallow", then emptied more cum inside her. She swallowed as much as she could, but it was too much. She gagged again, and she could feel some of it shooting up her nose.

Master finally pulled out, and Abby coughed cum out of her mouth, splattering the floor with it. It dripped down her chin, and she could still taste it in her teeth

"Good job, pet!" Her Master said happily, wiping his cock off with her hair. "Don't worry, we'll practice every day. Soon you'll learn to swallow all of it."

"Th...thank you, Master."


Over the next several days, when Master wasn't using his toys to play with her, or teaching her how to give blowjobs, he taught Abby different "slave positions", and he would occasionally test her on them.

"Kneel!" Master called, and Abby dropped to her knees, balanced on the tips of her toes. She folded her hands behind her head, and pushed her chest forward. She held her head down.


Abby quickly jumped to her feet, standing perfectly still. She folded her hands behind her back, and she still kept her head bowed down. She had learned quickly that looking at anything but the ground was a sign of disrespect in most of these positions. Abby had stinging red marks on her ass, marks from a reminder given a few minutes ago that she should never disrespect her Master in any way.


Abby dropped to her knees again, then bowed low. Her head touched the ground just between her hands, and her palms were flat on the ground. Her butt was raised in the air, as if it was patiently waiting for a cock to enter it. Master left her in that position for a few minutes, and she almost thought he left. But then he slapped her ass and yelled again.

"Spread eagle!"

Abby turned over on her back, and lay with her arms and legs spread open in a X position, her legs and hips slightly raised. She closed her eyes and waited.

"Ass up!"

Abby quickly tuned over, her face pushed uncomfortably against the cold floor, and her ass raised towards the ceiling.


Abby stood once more. Her muscles were beginning to hurt from all of the practice.

"Good girl, pet!" Her Master said proudly, as he walked up close to her and massaged one of her butt cheeks. He reattached her leash, and realizing that their little practice session was over, Abby allowed herself to feel relief.


They were at the table again. Abby wasn't sure how many meals Master had cooked for her. How long she had been his "guest", but she thought it was a few weeks into her imprisonment. This time Master was cooking steak and making a salad for dinner. He sat the food and a glass of wine in front of her, and Abby realized that she was starving.

When they were finished eating, Abby stared down at her empty plate, too tired to think. The wine must have made her drowsy...she felt strangely calm and sleepy, but this wasn't the first time she almost feel asleep after one of their dinners, so she didn't think much of it. Her Master kept her busy during the day, and she was often exhausted.

"Tell me about your sister."

Abby was so deep in her sleepiness that her Master's voice startled her. She thought for a moment, then answered hesitantly.

"Becky. Sh...she's a brat."

"Why?" Master asked patiently.

"She smokes marijuana and drinks...she lost her virginity when she was like 13. She's always stealing my clothes. She snitches me out to mom whenever she gets the chance. She...she hates me. I don't know why, but she hates me."

"Do you love her?" Master asked in a soothing tone.

"Y..yes. She's my sister."

"She sounds like a bad girl. And that's not your fault, it's hers." Master said, "Maybe after she turns 18, we can invite her over for a visit. Teach her some manners."

Abby didn't hear a question in that. So even though Master's words were a little upsetting, she didn't respond.


The days began to pass by quickly, and Abby and her Master fell into a routine. They would make love in the shower, then eat breakfast while Abby told him about her former life. Sometimes Master would use his vibrators on her at random parts of the day, and those were Abby's favorite times. She liked how he smiled at her when he played with her. She liked that he made her earn the orgasms. Sometimes at the end of the day, she would lay alone in bed, remembering the way her Master made her moan, and she would play with herself.

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