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Good Girl Ch. 01


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Other days, Master would continue his lessons on slave positions and sucking his cock. Abby was getting quite good at giving her Master blowjobs, she could swallow almost every time now. And she no longer had to wear the plastic tooth guard. She always wrapped her lips around his cock without much prompt, and he never seemed concerned.

There were a few more instances of Abby throwing a fit and disrespecting her Master. Some of them were quite serious, including one when the Master had slipped in the shower while trying to lock Abby to the hook, and she took the opportunity to try and run away. He caught her quickly, of course. And he spent the rest of the day making her scream.

She was punished harshly for her misbehavior each time, and eventually her need to rebel against him died away, replaced by fear of the spankings and other punishments he inflicted on her, and love for the pleasure he gave her.

Master cooked her dinner every night, and Abby delved into her former life. She learned to be completely honest with him, and in turn learned to be honest with herself. It took several days of prying, but eventually she was able to admit how much she hated her family, how alone and hopeless she felt all the time. Abby showed Master the cutting scars she had hidden under her arms, her secret shame that she had never told anyone about before, though of course he had noticed them long ago.

Sometimes after they talked, Abby would cry. The emotions and pain from talking about her former life welling up inside her and erupting like a volcano. Master would always hold her close when this happened. He let her cry into his chest, and he whispered in her ear that she was safe now. That she was his, and he would always protect her. She would never be alone again.

They often made love in Abby's bed at the end of the night, and Master was always gentle with her. When they were finished, he would kiss her, tell her that he loved her and that she was a good girl, then disappear to wherever he went when he wasn't with her.


Abby knew that she was falling in love with her Master. Over the past several weeks she had laid her soul bare to him, revealed all of her dark thoughts and feelings that she never thought she'd show to anyone. She didn't even admit most of them to herself, until recently. But he didn't reject her, didn't try to change her. He loved her more for it. He loved her more and more as he got to know her. And she loved him in turn for the affection and care he showed her. She even loved the discipline and structure he provided her with. She was beginning to understand that she needed everything that he gave her. She didn't just need it to be happy, she needed it to be herself.

But Abby knew that she was still his prisoner. And if she ever saw an opportunity to escape, she would have to take it. Even if he caught her and punished her. Even if he killed her. She was still a person, and she had to be free.


The escape opportunity came a little over four months into Abby's imprisonment. They had just finished their morning shower, and Abby was helping her Master get dressed when he informed her that he was leaving to run some errands. She was shocked...he rarely left, and never told her that he was going to go beforehand.

"Where are you going, Master?" Abby asked, smiling at him. She knew that she didn't have permission to ask a question, but he seemed like he was in a good mood, so she took the chance.

"Just to get some supplies, it won't take long. Do you want anything special, pet? You've been such a good girl lately."

"Yes, Master" Abby said shyly, "C...can I have some strawberry ice cream? Blue Bunny?"

"Of course!" Master kissed Abby then, and her heart beat with excitement. He snapped her leash on her collar and led her to her room.

"I want you to stay in here and wait for me, pet." Master said, "Be a good girl, and I'll be back with your treat in a couple of hours." He took the leash off of her and hung it from a peg on the wall.

When Master closed the door behind him, Abby curled up in her bed with her teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles, and picked up the fantasy romance novel that her Master had given her for their 4 month anniversary.

Abby began to read, but she was too distracted by thoughts of the ice cream she would get later. It had been a good day... She didn't think she would ever completely accept that someone owned her, but she was....getting used to it maybe? She even liked it in a lot of ways. Once she stopped fighting him so much, her Master had provided everything she wanted. And in return she just had to learn how to serve him. It wasnt so bad. It took her a long time to admit that her life was better now than it had been under her mom's control. But once she did admit it to herself, she grew comfortable with the truth.

And her feelings for her Master weren't complicated anymore. She didn't hate him but secretly want to have sex with him. She loved him. She loved the way he made her feel safe and protected. She loved that he listened to her without belittling her thoughts and feelings. And yes, she loved having sex with him as well. He made her feel desired and wanted. He had given her a purpose, and helped her understand why she needed a purpose. And he had done it with a gentle, loving hand.

