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Graduation Slumber Party

Story Info
Young women coerce and corrupt a devout male classmate.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 08/09/2022
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Note from author

This story takes place in the same world as Election Night Denial, though in this case male chastity has been mandated for the last 15 years.

If you're not interested in themes of female domination or male chastity I'd recommend trying another story.

It's easy to forget that sex wasn't always like this. Thirty years ago if you asked a woman what came to mind when she thought of sex she would probably mention the sweat, the grunting, the weight of her husband thrusting on top of her, and all too often the disappointing finish.

But if you ask any young woman today, sex most often means slow, deliberate foreplay, lying on your back as your partner does his best to gratify your body. Sex means soft kisses, gentle caresses and an exploring tongue that works to pleasure you until you are finished.

Sex means an attentive male partner, whose genitals are almost always in a cage for the act, or an engaged female partner, who is treated as an equal.

References to oral sex have become almost obsolete since the vast majority of all sex that takes place is oral sex. And by this we of course mean cunnilingus. Whereas your mother's generation would probably think of 'blow jobs' when they heard oral sex, our culture has shifted to the point where the thought of a woman swallowing a man's semen is understandably viewed with disgust.

Today it is far more common for a man to swallow his own discharge than for a woman to do it for him.

But, a new trend among young women is offering a rare exception to this rule. The graduation slumber party.

Since the government extended high school by an additional year to provide more direct supervision of young men adjusting to a life under lock and key, there has been a new opportunity for the graduating class to experiment.

Groups of young ladies in their final year will invite unsuspecting male classmates to their homes for an overnight celebration. With the permission of the male's keyholder, the key is transferred to the care of the mother of the home where the party will take place. And that is where the fun begins...

Margaret sat at her laptop, typing out the magazine article. 600 words left and the editor wanted a draft by 7pm, but it would have to wait for now. She had just heard the doorbell.

"Coming!" she called out from her study.

She bypassed her husband who was sweeping the foyer and opened the door to a tall, handsome young man in a suit.

"David, it's so nice to see you. Come on in." She greeted him.

"You look lovely tonight Mrs. Connor."

"Why thank you David, you look dashing yourself. The girls are all waiting downstairs but first I thought I could get you ready. Why don't you follow me."

He followed her upstairs into what looked to be the master bedroom. As he entered behind her his discomfort was palpable.

"You can shut the door behind you David."

He gulped and then did as he was asked.

"Do you have something for me David?"

"My mother told me to give you this." He extended an envelope as he spoke.

Margaret took the envelope and tore it open. She pulled out a small note and read.

Dear Margaret,

Thank you so much for hosting tonight. And for encouraging the girls to select David. I am sure he will be reluctant at first but I'm also sure that your girls will be able to persuade him. I worry so much about him and his crazy views on purity. But I'm convinced it is a phase, and one that tonight will cure. You'll find the key included here.


Margaret slipped her finger into the envelope and found a small gold key which she left in place while folding the envelope and setting it on her nightstand.

"Excellent. Thank you David. I hope you don't mind before I send you downstairs if I just check that everything is still under lock and key for now?"

David grimaced which she took as reluctant consent.

She undid the belt of his pants and opened his fly so that there was enough of an opening to fit in her hand. David closed his eyes and braced himself, allowing her to touch the polymer chastity cage that encased his penis. A chill went down his back and he shivered.

"Perfect. Now can I see your hand David?"

He held it out for her.

She turned it over in her own palm as if examining it innocently, but then slowly moved it beneath her own dress. He resisted her pull.

"Be a good guest now David."

He allowed her to guide his hand further until it was touching her panties. He could feel her dampness and tried to recoil but she held him fast by the wrist.

"Mrs. Connor, what about Mr. Connor?" David pleaded.

She cozied up to him and whispered in his ear. "Mr. Connor would never come into my bedroom without my permission David. Now stop being so old fashioned. It's just a little petting."

She forced his hand to rub against her, but it was stiff and robotic.

