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Good Girl Ch. 02 - Bad Girl

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With help from her sister, a bad girl finds love and purpose.
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***** Chapter 1: Becky *****

***** Finders Keepers *****

Rebekah Hawkins didn't know where she was. She looked at the sleeping form next to her, and didn't know who she was with.

"Great." She thought sarcastically, "I hope I can get dressed and get out of here before they wake up."

This wasn't the first time Becky had woken in a strange apartment next to a mystery person. It was probably somewhere around the 4th or 5th time this had happened. To be fair, it was the first time this year. But it was only January 12th.

Becky looked around for her clothes. The search took awhile, it was almost like playing one of those hidden object games you can get for free on the app store. There was junk literally everywhere: Empty beer bottles and cans, pizza boxes, clothes, video game cases, drugs....

"This is drunk me's fault for apparently sleeping with a hoarder." Becks thought to herself. "Hungover me is too tired to be mad at drunk me though."

Over the next 10 minutes she found most of her belongings, picking through the mess in the single-room apartment until she managed to hunt down a wayward piece of clothing. She found her panties on a blade of the ceiling fan, slowly spinning in the air above her while she searched. She stood on the edge of the bed and tried to reach up for them, but she still couldn't. So she pulled the little cord to increase the fan speed, and they went flying.

She also found some goodies, including a pack of smokes, a lighter, a twenty dollar bill, and a bag of THC gummies that looked fresh and delicious. None of it was actually her's, but finders keepers.

She chewed on one of the gummies and decided to give up the search for her missing bra and left sock. She still needed her coat and phone, but she spotted the latter hanging from a rack by the front door. Searching the coat pocket, she quickly found her phone. It was nestled right next to a small round device.

"An airtag, maybe?" Becks wondered. "Where did I steal this from?"

With a sigh of resignation that she'd never find her missing bra, she pulled a clean looking man's sock from a dresser and put it on before pulling her shoes on.

Becks briefly wondered if the sock and bra had fallen for each other and taken the opportunity to run away together.

"Or they ran away from my dumpster fire of a life..."

The gummy was already kicking in, but her stomach was starting to feel like it had a few objections to how much she had to drank last night. Just as she was turning the front door handle her stomache lurched, and she ran for a door that she hoped had a bathroom in it. Finding the toilet with no time to spare, she threw up everything she had consumed over the last 20 hours. Feeling dizzy, she steadied herself for a minute before making her way to a sink. She found a half tube of cheap toothpaste, which she used to wash her mouth several times. She rinsed off her face, gazing in the mirror as she did.

Becky Hawkins was an 18 year old girl. She was 5'1, very curvy, with black hair that reached halfway down her back and pretty brown eyes that looked like they were always relaxed and ready to have fun. She was very attractive, and she was very aware of it. As were most boys. And many girls.

She carried a couple extra pounds. Part of it was her lifestyle - lots of alcohol and fast food. But she had a high metabolism, and pretty much ate what she wanted without gaining too much weight. Some of her extra weight came from her exceptionally large breasts, which were huge for her size. And although they were very perky and shapely, she found them to be a pain in the butt at times.

But they were also something that boys were hyperaware of, and she liked to use that to her advantage whenever she could. Just casually bouncing her tits in front of a boy could often get her whatever she wanted or needed from him. The boob bounce, as she liked to call it in her head, had worked on more than a few girls as well. It was how she had first gotten her current girlfriend's attention.

Becks looked in the mirror a moment longer, wishing that her eyes didn't have bags under them. She also briefly wondered how she ended up short with black hair and giant tits, when her mom and sister were tall, blond and athletic.

"Missing sister." Becks thought. "Abby left 3 years ago...I have no idea what she looks like now."

Becky rubbed the back of her neck, something she always unconsciously did when she thought about her sister. She let out a sad sigh, pushing the thoughts away, and glanced at the shower. She should use it, but it looked filthy and she wanted to get out of there.

Instead, Becks pulled out her cell and looked at it. "Awesome." She thought, "2% battery." She opened her message app and saw that her girlfriend, Beth, had blown up her phone with messages. She looked at the first unread one.

"I saw you leave with Trevor last night, cheating bitch. We're done."

