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Grandma was Confused


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Her kisses stirred me and made me want to kiss her back with passion, to make wild passionate love with her! God, I hated myself for being a disgusting pervert! Every time that Grandma kissed me and I liked it, I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame. Mainly for having driven her insane but also because I knew that I shouldn't feel pleasure from these kisses. I was no better than some asshole taking advantage of a drunken woman or forcing themselves on a mental patient.

After a few days of "humoring" Grandma I began to look forward to the spells when Grandma was confused. I loved the touch of her lips, the sensation of her ripe form pressing against me. Just the thought of her lined face pursed in a kiss would arouse me. In school I daydreamed about kissing her hot, thin lips, her soft jowls and double chin, about my lips caressing the creased skin of her neck. Soon just walking into a room where the smell of her hair or her favorite scent lingered made me horny.

I guess it was inevitable that I'd forget myself. I was sitting at the kitchen table doing my homework and Grandma was washing dishes. The combination of her perfume and watching her plump ass as she moved in front of the sink drove me a little mad. Like a man possessed I closed my book and embraced Grandma, putting my arms around her and kissing her on the neck. My iron hard cock pressed up against the soft cushions of her buttocks and my hands cupped her breasts. As she gave a gasp of surprise, I realized Oh shit! Grandma's going to freak since she wasn't having a spell.

However Grandma murmured, "Oh, Caleb you're feeling very frisky tonight." She then turned around and gave me a kiss that nearly made me spurt in my pants. She pressed hard up against me, grinding her crotch against mine, and rubbing her breasts against my shirt. When she stood back I could see the hard points of her nipples poking through her bra.

After giving me a rock hard erection Grandma gave me a matronly peck on the cheek and said, "Jacob, would you grab a dish towel out of the lower drawer?" I had a bit of trouble doing as she asked because of my huge boner. Grandma however seemed oblivious to my condition, although I could have sworn I saw a slight twinkle in her eyes.

After this incident I no longer waited for Grandma to have a spell, I often initiated our make out sessions. As soon as my lips touched hers Grandma became confused and thought I was Grandpa Caleb. You probably think I'm a total shit for doing this and quite frankly so did I. Hell, I knew I was taking advantage of a lonely, delusional woman but by this time I was so sexually enamored of her I needed her as much as she needed me.

A month after I began humoring her Grandma made announcement at our family dinner that nearly caused my father to choke on his steak.

"I know we are guests in your home, David but I really don't appreciate you making your father and I sleep apart. I'll not stand for it anymore. Either you allow Caleb to return to our marriage bed, or we'll leave and never visit you again." Grandma slipped her hand into mine and held it tightly.

"Okay, this has gone on far enough. Look Mom, Dad is...."

"David!" Mom's voice snapped out like a whip as she slammed her fork onto the table.

Dad's eyes shot daggers at me and Mom but he shut up.

"Gladys, the reason that you've been sleeping in separate beds is because neither of the beds is wide enough for two people." Mom said in a calm, gentle voice. This was not exactly true however. I had a twin bed, which I barely fit into but Jarrod had gotten a full bed when he got his first job.

"Is that the only reason? Oh, Marjorie dear, don't worry about that. Caleb and I will make do," Grandma gave me a searing look and a wicked smile. Her foot played against mine and her hose clad knee tickled mine. I immediately had a throbbing bar of iron in my pants. The very idea of being in the same bedroom as my grandmother made me randy as hell. However I knew it was a bad idea. Just the mention of sharing the bed had filled my head with erotic scenes of me making love to every inch of her mature body.

Grandma stood up. "Well I've said my piece and I expect you to abide by it." She glared at my dad and then smiled at Mom and me. "I'm going to freshen up. See you later, darling." She gave me a wink.

As soon as Grandma left the room Dad said. "Oh, my fucking Lord! Well, we've got to put a stop that this nonsense now."

Mom nodded and said, "I had a feeling it would come to this. I've been pricing the cost of therapy for her. We'll have to get rid of the sports channels and cut out extraneous expenses like beer, bowling and sports pools" With a small smile Mom added "Besides you won't have time for any of that stuff anymore since you'll need to get a second job."

"What! Why in the hell should I get a second job!" Dad roared.

Mom rolled her eyes and smiled, "Well, honey- she is your mother."

