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Grief, Lust, and Consequences Ch. 02

Story Info
Siblings navigate the consequences of their new life.
23.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/03/2023
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Note from the Author:

This is the follow-up and conclusion to the Grief, Lust, & Consequences story. If you haven't yet, please read the first chapter as this one picks up directly where the first left off with no additional context. This story also features themes of consensual non-consent in the form of roleplay between characters as well as a reference to pee-play. So, if that's a deal-breaker for you, you needn't read on.

As I mentioned previously, this story proved to be very difficult for me to write, and I'm relieved that this idea is no longer begging to be let out from inside my mind. I certainly hope you enjoy the conclusion as much as I did writing it!



Katy lay there against her brother for many tense moments and continued to sob with abandon into his shoulder. Her unprocessed grief, her loneliness over the last six weeks without him, her anxiety over being pregnant, and her elation at finally being in his arms again all swirled into an uncontrollable emotional outpouring. Her body wretched and her tears flowed freely while she leaned hard into him. All her strength seemed to be drained from her body and poured out through her eyes in the form of tears.

Jeff was momentarily silent, and Katy was petrified with fear over his reaction. He had come back to her only to find that she was carrying his baby. It seemed to Katy that fate had conspired to assure that their reunion would be complicated at best, or abruptly halted at worst. Her heartbeat felt like a drum that drowned out all other sounds and threatened to break through her chest. Those moments of his silence felt like an eternity. But, Katy then felt his arms wrapping around her tightly, squeezing her and keeping her upright. Exhausted and drained, she melted into his embrace and continued sobbing, soaking his shirt with her tears and holding onto him for dear life. Her brother let her get it all out and stroked up and down her back in an effort to comfort her. The roiling uncertainty that had plagued her all day slowly began to melt away into the warmth of her brother's embrace and Katy gradually allowed it to reach into her spirit and comfort her.

"Are you okay?" he whispered softly while still clutching her to him.

She nearly laughed through her tears at that question. "Of course I'm not okay! I lost my father, fell in love with my brother and am carrying his fucking incest baby as we speak!"

They both couldn't help but stop and give a laugh at that ludicrous statement. Of course, ludicrous or not, that was the most accurate description of the situation in which Katy now found herself.

"I suppose you have a point there," Jeff joked as Katy's sobs began to settle.

He took a breath before continuing. "Forgive the stupid question. And Katy, please forgive me for being stupid in general. When you started talking about us being together, it scared the wits out of me." He slipped his hands down her back and around her ribs and propped her up so they were eye to eye. "All I could hear in my head was all the times dad had said, 'One day this family will be yours to take care of, so look after your sister.' I thought that I had buggered it all up by starting physically with you and felt so guilty... Like I promised something that I could never live up to and let you down."

Between sniffles, Katy tried to interject. "I know, I was so scared that you felt that way... I didn't want to lose you and then I was sure that I did..."

He interrupted her statement and placed a soft, long kiss on her lips. Katy could taste the salt of her tears on his kiss but also felt the relief of being kissed by him after what felt like an eternity. Part of her consciousness couldn't believe what was happening was real. She half expected to wake up from a dream and be without him still. She broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. They were glassy with emotion, focussed on her, and overflowing with affection. This had to be real... She teared up again and felt her lower lip start to quiver, but overcame the tremor and kissed him back and poured all her angst, fear, love, and relief into him through her lips. After a few moments of kissing she quickly realised that she couldn't breathe through her nostrils from all the sobbing, and threw her arms back around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.

Katy had finally gotten her desperate breaths under control and whispered in a strained voice into her brother's shoulder, "Fuck... I've missed you so much!"

Jeff cinched his arms around her again and responded, "I've missed you too. I don't want to have to miss you again, I'm here for anything and everything. As long as you want me here."

Katy mustered the composure to sit upright on her own and wipe her eyes clear. "What about... her?'

"I'm not sure how or exactly how messy it's going to get, but I don't care anymore. Nothing feels right without you. I'll be yours... I want to be yours."