Was Trevor the guy in the bed...? Curious, she lifted the blanket from the sleeping form and saw a man in his mid-20s. He began snoring when Becks pulled the blanket back, as if that was his way of saying "good morning!" He was kind of cute, but that mustache was terrible. It fluttered a little as he snored.

A wave of sadness briefly ran through Becky's mind. She had only been seeing Beth for 3 months, and they decided to make it more official and be exclusive only a week ago, during Becks 18 birthday party. She had been super happy about it at the time. She remembered quietly promising herself that she wouldn't mess things up with Beth no matter what. That she was an adult now, and she'd have an adult relationship.

"I'm like a tornado promising to not destroy any barns." She thought resignedly.

She sighed and headed for the front door. As she opened it, Maybe-His-Name-Is-Trevor woke up long enough to half-burp, half yell an incoherent farewell.


Then he covered his head with the blanket and most likely passed out.

Becky closed her eyes, praying for strength from whichever gods or devils might be listening, and left the apartment. She quickly figured out that she was on the 2nd floor of the building, so while climbing the stairs down she decided to rexamine her life choices.

Life choice 1: She had turned 18 a week ago, and decided to get as drunk as possible at her birthday party to celebrate her entrance into adulthood.

Life choice 2: She had turned 18 a week ago, and decided to spend every waking moment since then to get drunk, do drugs, and have sex, to celebrate her entrance into adulthood.

Becky sighed again. In a rare moment of self examination, she understood that she had actually been partying too much for years. She started when she was around 13. She dropped out of school at 16, not long after Abby had left or disappeared or whatever, and had been partying almost every moment since. So 5 years of partying total, but 2 years of heavy partying, if her math was right. Which it might not be. She didn't know, she was a dropout.

Becky desperately needed to change things. She wanted to... She always wanted to. But she didn't know how. She didn't know if there was a point. Her mom barely talked to her since Abby left, and really her mom barely talked to her when Abby was still around. Her dad had run off a couple of years ago. All of her friends were burnouts, just like she was. And it didn't help that Becky liked partying. She knew it was ruining her life though, and she didn't know what to do.

"That's enough self reflection for today!" She thought, as she opened the front door of the building and stepped outside.

It was snowing. Snow wasn't unusual for January, but Becky wasn't expecting it. Everything was covered with at least a foot of heavy snow, and it was cold out. It took her a minute to figure out where she was, and she cursed when the realization hit.


She was on the south side of the city. She knew because she had bought drugs from this neighborhood before, basically right across the street, in fact. It was one of the worst areas of town.

"So I have like a 60% chance of getting murdered" she thought, then decided not to think about what else could happen. She wished she had a car. Her mom, in her infinite wisdom, had taken it away until she "shaped up'. Then she gave it to one of Becky's cousins 2 days later. Which she could do, because it wasn't technically Becks' car. It was Abby's old car, and she wasn't fond of it anyway. It sometimes brought back memories of her long abscent sister.

She didn't understand why she kept thinking about her sister today. Like she didn't have enough problems. She lit a cigarette from the pack she had pilfered earlier and browsed through the contacts on her phone. Who would be willing to pick her up and maybe let her crash for a day or two...?

"Ohhh, Kevin!" she said aloud, "You just broke up with your girlfriend a week ago!"

She started a text. "Hiya sexy, we should chill. Whatcha doin today?"

As she was about to hit send, the phone screen went black.

"Fuck!' Becks proclaimed loudly, 'Fuck, fuck, FUUUCK!!"

She briefly thought about returning to Maybe-Trevor's apartment, but she didn't think she could deal with a lovesick guy who she already regretted having a one night stand with. She'd have to talk a store cashier into letting her use the phone. Or let the boob bounce talk them into it... Maybe she could even get a free Uber ride from a cashier if she gave them her number in exchange. That would be better than the alternative.

There was only one phone number that Becks had memorized - mom's - it hadn't changed in a decade. The halfhearted "get your life together" lecture from her narcissist mom, who had lost interest in her years ago, would not be fun. Becks knew there was a conveinence store a half mile down the street, so she started her long walk.

"Mom might not even answer..." she thought.

