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Guardian Program Ch. 14

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Robert tests Sam's proclivities for being a submissive.
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Part 15 of the 41 part series

Updated 05/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Guardian Program Ch 14

A novel by R.C.PeterGabriel, all rights reserved.

When Hal woke me up, I found myself in the same position I went to sleep in. The only difference was my back hadn't been pressed tightly against the wall.

"Sam," I whispered, pausing several moments before continuing. "Sam, wake up."

She pulled my arm tighter into her chest and wiggled her rear trying to get closer to me.

"Sam, we have to get up," I coxed her slightly louder, as I brushed my lips along her ear.

"Mmmmm, yes please," she mumbled in her sleep.

I smiled and promised myself she would utter that phrase while she was awake. "Sam, wake up." I breathed into her ear but added a gentle shake... and then another. I kissed her cheek and shook her again. "Sam, we have to get dressed."

"Hmm, what's wrong?" she asked only half awake.

"We have to get dressed. Come on." I added a slight shove with my chest, but my hips decided they wanted to shove too, and I ended up pressing Toni's favorite toy into her left butt cheek.

"Why?" Sam asked me while trying to reposition herself to where she could look at me. "I don't want to get up, and I can tell you don't really want to get up either," she added with a slight blush.

"I would love to spend all day in bed with you Sam, but I have to land the plane."

"Ah, the plane." She bit her lip, then added, "Couldn't Hal, land the plane?"

Smiling, I nodded. "Yes, I guess he could but the people on the ground tend to freak out a bit when no one's at the controls." I lifted the covers to allow us to get up.

Sam sighed and rolled out of bed. "Hal, turn up the lights please," she spoke into the air and grinned when they came on.

I smiled at her childlike joy and the view. She didn't seem to notice her near nudity and stepped into the lavatory. I joined her in the land of the upright but turned and made the bed, then got dressed.

Sam came back out shortly after and began to get dressed too. After my turn in the lavatory, we moved forward and I mixed up another protein shake.

"What is this stuff? It's fantastic!" Sam declared.

"Ask Thomas Anderson," I responded before drinking several swallows from her glass.

"Who's Thomas Anderson?"

I chuckled saying, "Doesn't matter. To answer your question, it's a single-celled protein, combined with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and a teeny tiny dash of microencapsulated TCLs and stem cells, oh, and flavoring of course. It's everything your body needs."

"Um, okay. Whatever it is, it tastes really good. Where can I get it?"

"I make it. But it's way too expensive for mass production, so I don't market it. Not yet anyway. In a few years maybe, when I have more time." I let her drink most of it then took the glass and finished it off.

We went forward to the cockpit and I started strapping her in. Leaning in close I told her to put her hands on her thighs this time.

"But, I won't be able..." she started to say.

"No talking," I whispered next to her ear, and to my delight, she simply stopped talking and looked down at herself. She watched with an ever so slight increase in respiration, as I lifted the groin strap then drew the right hip strap across her wrist and snapped it in place. With deliberately slow movements, I repeated the process, pinning her left wrist.

Instead of running the shoulder straps over her shoulders where they belonged, I wrapped them around the sides of her arms, squeezing them together. It wouldn't do a proper job restraining her in a forward crash, but it prevented her from pulling her arms back to release her wrists.

"Mmmmm," I whispered in her ear. "Your C-cups are back."

Seeing her breasts mounded and pressed together increased her breathing another notch. She turned her head to say something but our cheeks touched at the corner of our mouths, and her breath hitched. "No talking," I repeated, with my lips brushing hers. Not quite a kiss.

I left her for a moment, then returned with a blindfold. "I told you yesterday that strapping you in was just a warm-up. This is a test."

She opened her mouth as if to ask 'What kind of test?' but didn't make a sound. Instead, she asked with her beautiful turquoise eyes. I grinned and slid the blindfold over them, then gently kissed her cheek and spoke into her skin. "To see if you're ready for your new life."

I strapped in and plugged in my headphones so that she couldn't hear over the cockpit speakers. I took over from Hal and deliberately caused the plane to drop a dozen feet or so. I was rewarded with a squeak from my passenger.

I continued to dip and level the plane, forcing Sam's body to press rhythmically into the groin strap. Until that is, we were at fourteen-hundred-fifty-feet. (One-hundred feet, above the runway.) Then I re-engaged the autopilot, quickly unstrapped and jumped out of my seat, then braced myself next to her, with one arm around the back of her seat, and the other braced against her armrest.

She was twisting her head this way and that, because the sensations had stopped, and she had heard me unbuckle, but she was confused, not knowing what was happening.

I leaned in close to her ear and whispered. "Let go, Sam," just as the plane touched down.

She gasped, and I saw her thrust her hips forward to stay in contact with the groin strap, which was now vibrating her overly sensitized flesh, but her back bowed and she threw her head back and moaned loudly as I covered her mouth with mine.

We fed greedily from each other's mouths, but she was forced to break the kiss because her breathing was too ragged. Even so, between each gasp, she tried to reconnect our kiss. As the plane slowed and the vibrations diminished between her legs, her breathing began to slow as well. Our kisses began to lengthen until finally she no longer had to break them to breathe.