Dad turned his glare on me. "Yeah, but I'm not the one who made her crazy. Why can't Mr. Leaky Faucet here get a job?"

"Jacob has to keep his grades up so he can get a scholarship or a partial scholarship to college. If he doesn't a scholarship, I guess we'll never retire. Of course even if he does get a job there's no guarantee that the therapy bills won't eat into our retirement fund."

Now you have to understand early retirement was my Dad's major dream. Although, his plans seemed rather lame to me. He wanted to lie around the house every day watching the sports channels, sort of like a weekend that lasted for twenty years. As my Dad saw his dream fade before his eyes, he teared up a bit. Biting his lip, he said, "Well since we can't afford therapy without losing all we've worked for, I guess, you're going to have to take one for the team, sport."

"What do you mean, dear?"

"I mean it won't do him any harm to share a bed with his grandmother for a little while. You know humor her, until she snaps out of it."

"I guess that's as good a suggestion as any," Mom agreed. She gave me an encouraging smile and patted my hand.

"Wait a minute! I don't think this is a good idea. Not at all!" I said.

A vein popped out on Dad's forehead, he spoke slowly and deliberately. "Why do you have to be so difficult? I'm not going give up the NFL all day ticket just because you couldn't keep your hands off your dick. What's the big goddamned deal about sleeping in the same bed as your grandmother, for God's sake!"

Now of course I didn't say, "Well, Dad it's because your mom really turns me on and I am afraid that I might just boink her." So I mumbled something about not getting enough sleep for school.

Dad shot that excuse down with an irritated wave. "Is that all? Well, she goes to sleep a couple of minutes after she lies down and she sleeps like a rock all night long."

"Must run in the family," Mom muttered.

Dad shot her a puzzled expression.

"Okay, well that's not the only thing that worries me. Remember she thinks I am grandpa, what if she... you know...wants to... you know... do it."

Dad looked like had been poleaxed. I don't know if it never occurred to him that his parents had sex. But he looked dumbfounded for a minute. When he spoke his voice was strained with anger and embarrassment. "I... I can't even believe you'd think that. In the first place this is my mother we're talking about, not some cheap floozie. Second of all, people that age don't have sex. Hell, people my age barely have sex."

Mom muttered, "You can say that again."

Dad glared at Mom and continued "At the most they cuddle. Surely you can do that."

"Okay, but what about the off chance that she might actually want to do something... sexual."

Dad shook his head in exasperation. "Look, don't worry about it. It's not gonna happen."

Mom shook her head and gave Dad a sour smile. "You can always say you're too tired. That usually works."

"Christ, Marjorie do you have to bring that up in front of the kid!" Dad lumbered to his feet, grabbed a can of beer out of the fridge and went into the living room to watch one of his ESPN stations.

Well, it was with a combination of anticipation and trepidation that I headed for my grandmother's bedroom that evening. I'd taken a shower mainly as a delaying tactic, hoping she'd be asleep when I went into the room. Just outside her door my mom stopped me. She gave me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. This was unusual for mom because we are not a touchy feely sort of family-as you may have already figured out. She looked like she was going to start bawling. She gave me a sweet smile "Have a good night"

When I opened toe door a thick, perfumed scent accentuated by an earthy musk greeted me. Grandma wasn't asleep. As a matter of fact she was far from it. She lay on her back, propped on a pillow with her hands behind her head. Regarding me with a smoky half lidded gaze, a wicked grin crinkled her beautiful, wrinkled face. She had teased and sprayed her shoulder length silver hair, put on blue eye shadow and carmine lipstick. She was dressed in a sheer black negligee with a black garter belt and black stockings. Her red nailed toes wiggled at me. My eyes traveled up her toned, silk encased legs which were splayed open in invitation. Her frilly black panties were so transparent I could see a gray bush and fat, puffy lips below it. The lips seemed to shimmer as if they were moist and moving. I forced my eyes away from her crotch but I couldn't look completely away. I lingered over the soft rise of her belly and hips and up to the hard nippled breasts lying across her breast bone.

Smiling seductively she said, "I've been waiting so patiently for you honey. Why don't you come here and give me a kiss. With a giggle she added, "To start with." Her eyes flickered across my shorts which had become quite tented as I looked at my negligee clad Grandma.

Self control, self control! I thought throwing myself stomach first on the bed next to her, I buried my face in a pillow and shouted a muffled. "I'm too tired!"

