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Guardian Angel


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"In that case we've a busy day ahead. You need some clothes and then you need to speak to Angie"

"Geoff, I lost my purse last night. I've checked my coat pockets, it's not there. It must have come out in the sea last night. Everything is in that purse, my driving licence, credit cards and all my cash."

" I don't have any money. Does a motor cycle mechanic make enough money to loan me some cash?"

"What makes you think I'm a mechanic?"

"The dealer's name is on the side of your truck."

"That's because I own the dealership. Don't worry about the money."

"Who is Angie?"

"The short blonde girl at the party last night. She's one of the best solicitors in the west. She'll help you with the divorce. You may not want it, but you can't stop it. Angie can make sure you don't lose out."

"Is there anything you haven't thought of?"

"Yes. How I'm ever going to wear that shirt again without seeing you in it. Now go up, dry your hair, pick out a clean shirt and we'll go into Newquay to get you some clothes and shoes."


"Your old ones will be floating past the Scilly Isles by now."

Helen almost smiled as she went up to dry her hair and get dressed.

He knew that Newquay wasn't the best place for clothes shopping, especially on a Sunday. Desperate problems required desperate remedies.

Helen used the journey to check out, more closely, the man she'd spent the night with. His dark beard made guessing his age more difficult but the traces of grey in his hair helped. She guessed he was about forty five. His strong arms were tanned as was his face which told her he spent plenty of time outside. She remembered the feeling of being surrounded by those arms. How safe she felt, yet how vulnerable she'd been. What had possessed her to climb into his bed? There'd only been the thin fabric of his shirt between them. He'd been the perfect gentleman, wrapping his arm around her as she sobbed, dripping tears onto his chest. She wondered if she should feel insulted when he rolled over, away from her. What she actually felt was relief as she snuggled up to his broad back.

By 2 pm they'd managed to kit her out with shoes and clothes enough for a few days. They sat outside a cafe drinking coffee and making plans. Geoff phoned Angie and arranged to call in on his way home. They had a light lunch and Geoff took her on a tour of the area before going to Angie's house.

All the time they were together Helen studied him. Geoff was an attractive man. It was not just his looks and his tall, strong physique. He had the sort of self assurance a man gets when he knows he has nothing to prove to anyone. In the shops, he had expected service and he got it. What's more the assistants seemed pleased to serve him. Why would a man with so much going for him, be alone and carrying such sadness in his eyes?

They arrived at Angie's and Geoff left the girls to talk about the divorce while he and John, Angie's husband, took a couple of beers into the garden and talked bikes. After the best part of an hour the girls joined them and a tearful Helen asked to go home. The journey back was quiet and Geoff wondered whether he'd pushed her too hard. He decided to delve a little.

"How did it go with Angie?"

"She told me the same as you did. I can't stop it, so I've got to get the best settlement I can. She mentioned that with another partner I might want to try I.V.F. and that a good settlement might pay for that. She helped me come to terms with things. Douglas, my husband, didn't go to that tart because she could give him children. He only found that out after he started cheating on me. She helped me see for the first time that it really wasn't my fault." Then Helen started to delve too.

"Geoff, who is Wellard?"


"Angie said if I wanted to know you, I should ask you about Wellard."

"Wellard is me, it's a nickname."

"So how did you get such strange nick name?"

"It was at the St Paul's carnival in Bristol. It's quite a spectacle and a magnet for the black community. People travel down from London for it. Trouble is this year the National Front held a rally in Bristol on the same day and there was a bit of trouble."

"And you were involved in the trouble?"

"Not involved really. There's something about me you should know. I don't go looking for trouble, Most of the time I walk away from it, but there are some things I just can't ignore."

"Go on, tell me about Wellard."

"OK we were at a burger bar down by the station, when a young black kid came along. He couldn't have been more than seventeen. He was just minding his own business, going to catch a train when he was set upon by half a dozen National Front skinheads. At first they just pushed him about but then one of the group kicked him in the balls. He went down and they all started to kick him. I don't think any of the other bikers saw it. There were two coppers at the station. I couldn't believe it, they just stood and watched."

