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Teaching old dawg new tricks.
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This story depicts lesbian sex, if this is not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise, I hope you enjoy it.


Lottie was feeling good, really good in fact, her closest friend Nell was curled up between Lottie's legs lapping her tongue at the brunette's delicious pussy. The pulses were shooting around her body and she was tingling with sensations she knew nothing about previously. Nell was returning the compliment that Lottie had so recently performed on the beautiful blonde. Both had only recently reached the age of majority and knew what they were doing wasn't illegal where they lived, it may be frowned on by some but how could something so enjoyable be wrong?

It had been Nell who broached the subject some time ago but she had suspected that even if Lottie didn't feel the same way, her oldest and closest friend would not judge her or let her secret yearnings be known to the wider world. Nell's parents were more outgoing than Lottie's so the young brunette had understandably been shocked when Nell raised the topic. Thankfully as soon as she had exposed her heart to her friend, Lottie had confessed to feeling similar albeit she didn't know how to elaborate on those feelings but their coming of age had broken the barrier well and truly. That first confession had led to both opening their souls to the other and previous meetings had been spent with fingers entwined with the other and ultimately led them to being inside the other. For Lottie, the best bit was the cuddling that followed and she was looking forward to more of the same today.

Nell was the kind of friend that she could tell anything to, in fact, their friends and family took to referring to them as the terror twins, when you saw one, you were bound to see the other very soon afterwards. Sadly, their world was about to come crashing down to earth. There was the briefest knock at Lottie's door and then her mother barged in. Both teens jumped up in shock, scrabbling for clothes and bed coverings to cover their nakedness. "What the hell is happening?" Lottie's mother, Lynn, gasped in shock.

"Mum" Lottie responded aghast that her privacy had been invaded.

Lynn stood with one hand balled on her hip while the other pointed an accusatory finger at her daughter "Don't Mum me, If I had any idea you were getting up to that instead of studying, well..." She had spat the words out in disgust and that was what hurt Lottie the most.

Lottie's indignation was up now "This is the twenty-first century and this is my room, why did you come barging in here?"

Nell was frantically trying to redress while not exposing herself any further at the same time as cleaning her face off. Lynn could see the young girl's unease and rather than exasperate the situation further she turned, huffed and said over her shoulder "Make yourself decent and meet me downstairs in the kitchen.

Nell finished dressing and leant down to kiss Lottie, her senses picking up her scent on her girlfriend's lips. Lottie at least managed to smile and said "Thank you, you might as well get dressed and head off home. There doesn't seem any point in subjecting you to her old ideals."

Nell kissed Lottie again and responded, "We're in this together, we'll face it together, whatever 'it' is."

This simple sentiment made Lottie's heart swell knowing her closest friend would be standing at her side. They descended the stairs together and walked into the kitchen hand in hand. This sight made Lynn give an exasperated groan as she buried her head in her hands but after a deep breath, she raised her head and said "I suppose you are going to say that you are gay. How very Twenty-first century of you."

"Mum, you were bound to find out sooner or later but yes, it is the twenty-first century and yes I am gay" Lottie announced, running out of steam at the end.

She needn't have been worried though as Nell squeezed her hand and had her say "Mrs Jones, I say this with the utmost respect to you but Lottie and I love each other, very much. Lots of girls experiment but for, us this is no passing fad, we have found each other's soul mate." Lottie was rooted to the floor with her girlfriend's remark, they had never used the L (love) word before although she couldn't deny that had she been asked she too would have expressed the same sentiment. They hadn't been doing anything until a couple of weeks ago and Lottie had never tried any of those things with boys; Nell had and said that she didn't much care for the ham-fisted fumbling of a boy.

Lynn just kept shaking her head "No, no, no, this can't be happening. I'll never be able to show my face in the supermarket again after this comes out." Nell went to say something but Lynn held her hand up saying "I don't want to hear it. This needs to go to your parents as well." Thankfully Nell's parents only lived around the corner so all three strode off to Nell's house, Lynn striding purposefully in front of the two girls who walked hand in hand.

Nell opened the door and shouted "Hey mum, it's Lottie and I plus Mrs Jones. She wants a word with you."

Nell's mother, Carly, entered the living room and was the complete opposite picture of Lottie's mother. Carly was tall, long-legged, with long wavy blonde hair and a rack that many men struggled to look away from. Her choice of a red mid-calf dress showed her voluptuous figure off magnificently and her matching red-rimmed glasses and red-painted lips proved an equally striking accent. Lynn on the other hand was a good three inches shorter, a barely visible 32B chest and drab grey attire did nothing to take the shine off Carly's appearance. "Hello Lynn, how are you today."

Rather stiffly Lynn replied "I'm fine thank you but we need to talk about these two. Is your husband at home?"

Carly turned to the two teens and said, "Why don't go up to your room." Lynn was about to protest when Carly turned to her and added "I'm afraid my husband is working away for a couple of weeks and so I'm the responsible adult for a while. Who'd have thought that." Her light and airy tone was another complete opposite to Lynn who stood there tapping her foot on the floor with her arms folded. "Won't you take a seat" Carly offered before taking the position at the opposite end of the sofa from her visitor.

"We need to have a chat about those two. I would have preferred to include your husband" Lynn started the conversation.

Carly waved her hand nonchalantly "Oh don't worry about him, he will go along with whatever I tell him to. So, what have they been up to now?"

"Well..." Lynn began before trailing off, "... I found them... in Lottie's bedroom... doing... well... they were doing... you know" she stuttered out.

