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Good Girl Ch. 02 - Bad Girl


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"Do you still have some? For Becky's training? And Birth control for her?" She asked her owner.

"Yes, pet, I have both. I already gave her a dose when we rescued her, then again when I needed her to sleep through the night in the car's hidden compartment. The sink in your old room is programmed to give small doses in the morning, based on how much water it outputs. So when she drinks from it, she'll dose herself."

Good Girl smiled widely - the sedative sink was another brilliant training technique. And with everything he had just shown and told her, a plan was beginning to take shape in her mind.

Master had shown her love every day, since the very first day he had rescued her. He had told her the truth from the beginning. Good Girl remembered a conversation during their first meal together.


"I'm not your pet!!" Abby yelled, her frustration and anger finally breaking through her fear.

"Yes, you are." Her Master said calmly. "You belong to me."

"I'm a person! I have a life!"

Her Master chuckled then, genuinely amused. "No you don't. You had your mom's life. The one she forced on you."


He had been honest right from the beginning about what her mother had done to her. And then he had spent every day for 4 months helping her get past her trauma and helping her become the pet girl that she so desperately needed and wanted to be, so she could be happy.

And yes, she was her Master's pet. He had turned her into that, and she was grateful. She adored being his pet!! She didn't care if it was partially because of conditioning. She loved who she was, who her Master had shaped her to be.

"Master....I don't think Becky needs to be obedient and submissive to make her a great pet - she doesn't have to start out as a good girl! We just have to find what she needs! What she wants at the core of who she is....and then we trade that for submission and obedience!"

Good Girl was so excited and enthusiastic that the words flew from her mouth

Her Master had an impressed smile on his face "I think you might be right."

He paused, taking a deep breath to clear his head.

'I want you to take charge of her training. I will advise you and help you...but from a distance. You know her better than I ever could. You can find her traumas and help her heal. You can find what motivates her and causes her to be such a bad girl. Once you do, you might be able to use it as leverage to turn her submissive. You can do this."

Good Girl was shocked and deeply happy that he would give her so much responsibility. That he trusted her that much. And she was also excited, both by the prospect of saving Becky, and by the opportunity to learn more about the conditioning program and behavioral modification techniques. It sounded fascinating and fun!

She got up from her chair and threw her arms around him. "I love you so much, Master!! Thank you for making me your Good Girl!! Thank you for trusting me to save Becky!"

Master embraced her back, then took her leash and led her to the office couch where he sat down. Good Girl kneeled before him, pulling his robe open as she did. She bent down and began massaging his balls with her tongue, then wrapped her lips around his cock and licked it as it slid down her throat.


She moaned, not just in pleasure, but because she was excited about what tomorrow would bring. She would turn Becky into a good girl!

As her Master relaxed on the couch with a sigh of contentment escaping his lips, his pet pleased him, taking her time, letting his cock go in and out of her throat slowly.

A plan began to take shape, and she grinned as she sucked.

***** Chapter 13: Good Girl *****

***** Becky's Need *****

After she pleasured her owner with her mouth, Good Girl acted as his foot stool while he relaxed and watched the news on his office TV. Being of service to him in a sedentary way always calmed her and helped her think, and she had alot of thinking to do.

She smiled in bliss as her Master repositioned his feet on her back, making himself more comfortable.

What did Becky need? What was it that their mother had stolen from her that had turned her into a bad girl? It wasn't love. Good Girl used to tell her that she loved her all the time back when she was Abby. And she had meant it. Becky never cared. Becky never said I love you to anyone in her entire life, as far as Good Girl could remember. She doubted that had changed in the few years they had been apart.

It wasn't guidance either - if only it were. She had gotten to a point in her life where she absolutely needed a strong and loving owner to control and guide her. But that wasn't completely why she had so much trauma.

Good Girl thought about how Mom had mostly ignored Becky for their entire lives. Becky never knew why.... Good Girl did, her Master had found out before they had taken her on that snowy day, while he was researching her. Good Girl had been shocked when he told her about Becky's parentage, but it made sense... But maybe why mom ignored her wasn't important anymore. The effect it had on Becky was the most important thing.