Abby hadn't yet told her Master that she loved him, even though she knew she did. She remembered that promise she made to herself months before, that she would escape if she ever got the chance. That promise was the only thing keeping her from embracing her new life, Abby thought.

And then she looked at the door. She didn't remember hearing the click of the lock when Master left. Was it her imagination? Did he really leave it unlocked...?

Abby stood up, screaming at herself inside her head that she needed to sit back down. Her Master had told her to stay, so she should stay. Read her book and wait for her Master to come back. She was going to get ice cream!

But that promise that she would try to escape forced itself into her thoughts, fought for control. So she walked forward, turning the handle and opening the door.

Abby gasped in shock. What was happening?! She looked both ways down the hallway, and seeing nothing, she quickly crossed the threshhold. Something felt off...she felt almost sick. Abby looked back into her room and saw her leash, hanging from the peg that her Master had left it on. Nervously and with shaking fingers, Abby grabbed the leash and attached it to her collar. She thought for a moment that she should feel silly doing that, but quickly realized that she didn't feel silly. The leash on her collar felt right, and it wasn't worth fighting that feeling.

Leash in hand, Abby walked to the cement room - the place that she had begun calling the punishment room to herself - and looked around. Empty. She checked every other room - the bathroom, the kitchen, even that tiny room with the old bed that she had been locked in when she first arrived here. She checked the few other doors in the hall that she had never been in, but they were all locked.

And then she found the hatch. It was at the top of a ladder at the end of a short hallway off of the kitchen. It looked almost like a submarine hatch from an old movie.

Abby placed her hands on the metal wheel of the hatch. She expected that it would be hard to open. Maybe it wouldn't open at all, and she could go back to reading her book and waiting for her ice cream, and Master never had to know! But it turned easily, as if it had been waiting for her to try.

With a resigned sigh, Abby climbed through the hatch into what looked like a large, nicely decorated cabin. All of the furniture looked polished and new, and there was a big screen TV in one corner. A bright kitchen with several appliances was on the other side of the room, and there was a long hallway with doors on each side.

Abby realized that it was a mirror of the underground home she just escaped from. It was brighter, with windows everywhere. And it didn't have that musty basement smell. But it was the same layout.

Abby looked around for a phone, a computer, something... She didn't know how long her Master had been gone. An hour maybe? She had to hurry. Finding nothing helpful, she quickly tried each door down the hallway. Locked. All of them.

She did find an open closet filled with light jackets and winter coats. She picked out a brown coat that looked warm, and she put it on. It was long, bigger than she assumed - it covered her waist. She thought it would feel good to wear clothes again after 4 months of being naked, but it felt...it felt weird! She wasn't sure she liked it. Maybe it was just because she wasn't wearing pants.

Sensing that her time was running out, Abby went through the kitchen drawers and found a large butcher knife. She picked it up, holding it in her right hand, and switching the end of her leash to her left. Then she went to the front door, opened it and looked around.

There were trees everywhere....she was in a forest! Abby stood there, gazing at the fall leaves in the trees, unsure of what to do next.

Should she go?? She didn't know anymore. She loved her Master. She loved her home. But she was still a slave! Her Master's pet! Was that right? Was it the life she was supposed to have? She didn't know anymore. She remembered the promise she made to herself to escape all those months ago, and before she could think about it anymore, she started running.

It had been a long time since she ran anywhere - over four months! - but instinct took over, and her strong runner's legs quickly carried her into the woods surrounding the cabin.

It took her several minutes to realize that there was no road. A few seconds later she realized that her feet hurt, and her legs already had long scratches on them. Why hadn't she looked for shoes?! It was cool out, and the fall wind was whistling through the yellow and orange leaves. The coat was keeping Abby warm, but she also felt like it was dragging her down. She expected to find a neighbor or something right away. There was no one. Nothing.

She couldn't keep running like this. Her feet hurt too much. Worse still, she wasn't even sure she could find her way back!