"Fine, fine. I'm a little disappointed in your manners David but I understand if you want to play hard to get. I'll send you down to the girls now but you should know there's a good chance you'll be spending a lot more time here this summer and if that's the case I won't be letting you off so easily."

David breathed a sigh of relief and allowed himself to be led down the first set of stairs, past a red-faced Mr. Connor, and into the kitchen.

"Your role tonight will be to serve the girls during their party. We have some drinks here for you to bring down and Mr. Connor put some appetizers in the oven which are just being kept warm. That door there leads into the basement where the girls are, and I'll be in my bedroom if you need me."

David nodded. He got to work, putting the wine glasses on a serving tray, removing the appetizers from the oven and plating them. Any male his age had served in such a way many times.

Then it was through the door and down the stairs to his waiting classmates.

He held his breath as they came into view.

Five girls sat around the room, reclining on chairs and couches. They were dressed as if for a slumber party, though perhaps a more mature version. There were no cute cotton pajamas, only silk nighties and satin robes.

David felt on the verge of hyperventilating.

"David, we're so glad you could join us." It was Rhiannon Connor, Margaret's daughter that greeted him first. "Go ahead and set down that tray on the table there and you can bring us our drinks one by one."

He did as he was told, bringing the first glass to Rhiannon. She leaned forward to receive it from him and though the sight of her skin hidden behind a thin camisole dress tugged at his vision, he studiously avoided looking at anything but her eyes.

"Isn't David such a gentleman?" Rhiannon exclaimed.

"David, you're going to sweat right through the wool of your jacket. It's far too warm down here for a full suit. Let me take that for you." It was Min-Je speaking -- he knew her from seeing her in the library.

She had a favorite place in the stacks where she liked to take boys and have them go down on her. David knew this because his preferred study carrel had a view of that spot. Once she had maintained eye contact with him through an orgasm, a moment now burned into David's memory.

The first time it happened he initially thought she was in pain. But as he studied her expression he realized it was closer to the religious ecstasy he sometimes saw on the faces of women worshipping at his church. In fact, the next time he went to service he found the similarity so striking that he struggled to repress his lustful thoughts there in the chapel.

Now Min-Je was standing and helping him take off the jacket. "So much better." She managed to lean in and say this uncomfortably close to his ear.

The other three girls he knew already from classes. Michelle, who much of his grade regarded as a wealthy snob and then Rose and Lily, the identical twins who had played games on their teachers all through school.

"So, my mom told me that I should give this to you at the start of the night." David reached into his pocket to pass a second envelope to Rhiannon.

"That's so kind of you David." She opened it in front of him, reading a small note which she folded and set on the coffee table in front of her. If the note had contained anything surprising she managed not to show it. "Perhaps you could find us some ice?" She instructed.

The girls began the night innocently enough, putting David to good use going back up and down the stairs to fetch them ice or snacks and inviting him to drink with them occasionally. After his third drinking David was starting to feel flushed and the girls began prying him for some details about his life.

"So David, I couldn't help but notice the ring you wear on your left hand." Rhiannon observed. "It's pretty uncommon for men to wear jewelry these days. Unless you count the device between their legs."

The girls snickered.

"Well, it's a purity ring. It has religious significance to me." David explained.

"Oh so serious. Well what does it signify?" Asked Michelle.

David paused before answering begrudgingly. "Well, I believe that a man shouldn't have sex with a woman until he has a permanent keyholder. Not counting his mother of course."

"Wait, does this mean you've never gone down on a woman?" Min-Je asked incredulously.

"No. We believe that sex is a holy experience so I am saving it for the right person. Someone who is committed to me for the long term. Hopefully my wife."

"What a waste though." Laughed Michelle. "A good looking guy like you, and you're keeping that tongue all to yourself until you're married!?"

"Well, I believe it's the right thing to do." David responded sheepishly.

"You've never been tempted to try it out? Don't you want to know what you're missing?" Asked Rhiannon.