I slowly pulled back until she could no longer reach me and she whimpered. Lifting the blindfold slowly from her eyes, our gazes met and we both grinned. I stroked her cheek gently and kissed her again, then returned to my seat.

"You really shouldn't have done that Robert. You could have gotten hurt."

"But?" I inquired.

She blushed for several moments, then grinned. "But I... I would have to admit that, that was definitely among the top five orgasms of my life."

"Top five?" I asked with one eyebrow raised. "I guess I'll have to try harder."

Her eyes widened briefly. "Oh, my," she whispered and blushed harder.

Hal was taxiing us to our assigned gate, so I continued to admire my trussed-up passenger. "I have to ask you. How did you feel?"

She gave me a crooked smile saying, "I was having an orgasm. Of course, I was feeling great."

"I was asking you how you felt emotionally Sam."

"She paused a moment or two then cautiously replied, "Let me out of this and give me a few minutes to process things properly and I'll be glad to discuss it."

I didn't like her response, because I wanted to know what she felt, and not what she thought, but I reached over and hit the release on her harness.

She sat looking out the window until we came to a complete stop at our gate, then looked over at me, and saw my expression.

"Oh, Robert... don't look so worried," she finally stated compassionately, then slowly got up and moved aft to the lounge on shaky legs.

I gave her a minute and then followed. She was sitting in one of the chairs, so I sat across from her.

She smiled as I sat, and extended her hands across the table to me.

I automatically copied her movement and our hands came together. I closed my eyes and waited.

"Robert," she began almost immediately. "I wanted you to let me out of the harness, because I suspected something, but couldn't be sure until I was freed."

I opened my eyes, hoping I gave her a neutral expression, letting her continue.

"Backing up a little, I want you to know that over the last several years I have developed a crush on you," her smile became slightly embarrassed, but continued to meet my eyes. "Then, I met you in person. I was confused because there you were bigger than life. I was both star-struck and disappointed that you didn't float when you walked.

"Then we talked, and I found myself liking you for real and not just abstractly. I knew I should be afraid of you, but for some reason, I wasn't, and when we touched it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. It felt... right. I want to keep touching you. I'm drawn to our touch." With that, she squeezed my hands before pausing for several moments.

"When you started showing signs that you wanted to dominate me, I recalled the stories your exes told me. Some of them said you hurt them. None thought you were sadistic about it, only that you had gotten too rough sometimes. It scared me that you might hurt me."

I started to promise that I never would do such a thing, but she stopped me with a head shake. "Please, let me finish.

"As I was saying, when you tied me up it scared me. Then you blindfolded me and it felt as if the plane was going to fall out of the sky, I wanted to scream. But, you had told me not to talk, and even though I wanted to scream, I wanted to please you more, so I didn't scream.

"Then I realized what you were doing with the plane, and even though it was still scary, I trusted you to not hurt me.

"When suddenly the plane stopped... you know, and I didn't want it to, and then you spoke to me as we touched down and I came as you kissed me. It was mind-blowing, I was lost completely, and I couldn't tell up from down or anything else. All I knew, was that your mouth was my life."

She paused and smiled warmly. "You said before, that you were testing me to see if I was ready to start my new life. When I needed you to let me out of the harness, I was testing myself. I had felt that being bound by you made me feel both scared and excited, but also safe. Then you asked me how I felt, and I started to wonder if those feelings were just secondary to your having given me an earth-shattering orgasm.

"When you let me out, I knew that I had truly felt safe, and... complete, I guess, while bound because being free left me, empty."

She suddenly stopped talking and seemed to be waiting for me to respond. I was afraid my voice would betray me, so I squeezed her hands and smiled a relieved smile.

I stared into her eyes while taking several moments to be sure my voice would be steady and then spoke softly into the air. "Hal, call Toni".

"Don't make a sound," I added to Sam. When Toni answered, somewhat sleepily, I greeted her happily. "Hey Mrs. Smith, I'm safe and on the ground."

"Well Mr. Smith, thank you for the information. Did you have a good flight?"

"As a matter of fact, yes. I had a very good flight except there were a few bumps near the end."

"I'm sorry Sweetheart, is there anything wrong with Hal?"

"No, nothing is wrong, but... Toni, I have something to say."

"What is it Baby?" asked Toni.

"You know how I've been looking for that special someone for a long time now?"

Sam's eyes flew open and her mouth dropped open while taking on a very worried expression. Mouthing the words 'Oh, Robert you wouldn't dare.' Which made me grin mischievously.

"Of course." Then we could hear Toni suck in a breath. "Wait, you found her? That's... wonderful Robert. Congratulations. Is it that Samantha girl?"

Sam's expression switched to confusion and her mouth was hanging open again.

"Yes, and thank you."

"Just be careful, and don't hurt her. Oh, and don't you dare forget who you are Mr. Smith."

I laughed. "I couldn't possibly forget Mrs. Smith. I love you way too much for that."

"I love you, too. Do you want me to tell Jessie you made it or were you going to call her?"

"If you wouldn't mind, that would be great. I'll probably be at the factory when she wakes up."

