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Good Girl Ch. 01


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The man dipped the razor in the bucket one last time, put it and the shaving cream can back in the kit, and began to clean her with a damp towel. When he was done he smiled at her, satisfied, and slapped her lightly right where her bush had been. "There!" he said, "You're so cute that I could just eat you up..."

And he did just that. The man moved his head between Abby's legs and began kissing her upper thighs, even giving her what she thought might be a hickey or love bite. He began to lick her clitoris. Slowly at first, but faster as her moans grew louder. She squeezed her thighs against his head as she moaned, unable to stop herself. She forgot her earlier thought that she'd never want him again, and she gave in to the pleasure. She wanted him with every fiber of her being. She hated it, but she never wanted him to stop touching her with his tongue.

As before, the waves of pleasure rushed through Abby, but this time he allowed her to orgasm. She half moaned and half screamed as it came over her, her lungs filling with the sound of primal feelings that she had never imagined she could feel. She had never felt anything so good, even when she used to masturbate alone at night in her room. And it was more than pleasure, it was love... For just a few seconds she felt love for this man - this man who had taken her and forced her to feel things that she never knew she wanted, never knew she needed.

With a final loud moan, Abby arched her back, her breasts pointing in the air, her eyes closed in ecstasy. Then she fell down, panting heavily. She felt relief that it was over, but she was desperately trying to push away the thought that she wanted more.

The man sat up again and looked at her, that charming smile on his face. "You taste good," he said, licking his lips. "I can tell you're a virgin. I was hoping you would be." He reached beside the bed and grabbed the grooming kit he carried earlier, and pulled out a small oval object. "Do you know what this is?" He asked, holding it up to her face. Abby shook her head no, and the man said "Don't worry, you're going to like it."

He turned the device on then, and it began to vibrate. He pressed it against each of her nipples, which were already hard but grew harder with the touch. Then he ran it down her tummy, allowing her to feel how strong the vibration was before he began having fun.

The man pressed the small device against Abby's clitoris, slowly at first, teasingly. For the next several minutes he would bring her right up to climax, then stop, letting her calm down before he started again. The man removed the ballgag from Abby's mouth, and between moans and pants she begged him to let her finish. Sometimes the man pressed the vibrator against her and allowed her an orgasm. Sometimes he would make her beg for several minutes, and slowly coax it out of her. It went on and on like that, and she wasn't sure if she wanted him to ever stop. Her orgasms were even better than the first one, better than the best thing she had ever felt. In the back of her mind, Abby suspected it was because he made her wait for them, work for them with her begging and whimpers. And some part of her deep down liked that. She wanted to work for the pleasure that he gave her...she wanted to earn it. But she pushed the thoughts aside, relieved that it was over, and hoped that he would let her rest now.

It wasn't over.

The man reached into his little grooming bag yet again, this time pulling out a similar, yet bigger device. He turned it on, and it was louder, vibrating much faster. And for the next hour he made Abby orgasm over and over and over again. She begged him to stop, screamed her pleas endlessly. It was too much, she wanted to go back to being teased, to earning the orgasms. But it went on and on...

When he was finally done, the man put away his toys and sat on top of Abby, his legs straddling her waist. He wore that same charming smile on his face as he looked down at her. Abby lay there, her chest heaving up and down with her panting, her thoughts racing to catch up with the extreme amounts of pleasure the man had just inflicted on her.

"We're almost done for today, but I've been thinking about your tits." He said, fondling one of her breasts. "They're beautiful. Not too big, not too small. I love them. But they're missing something."

He left the room a second time then, and when he came back he was holding a tray with several items on it. He sat on top of her again, and she could see what he brought.

"Please don't...." She begged.

"Do you want the gag again?"

"Noo..." She said, near tears.

"You will learn to only speak when I want you to, or our time together will be very painful for you." He grabbed her by the hair then and stared in her eyes, a stern expression on his face. "Do you understand?"