"I couldn't stand by and see an innocent lad take a beating so I started the bike and rode straight at them. The group dispersed but when I got off the bike to help the lad up they came back. The one who started the kicking pulled a knife and said".

"This ain't your fight granddad, so just fuck off."

"I told the kid to get between me and the bike. I could hear the rest of the lads running over to us so I knew we wouldn't be out numbered for long. The bloke with the knife lunged at me so I swung at him. I had my crash helmet in my hand and it hit him full in the face. I broke his nose, jaw and cheekbone apparently. He was certainly out cold. The lad just squeezed my hand and ran off into the station."

"And the Police did nothing all this time?"

"Oh yeah, when it was all over and the guy was laid out on the road, they came over and tried to arrest me. That's when Angie came to the rescue. She gave them her business card, took their numbers and told them that her client would happily answer questions at home and they could expect an official complaint about their failure to protect the public. It turned out the guy I hit only got out of prison two days before. He'd done a rather nasty number on his girlfriend. He was out on licence so; he went from hospital straight back to the nick."

"But why Wellard?"

Geoff smiled. "That's because of what the lad said as he gripped my hand."

"Awesome man. You is well ard, for an old guy, innit."

"The next time I went out on a ride as I pulled off my helmet, the whole of the bike crowd were chanting, well ard, well ard, well ard. The name just stuck."

"So you're not just my hero. You're everyone's knight in shining armour."

"I'm not even a knight in black leathers. I just try to do the right thing."

"Well I'm very glad you do. Whatever led me to me to your beach did me a huge favour"

She leaned over to put her head on his shoulder. "Can I cook for you tonight?"

"Of course, if that's what you want."

As she squeezed his arm and felt a tingle between her legs as she felt his well defined muscles.

That night, as she cooked, she kept glancing at Geoff and every time the tingle returned. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so drawn to a man. She imagined his hands stroking her, his strong arms holding her. Every time she felt the tingling she imagined his fingers running over her little pussy. She knew that she wanted him but what would be the next step? How could she get him to make a move on her? She thought about the previous night when she'd been completely at his mercy and he'd done nothing. Perhaps he doesn't fancy me. Maybe he doesn't go for women. She started on desert and made her decision. It was time to take her life back, and if that meant making herself vulnerable again, then that was a chance she was prepared to take.

For the first time in two years Geoff ate a meal at home that he hadn't cooked himself. He sat at the table while Helen waited on him. He couldn't keep his eyes off her as she moved about the kitchen and waited table for him. He tried not to let her see him looking at her, but the thought of her lying in bed next to him last night excited him. He admired her trim waist. The shorts she had bought that day accentuated the roundness of her arse and showed off her shapely legs. He remembered the sight of her lying on the bed dressed only in her underwear. He asked himself what fool walks out on such a charming beautiful young woman. When they'd finished eating, she made him coffee. As she placed the cup on the table she turned and kissed his lips. Geoff responded immediately, putting his arm around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. They enjoyed a deep passionate kiss then another and another. Helen pulled away to get her breath back.

"Well that answers one question. You're not gay."

"Of course not! Who said I was?"

"No one. I keep getting told what a lovely man you are, yet there is no woman in your life. I just wondered that's all."

"So are you happy now you know?"

"I'm not sure. You had me at your mercy last night but you didn't even try to seduce me. I suppose you just don't find me attractive."

Helen looked into his eyes, willing him to say it wasn't true. She could feel the tingling in her pussy just from looking at him. She longed for him to take her in his arms. The way he kissed her indicated there was something there. She desperately wanted to feel loved, but more than that she wanted to be loved by him. She waited, with bated breath for his reply.

"If I'd taken advantage of you last night I'd have lost your respect and deserved to lose it. I turned away from you so that you didn't get to feel what was happening to me. As for not finding you attractive, I think I've just shown that I do."

