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Grief, Lust, and Consequences Ch. 02


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"Pregnant or not, you're still getting fucked like a dirty slut."

Katy raised her legs up and kicked in a bicycle motion around her brother's body to add a sense of physical urgency. She could feel his hands down at both their waists feverishly freeing himself from his trousers while using his upper body to keep her pinned to the sofa. Soon enough she felt the familiar and welcome sensation of his tip against her wet lips and heard his guttural groan that always accompanied their intimate contact. She nearly broke character over the elation of having him inside her for the first time in over six weeks, but gave one last verbal line.

"Oh god! Please don't!"

The feekong of her brother's cock sinking into her rippled powerfully throughout her body and mind alike. She let out a desperate gasp into his shoulder and her legs stopped their feign resistance and encircled his hips. Jeff let out a series of unintelligible grunts and groans as he sank his curved member deeper into his sister. Katy's own cries of pleasure rose in volume until she felt his large hand cover her mouth. Their eyes locked, both pairs gleaming and desperate. She loved being so vulnerable with him, knowing she could trust him to satisfy her urges and be completely uninhibited, but also be cared for. It was these moments that reminded Katy how perfectly they complimented each other, even though their situation was fraught with complications.

Her brother kept eye contact and left his hand clamped over her mouth as he lifted up his torso and started to thrust into her with vigor. He gathered her legs in his arms and folded them back so her knees were against her chest. The sound of his hips slapping her backside echoed sharp off the walls and wood flooring. Whether in character or not, Katy herself could not tell, but she dug her fingernails into the skin at the base of his neck under his shirt and scratched him. It did nothing to stop his rhythm or ferocity. His hand now removed from her mouth and holding her leg, Katy bellowed in intense pleasure.

"Oh fuck!.... God yes! Nnnnggg..."

Jeff had broken character by this point as well and shouted back at her between gasping breaths, "Fucking hell, Katy! I need to fill your pregnant cunt!"

Katy could feel him deep up against her cervix at the end of his thrusts and could hardly form words. Her body was acting on its own accord and she had little control. But she managed to respond to him after a few moans through gritted teeth.

"Fuck yes! Fill your dirty sister! Please!"

Her brother pushed her legs apart and reached up and laid hold of her bound wrists above her head with both his hands. His body lay across her torso and they were face to face. His weight pushed the air out of her lungs and she could feel the warm breath of his groans against her face. Her legs trembled and she clamped down on him while her body welcomed his cum back inside her. His jaw clenched tightly while she felt him pulsing and pitching in her clutches. He trembled and tremored against her for several moments before gathering his bearings and lifting his chest off hers.

Katy took the opportunity and sucked fresh air into her lungs, panting while her body started to release underneath her brother. Her eyes still wide and pupils dilated, she looked up at her brother who was giving her an exhausted but very satisfied grin.

"What's so funny?" she breathed out, bringing her bound hands over her head and down to her chest between them.

Jeff, still bracing himself up by his arms chuckled between breaths. "Nothing at all, was just thinking how much I've missed this, and you."

With that he leaned in and lip locked her passionately, before whispering to her between kisses, "Love you."

Katy blushed underneath him and smiled. "Love you back, big brother." She held up her hands which were still tied by her leggings. "Now can you let me out of this?"

Jeff laughed and gathered himself before untying her and then the pair sat and cuddled on the sofa. Both of them incredibly happy to be with each other, though both knowing they had some difficult decisions to make as a consequence.

Jeff's phone started buzzing on the floor where it had fallen when Katy dropped it and shot a reminder of the first of the difficulties ahead. They both looked down and saw Bethany's name across the screen.

After a moment of tense silence, Katy spoke up first. "I know what you said earlier, and you know how badly I want you, but don't feel like you have to blow up things with... her... just because of me." She surprised even herself as the words left her lips. Even in the afterglow of ecstasy, she still felt a tinge of guilt over the ordeal that was before her and her brother.