A red nailed hand gripped my shoulder as Grandma kissed it and said with a laugh "Are you sure? It looks like you could stay up for quite a while to me."

"Too tired!" I shouted.

"Okay, well maybe you'll change your mind after you've rested."

Grandma turned off the nightstand light and turned away from me. I don't know how I did it but I managed to fall asleep after an hour or so of lying there tense as a piano wire.

Sometime later I had a really vivid dream of Grandma giving me a very intense blowjob. The nightstand light snapped on blinding me momentarily. As my eyes cleared I became aware that this was not entirely a dream, although I was lying on my back I was not getting a blowjob. With her black hose clad knees on either side of my hips Grandma straddled me. Smiling down at me she had the negligee lifted and bunched about her hips giving me a clear view of her garter clad waist, black silken clad thighs, gray-white thatch and puffy maroon lips. She maintained a position so that the head of my cock was held just inside the entrance to her moist, hot pussy. Its pulsations were why I'd dreamed my dick was being sucked.

Seeing that I was awake she lowered herself. The thick, puffy lips capped by a profuse patch of grayish white hair sank down to meet my groin. I knew I should say something, do something to stop this but I was paralyzed by desire. Although she was very moist she had to wiggle her hips back and forth to work her pussy down around my rigid cock. I'm not gonna give you any bullshit about having a twelve inch long four inch diameter cock, its just that her snatch was incredibly tight. Probably from not being penetrated for some time. Her creased face held a grimace that straddled the line between pleasure and pain. Yet she grinned as she rocked her hips, her lust glazed eyes burning into mine. Although it hurt her slightly she enjoyed this slow insertion as much as I.

I was in heaven and was at first unable to concentrate on much beside the sensation of hot, slick walls clenching, stroking and caressing my cock as they engulfed it. As the wet, swollen pink lips swallowed my cock my eyes were riveted to the moist dew matted gray thatch above the lips. Her love handles slightly spilled over the edge of her garters. I found this excruciatingly erotic. My eyes drifted upwards taking in the aged sag of her hose clad legs, the soft, shaking swell of her belly, the bounce of her flopping, grapefruit sized breasts. Her acorn sized and acorn hard nipples brushed back and forth against silken material of the negligee, the hard protrusions making a mesmerizing, abstract design.

Grandma gasped as our groins met and her soft buttocks kissed my balls. Her eyes burned like emerald flames as she wiggled her pussy around the cock impaling her. I bit my lip to keep my rocket from blasting off. Seeing my expression she laughed and pulled the negligee over her head, throwing it to the side. Shaking her head so that her silvery hair billowed, she rocked her hips back and forth. Lifting her pendulant breasts, she aimed the stiff, pink nipples in my direction and gave me a grin that brought out all of laugh lines, crows' feet and creases in her face.

"You really like this saggy, ancient body, don't you sweetie? You think this old lady is one sexy bitch." She made me groan as she wiggled her hips again. She laughed and she said, "You just lay there and watch me as I ride your sweet cock. Lie there and watch this body you find so sexy make love to you." As soon as she put her red nailed fingers on her hips, those hips began churning up and down and from side to side in a slow, measured pace. Grandma's pussy loosed a bit as we fucked but it still gripped my prick like a silken glove.

My eyes drank in the vision of Grandma riding my cock. I was inside the body I had lusted for ever since the shower incident. My lust for Grandma had grown due to our make out sessions. Although I knew it was wrong because Grandma was confused I still found myself dreaming about this very thing. I dreamt about Grandma happily and wantonly fucking me. I found it hard to breathe as I took in the lovely, sexy traits unique to her mature, matronly form. My eyes most often strayed to her breasts, as they drooped off of her chest, swinging and swaying like fleshy wrecking balls. Grandma noticed my fascination and shook them in front of me. The hard tipped wrecking balls smashed into my face and crushed my control. Liquid fire boiled up from my groin and seared a path to my brain. My brain exploded with mind numbing pleasure as white lava erupted from the skinny volcano buried in my Grandma's cunt.

As my face contorted Grandma began slamming her hips up and down. As she milked my orgasm she loudly whispered. "Cum for me honey, cum in the pussy you love so much." Her hot lips molded to mine in a passionate, tongue twisting kiss. Her soft, pillowy breasts crushed against my chest, diamond nubs digging into my breastbone. My moans of pleasure were answered in kind by her, as she shivered and quaked as an orgasm ripped through her.