Her heart beat faster as she listened to his reply. She wanted him, this much she knew, but could she really wait for him to make the first move? She loved him for being a gentleman, but would that also stop him from making a move on her? The tingling changed to a throb from deep inside. Her mind was made up. It was now or never.

"I'm glad; it makes the next part so much easier. You've been really good to me and I don't like to ask for another favour, but I'm going to. Would you make love to me please?"

She looked down and her long red hair fell across her face. Geoff could hardly believe his ears. This beautiful young woman was asking him to make love to her. It had been the best part of two years since he'd had sex with anyone, and he wasn't even sure the last time was real. He thought about it for a moment and it became clear. She'd come to her senses and now she was grateful to him for saving her. He struggled to find a response. His face started to redden as he spoke.

"Helen, I really am very flattered that a lovely young woman should make me such an offer, but making love is very important to me. I don't want to do it with someone because they feel they are obliged, or grateful to me. It has to be because I care for that someone and she really cares for me."

Helen was silent for a moment. "I should feel insulted -- but I don't. I'm not offering my body as a thank you, though heaven knows I should. I asked you to make love to me because you are quite the most wonderful man I've ever met. My head may be in a mess right now, but this isn't gratitude, and I know my body wants you. If you didn't care for me you would have given me over to the police or some hospital by now, so I'll ask you again. Please Geoff, please, take me upstairs and make love to me."

She took his hand she got up. Geoff got up also and without letting go of her hand led her upstairs to his bedroom.


They stood together beside the bed. Geoff turned her to face him, lifted her chin and kissed her. She looked deep into his eyes.

"I've never kissed a man with a beard before. I thought it would prickle but it feels soft and tickles my nose a little." She giggled.

Geoff put his arms around her and pulled her to him. With her arms pressed against his chest she started to unbutton his shirt. Slipping her hand inside his shirt she ran her fingers over his chest as he ran his hands over her back and down over her cute round bum. She eased his shirt off his shoulders and he brought his arms down to let it fall to the floor. She pushed her heaving breasts against his bare chest. The heat building between her thighs drew her to him. She needed to be touched by his gentle hands. Her breathing becoming laboured as their kissing intensified.

Geoff's body left him in no doubt how he felt about her. His cock was trying to force its way out of his jeans as she started to unbuckle his belt. She kissed and nibbled at his chest as she eased his zip down. Pulling his jeans over the swell of his arse, she dropped to her knees and looked up into his eyes again. Helen pulled his jeans and boxers down in one movement allowing his dick to spring free. Looking at it, she kissed the tip then continued pushing his jeans down his legs. With her soft hands tugging at the belt loops of his jeans, she moved them slowly down past his crotch to his ankles. Encouraged by her soft yet sensual undressing of him despite feeling naked and exposed, he lifted each foot for her to remove them from him and toss them to the chair behind her. As she slowly pushed herself onto her haunches she kept her hot sweet breathe tickling his legs as she moved up his thighs. As her lips came level with his impressive erection she couldn't help but kiss his cock as she got up to her feet

"Now my beautiful man, it's your turn."

Geoff grabbed the hem of her top and lifted it. She raised her hands above her head as he removed the top. He held her close, nibbled her ear and kissed her neck as he released her bra. With his thumbs under the shoulder straps he ran his hands down her arms, taking the bra down with them. He let it fall to the floor as he bent to kiss first one nipple then the other. With each kiss he rubbed his beard against them. She put her hands to his head and pulled him to her breasts. Holding him as he kissed suckled and nibbled she threw her head back and released a huge sigh. Geoff fumbled with the belt of her shorts, eventually releasing it and lowering the zip. He gently pushed his hands under the waistband and pushed down running his hands over her arse cheeks. Once he'd cleared her buttocks the shorts fell to the floor and she stepped out of them.

Geoff dropped to his knees; he put his fingers into the waistband of her panties and eased them down, revealing a strip of red hair leading down to her slit. He moved forward and kissed her mound as he ran his fingers down the back of her legs taking the panties with them. When his hands reached the floor she stepped out of the panties and stood before him with her legs apart. He brought his mouth back to her pussy, parted her lips and put his tongue to work. Helen ran her hand to the back of his head and stroked his hair as she pushed her hips forward. Geoff's tongue found her clitoris. She jumped momentarily then pushed his head harder against her. She held his head tightly, knowing that it was the only way of remaining upright.

