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Grief, Lust, and Consequences Ch. 02


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"Now that I have this, I've got everything I need," she followed in a smoky and teasing tone.

Jeff groaned and Katy began to delicately and expertly unfasten his belt and work open his trousers and zipper. By the time her hands came to his skin, he was already rigid. She grasped him and licked her lips while she drank in the sight of him. Even in the passing light of the streetlamps, she fawned at his flared ridge and curved shaft. She wriggled her body between the console and his left arm and gently teased him with her warm breath on his member.

"I bet she never did this," she whispered with a smirk before running her tongue along his frenulum.

"Oh god..." he stammered out. "You're um... right about that."

Katy giggled at the way her brother was trying to remain composed, but she wasn't about to stop. She spit on the top of his shaft before running her hand along his length, making him slick. She could feel his lower body twitch and adjust position in response to her stimulation. After she had sufficient fun teasing him, she leaned a bit farther and locked her lips around him below his ridge and ran the tip of her tongue under the mushroom of his head.

"Fuck... fucking hell..." was all he could get out.

She began to bob up and down on him. She giggled again with him in her mouth when he missed a gear, but she kept going. She moaned in hungry approval until his head was poking at the back of her throat. Her lips made the slurping sound of suction each time she slid them up his rod.

She felt the car slowing and his arm over her back clumsily downshifting until they drifted into a lay-by. When the car finally came to a stop, she pushed her face down on him hard until his head was in the clutches of her throat. Her gagging was not entirely for show, but she purposefully made it louder and messier in the heat of the moment. Katy moaned out in a surprised delight when she felt the large hand of her brother come down urgently on the back of her head and hold her face against him. Her throat convulsed on him and she could feel him throb and pulse inside her oral cavity. The corners of her mouth were oozing with her own saliva.

Jeff gripped her hair and firmly pulled her face from him. She gasped and retched when she sucked in the night air. His other hand yanked up her top and desperately pulled the cups of her bra until her breasts were exposed. She raised a hand to tweak her erect nipple but her brother flexed his body until his slick cock was at her cleavage. Katy brought her other hand to her opposite breast and pushed them together to squeeze him.

"She never let me do this either," he growled.

Katy grinned, his voice had changed again. She had pushed him until he had to have her. His cock gliding in the crevice of her cleavage made its own wet sounds. She moaned at him, spit still dripping from her chin.

"Fuck your sister's tits, big brother. Tit fuck your pregnant sister!"

Her brother groaned and grabbed her by her slippery jaw and forced her eyes toward his. In the darkness they gleamed like black pearls at her. Fierce and desperate in their need. His jaw was clenched and he let out a guttural groan while his hips started to shake. Katy felt the first jet of cum shoot up her neck and under her chin. She promptly freed herself and leaned forward and took him into her mouth again. Jeff called out loudly as her mouth made contact with him and pumped more streams between her lips. Katy started to gag at the force of which he was filling her mouth. In her previous encounters with prior boyfriends and university hookups, she could never bring herself to swallow. But now, as her own brother was pumping his load into her mouth, she instinctively drank it down as fast as she could until the last spurt overflowed her lips and began to drip down her chin.

Jeff was a trembling mess of moans and twitching when she finally popped off him and raised her hand to wipe her chin. Her hazel eyes gleamed at him and she nearly yelped when he pulled her in and kissed her voraciously. The two remained in liplock for several heated moments, moaning into each other until her brother abruptly stopped.

"Fuck..." he gasped out.

Katy looked up and then turned her head around to see a couple a bit older than both her and her brother standing outside the car. The woman looked aghast and began to try and pull her partner away. The partner hesitated for a moment, still taking in the eyefull of them as the siblings froze in place. Katy couldn't help but burst out into laughter before pulling her top back over her cummy breasts. Jeff didn't even bother to cinch up his trousers before laughing along with her and putting the truck back into gear and pulling away.

"Oh, you're going to get it when we get home!" he quipped at her with a laughing smile.