"No" Abby thought to herself, "There is no way back. I promised I would try..." A jolt of loneliness shot through her... She missed her Master already. She missed the warmth of his body when he hugged her. Why was she doing this?!

Abby turned around and walked. She had decided on a compromise: She would head back where she came from, and she would either find home or find escape. And she would live with whichever came first. She was careful and looked for leaves to walk on whenever she could. But it was rough, and she had to take breaks every ten minutes.

She could tell that it was sometime around mid-morning when she started out, but by the time she completely ran out of energy, the sun was setting behind the trees, and the temperature was falling fast. She had taken a wrong turn somewhere...

Abby was lost. Lost and alone and cold.

She knew she was going to die in these woods, and she hated herself for it. Why had she left?! She could be home now. Master would be preparing dinner for her, and he would want her to talk about her feelings after they ate. They would've had ice cream for dessert!!

Abby clutched the end of her leash in one hand, hoping it would give her strength. She soon came to a clearing and sat down, leaned her back against a tree and pulled her knees to her chest. She missed her home. Her warm bed, and her books, and her Master wishing her a goodnight and kissing her forehead before she slept. She even missed her fake voice from the hidden speaker that she never managed to find, talking quietly about how she was destined to be a slave. She cried, and wondered if Master would come looking for her. He would probably find her cold and alone and dead in the morning, and Abby felt a deep sadness at the thought.


Hours passed, and it was pitch black out now. Abby sat by her tree, shivering, long drained of tears. Her stomach growled with hunger, and her throat felt parched. She prayed that her Master would come get her, hoped that if she could hold out til morning, he would find her. But it felt hopeless. She had run from him, too far and too fast, and this is what she deserved.

She heard a sudden rustle nearby, and her heart leapt for a moment! Was it him? And then a low growl and some chuffing noises... The biggest bear Abby had ever seen came lumbering into the clearing and looked at her curiously.

Abby wanted to scream. She could feel it building up in her lungs and throat. She knew that it was the last sound she'd ever make, so she wanted it to count. She held up the butcher knife in front of her, surprised that she still had it. She let the scream out, holding the blade in front of her like a magic sword, willing the creature to go away. The bear seemed puzzled for a minute, then growled again and came lumbering towards her, its fur spiky and its mouth full of teeth. She thought briefly of her teddy bear back home, Mr. Cuddles, all soft and cute. Nothing like this monstrosity. She ridiculously wished Mr. Cuddles was here with her.

The bear got to within 3 feet, and Abby closed her eyes, hoping it would end quickly. But then there was a loud bang sound, so loud it hurt her ears. Then two more in rapid succession, followed by the leaves on the ground rustling. Abby opened her eyes in time to see the bear running off in the opposite direction, way faster than anything so big should be able to run. Way faster than she would have been able to run even if her feet weren't a bloody, painful mess. Then she saw a man step out into the clearing.

"Master!" Abby leapt up, dropping the useless butcher knife behind her, and ran to him, ignoring the pain in her feet and burying herself in his arms.

"Master...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." The words rushed out of her in-between her sobs.

"Shh" Master said, "It's okay, pet. I'm here now." He holstered the pistol he was carrying, and then gave Abby the best hug she had ever had.

"You're all right, pet." Master said. He carefully led her back to the tree she was under a moment ago and gently helped her sit down. "I've been looking for you all day!" He said with a warm smile.

He took off the backpack that she hadn't even noticed he was wearing and pulled out a first aid kit and a pair of running shoes - her shoes from months ago! She always wondered if he still had them. He pulled more from his pack, a pair of pants, a shirt, and a thick sweater.

Abby gratefully put on the clothing, and when Master handed her a sandwich and a bottle of water, she ate while he bandaged her feet. They both remained silent, Abby's tears running down her cheeks as she engulfed the delicious ham and cheese sandwich.

When he was done bandaging and she was done eating, Master put Abby's shoes on her feet, and handed her a large flashlight. She began walking, but he placed a hand on her shoulder, then scooped her up into his arms.