"Of course. Every guy thinks about these things. I just try and put those thoughts aside. It helps me to focus on my schoolwork." David felt himself going down a slippery slope. He was emboldened by the wine and yet so nervous. At the same time, like many young religious people, he believed his way of doing things was the right way, and the world would be better off if more people thought like he did. If he could convince even one of the girls to think like him it would be a spiritual victory.

"Well I guess it's working. Your grades are high enough that you'd be the Valedictorian for sure if you weren't ineligible because you're a boy." Lily, one of the twins, acknowledged.

"You must still fantasize about sex when your mom releases you though, right?" Min-Je, asked.

The truth was that the very last time he had been released he had fantasized about Min-Je. His mother insisted for his health that he have at least one, timed erection every month, even if he refused to bring himself to orgasm. And so, for fifteen minutes he had endured that sentence, standing in front of her with his hands held tightly behind his own back, sporting a blazing, untouched erection sustained by memories of Min-Je's moaning in the library.

David inhaled deeply before replying, "Actually, I try not to touch myself on release days. It only makes it harder to keep a pure mind."

"Good God David, that can't be healthy! The male body still needs at least occasional release. We all learned that in our chastity classes." Min-Je said.

David shuddered at the thought of those chastity classes. It was a three-day course recently added to the Grade 13 curriculum, timed for when everyone was 18 and over. Boys brought their keys to school and were partnered with a girl in the class who learned how to take on and off their device, and a few other things beside. Despite the presence of a female teacher, three of the girls managed to bring their partner to ejaculation. Even months later David had to repress the thought of his partner's hands tormenting him.

"You're right." David brought himself back to the moment to reply. "But the body can take care of itself. Every few months I have a nocturnal emission. Semen leaves my body while I sleep and that's that."

"Oh my God, what a mess to wake up to. Gross." Michelle made a face while she spoke.

"Don't be mean Michelle." Rhiannon said. "I think it's admirable that David isn't like all the other boys, walking around salivating while they undress us with their eyes, just hoping some girl will order them to go down on her."

"Are you the only boy at our school that thinks this way?" Rose asked sweetly.

"Well there were four of us at the start of the year." David sighed. "But I don't blame them for giving up. It's not easy. Our world isn't designed to keep us pure."

"Who were they?" Lily asked.

"Who seduced them is what I want to know," added Min-Je.

"I don't actually know who they lost their virginity to. After they fell away, the guys didn't really want to speak about it with me. They were ashamed. I tried not to act judgmental, but it felt like a betrayal."

"I think you're being too righteous cloaking this all in religion. My mom told me about men like you," Michelle spoke again. "She said it's the same strategy women used to gain some control over the patriarchy. It's an economics thing. If you make a resource scarce then people value it more. So men are trying to take back control by refusing to perform their sexual duties."

"I'm happy to do what's expected of me though." David corrected her. "In my faith, we believe that women are the rightful head of the household. I'll obey my keyholder, but I'm not going to sin with any woman who asks."

"So no sex for you until your mom gives the keys to some woman she trusts eh?" Lily said.

Rhiannon didn't let him respond. "But what would happen if your mom gave your key to a girl who just wanted to use you for sex and then move on? Would you still obey your new keyholder?" Her eyes twinkled as she asked and her pouty lips wore a feigned innocence as if she was concerned for his well-being.

"That would never happen. My mom knows my beliefs and respects them." David said with confidence.

Rhiannon raised an eyebrow at him and he finally admitted, "But my mother is the head of the household so ultimately I would trust her judgment."

"Interesting." Rhiannon smiled at this and it seemed to David that there was something devilish in her grin. "Well, I think we should probably stop badgering poor David about all this and get on with tonight's event." Rhiannon said.

"Do you know what happens at a Graduation Slumber Party, David?" Min-Je asked.

"No -- not really. I know groups of girls will select a guy and then if his mother approves he will come and serve at a celebratory evening party. But only women are supposed to know what happens and the guy is sworn to secrecy."

"That's about right, David." Rhiannon acknowledged, "The missing detail is that it starts off with a game. The school board insists though that the guy who is involved has his hands tied up before the rules are explained. For our protection. I know we can trust you but we'll go by the book anyway." As she spoke, she stood and walked towards him tantalizingly slowly.