"Promise?" she cooed back at him, leaning against the door and playfully rubbing herself between her legs.

Katy continued to tease him until they were finally pulling into the drive back at their father's house. She laughed as Jeff nearly forgot to pull up his trousers before exiting the truck. She walked around the the back and started to retrieve one of the packed boxes, but got a stern scolding from her brother.

"Don't even think about it! There's something we need to do first!" he playfully barked at her.

Katy walked up the sidewalk past him as he held the front door open for her. She barely had the time to get into the living room before he was already on her from behind and yanking her trousers down over her hips.

"I told you that you were going to get it when we got home!" he breathed just behind her ear.

Katy gasped as he pushed her forward so she was bent over the arm of the sofa. Her trousers and panties were still around her calves keeping her from taking any steps. Her brother leaned over the back of her body and she felt his fingers slipping between her thighs and up to her smooth, wet lips.

"You liked having your brother fuck your tits while being watched didn't you?" he said in his dark and desperate tone.

Katy could only groan in response. Her face was against the seat of the sofa and her brother's fingers were parting her lips and starting to probe inside her. Immediately after she let out her groan, she felt the sharp stinging of his other hand flat against her ass while he repeated his question.

"Didn't you? Slutty little sister..."

Katy snapped out of her horny stupor and gasped out, "Mmmmm Yes!"

Another smack landed across her rump causing her to clench on her brother's fingers and another long moan escaped her lips into the sofa seat. Her hips shuddered and quaked when his fingers found her g-spot and she ground her clit into the arm of the sofa. She raised herself up on her toes and every muscle in her body went dystonic.

"Cum like the dirty slutty sister you are, Katy!" he barked out the order to her.

With that she cried out desperately and struggled to keep herself from hyperventilating while her body shook with intense pleasure. She got dizzy and didn't even realise that she slumped off the couch onto the floor below until she opened her eyes and saw the ceiling above her. The next thing she felt was the heat of her brother's mouth kissing up her stomach toward her breasts. Each touch of his lips on her skin sent shockwaves of post-orgasmic sensations through her body and she gasped out each time. He shed his trousers as he crawled above her, his lips reaching over her breasts, drawing in her nipples before moving up to her neck. Katy was still unable to verbally respond and just whimpered out a series of sounds. She felt the stubble of his beard against her neck, moving just under her ear.

"No roles, no bullshit.. I just want you. I just need my little sister right now more than anything."

His voice was somewhere in the limbo of his usual soft tone and the dark and desperate one. This was somewhat of a new sensation for Katy. The equal parts desperate and loving desire being poured out on her seemed to lift her arms all by itself and wrap them around her brother. She gasped out in a matched level of desire when she felt him part her lips and slip into her wet and eager grip. Her legs followed suit with her arms and wrapped around Jeff's waist. His own grunting and groans in her ear seemed like sounds under water as her body seamlessly joined with his there on the floor. The experience was like nothing quite before it, whether by virtue of her constant state of arousal from the ride home, or just leaning wholly into the taboo, but loving situation she found herself. Time seemed to have no meaning. Sounds seemed to have no effect on her senses. When her brother finally erupted inside her, her body drank it in like it was made to do no other thing. They both remained locked together, each in a daze until the sound of their respective heavy breathing began to once again register in Katy's ears.

"Fuck... Jeff..." she whimpered out, still holding him tightly as a tear of ecstasy crept out from the corner of her eye.

Her brother didn't verbally respond but clutch her to him tightly. Their heavy breaths heaved into each other's chest. Katy's arms slipped up and down his back, across his shoulders, and through his hair. Involuntary moans escaped them both at the end of each heavy breath until they finally relaxed and held each other on the floor.

Her brother finally released her from his grip and placed his hands Katy's cheeks kissing her gently, but passionately. When their lips parted, their eyes locked on each other before her brother spoke.

"I think the boxes will keep for tonight. Let's shower and go to bed!"

The pair got up and shed their remaining clothing before getting into the shower. After soaping off the sweat and cum, Katy just held her brother under the water for a good while. All her energy nearly spent, she leaned into him never more certain that she was where she wanted to be with whom she wanted to be with.