To call the day that Katy was having tumultuous would have been a gross understatement. She was still raw with conflicting emotions over what was unfolding before her eyes, but she still managed to smile at her brother upon hearing those words.

"I like the sound of that," she said softly. "...You being mine."

Jeff smiled back at her, still crouched on the floor in front of her.

"Let's go sit down somewhere comfortable, yeah?" He stood and extended his hand to her and the pair got up and walked over toward the sofa and sat down.

For a good long while, Katy just lay on her side with her head against her brother's chest. She took no small measure of comfort in having him with her of his own volition. She wrapped her arm around his torso as if she was afraid he would disappear if she let him go. Jeff responded by stroking up and down her back and running his fingers through her hair. The pair cuddled and enjoyed the silence and each other's touch before Jeff reached and picked up the remote control.

"Friends?" he chirped, while pointing the remote at the television.

"Actually, I've moved on to Gilmore Girls," Katy responded with a grin.

"Well Gilmore Girls it is then!" Jeff put the show on and the two melted away an hour of the afternoon.

The show picked up where Katy had left off and she started to relax and let her nerves quiet down from their ordeal. She loosened her frightfully tight grip around her brother and rested her hand against his chest. She smiled, feeling his heart beating into her hand. Without looking up she cracked her own oddly-timed joke to her brother.

"So do you really think we're destined to be hermits out in the middle of nowhere?"

Jeff chuckled at Katy throwing his words back at him. "I should certainly hope not!" He slipped his arm around Katy before he went on. "I don't think we need to have it all figured out today, but I'm sure we'll think of something."

Katy was becoming more relaxed as the time went on. But she had a nagging thought that she wanted to get out. Even at this moment she hesitated, knowing how the last time she spoke her mind, it had somewhat backfired.

"Jeff?" she started and then a long pause. "What if I decide I want to keep it?" Her tone was soft and unassuming, but still serious.

She looked up at him from where her head was perched on his shoulder to find him looking back at her.

"Of course whatever you want to do. It's your choice and I'll be here no matter what you decide."

His answer was convincing and unwavering, but she could tell there was more. He had always been one to reign in his outward emotions, but Katy was perplexed that her question didn't spark some discernible amount of panic in her brother.

She timidly responded, "You're being awfully calm about this whole thing. Like, too calm."

His cheeks started to blush as he responded, "Well, it seems that I've got a confession to make."

Katy raised her eyebrows at his statement and turned her head up to look at him as he continued.

He took a breath before going on. "Being completely honest, I've wanted a family... much more so than she did... and let's just say I've fantacised about the two of us in a situation a bit similar to this," he drew a breath while her eyes remained fixed on him. "Though, of course a bit less dramatic."

Katy sat straight up and looked at him in a way that showed both her interest and shock.

"Oh, fuck... you have?"

He sheepishly chuckled back at her. "Um... yes."

He paused as if he was attempting to gauge her reaction before continuing, but Katy widened her hazel eyes silently begging for him to explain before breaking the silence.

"Go on... you can't just leave it at that!" she said with equal parts surprise and curiosity.

"So that all started because the counselor suggested journaling about what I was thinking and wrestling over after dad... It actually helped a bit. And then, when my body started craving sex all the time, I started with the idea of writing dirty stories about the things I fancied... get it out of my system, you know? I wasn't really allowed to explore very much of anything with... well... her" He paused again, Katy still looking at him intently. "I never thought I would tell you this, but the stories are basically about us... and in one of them you get pregnant."

Katy took in this information with a mixture of surprise, shock, and a twinge of arousal. Her mind began to work to fill in the blanks of the starting of their taboo affair and this revelation from her brother.

"Oh my god! So at the cabin wasn't the first time you thought about being with me?"

Jeff blushed deeply and partially covered his face before summoning the composure to reply. "No, not hardly. As a matter of fact, the way you were acting on the last evening I thought you had somehow snooped my phone and were teasing me trying to figure out how messed up I really was!"