Even after we came we were still in a state of intense excitement and continued to kiss and neck passionately. Our fingers caressed, tickled and explored the other's body as we kissed.

Grandma hissed in my ear, "I cannot believe you are still hard after that load you gave me."

This was not entirely true, although I hadn't gone completely limp I didn't have a raging hard on either. Passionately embracing this sensually exciting mature woman had kept me in a stimulated state. Grandma's hot, throbbing snatch still held me in its wanton grip. It also made me quite hot thinking about the taboos I was breaking just by being inside this particular pussy.

Grandma felt me twitch and stiffen slightly her eyes widened and she gave me a slow, scorching smile that crinkled her face. "Somebody wants to play some more."

Giving me a vacuum sealed, tonsil teasing kiss, Grandma slowly humped me. As my dick stiffened harder she rolled onto her side and then onto her back. Tiny shivers ran through me as her silken clad thighs slithered around my hips. The slippery, tickle across my buttocks as her stocking clad feet locked around me sent an electric tingle straight to my now rampant cock.

Breaking our kiss, Grandma's hot green eyes blazed into mine and she panted, "Now, love me hard as you can, sweetheart."

Not one to disobey his grandmother I thrust into her, slowly and deliberately. Because I didn't want to hurt her I was very gentle. Grandma's nails bit into my shoulders as she clung to me. She gave me a dirty look and hissed, "Harder!"

So I plunged back and forth into that exquisite pussy with moderate speed. Still it was not enough for Grandma. Eyes boring into mine she said in chastising tones, "You can do better than that. Come, on fuck me! I'm not going to snap like a twig!"

A bit angry at being spoken to like a child, I let her have it. I rammed into her so hard I the bed shook. Her arms and legs constricted around me and her soft, saggy body quivered fluidly with each stroke. Eyes clenched shut, her faced contorted. She let out a wail and a line of fire scorched my back. I stopped in mid-thrust naively thinking I had hurt her.

Eyes popping open, she almost angrily shouted, "What the hell are you doing? Don't stop! Pour it on!"

Doing my best jackhammer imitation, I resumed fucking Grandma. Realizing that I had just given her an orgasm inflamed me. My cocked pounded into that old lady's snatch like nobody's business. Snaking my arms underneath her back, I grabbed her shoulders underhanded, getting a good grip on her. While giving me additional leverage, it also had the pleasant side effect of squashing her round, pendulant breasts flat against my chest. The hot, hard nubbed cushions rolled and mushed beneath me with every thrust. As I slammed into Grandma for all I was worth we locked into a deep sensuous kiss. My entire universe became centered between our ardent, questing lips and the deep, skin tingling wave of pleasure coursing through my body with every thrust of my iron hard cock slammed into the tight, hot tunnel which gripped and sucked at me as if it had a life of its own.

At first Grandma matched my thrusts with her own but she tired, and although she kept her arms and legs tightly wrapped around me, she lay there and allowed me to ram into her. Low guttural moans rose from her throat when first began fucking. These became gradually louder, high pitched whimpering moans which were muffled by our lip lock. The provocative touch of her palpating breasts evoked a desire to experience as much of this piece of Heaven as I could.

Breaking our kiss my eyes roamed down her beautiful form so I could get a visual memory of fucking Grandma. Once my mouth was no longer muffling them, Grandma's moans had become increasing louder. I lifted my chest off of her breasts and they flopped about, swinging back and forth on her breast bone like a pair of pink pendulums. Tearing my eyes away, I savored how her loose flesh jiggled and flowed with every plunge of my cock. Even her normally firm, stocking encased thighs swayed and swung with every thrust, demonstrating that they too had succumbed to the effects of aging.

Actually seeing my purpled veined prick piston in and out of the white thatch as the burgundy lips gripped and pulsated it sent such a perverse thrill through me that I almost exploded. My cock also rubbed up against the pushed aside black silken panties and each time I did a tickling electric thrill shot through my prick. As I watched my slick, wet cock piston in and out of her sopping, dripping pussy and felt a strange sense of power, like I was conquering and taming this grey haired beast. An immense feeling of satisfaction combined with pleasure accompanied the feeling of power. Knowing I was bringing such intense pleasure to someone I loved made me feel warm inside.

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