As the following weeks came and went, Jeff and Katy discussed further about how things could play out best for them. They talked about the possibility of selling their family home and using the proceeds to start a new life somewhere where they wouldn't have to constantly hide the nature of their relationship and raise their baby in a proper little family. As much as the idea appealed to them in certain ways, the prospect of leaving the home where their father raised them both weighed heavily on them. Each of those conversations and their various tones always ended the same, the important thing was that they were together.

True to his word in the story, Jeff's appetite for Katy only grew as her pregnancy progressed. He admitted to Katy that he always found pregnancy sexy in some twist of taboo desire. Bethany had not wanted children, so he was excited to be experiencing Katy's body in a way that otherwise he may have never experienced. Lest Katy think she was merely a sexual object to her perverted brother, she also enjoyed his constant willingness to support her emotionally and take care of things around the house. Some of those traits she had seen in her brother already, but now she was the sole recipient of her brother's full capacity for lust, love, and care. The experience only finally cemented the notion she held previously that Bethany was treated far better than she was treating her brother in return.

To the outside world, the two were just coming together in a familiar place during a tumultuous time in their lives. In that way, Katy was free to have her brother run her to appointments. The two continued to have dinner and have their outings much like they had previously. It was the closest they could get to being a 'proper couple'' until they had finally sorted things out. Jeff had lost a few friends amidst the divorce proceedings with Bethany, and took the brunt of the blame, but he never let on to Katy that it bothered him in the slightest. On the contrary, Katy melted at the longing and loving look he gave her each time he returned home from work or an errand. He always looked at her like he was falling for her all over again and Katy relished in how it made her feel desired and special.

The long days of summer were beginning to show themselves in their part of the country. Katy herself was likewise beginning to show. Now that her pregnancy was visually undeniable, she found herself in a similar situation as her brother in that some of her friends seemed to evaporate into thin air. She realised that she was quite young to be an expecting mother, regardless of who the father was, and that carrying a baby may not be the definition of a good time for people in her peer group who were of university age. But nonetheless she found it disappointing.

One midsummer morning, Katy rose up from the queen sized bed that her brother had talked her into cramming into her bedroom and walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Out the small window she could see that a car was parked along the street in front of the house. She pulled the blinds aside and confirmed that it was Bethany's white crossover and that she must be trying to have a nose.

As irritating as Katy found it that her brother's estranged wife was lurking outside the house, she paid it little heed as there wasn't much Bethany could do. Bethany and Jeff really had no assets to fight over, and even if she could prove infidelity, it wouldn't make her cause more lucrative, or visit any hardship on Jeff that he wasn't already dealing with.

Katy walked back into the bedroom just as her brother yawned and stretched his long arms out from under the blankets.

"Morning sexy!" Katy leaned down and whispered into his ear and gave him a kiss. "Not every day that I rise before you! Tire you out last night?"

Her brother chuckled as she walked over to the closet and picked out some clothes for the day before addressing the wolf at the door

"Just so you know, I'm not the only one awake before you today. The bitch is parked out front," she relayed in an annoyed tone.

Jeff sat up in bed. "Seriously? For fuck's sake, she never used to get up this early!"

Katy pulled her top over her head and down her torso and spoke through her shirt.

"Maybe she's waiting to catch an eyeful of her ex fucking his little sister?"

When her head popped through the top she caught her brother looking at her with a sly grin

"Hard to tell if that's crossed her mind," Jeff began, "but fuck do I like watching you get dressed! Almost as much as I like watching you undress!"

Katy smiled and blushed. Her brother always seemed to know the sweet, dirty, or corny thing to say to make her blush without fail.

"You're so hopeless!" she quipped back at him while sticking out her tongue.

Jeff laughed in reply. "If you don't stop doing such cute things, I'll definitely be late!"

Katy walked down the hallway toward the kitchen while calling back to him. "I was only getting dressed, you sop! You had better get a move on!"