Despite mom ignoring her, Becky would always snitch on Abby. Why would she do that? Why, when she didn't seem to care if mom or anyone else loved her, and Abby tried to always be there for her and look out for her?

Why was she already dating boys by the time she was 13, and girls by the time she was 15? Not even good boys and girls - they caused nearly as much trouble as she did. There was always romantic drama in Becky's life, and she didn't try to hide that she liked it that way.

Why was she acting out in school and already drinking and smoking by 13? She could have been coping from the terrible home she had grown up in - and it probably was partly that. But it never came off as a cope. She did it because she got something she loved from it.

The answer to all of these questions was so simple that when it finally came to Good Girl she couldn't believe she hadn't seen it right away. It was so sad.... Becky's entire life could have been happier if she had only gotten what she needed, and it wasn't anything rare or destructive. Actors, comedians, social media influencers, politicians...many types of people thrived on it. Fell apart when they lost it.

Becky needed attention.

That was the core of who she was. She partied with her friends, and they paid attention to her. She slept with random people because they paid attention to her, and the inevitable romantic drama brought her even more attention. She drifted from clubs to party pads because those places were filled with people who either wanted to get high with her, sleep with her, or hang out with her. All forms of attention.

Even the old snitching incidents to mom had been Becky trying to get attention. Mom loved drama for more narcissistic reasons, and Abby doing something that mom hadn't ordered her to do always caused a lot of drama in the house. Which very temporarily made Becky a hero in mom's eyes.

Attention. That was what Becky's conditioning had to be based on. Her lifeong lack of attention at home and desperation to find it anywhere else was what their discussion sessions had to be based on. And those two things would need to be done in balance with each other. It was a daunting task, but one Good Girl was eager to do.

Parts of the training process would be easy though. She would reward Becky's good behavior with attention, and punish her bad behavior by withholding it.

Good Girl smiled. She couldn't wait for tomorrow, so her dear sister's training could truly begin.

***** Chapter 14: Becky *****

***** Sexy Elves 2: The Sexening *****

A day had passed since the little shower party Abby had thrown her. Or at least Becky guessed it was a day. It's not like she had a clock. She knew that in the world of The Fey Princess, a day was actually 34 hours, which made it very hot in Feyland in the summer. That's why all of the sexy elves were scantily clad. She stared at the stupid erotic fantasy book in her hands, wishing that she didn't know any of that.

"And yet I'm halfway finished reading it." She thought with a sigh.

It was probably a little longer than a day. Not Feyland long, but a little longer. She was starving, but it didn't seem like these two sex psychos were going to bring her food. She had drank plenty of water from the little metal sink, so at least she wasn't thirsty. And she felt calm and relaxed, even though she was also scared. Maybe hydration calmed her.

She rubbed at her tiny beer belly - she liked to jokingly call it her beer baby - and thought that it looked a little smaller. Perhaps she'd lose the couple of extra pounds she had. So it wasn't all bad.

But then she'd starve to death and die.

Becky didn't care. She hoped they never came back. She would just sit here reading about sexy elves and staying well hydrated until she died from lack of food. It would be better than what they had already put her through.

She tried to keep those thoughts in her head, allowing rage and resentment to build up, but her mind remained oddly calm. What she mostly felt was loneliness. She hadn't talked to anyone in a day, and that was a record for her. She was normally a very outgoing and friendly person, so this was torture. She couldn't remember a time in the past decade when she was alone, except for in bathrooms and while sleeping. Even when she had to sleep alone she left a TV or music on, so she didn't feel alone.

She missed her friends, and her parties, and finding new future ex boyfriends and girlfriends.

She thought that Abby was probably trying to keep her in solitude to torture her. Why wouldn't she? She had already forced herself on her. Why not throw in some emotional trauma as well?

Becky's own sister....assaulting her, forcing her to enjoy it. And she did enjoy it! She was having a really hard time being disgusted, because sex was one of those things that always brought her happiness. The act of being with someone in the most intimate way possible, having them fully focused on her while they made was incredible! Sex, sexy boys, sex with sexy boys, sex with sexy girls. It was all so much fun!