The man released her hair, smiling again, not a single sign of anger or sterness left on his face. He took an icecube off of the tray, and slowly began to rub it against her nipples. "I don't know why you're complaining anyway, I thought girls liked jewelry." He continued to use the ice until both nipples were so cold that they hurt, and continued longer still, until she couldn't feel them at all. Then he struck a needle through each nipple, piercing them, and put a small heart-shaped piece of jeweler into each one. They had sparkling diamonds in them, and Abby, used to seeing her mother's jewelry collection, knew that they were real, and probably expensive.

"You look beautiful!" The man said, cleaning each breast with an alcohol swab. Then he picked up the final object from the tray. It was obviously a collar, but it was Barbie-pink, and it had a heart shaped loop on the front. There was also a black square attached to the back, with what looked like a keyhole.

Abby was terrified. She couldn't stop herself from begging again... "Please don't....just let me go home....please..."

The man slapped her hard across the face, and her head exploded with pain and slammed against the side of the bed. He grabbed her by the hair then, pulling it hard, and when she managed to focus her eyes, his face was inches from her own. He didn't look angry though, just stern, like he was telling off a kid for playing in the road.

"You are mine" he said, as he strapped the collar on her neck. She heard a soft click as it locked itself in place.

"There is no going back to mommy's house. There is no escape. No one will ever look for you, I made sure of it. This is your home, and you are my property. Do you understand me?"

"Yyy-yes." Abby said, whimpering in fear.

"No, you don't." The man replied, "But you will."

The man got up and left the room yet again, leaving Abby laying on the bed, crying. When he came back he was carrying what looked like a pair of wireless headphones. He placed the headphones over her ears, fitting them a little too tightly.

"If I find these anywhere except on your head later, you will be punished for it."

He smiled then and fondled one of her breasts, lightly pinching the now pierced nipple, as if trying to take the sting out of his words. Then he left the room a final time, shutting the light off as he went, leaving Abby to face her despair in total darkness.


The headphones weren't playing anything yet, and they weren't uncomfortable. Abby's bigger problem was that she had to pee, very very badly. She didn't know how long the man would be gone, but maybe when he came back she could communicate her need without getting slapped again.

Abby didn't know. She was so tired, and so, so scared. What if he hurt her for peeing on herself? She decided to just hold it. But then the ocean sounds started playing through the headphones, and the waves gently crashing against shores was too much for her. She held it for a few more moments, then gave in and relieved herself. The wetness spreading under her was gross, but she was already covered in sweat. She was too exhausted to care.

After that, the ocean sounds began to relax Abby. She was still terrified, but she realized that she couldn't do anything to save herself. Not yet. She couldn't even move much. She slowly began to accept her temporary situation, and hoped it would get better tomorrow.

Abby wasn't sure how long she slept before the voice woke her. She wasn't even sure it was the voice that woke could have been the nightmare she was having. Her mother, giant and deformed, chasing her through a forest, demanding to know why she hadn't gone to Scott's party. The nightmare was terrifying and Abby woke up with a scream. But the voice...whispering in her ears...what was it saying? It took her a moment to notice the ocean sounds and remember the headphones she was wearing, but she was sure there was a voice under the waves. She calmed her breathing and tried to concentrate on the voice. It was a woman...

"I am a slave" she whispered in a calm voice. "I live to serve my master."

With a shock of horror, Abby realized that she was hearing her own voice! But she had never said anything like that! She wouldn't!!?

"I love sucking my master's cock" the voice went on, "His cum fills me with joy."

Abby didn't know what was going on. She desperately tried to shake the headphones off, but she was exhausted, and they just wouldn't budge. She laid her head back down, the memory of everything that had happened to her rushing through her mind like a hurricane. She fell asleep crying, listening to that soft voice - her voice - tell her that she lived to obey. The last thing she remembered hearing was "It's okay to give in. This is who you are."


Abby didn't know how long she slept, but she didn't have any more nightmares. And when she woke she felt oddly calm. Too calm, like that time she was coming down from the painkillers the doctor had given her when she sprained her ankle. She couldn't hear a voice anymore, and wondered if she had been dreaming earlier. She slowly opened her eyes, and saw the man standing over her. He looked at her with that same charming, serene smile.