"Okay, will do. But right now, I'm going back to sleep. Love you."

"Sleep well, Toni. Goodbye."

We disconnected after several more 'I love you's and blown kisses and goodbyes, like the teenagers Jessie is always accusing us of acting like. The whole time I had been having a greater and greater time not laughing out loud, at Sam's dumbfounded, deer-in-the-headlights expression. I had to reach over and close her mouth for her before she started drooling.

"I don't understand. She wasn't mad, or jealous, or... crying or, mad."

"Why should she be, she loves me."

"You just told your wife that you were entering into a relationship with another woman. At least that's what it sounded like to me. And you aren't even surprised that she wasn't upset. If it were me, I would be. Heck, if I were you, I would be because she wasn't upset. I'd think she didn't care."

"Sam, you're the one that has the psychology degree. Can't you figure out from my past, why I would need to control things and people?"

"Well, yes of course. I understand your side of it, kind of, at least from a clinical perspective. But I'm not sure that I understand my side of it, and I know I don't understand Toni's side."

"I'll try to explain it to you later, but right now you need to make a decision. Your old life or a new one, with me. I'm offering this choice, after exposing my commitment to you by telling Toni.

"If you choose to remain in your old life, we can still be friends and I'll still feed you hints to help you out in your work, but we'll only be friends."

I let go of her hands and leaned back in my chair. Her worried expression deepened and she didn't seem to want to let go of my hands.

"If you choose me, you will no longer need to worry about trivial matters, like what to wear or when to eat, at least when we're together. You will be handing control of your life over to me. In exchange, you will get to see the world, wear expensive clothes, and have mind-blowing orgasms... if you please me, that is. If you displease me, you will be punished. Not to harm you, but to train you in the proper way to act around me.

"You will be tied up whenever I choose. I will command your actions in public and private. I will use toys and other items to bring you. I will spank you, flog you, and maybe even whip you. I will never try to hurt you although there will be pain but I will never try to push you beyond what you can handle.

"I will train you to communicate with me using your body, not your words, but you will always have the option of using a safe word. If you use a safe word, all activity stops."

I noticed her worried expression had slowly shifted to one of contemplation, so I asked her, "Have I scared you off yet?"

"No, but what happens if I decide later that I can't handle my new life?"

"Then we go back to being friends," I reassured her adding a smile and a shrug. "I'd start over on my search for a submissive, with no hard feelings."

"Just like that, you would let me go? Wouldn't this be a two-way relationship?"

"Of course, it would. I'd miss being with you, but I'm not wanting a... mindless piece of property, I want a submissive that I can take care of. If you want out, I'm not going to keep you locked in a dungeon." I added with a smile.

"I strongly suggest you use your time this afternoon to research the topic of dominant/submissive relationships. I'll leave you alone at the hotel to look up anything you wish on the subject."

"I already did. I studied it at school but I reviewed it last night after you fell asleep.

I also looked for anything that had you in it. Did you know two of your exes recorded your playtime with them?"

I nodded.

"Hal was able to show them to me. The videos I mean. I saw you hurt Kathrine. And I also saw how upset it made you when you realized what you did."

"I'm sorry you had to see that Sam."

"Don't be. It was an accident, and she forgave you. It was her computer Hal got the video off of. He says she still watches it several times a year. I told myself that I would call her again with a little more understanding and maybe let her talk it out. Either way, you did all you could for her at the time, and I found indications that you still check on her.

"Did you know that during the interviews of all your exes, she seemed to understand you the most? She spoke well of you and never hinted that you'd hurt her."

"I don't want to talk about Katherine," I interrupted, closing the subject. "I want to get through customs, get to our hotel room, take a shower, get my business taken care of, and get back to you after you've researched things completely.

When I get back, you can give me your answer."

"Yes, Sir," she responded, with downward cast eyes.

"Go get your things, leave your wig but put on the green contacts, and return," I ordered. She got up and headed to the bunk room without hesitation. I had to smile, she was trying. I got up and went to grab my bag. While she gathered her makeup, I told her to leave her passport on the dresser.

"Robert, I need it for customs, you know that."

"Samantha Thornton, if you decide to make a new life with me, you can't question me. I'd be forced to punish you if you'd already given your answer. As you haven't yet, I will only warn you.

"Just so you know, as far as the German government is concerned, you are not Samantha Thornton, you are Toni Smith," I informed her, then reached into the printer tray in the bottom drawer of the dresser and pulled out her new passport, holding it up to her. "I don't want your bosses to know where we are."

She looked at the passport and her mouth dropped open in slow stages. She realized it held a current photo of her, not with long brown hair, but with short blond hair. The information was for Toni, but with her height. What surprised her the most was that all the stamps were hers. She wouldn't have to look stupid if asked about the places she had been.

"How?..." was all she managed.

"One of my many secrets, Toni." I smiled before leaving with my bag to open the hatch.

End of chapter 14, I hope you enjoyed it and all of my work.

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docholliday0007docholliday00073 months ago

Great story keep up the great work love this story

Nasty56Nasty563 months ago

I hope he knows what the agencies are trying to pull on him using his technology to cover up. Hopefully it’s a trap/test on them.

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