Jeff finally got up and dressed and met Katy in the kitchen.

Katy pointed at him and began to speak, "Don't forget, I've got a checkup at five this afternoon and you better be there or I'll tell this baby that its father was a sperm donor!"

Jeff laughed and gave her a quick kiss before heading out. "I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it!"

Katy was relieved as he opened the front door that Bethany was no longer outside waiting to make a scene.

The day melted away and soon enough Katy was at her appointment but dismayed to find her brother had not arrived by the time for her to be seen. She tried to text him a couple times and even rang him but there was no answer before she was called back for the checkup. As she left the office, there was still no response from Jeff.

Katy began to be a bit worried over her brother's missing status but drove home from the appointment thinking that perhaps he forgot and would be waiting for her at the house. But upon arriving home to an empty driveway, the beginning of panic started to set in. She pulled out her phone to check for any new texts but only found more radio silence.

Two hours ticked by and still no word from her brother. She tried to keep herself occupied to quiet the angry and worried feelings, but was only somewhat successful. It wasn't until she had sat down to eat dinner that the phone finally started buzzing. Katy looked at the screen but it was a call from her nurse friend Emily. Emily was a friend from her school days who was a few years ahead of Katy herself, and knew both she and her brother. Katy let it ring out to voicemail and continued eating. When she received an immediate follow up call, she sighed and set down her fork and answered the phone.

"Hey Em... what's up?"

"Katy! Oh thank god you answered!" Emily sounded distressed while trying to remain calm.

'What is it? Everything alright?" Katy asked, perplexed.

"Katy, I don't want to alarm you, " Emily paused before continuing. "I'm at work, evening hospital shift... I'm pretty sure they just brought your brother in"

Katy felt faint and dropped her fork to the floor.

"Wh... what? What do you mean? What's happened?"

"I'm not quite sure... they just brought him back through on a stretcher. He's not admitted to my area so I don't know a lot. And I don't want to frighten you... but you may want to get over here!"

Katy started quivering and shaking, unable to respond for several moments.

"Katy?? You there?" Emily's voice asked through the phone

"Oh... yeah I'm here! Oh fuck.. I'm on my way! Please... if you find out anything, please text me!"

In a mad dash, Katy left the rest of her dinner on the table and gathered her things. Her mind was already racing over what could be happening. The urgency in Emily's voice sent her into a panic. She tried to keep as optimistic as possible, but was fighting off fearful thoughts based on the little information she had on the state of her brother.

The drive to the hospital seemed like an out of body experience to her. When she arrived, she couldn't rightly remember the drive that she just completed. It was pitch black outside and the harsh lighting at the hospital entrance made her squint her eyes until she was accustomed to it. Katy was familiar with the hospital but had no idea where her brother was taken. She glanced down to her phone to see a text from Emily saying the floor he was admitted to and raced to the lift. In the lift her senses were threatening to send her into dizziness. The noises around her drifted in and out of focus. Her heart was beating and her stomach was churning. She reached down and caressed her small, but growing baby bump.

"I'm sure that daddy's going to be okay," she whispered as the lift reached the floor where her brother was admitted. "Please be okay."

The doors slid open and Katy could see Emily standing at the nurse's station just up from the lift. She started to walk down the corridor toward her with both her heart and stomach in her throat. Emily looked up as Katy approached and walked over and hugged her.

"I got here as quickly as I could..." Katy started. "How is he?"

Emily released Katy from the hug and started walking with her further down the corridor.

"So I was able to get some information for you," Emily spoke as she walked. "There was a traffic accident just off the motorway and he was hit into the oncoming lane..."

Katy audibly gasped and slowed, but Emily took her by the hand and led on.

"They say he will be okay, but he got a really bad blow to the head."

Katy spoke up, "Oh fuck... how bad is it?"

Emily slowed as she reached the door to the room and turned to face Katy.

"He was awake for a few moments when he came in, but couldn't tell them anything, like he didn't remember what he was doing... but don't worry! That's pretty common with head injuries like he has."

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