Sometimes she didn't. Even if she did answer and agreed to help, her mom's cave-like house wasn't in the city. It was in a upper middle class subburb outside of the city, which meant Becky would be waiting for awhile.

But unless she talked someone into ordering an uber, that was her only option. Someone might stop on the street and offer a ride, but it would be too dangerous to accept it. Not in this neighborhood. Not in most neighborhoods.

A few days later, Becky would think back on her walk in the snow and realize that she had been absolutely right. She would wish that she hadn't accepted a ride that morning. Her very last morning as a free girl.

Becks was 20 minutes into her walk when the conveinence store finally came into sight in the distance. It had been slow going. The snow was blowing in her face, and walking through it was nearly impossible for a 5'1 girl. She was wearing ankle high leather boots, but the snow still seeped in, getting her socks wet and numbing her toes. She just wanted to make it there before hyperthermia or frostbite sat in. She should have stayed at Probably-Trevor's House.

A beautiful older woman wearing a long white coat passed by Becks and smiled, and she saw a little black puppy with curly hair and big brown eyes peeking out from the folds of the coat. Her tongue was lolling out a little, and she looked like the happiest and most adorable pupper ever.

"Awww, cuute!" She thought. "I hope the puppy's owner gets her somewhere warm, where she can get all the love and attention she deserves."

She turned around to watch, and saw the woman walk into an apartment building with a sign that said Gordes. Was that French? Not that it mattered, as long as the puppy is happy. Becky loved puppies.

A few more freezing moments passed before a car stopped on the street next to Becky.

The SUV that pulled up and rolled its passenger window down was nice and expensive looking. She wasn't a car person, but she was pretty sure it was a newish BMW. The driver was probably a drug dealer. Or a rich asshole looking for a prostitute. Either way, she wasn't interested. She pretended to not see the window go down and kept walking.

"Becks! Heeey!!!" A woman's voice yelled.

"One of my friends?" Becky thought, "Who do I know who'd drive that thing?" Only one way to find out. She turned around and took a few steps back to the open window, gasping in shock when the driver came into view.


The woman in the driver's seat, leaning over to look out the passenger window, was Abby. Becky's sister, not seen by anyone in almost 3 years.


"Hi, stranger!" Abby interrupted, a huge smile on her face. "Want a lift?"

"Uhm... Okay...." Becky was in complete shock, she didn't know what else to say.

It was Becky who had first discovered that Abby was gone and probably never coming back around 3 years ago. Becky was 15, and already getting into drinking and taking gummies a little more than she should. It was late summer, and her or one of her friends always had something that they shouldn't be doing to do.

But Becks had a hangover still from the night before, so she decided to stay home. She watched a bit of YouTube, took a gummy, and crashed at around 9. It was really early for her, even back then. Her parents were out of town until the next morning, and Abby was already getting ready for bed in her own room.

She had woken up the next morning feeling drowsy and out of it, like she had taken a bunch of painkillers and sleeping pills. She drank some coffee to clear her head, and decided that she needed to get out of the house before her parents returned. But she was out of money. Abby had a part-time job at Starbucks, she always had tip money laying around... Borrowing it or stealing it, depending on the situation, wouldn't be hard.

But when she entered Abs' room, it was empty. And not just because Abby wasn't in it. A lot of her clothes and possessions were also gone, the closet door open with just a few stray bras and panties left on the floor, and her jewelry and makeup were missing.

Abby was gone. But she had left a laptop on the bed that was open and powered on. Curious, Becks had looked at the laptop. The files marked "chatlogs" and "diary" were on the home screen, and they explained everything. Becky read all of it. All of the chats, all of the diary. It was more than she wanted to know....

Abby had apparently fallen in love with a college boy from Canada a year prior, and they had kept their relationship secret. Becky remembered thinking that it was weird. She knew that Abby was obsessed with some pompous, rich doof named Scott that their mother had set her up with. But then she kept reading, horrified. And she read the diaries, which confirmed what the chats said.