Katy was surprised, but at the same time it all made sense. She had a growing curiosity at just how her brother featured her in the secret, depraved parts of his imagination before they even began to explore with each other. The thought that his taboo daydreams were all written down as some sort of record of how she was desired by her big brother sent a warm sensation through her body that she hadn't felt in the time they had been apart. She let it all sink in briefly before pressing him with a question.

"So that day, when we walked the lake and you refused to tell me what you were wanking over..." she began to ask before Jeff cut her off.

"It was you," he said glowing red in an embarrassed vulnerability.

Katy blushed outwardly and gushed inwardly at the revelation that her brother had been featuring her in his mind and at the confirmation that her wayward horny thoughts at the cabin were dead-on after all.

"Oh my god, I fucking knew it! Somehow I just knew it!" she gave him a jab in the arm before turning red in the face again. "While we're on about confessions, I may have gotten myself off listening to you that time."

Jeff laughed at her timid admittance and replied, "Yeah, looking back at everything, I guess that's not really a surprise for either of us!"

Katy paused, her curiosity over this secret trove of dirty stories now blossoming in her mind, coughed nervously, then shot her big eyes up at her brother and asked him a question.

"Um... can I see one? One of your stories I mean?"

"You can if you want," he stopped for a moment as if thinking. "But they're a bit dirty, and with the day you've had... only if you're sure." His eyes were cautious, much like their father's famous "look".

Katy cracked half a grin and met his cautionary gaze. "I think the ship sailed on dirty a long time ago! Besides, I think a dirty distraction may very well be in order... Now, come on! Let me see!"

Jeff grinned and pulled his phone from his pocket and navigated to a hidden folder and handed it to her.

"No making fun!" he quipped at her as she took the phone from his hand.

Katy settled herself into the sofa laying back against her brother's chest and drew up her legging-clad lower limbs and leaned her knees against his leg. She scrolled up and down and found there to be about a dozen files of his secret stories. She smirked in a sense of self-congratulations and at the heat of the thought that Jeff had been pining for her even longer than she had for him. With what she had learned about his kinks and creativity since the cabin, Katy could almost picture him in her mind typing away the stories, getting hard as the lurid ideas popped into his head. Of all the things that Jeff inherited from their father, his creative streak was one thing that certainly came from their estranged mother.

"Which one is the story where you knock me up?" she practically whispered.

Jeff's finger reached across the screen and tapped open the appropriate file. The television show in the background and everything else around her dimmed to a murmur in her senses as she started to read.

The base premise of the tale was a brother and sister who's curiosity gradually got the better of them and they started experimenting with each other in secret. After a little build-up, they caved in to fucking each other, sneaking around and enjoying the taboo thrill to its utmost. Each tryst between the two became more intense and risky. Much like the two actual siblings, the characters had a mix of both dirty and endearing encounters.

She read how her brother described the girl in the story and how painstakingly obvious it was that he was describing Katy herself. The way he described her features, the clothes she wore, even the phrases that the character said were blatant hints that his own sister was foremost in his mind. The words he used to describe how her curves made him "hungry for something he knew he shouldn't have," made her fidget in her seat and turned on the faucet of arousal between her legs. It was obvious that both Jeff and the brother in the story craved his sister very deeply and struggled over the undeniably powerful, but morally questionable nature of their respective longing. Katy herself moaned out loud reading about the brother describing his reaction to seeing his sister as something that "took his breath away and made him want to tie her up and ravage her all at the same time".

After some more reading, she arrived at the point in the narrative that seemed to be building up to the moment of conception. In the story, the brother sneaked into bed with his sister late at night and had her from behind in much the same way that their own first experience played out. She read the way he detailed both the sensations and emotions and it struck a chord to how she felt when she was with Jeff. Katy felt warmth start to flow through her veins. She felt the crotch of her leggings begin to dampen while the scene played itself out in her mind. The story went on to describe how the brother keeps at his sister while pregnant, and confesses that he is insanely aroused by his sister's body as she begins to show her bump.