It was less fun when you were enjoying it with your sister...

Becky started to cry again. She was so tired of her life. She had been tired of it even before she had been kidnapped and forced to commit incest in a shower. She had been tired of it for a very long time. The fact that it had gotten weirder and creepier in the past couple days was proof that it would never get better.

So yes, bring on the mind numbingly boring sexy elf book, more than adequate hydration, and starvation. She was ready for her life to end.

She wished the paint on her death chamber walls weren't Barbie-pink though. That was just depressing.

***** Chapter 15: Becky *****

***** A Homecooked Meal and a Talk About Your Life *****

Becks was busy reading about the specifics of sexy elf mating rituals an hour later when Abby opened the door, nude as usual, carrying a stungun and a leash.

"What do you want, Abby?!"

"My name is Good Girl. That's what you'll call me." Abby said.

"Fuck you!!"

Her sister giggled "Don't worry, we'll do that again soon. Not right now though."

"How 'bout this then? Go disappear for another 3 years, preferably in the worst hell you can find!" Becks countered, ready to pound her sister's face into the pink wallpaper.

In retort Abby pointed the stungun, and the little wire connected with Becky's left breast. She fell to the floor and convulsed, her big tits bouncing and her legs kicking.

Abby was on top of her in a second, locking the leather bracelets together and snapping the leash on her collar.

Abby pulled at the leash and yelled. "UP, PET!!"

Becky climbed to her knees, then on her feet. She glared at her sister.

"You will follow my lead, or I will zap you until you black out, then drag your fat tits to where I want them to be." Abby said this calmly, but she wasn't smiling - for once. She looked serious and annoyed.

Becky glared some more, but followed, keeping her temper. She would watch and wait for a better opportunity.... They walked a short way down the hall, Abby pulling Becks along with the leash. They arrived in a kitchen, and Becky's stomache growled loudly. She didn't know when she had eaten last, exactly. But something in here smelled delicious!

Abby sat Becky down on a chair and attached her leather bracelets to long iron hoops sticking out of a table, then turned around and walked deeper into the kitchhen.

Becky watched her sister's bare, peach-shaped ass move around the kitchen, gathering things together. "She's a perfect housewife too, I guess." She thought.

Abby came back a few minutes later and placed two plates on the table, one for her and one for Becky. The plates had several breakfast burritos on them, with a small dish for guacamole, and another for cilantro lime dressing.

This....this was Becky's favorite meal! No one had actually cooked it for her since she was like 15. Since....

...Abby used to cook this for her. Not just once or twice, but at least once a month for most of their childhood together.

Abby walked to the kitchen again and came back with her arms overflowing with beverages: Milk, a 6 pack of Mexican style beer, and orange juice.

"You used to like breakfast burritos with Kool-aid when you were a kid. It was gross." Abby said, scrunching her nose up. "Pick whichever you want."

"Is your boyfriend not joining us, Abby?"

"He's my Master, not my boyfriend. And my name is Good Girl." Abby answered calmly. She sat down and picked up a burrito. She took a big bite, seeming unconcerned that Becks still wore a murderous expression.

Becky's stomache was growling so loudly that she could hear it, like it was calling out to her for help. But she reached for a beer and popped it open, ignoring the delicious looking nostalgia food.

"You forced yourselves on me yesterday, and now you want to have lunch together!"

Abby smiled between bites. "We did! It was fun!! We're going to do it again every day. It'll be part of our routine."

"It was incest, you crazy bitch!!"

Abby shook her head while she chewed, her deep blue eyes seeming distracted by the burrito.

"Nah," Abby said, "We're not biological sisters. And I don't consider you family, I only call you sis for your benefit. Master is my family."

"Wha..." Becky started, then took a gulp of beer. "Did I imagine our childhood?"

"We had a childhood together, I just don't care about it anymore. Or any part of my life prior to 3 years ago. But it also wasn't incest because you were adopted, Becks."

Becky gave her a doubtful look.

"I have proof, I can show you later if you want. Your mom was dad's old girlfriend. The love of his life apparently, if what our research indicates is true. She died giving birth to you, and Dad took you in. But you're not his."