"Make sure I can see where I'm walking. Okay, pet?"

"Yes, Master"

Master walked for hours in the dark forest, carrying Abby the entire way. They stopped several times so he could rest, but he refused to let her walk on her own. "Your feet are in bad shape, I'm worried you did permanent damage. I'll get us there, pet. Don't worry about me." Abby was so grateful, and felt safe in his arms the entire way. She knew he must be exhausted, but she trusted him.

It was nearly dawn when they finally made it home. Abby expected to be punished for her actions, then locked in her room. And she accepted it, knew deep down that she deserved it for all of the trouble she had caused. She felt deep shame for her behavior, and pulled the clothes off of her body almost as soon as she stepped into the warm cabin.

The punishment never came. Master led her into a bathroom in the aboveground cabin, and showered with her, cleaning all of the dirt and grime from both of their bodies. There was no sex, he just took care of cleaning her, gently and with love in his eyes. Then he carried her into a master bedroom off of the main hall, and laid her on a big, soft bed, where he put fresh bandages on her legs and feet. He kissed her forehead, covered her with a big warm comforter, and handed her a TV remote.

Abby nearly cried with relief and gratitude. She was safe! She turned on the TV, leaving it on some sitcom that she had never seen. But she left the volume down.

Master left for a few minutes, and Abby nearly fell asleep while listening to the birds chirping outside the window. But then he came back, and he was carrying two objects. A carton of Blue Bunny ice cream with a spoon stuck in it, and a cell phone.

"I've tried my best to teach you, pet. I wanted to take care of you and make you happy. But I don't want you to get hurt again. Ever. Call whoever you want, and enjoy your ice cream." And then he just walked out of the room.

Abby stared at the phone while she ate her delicious ice cream, and after a few minutes she started crying. She didn't *have* anyone to call! She didn't *want* to call anyone! The only person in the world who loved her enough to fight off a bear for her was in the next room, sad because she had abandoned him. The only thing she wanted was to be in his arms again.

And that's exactly what she told her Master when he came back a half hour later. She cried, and confessed that she was deeply in love with him. She apologized for running away over and over again, begged him to punish her. Pleaded with him to tell her everything will be all rght.

Master took a tissue from a box on the bedside table. He gently wiped her tears, and handed her more tissue so she could blow her nose. "I understand, pet. I wish you had gone in the opposite direction though. The driveway and road is on the other side of the cabin."

Abby laughed in astonishment, then hugged her Master, her tears coming again. Master curled up beside her on the bed, held her close, and let her cry.

Eventually the tears slowed down. Master kissed Abby's forehead, looked into her eyes, and spoke softly to her.

"I love you, pet" he said hesitantly, "But if you're going to stay with me, I need you to be a good girl. Can you do that? Will you be a good girl for me?"

Abby smiled at him, gratitude and love in her eyes.

"Yes, Master" She whispered back, "I'll be your good girl."


For the girl formerly known as Abby, the next few years were the best of her life. She embraced and accepted who she was - finally! And her Master helped her do it. She failed him at times, though those times were very rare now. His punishments were always swift and fair, and she always learned from her mistakes. She had become exactly who she was always meant to be - her Master's loved pet. She was no longer a prisoner in the underground area. She lived in her Master's bedroom in the main cabin. She served him in any way that he wanted during the day, and lay sleeping peacefully in his arms at night.

Her life was filled with joy and love, and she never stopped being happy. She often thought about how grateful she was to her Master for giving her this amazing life. She would have been lost and alone, forced to do her mother's bidding forever, if he hadn't saved her.


The girl thought about all of this one day while she was giving her Master his morning blowjob. She remembered how stupid and worthless she was when he had first taken her. She remembered how stubborn she was during those first 4 months, when all she really had to do was admit the truth - that she really did belong to her Master. And she remembered how free and loved she felt when she finally gave herself to him completely.

Her Master finished inside her mouth, and she swallowed his cum greedily. She looked up at him, licking her lips and smiling. "Good Girl loves you, Master!"

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