There was still some remaining to read, but Katy reached over and grabbed her brother's arm and brought it across her waist. She nestled her back into his chest and guided his hand inside the waistband of her leggings and toward the sopping wetness that was hiding beneath them. He moaned over her shoulder as Katy pushed his fingers to where she wanted them.

She paused to whisper out, "Start slowly... still reading."

She practically purred while feeling Jeff's fingers between her legs. She shifted her hips and felt her wetness seeping out steadily in response to his touch.

"Did you write this before or after that night?" She asked, still looking at his phone.

"Before, if you can believe it." He paused and focussed his attention between Katy's legs before finishing his thought. "That's partly why I found the whole situation irresistible, sneaking back into the sleeping bag with you, having you like that..." his voice trailed off as Katy let slip a sultry moan.

Katy read on how her brother continued to describe the pregnant sister in the story with an unabashed sense of pure lust and uncontrollable desire. She arrived at a scene in which the brother had his expecting sister bent over the table, breasts against the top, with her pregnant belly swaying with each thrust he gave her. She couldn't help but picture herself in the coming months with Jeff behind her doing the same.

Katy kept her eyes on the phone but grabbed Jeff's arm. "Faster..." she cooed.

Her brother complied, and slipped his finger down Katy's slit and gently probed her hole then bringing it up between her slick lips to rest just at her hood.

"Does this turn you on?" Katy began. "Fingering your pregnant sister while she reads the dirty story you wrote about knocking her up?"

Jeff's other hand came up around her and groped her breast through her sweater.

"Fuck.. Katy... you have no idea" he breathed out in a low tone.

Katy dropped the phone and leaned her head back onto her brother's shoulder while his fingers continued their dance between her legs. Her breaths were becoming punctuated and she reached over blindly and desperately and grabbed his cock through his trousers.

"Mmmppf... fuck!" she exclaimed. "Are you going to have me like that? like in your story?"

Jeff groaned when she gripped him, his fingers slipping in circles over her button before beginning to press down. "You're going to have to pry me off of you..."

Before he was finished speaking Katy thrashed and spasmed against his body. She held her breath for several palpable moments before releasing a series of desperate, gasping exhales. She trembled in ecstasy and grabbed Jeff's wrist to pull his hand from between her legs and brought his dripping fingers to her mouth.

After catching her breath and regaining her composure, she leaned her head back to the center of his chest. "God this is fucked up," she laughed as she paused. "But I think I just might enjoy it!"

Her brother cracked a grin but the look in his eyes belied his intent to deal with his own arousal over what had just transpired between them. He leaned over Katy using his body to leverage her onto her back on the seat of the sofa. While he laid her down he lifted off the sweater she was wearing and tossed it aside. Katy saw the look in his eyes, much the same as the night in the cabin and during their meetups since. A shimmering, but dark look of desire filled them.

Katy felt her body reacting to her brother's sexual presence and again felt the surge of arousal flow through her. She grinned as an idea crept into her mind that would add an extra level of naughtiness to their already forbidden union.

"Sir..." she faux pouted and stuck out her lower lip. "You can't! I'm carrying my partner's baby!"

Her brother gripped the waistband of her leggings and pulled them down her hips and off her legs, stopping to sample the bouquet and taste of the wet spot she had left on them.

"You seem to be quite wet for a devoted future mother," he practically growled at her.

Katy audibly gasped. She had learned to discern when she had her brother completely aroused. His natural soft demeanor and loving voice transformed into something else, something darker and it never failed to excite her. She tried to suppress an ear-to-ear grin that her brother had picked up on her idea seamlessly and was relieved that their imaginations and desires seemed to remain in a dirty lockstep with each other.

She placed his hands on his chest and gave him a push, "You don't understand, please don't do this!"

Katy knew that this consensual non-consent play would drive her brother wild. She struggled to remain in character and kept her giddy grin at bay.

Jeff took the leggings and wrapped them around her wrists before cinching them into a knot. He held her arms above her head and over the arm of the sofa while he gently, but firmly nibbled at the soft skin where her neck and shoulder met. Shivers shot up and down Katy's spine as he breathed words against her skin just under her ear.

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