Jeff silenced his phone and took her hand in his. "The fact is that my marriage was already blown up when we started. Don't feel like you're doing this at all. All I know is how it felt to not have you and I'm not doing that again. I need to start to take care of this now."

Katy tried not to smile in the face of what her brother was about to endure, but could not help but feel the elation of a lover's triumph.

"What are you going to tell her?"

Jeff leaned back on the sofa and took a breath. "Pretty much just what I said... minus the bits about you, of course. It's not working, and not getting any better." He gave a mischievous grin before concluding, "Will probably leave out you being pregnant as well."

"Yeah, that's probably for the best," Katy replied, mirroring his grin before going on in a more somber tone. "Do you think she suspects anything?"

Jeff looked at her with one eyebrow raised and gave a half laugh. "If you mean does she expect that I'm fucking my sister then I think not. But I don't think she'll be altogether surprised at what I'm going to say either. Things haven't been good for some time and definitely soured even more after... well after dad and all."

"I'd offer to go with you for support but I'd probably end up strangling her," Katy offered while not being able to suppress a slightly evil grin at the thought.

"As fun as that might be to see, I think that's probably for the best." Her brother's reply brought a chuckle out of them both. He stood up and gathered his clothes and looked back down into Katy's eyes. "Let me go ahead and take care of this. I've put this off enough. I'll be back in a bit and bring some dinner for us."

Katy jumped up from the sofa, still naked, and hugged her brother tightly and whispered, "Good luck! And come back to me soon." into his chest.

This time, as the door shut behind him, Katy couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Even in the midst of all the insanity of her being impregnated by her brother and the impending upheaval in both their lives, she felt optimistic. She felt as if having him was all she needed to overcome any challenge. She tried to temper her optimism and remind herself that no matter how happy she was to finally have her brother's exclusive affection, that there were still some very trying times ahead. But nothing could dampen her celebratory spirit at that moment.

She bounded down the hall and into the bathroom before starting the shower. This time there were no hot tears of anguish mixing with the streams of water as they cascaded down her curvy body. She briefly allowed her imagination to roam as she soaped herself. Where they might live, how their lives together might be after they became a "proper couple", and how their little family might get on. She had no doubts that her brother would be a kind and caring father seeing how he tended to the people in his life.

After her brief daydream, she reminded herself that things needed tending to in the near future. If she was going to keep the baby, she would need to schedule some appointments. Eventually, she would need to shop for new clothes once she started to show... that thought pricked a whole line of questions that Katy had not yet had the time to digest. Keeping her pregnancy a secret would not present a problem for a short while but would eventually be plainly obvious. What would she tell people? She supposed she could claim it to be the result of an indiscriminate one-night stand and she wasn't sure who the father was. As cliche and shameful as that sounded, it seemed a better alternative to telling people that she was carrying her brother's baby.

Katy shut off the shower, toweled herself off and walked into her room to put on some clean clothes. Still, within her mind she ran through all the scenarios of how best to explain what was happening. She wondered if her untimely pregnancy and the ruin of her brother's marriage coinciding would raise any eyebrows, but then again all be explained by both of them having lost their father and hunkering down in the family home during their respective mishaps. Perhaps that explanation would be good enough for them to get by even after the baby was born. But Katy knew that if anyone were to levy any undue, or due accusations at the pair of them, it would be Bethany.

That thought brought her mind back to what her brother was doing at that very moment. Even if Bethany never guessed at what exactly was going on, Katy knew she already disliked her and was jealous of the affection and attention that her brother showed her before the affair even started. She knew that Bethany was likely to react poorly, even if she couldn't seem to be bothered with her husband most of the time. Katy began to worry about the extent of her reaction as she dressed herself. She checked her phone to see if Jeff had left any messages, but there were none.

"Calm down Katy," she said to herself. "It's only been an hour, everything will be fine."

Another two hours ticked by and Katy was beginning to get hungry. But the worry in her spirit was outpacing her hunger. She tried watching more episodes of her shows to pass the time, but was in a constant state of distraction. She nearly jumped out of her skin when her phone buzzed with text notification from her brother.