Abby said all of this in a calm, factual tone while she looked at Becks. She had a sympathetic look on her face, as though she felt for her sister.

"You''re lying...." Becky said, her anger replaced with confusion.

Abby sighed and rolled her eyes. She got up from her chair and retrieved a laptop, which she spent a few minutes typing on. Then she showed Becky a screen. It was a picture of a birth certificate, and a picture of adoption records right under it.

Rebekah Anne Halberd, the birth certificate read. Not Hawkins. Halberd. She hadn't even been born in this state....the certificate and record said she was born in Texas, on the other side of the country.

"Why?" Becky asked. "Why would Dad adopt me? He didn't even love you, and I'm guessing you're his bio daughter, so why pick up a stray?"

Abby shrugged. "I don't know, Becks. He's an asshole. He wanted a piece of the only woman he actually loved, then figured out he didn't really want the responsibility. He probably married mom and had me for similar reasons - he wanted a family, until he didn't."

"Is that why you tried to frame him for molesting you?" Because he's an asshole?"

"No." Abby replied. "Master did that to help prevent the cops from taking an interest after I left. I don't care that he did it because dad's such an asshole. He didn't care about me. I definitely don't care about him."

"How do I even know any of this is true?"

Abby closed the screen and sat the laptop down. "I'll show you more some other time. We'll have months here together, so there's no rush. I want to eat right now though. Our fun in the shower yesterday took a lot out of me!"

Abby picked up her last burrito and began munching on it.

Becks wasn't sure what to think about the adoption thing. It did make sense.... Mom hated her, and although she had a few fond memories of dad when she was a little girl, her father seemed to lose interest. He wasn't emotionally invested in anyone. Becky's life has been awful because she was adopted by people who didn't actually want her....

"Fine Abs, whatever. Are you any better than he is? You disappeared for 3 years!! Where were you?"

"I was here for the first year" Abby said, "But Master has a house in California that we also live in. And we've been traveling lately. We saw Paris last year! It was beautiful!"

Becks mouth fell open. "That....that's great...." She drew in a breath. "What happened to you, Abigail?"

Abby sat her half finished burrito down and calmly looked at her sister.

"I discovered who I really am. I found love with someone who loves me for who I am, and would do anything for me. He once walked miles through a dark forest, fought off a 500 pound hangry wild bear to protect me, then walked all the way back through the dark forest while carrying me in his arms!! He helped me get past every bit of trauma that our parents left me with, and it was a lot of trauma. Alll of my dreams have come true. It took a lot of work, but my life is perfect. I'm going to help you achieve all of that for yourself, Becky. And it's going to happen whether you want it to or not."

"Oh?? Walking around wearing nothing but a pink dog collar so some older dude can tell people he owns you? And being assaulted in the shower? That's your secret to happiness? No thanks. And that bear story sounds dumber than the sexy elf book I've been reading while you kept me locked up!"

"It doesn't matter what you believe. And Princess of Fey is a work of litererary art!! Abby said, sounding annoyed, "I haven't stopped being happy in the last 3 years. Master says that I even smile in my sleep! That's how happy you'll be too, when I'm done with you. You don't have a say in it. Or anything else."

"Why did you kidnap me, Abby?"

Abby sighed, looking slightly annoyed. "Starting tomorrow, Every time you call me anything except Good Girl, I will hang you upsidedown from the ceiling and spank you for an hour."

"That's why you took me? To torture me?"

"We rescued you from your life, before you could completely destroy it. To help you." Abby explained.

"I didn't ask for your help! I decide what my life needs! And it didn't need what you've done to me so far!"

Abby laughed ironically. "Oh Becks.... Your days of making decisions and deciding what's best for you are over. You will never be free again. You will never be in control of your life again. You've proven that you can't handle it."

"And you can?!"

"Nope." Abby said matter factly. "If Master hadn't rescued me, my life would have been hell. I probably would have ended it before now. Or ended up trapped in a marriage to some jerk who didn't actually like me, and stuck in a career I hated while mom controlled me."

Abby sighed, picking up the last of her burrito and taking a big bite. "We rescued you because we care. Just as Master cared about me when he first found me."


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