Their dad - their workaholic, emotionally distant dad who didn't seem to want anything to do with his two daughters - had supposedly been molesting Abby since she was 12. Becky didn't buy it, and neither did her parents when they got home. But the cops did, almost immediately, and they didn't bother looking for Abs. Then the molestation allegations leaked somehow, and Dad lost his job. Mom divorced him, claiming that she did believe the allegations now. The reality was she didn't want to be associated with anyone who was labeled as a child molester. Dad left for Vegas or somewhere, hadn't called since. Becky's life and family, which were both already pretty bad, completely fell apart.

And it was all because of Abby.

"Becky?" Abby said, a worried expression on her face. "Are you gonna get in? I'm freezing, and you're looking at me like I'm a alien."

"O...okay..." Becks said again, opening the car door and jumping in. She rubbed the back of her neck unconsciously, and made sure to get a long look at Abby as soon as she entered the SUV.

Abby's body had matured in all the right ways over the past few years, and it showed. Stunning. There was no other way to describe her. She was tall and athletic, with long blond hair, bright blue eyes, a nice summer tan (in the middle of winter), perky medium sized breasts, and long legs. She wore expertly done makeup. It was subtle, enhancing her already gorgeous features instead of hiding anything. There were no flaws for makeup to hide; her skin and bright smile were flawless. Her clothes looked like one of those expensive brands that only super rich people can afford, like Gucci or Louis Vuitton. She looked like an Instagram model.

But she had something around her neck....was that a pink collar?? It was! And it looked like it had a heart shaped metal loop, like what you would attach a leash to.

Abby took a second to glance over at her sister before pulling the car back onto the road. "You're still staring, Becks."

"Abby..." Becky said, her mouth gaping open. "Where have you been? What...what happened to you?"

Abby looked back at her and flashed an amused smile. "You'll see."

That's when hands reached towards her from the backseat, placing a damp rag over her mouth while grabbing her left breast and holding her still. Becky had just enough time to look back at Abby. She wanted to warn her, tell her they were being carjacked or something. But Abby was looking straight at her still, and she was still smiling amusedly.

Becks heard her sister say something before she blacked out...

"I'm so glad we found you, Becky. Now you're ours...."

***** Chapter 2: Good Girl *****

***** Master Goes to Town *****

For the girl formerly known as Abby Hawkins and now known as Good Girl, Becky's rescue started about a week ago. She hadn't been there for the very beginning, but her Master told her all about it.

Master had taken a trip to the city, a 3 hour drive south from their cabin home in the woods. He needed to be there in person to finalize the sale of a small business he owned, and he had left early so he could get back home before nightfall.

Good Girl wanted to go with him - although she usually preferred staying home. She didn't like wearing clothes or having to walk anywhere for long without Master leading her by her leash. But they had been traveling more and more over the past 2 years, even taking a vacation to Europe. Good Girl was getting used to being leash-less and dressed in clothing when they were out and about. She would never prefer it - it wasn't natural for a pet girl to wear clothes. But as long as she could hold her Master's hand most of the time, it was bearable. She loved seeing beautiful places with her owner.

It was actually unusual for them to be in the cabin during the winter months. They had spent very little time there over the past two years. When not traveling, they lived in Master's home in California just as often as they lived in his cabin in the Midwest.

But that was why they were here. Master was slowly selling off the businesses he owned in the state. He told her that he was planning on keeping the cabin so that they could spend a couple of weeks here in the summer. But soon it would no longer be their permanent home - his California house would be.

Good Girl felt a flash of sadness and nostalgia thinking about that. She loved the cabin. It was where Master had taken ownership of her and taught her who she really was. It was where she learned to love herself and where she fell in love with Master.

The business Master was selling was very near Good Girl's old neighborhood that she had grown up in back when she was Abby, and she thought the bad memories might be too much. Her owner agreed that she should wait in the cabin for the day while he attended to his business.

Master had signed his paperwork and rushed through pleasantries, anxious to return home to his beloved pet. But he stopped at a convenience store for an energy drink before he started his trip back, and it happened to be a few blocks from Good Girl's old home. There were two young women in line right in front of him, talking about a 18th birthday party they were throwing that night. One of them, a short girl with black hair, was saying that she was thrilled to finally be an adult. Then she turned around, almost as if by fate, and smiled at Master when she saw him standing there.


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