"Good morning, beautiful." He said.

She closed her eyes again, wishing that it had all been a bad dream. She heard the man laugh, and felt him brush some hair out of her face.

"Don't be like that!" he said, amusement in his voice. "We have a lot to do today. And you're covered in pee! Do you really want to stay like that?"

"No" Abby whispered, her voice hoarse.

"Good" the man said, "Let's get you cleaned up. And then we'll have breakfast and talk."

The man untied her and helped her stand up. Abby wanted to fight. Or at least she wanted to have the desire to fight. She felt so tired and out of it, like she was half awake. She understood what was happening, but she didn't feel like she was in control. She wondered if she had been drugged, but the thought didn't seem important.

The man led her down a hallway to a room that looked like one big shower, with a hook hanging from the low ceiling near the showerhead. There was also a huge tub in the corner. The man raised Abby's arms towards the hook, and she looked up. She realized that there were leather shackles on her wrists, but she didn't remember the man putting them on her. Each bracelet was pink and had a keyhole and a little heart shaped loop. "Just like my collar" she thought. She looked down and found similar leather shackles on her ankles. "My collar...." There was something wrong with her thoughts, like they weren't really hers. But she couldn't hold on to her worry, and let it go, like the rest of her unimportant thoughts.

Abby was sure the man was going to spray her with a hose or something, but he didn't. Instead, he undressed in front of her, taking off his black pants, blue T-shirt, and white boxers. Abby was beginning to regain some of her senses, and she realized that despite everything he had done to her, this was the first time she had seen him naked.

"Ohh..." She thought. The man was actually quite good looking, with muscular arms that weren't too big, abs in the shape of a six pack, and...his manhood... His penis was bigger than she expected. They were always big in porn videos, but she didn't think that normal guys had big ones. She briefly wondered if Scott had a big one, and couldn't help but giggle.

"Yes, laughter" The man said sarcastically. "That's what every guy wants to hear when a woman sees him naked."

Abby grew quiet, hoping that he wouldn't hurt her because of her giggle. She didn't even know why she laughed. She wasn't amused, she was scared, and she felt...high. He had drugged her, definitely, but she thought it was wearing off.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

The man stepped close to her and ran his fingers through her hair. He reached behind her and turned the water on, and the warm drops falling on her head felt wonderful. Then he picked up a bar of soap and gently started to scrub her clean.

"Why?" Abby thought. "Why does he have to do everything gently, with that smile on his face? He treats me like he loves me, but he kidnapped me...he's probably going to force himself on me!"

The man playfully slapped Abby's butt, then let out an amused chuckle when she whined. Abby didn't want to admit to herself that she kind of liked it. The sudden sting on her butt cheek combined with the warm water sent a ripple of pleasure through her. She liked being in the hot shower with him. She liked that he was standing so close to her, his big cock growing hard as it rubbed against her leg. She looked up at him, and she realized that she liked that damned smile. She liked that he looked at her with love in his eyes. She could think clearly for the first time all morning, and her first clear thought was that she always wanted someone to look at her like they loved her.

The man placed his hands under Abby's butt cheeks, and with what seemed like no effort, he picked her up and pressed her against the shower wall. Her hands were still hooked above her. The only thing she could do to balance herself was to wrap her legs around the man.

As the man entered her, Abby tilted her head back and let out a soft moan. She always wondered what it would feel like to have a man inside her. She had even played around with a cucumber one night, but didn't work up enough nerve to put it inside of her. It...hurt a little. But it felt good! She moaned again. It wasn't like the scared whining moans that she let out so many times last night. It was a moan of pure ecstasy, and deep down she knew she couldn't hide how much she liked what the man was doing to her.

Abby looked into the man's eyes, and he kissed her, deeply and passionately. It wasn't like she imagined a kiss would be. Not like her daydream of Scott's kiss at all. It was better, full of all the feelings Abby and the man felt for each other. Abby couldn't hide how much she liked all of this, and as the man thrust into her, gently but firmly, over and over again, Abby gave in to her desires.