"Oh yes Geoff, Yes."

Her juices started to flow dampening Geoff's beard. Helen's hips started to jerk forward.

"Please Geoff, I need you inside me. I need you now."

He stood, picked her up and laid her on the bed. He climbed between her legs and paused before bringing his cock to her entrance. She pushed her hips up to him, forcing his cock into her. Grabbing the cheeks of his arse she pulled him into her. Her pussy gripped him as he entered her. The feeling was something she'd never experienced before. She felt as if she was taking more than just his penis inside her. As her cervix started to milk his cock, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her. Her head went back offering her whole body to him. The muscles clenched and her arms held him even tighter. He was in her, not just her pussy but her whole body. No longer two people they were one. Loud grunts came from her mouth as the air left her lungs. Helen was completely unaware of this; she only knew this was the most awesome feeling in the world. Geoff was trying to hold back. His heart felt like it was going to beat its way out of his chest as he experienced what felt like a mouth inside her closing over his cock and sucking it. Almost two years had passed since he'd had a woman in this way and the pressure was building. He desperately wanted this first time to be good but knew it wouldn't be his best. He rolled onto his back pulling her on top of him, running his hands down her back and over her bum. Helen kissed him passionately then kissed and sucked on his neck as she started losing control again. Running his fingers into her crack Geoff paused to massage her tight little anus. As he pushed his finger gently into her rear entrance she pushed herself harder against him rubbing her clitoris against his mound. He felt the release as his sperm started shooting into her and he cursed the fact he hadn't lasted longer. Helen continued her thrusting and reached her second climax as he started to soften inside her. He held her tightly.

"Sorry Helen, I came too soon. It's been a long time."

"You mean it gets better than that? If it does, I can't wait for the next time."

"Oh so there's going to be a next time? I'll look forward to it."

"If I can stay here, you might not have to wait long."

She climbed off of him and lay on her side pulling herself close to him. Geoff put his arm around her and she gently rubbed her hand over his chest.

"I could lie like this forever. Can I stay Geoff?"

"You can stay here as long as you want."

As he kissed her he became aware of his wet beard. "I think I could do with a shower." he said as he started to get up from the bed.

"Is there room for two?"

They showered together enjoying each other's body as they soaped each other. Helen made a point of cleaning Geoff's beard.

"Maybe it's time for the beard to go?"

"Leave it for now. I quite like it."

The water sprayed down on them as they held each other. Helen pulled him close as she ran her soapy hands over his firm arse cheeks and into the crack. She kissed him again, struggling with the water going up her nose. Geoff turned her around and pulled her back against him. His dick was getting hard again pushing into her arse. As he started rubbing his hands over her breasts, she pushed back against him. His cock became rock hard and she could feel it rubbing against her anus and pussy lips. Geoff moved his hands down and started to stroke her pussy. He rubbed soap on her little red landing strip before gently stroking her labia. As he parted her lips and found her clitoris Helen bent forward pushing her arse more firmly against him. The water poured down on them as Helen leaned against the tiled wall of the shower.

She felt Geoff pull back from her and wondered what would happen next. Douglas has tried to fuck her arse before but she had never enjoyed it. She waited and was relieved when he bent his knees and started to push his cock into her pussy. Neither had planned this but with their closeness in the steamy shower it seemed so right. Geoff moved his hips back and forth plunging into her as he gently rubbed at her clitoris. With every thrust Geoff made, Helen pushed back onto him. She could feel her climax building, but Geoff kept up the pace. The orgasm swept through her and she tried desperately to hold on to the wall. Geoff put his arm under her waist to support her. She'd barely got control back when another orgasm started. Geoff started to grunt as his semen shot into her once more. As they both came down Geoff turned her round pulled her close to him and kissed her. They held each other tightly as the water cascaded over them.

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