Headed out now, picking up some food in a min.

She tapped out a response, a mixture of nerves and relief after finally hearing from him.

Hope you're okay! See you soon! xx

The sun had long since gone down by the time she heard her brother's truck pulling into the drive. She jumped up and looked out the window to see the back of the vehicle loaded with some of his belongings and the shadow of her brother's figure walking toward the door against the street lamps. He had takeout in one hand and luggage in the other. She quickly walked over and opened the door before he reached it. She looked him over as he stepped into the light. That familiar look of excitement and love flashed across his face as he saw her, but she could also see the stress in his eyes.

"So..." she began as he stepped through the door, "Dare I ask how that went?"

He chuckled a bit before answering. "Yeah, about that... it didn't go well, though I suppose it could have gone much worse."

He dropped his luggage just inside the doorway and held up the Thai takeout. "Let's talk while we eat! I'm sure you're hungry by now!"

They both made a line to the kitchen and sat at the table and devoured their meal at the late hour. Jeff stood as they finished and gathered all the rubbish for them both and carried it to the bin. Katy whirled around in her chair and caught his attention.

"I know you're probably used to it, but you don't have to be the one who cleans up every single time for everything anymore. I'm not like her!" She tried to sound as reassuring and supportive as she could muster while still being perturbed that her brother had been left with more than his share of chores for so long.

"Ah.. yeah.." he started. "I guess I am a bit used to it, but I really don't mind especially if I know someone appreciates it." He walked over to the refrigerator to pull out a cold sparkling water before looking back at her and adding, "Regardless, I'm sure we can work something out for you to show your appreciation."

They both laughed at the notion and her brother brought back a Fanta for her and sat back down at the table. And gave a long and exhausted sigh.

Katy's brow furrowed. "And how poorly was it?"

"Well she's obviously pissed for a start. Accused me of being a heartless bastard and then started crying and throwing things at me." He paused before continuing. "I suppose she's not wrong, from her point of view. I didn't say anything about there being anyone else, but I think that she's sure there is."

"Well, I suppose she's not wrong about that either." Katy reached across the table and took his hand. She couldn't help but slightly grin while saying it, but did her best not to gloat.

"Yeah, she's not," Jeff chuckled again. "She didn't beg me to stay or anything like that. After most of the screaming was finished, she said she would be off to her parents', but I told her there was no rush as I was planning to stay at dad's house with you... she obviously didn't like that at all. Went on about how I care more for you than for her and that's why we didn't work out." He paused again while sipping his water.

"Do you think she's onto anything?" Katy asked reservedly.

"I don't think she suspects what's actually been going on. But she did scream at me that I've always been more fond of you than her." He stopped for a moment and exhaled.

Katy interjected again, "So what's she doing now?"

Jeff shrugged his shoulders. "I guess she'll probably move back to the coast with her family. Her job is remote and she seemed pretty set on leaving when I told her it was over. Though I don't doubt by now she's taking to social media saying 'what a trying time' she's having and all that and making sure people rally around her."

Both Katy and her brother physically showed the twinge of guilt. For Katy, the guilt was still outweighed by the elation that she would end up with her brother in her life in the way she wanted. Even as her eyes went to the floor in a bit of shame, her mind still raced with all that could be in store for them.

"I didn't let on that you were pregnant. I'm hoping she clears out before it's more... um... obvious."

They both cracked a smile and laughed at that statement in the way that they usually did over her brother's ill-timed jokes that he used to try and alleviate tense situations. Katy knew that they probably hadn't heard the last form Bethany by any means, and there were still more challenges to come, but was also thrilled to have her brother spending his first proper night together with her.

"We don't have to talk about it anymore right now," she started rubbing his shoulder. "Want to come to bed with me?" she flashed her eyes at him.

"I think I could manage that!"

The two walked down the hallway toward Katy's room but stopped short when they reached her door. Jeff looked at her as if to say "are you serious" when he saw her twin bed that was supposed to fit both her and his tall frame. His old bedroom had long since been converted into a study and no longer featured a bed.