They made love for what felt like an hour, but still coming down from her drug induced calmness, Abby wasn't sure. In the back of her mind, she wished that it had never ended. But she was also ashamed of those thoughts, so she pushed them aside. When they were done the man unhooked Abby's arms, and she leaned back against the shower wall, exhausted. She felt contentment and satisfaction rush over her body as softly and comfortably as the water hit her bare skin. The man started to wash her again, seeming to take joy in covering her soft skin with soap.

The man dried them both off, taking extra time to dry Abby's breasts. Then he got dressed while she watched. Instead of allowing her clothes, he somehow locked her arms together in front of her by the pink leather bracelets, and did something similar with her anklets. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pink leash.

Abby must have looked disgusted when she saw the leash, because the man laughed a little when he snapped it on her collar. "You'll get used to it."

The man led Abby back down the hallway, dragging her along by the leash, this time into a small, dark kitchen. There were no windows.... Were they underground? He sat her down at a small wooden table that had iron hoops bolted in its flat surface. Abby knew what that meant even before the man took her leash off and locked her to the table by her wrist bracelets. He then began to cook food - what looked like eggs and sausage.

Abby wanted to talk, to beg him to let her go. But she remembered the slap from last night. She remembered that he could turn from kind to punishing at a moment's notice. And she was afraid.

When the man sat the plate of food in front of her, she looked up at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked curiously.

"I'm a vegetarian...."

"No, you're not." The man cut in. "Your mom made you become a vegetarian 6 months ago, because she became one."

Abby's mouth fell open. How did he know that?

"Eat!" He said, his voice rising a bit. "You'll be a meat eater now, because it's what I want."

Abby's stomach was audibly growling, and the food smelled so good. She ate.

When they were done with breakfast, they sat in silence. Abby had her head down, staring at her empty plate, desperately trying to think of a way out of this. She barely noticed the man place his hand on her own.

"Do you know who I am?' He asked.


"I'm your owner. You will call me Master."

"I'm not your pet!!" Abby yelled, her frustration and anger finally breaking through her fear.

"Yes, you are." Her Master said calmly. "You belong to me."

"I'm a person! I have a life!"

Her Master chuckled then, genuinely amused. "No you don't. You had your mom's life. The one she forced on you."

Abby was shocked by his words, but still too angry to wonder how he assumed all of that. "That's not true! I was going to college soon! I was finally going to be free!"

"Yeah," he said, "The school she picked out for you, right? With the classes she picked. She was even nice enough to pick out a boyfriend for you. Little Scotty?"

"Wh...what are you talking about..."

"Don't play dumb!" Her Master's own voice was rising now, annoyance flashing in his usually calm eyes. "She has always owned you, your mother. She would have planned your wedding to some douchbag next. Then she would plan your children's lives. She would have been your lawyer when future Scotty cheated on you and divorced you. She owned you, and you know it."

Abby whimpered, and cried as she buried her face in her hands. "You don't own me." She whined.

"I do" Her Master said. "I took you from her, and now you're mine."

"She'll come looking for me! She'll have called the cops by now!"

"I'm sure she has called the cops, but she already knows what happened to you."

Abby stared at her Master, puzzled.

"I left it all on your laptop." Master said, "How you met a boy from Canada a year ago. There are chatlogs going back that far. The more recent chatlogs are about you two running away together, finally getting away from your evil mom and pervert dad. You fell in love with the boy I invented, and you told him all about how your dad has been molesting you since you were 12."

"My dad would never do that!" Abby yelled.

Master laughed again. "As far as the cops are going to believe, he did. They won't be able to prove anything, it'll be a laptop's word against his. But it'll be enough reason for them to not care that you left."

"My mom won't believe it!" Abby argued.

"I don't care if she does or not. But she'll believe in the boy I made up. She knows you're lonely, that's why she set you up with little Scotty. There's plenty of stuff in there about how much of a controlling, narcissistic bitch she is. I didn't even have to make all of that part up, you wrote some of it in your secret little diary file. She'll mostly be angry that you left her. She won't like how you talked about her to your secret boyfriend. She might look for you. She'll never find you."

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