In previous decades, when a man saw a woman in little clothing, he might have dreamed up all sorts of vulgar scenarios. Perhaps he would imagine bending her over a table and ravaging her from behind. Or tearing off her bra and mashing her breasts with his hands before plunging his hardness into her waiting hole.

But the male mind is plastic and has changed with the culture. Since there is no realistic chance of penetrating a woman, the average man spends little time fantasizing about vaginal intercourse, because he knows his manhood is trapped hopelessly in a cage. Instead, he tends to fantasize about where he will put his tongue. Even though there is no sexual relief to be had for him in this act, he imagines a woman climaxing on his face, for the woman reaching satisfaction is now the highlight of the sexual act for both partners.

And so David stood there, enraptured as Rhiannon walked towards him and though he tried to fight it, he found his gaze drawn to her panties, visible beneath the sheer fabric of her nightie. His cock thrummed painfully in its cage, his stomach felt empty and he had to stop himself from kneeling and begging for permission to bury his face in her secret place.

While David was transfixed by her body, Rhiannon reached him and began to undo his necktie. Then stepping behind him, she took began knotting it around his wrists, binding his arms behind his back. Michelle and Min-Je rose as well, cornering him in the open.

Once his hands were secured, Rhiannon grabbed him by the shoulders and turned him around to face her again and began unbuttoning his collar. "So, the way this works, is that each of us are going to take turns with you. Only a few seconds at a time to start." Her hands were now down to the fourth button and Min-Je was reaching around from behind him to unbuckle his belt.

"Wait, stop this... to do what?" David struggled for the first time in his bindings and wished that he hadn't let his hands be tied so easily.

"Shhh, David this will be fun." Min-Je assured him as his pants fell to the ground.

"We're each going to take turns playing with your cock." Rhiannon explained as she finished unbuttoning his shirt. "The goal of this game is to bring you as close to orgasm as possible without actually making you finish. Whichever girl is touching you when you do finish loses, and has to swallow all your warm, filthy spunk. But whichever girl is the second last person to touch you wins, so she has an incentive to tease you right up to the brink."

"What does the winner get?" David asked, fearing the answer.

"The winner gets your key for the next two weeks." Rhiannon replied and then tugged his underwear to the ground as she spoke. David was now only wearing his wide-open dress shirt and a semi-transparent chastity cage.

David was horrified. "This can't be the game. My mom would never have allowed me to come here. You don't even have the key."

Rhiannon walked over to the note she had left on the coffee table and began reading it out loud.

"Dear Rhiannon, thanks so much for organizing this night and for accepting my son as your guest of honor. I am happy for you girls to have your way with David. My only request is that when you return him to me, he is no longer a virgin."

The other girls laughed and clapped their hands.

Rhiannon continued reading, "I understand that the school board has agreed to a two-week period of keyholding. If the winning girl so desires, I am happy for her to remain David's keyholder for the remainder of the summer until he leaves for college."

As Rhiannon finished, she turned her head to acknowledge her own mom who was coming down the stairs. Someone must have messaged her to let her know the game was starting.

"Sounds like you're in for an exciting summer, David." Mrs. Connor winked at him. Her daughter moved out of the way, allowing her to stand in front of David. "I'm going to unlock you now David, and I hope you'll be a better guest for the girls than you were for me. This should be the best night of your life -- just enjoy yourself."

He gasped then as her cold hands took him by the balls and fiddled with his lock. Using the key sent by David's mother, she released him from the cage.

He stared at his cock as it began swelling inevitably towards its full size. He wanted to think of other things, to put his mind somewhere else, but it was no use.

"I'll just be over here girls." Rhiannon's mother stepped aside and sank into a chair in the corner.

The girls then took up spots surrounding him in a circle.

"Mrs. Connor is right, David." Min-Je spoke. "This will probably be the only time in your life that any girl gets on her knees like this for you. Why not enjoy it?"


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