"Oh, come off it!" she laughed and playfully slapped his elbow. "We'll just have to cuddle really close!"

"I suppose the only other option would be dad's bed, and I don't think I want to go in there just yet," her brother said while starting to remove his shoes.

"I mean, it's not weirder than knocking up your own sister!" Katy said with a grin. "But I agree, I was in there a bit ago packing his clothes and it's still really hard just being in there.

Katy watched Jeff strip off his shirt before climbing into bed and saw the obvious marks of where he had been hit repeatedly across the back, no doubt by his furious wife. She reached up gently and rubbed up his back before quipping at him.

"I guess you did earn these, but she's still a bitch in my book!"

Jeff chuckled again while climbing into the bed. "I suppose I did after all. Now are you coming in or not?"

Katy laughed and climbed into the small bed and scooted back, spooning with her brother. She pulled his arm around her torso and tucked it under hers. She craned her neck around to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"I like the marks I put on you better anyway," she whispered out. After a thoughtful moment she turned her head toward her brother and continued. "I never thought I would feel this way... what I mean is that if anyone else had knocked me up right now, I would certainly not keep it. But there's just something, because it's yours... ours... I think I want to keep it."

He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly in the cramped quarters of the twin bed. "And I'll be here every step of the way!"

Katy craned her neck and planted a kiss on his lips. "Good night, big brother."

He released his embrace, ran his fingers through her hair and replied, "Good night, beautiful."

In the midst of all the intense taboo and marital drama, she felt secure in his arms just as she had in front of the fire at the cabin. The less than ideal sleeping arrangements aside, she drifted off into a much more peaceful sleep than she had in quite a while.

Several weeks passed and the siblings were still secure in their secret. They were eventually able to confirm that Bethany moved out of the flat that she shared with Jeff, but still attempted to contact him occasionally. The nature of her attempts at contacting him were erratic and unpredictable. Sometimes she was timid and apologetic, but at the drop of a hat would fly into a blind rage. She was still convinced that she lost Jeff to an affair partner, but so far the true nature of the situation remained hidden.

The pair of siblings drove over to the vacated flat to pick up the remaining of Jeff's belongings before the landlord was to prepare it for new tenants. Katy thought it odd to see it mostly empty after so long. She remembered being a teen girl and helping her brother move his things in along with their father. Even against the backdrop of her disgust for Bethany, the memory of the three family members bringing in her brother's things was still a poignant one. It was getting late in the evening as they were nearly finished boxing up all the last of the remaining things. Katy had thought that Bethany had been a bit presumptuous in what all she had taken with her, but her brother didn't seem to be bothered with it at all.

"She's even taken the furniture, and the dishes!" Katy said in an irritated tone. "She's basically left you books, a couple tables, and whatever she decided she didn't want to haul back with her!"

Her brother looked in her direction and said in a light-hearted tone, "She can have them, I've got everything I need over at dad's"

Katy stopped sealing the box in her hands to give her brother a look as if to say "are you serious", but stopped short when she saw the way he was looking at her. Not just looking at her, but looking her over, taking her in. It gave her a flutter when she put together that he was talking about her, not the furniture and the dishes. She settled her demeanor and flashed her eyes at him in appreciation.

With the last of the boxes loaded into her brother's truck, they left the flat for the last time just as the sun disappeared beyond the western horizon. Katy sat in the passenger seat and looked over her brother just as he had back in the flat. His eyes reflected the light of the streetlamps, his forearm extended toward the shifter, his jawline almost hidden in the dark shadows of his short beard. She reached across the console and rested her hand on his arm.

"I've got everything I need at dad's too, you know," she said softly. "At least I do now."

Her brother looked over at her. That partial smile, the shimmering of his brown eyes as they met her own. Her love for him was smouldering in that moment and forming into a desperate need. When Jeff's eyes returned to the road before them, hers darted between his legs. She slipped her hand across the console and dipped it between his legs and rubbed along his cock through his trousers.

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