Carly wasn't comprehending what was being said "Doing what? I'm afraid I don't know."

Lynn huffed as she tried to compose her words "I found them... in bed... together".

Carly was beginning to get the drift but it was obvious Lottie's mum was flustered so Carly decided to tug her chain a bit "You mean sleeping? They are amazingly close aren't they."

Another aggravated huff preceded Lynn spluttering out "Not sleeping, no, they were... licking... each other."

Carly barked out a laugh before asking "And?"

Lynn started spluttering again "And?... And?... what are we going to do about it?"

Carly shrugged and replied "Should we be doing anything about it? It's perfectly normal for girls that age. They are over the age of consent and they aren't harming anyone are they?"

"Well, no" Lynn responded.

"So, what is the problem?" Carly asked pointedly.

"Well... it's immoral... it's not normal" Lynn spluttered.

Another barked laugh was Carly's initial response although she looked pointedly at Lynn and with her piercing blue eyes seeming to shimmer "It's not immoral and it's certainly normal in this day and age. You sound as though you'd like your daughter to experiment with some inexperienced lad with all the fumbling and jabbing that goes with risking getting pregnant at too early an age like I did. No, let me tell you now that if that is their choice then I fully support them; they are well suited to each other, it's obvious for those with eyes to see that they love one another and besides women make far superior lovers to boys/men."

The indignant reply had floored Lynn for a moment "You speak as though you've tried it yourself" thinking that would wipe the smug expression from the blonde airhead.

A nonchalant shrug of the shoulders proceeded Carly's next response, delivered so matter of factly, "Of course I have. Didn't you when you were their age? In fact, if the right one came along even today, I'd be jumping those bones in an instant."

Lynn gave a surprised gasp as she brought her hand up to her mouth. Her face went from white to pink seemingly instantaneously "I most certainly have not..."

Before she could go any further Carly cut across her "That's your problem then, all you've experienced is some pencil dicked guy jumping up and down on your stomach for five minutes and then rolling over to go sleep. I certainly don't want that for my daughter. Lottie's an intelligent girl which means she'll provide Nell with an intellectually equal sparring partner far more than most boys that age. I certainly don't worry about Nell falling in with the wrong crowd, if the girls are too engrossed in each other they don't need to get suitable stimulation elsewhere from some undesirable." She took one look at Lynn's despondent face and added: "Look I'm not saying that your husband is as bad as some of the men I've come across, all I'm saying is there another path and I would rather they have each other as a soul mate than stumbling around alone."

Sadly, Carly had hit a raw nerve with Lynn. Her husband wasn't the greatest lover in his more energetic twenties and the last ten years had provided little by way of gratification. She had never felt so alone and simply slumped forward with her head in her hands as she started to cry. Carly bounced along the sofa until she could reach around the brunette and placed a comforting hand around her shoulder "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult your husband or you." This just made Lynn cry heavier, "I was just trying to say that there are positives to the girls being together. You just need to get over this attitude that neighbours will judge you. They won't and those that do can frankly do one for all I care for their blinkered view on life."

This elicited a snigger and a weird cough that made Lynn's nose run. Carly reached for a tissue from the coffee table and offered it up to Lynn who accepted it and whimpered "Thank you." Carly decided to just sit with Lynn until she raised her head, blew her nose once more and then drew in a deep breath to give a long drawn-out sigh. She looked up into the blonde's bright smile and felt alone again. She had always wanted to be like Carly or at least have friends like her, the truth was that she seldom let people into her inner circle of confidants. "I'm not sure how to say this out loud but I'm... oh god what am doing telling a complete stranger."

Carly was tempted to stay still but she felt she had to say something "For starters we are not complete strangers especially as our little girls are in love with each other. We have to stand together to protect them from bigotry, even more so now, you can say anything to me and I promise not to judge, nor will I ever betray a confidence, what is said in this room stays in this room." Lynn raised her head and looked into Carly's blue eyes, Carly's heart lurched to see the tears welling up in the brunette's eyes and so she leant forward and placed a delicate kiss on Lynn's forehead. As she pulled back, she whispered "Go ahead. It's okay to say it out loud, don't they say a problem shared is a problem halved?"

She paused momentarily but then without losing eye contact Lynn said haltingly "You were right... I'm afraid... I haven't... oh god how do I say this... I haven't had sex in ten years... even then it wasn't so great. I want better for my daughter."

Carly enveloped the other woman in a rib-cracking hug and while her chin was leant against Lynn's shoulder she said "Well done. I'm so proud of you for saying it out loud."

Her words left Lynn feeling strange. She did indeed feel better for confiding in someone -- in what felt like a lifetime she didn't feel alone anymore and clung on to the other woman with all her strength. Carly tried to pull away but Lynn clung on and mumbled "No please don't, I haven't been held like this before and I'm not ready to let go just yet."

Carly smiled and Lynn could tell from her tone that the blond would be smiling as she spoke "I'm okay with that, hug as long as you need. The world would be a better place if more people hugged." The two stayed locked until Carly felt a wet patch on her shoulder, this time she did pull back to see Lynn was still crying prompting her to ask, "Come on tell your friend Carly what's making you cry."

That did it and Lynn started crying even more intensely so Carly resumed the cuddle although Lynn felt she had to say, "Thank you." She paused before saying "I've tried to raise Lottie right but now realised I was feeding her my bigotry. I... I just... I just needed someone to show me kindness."

Carly pulled back once more and reached up to place her hands on either side of the other woman's head so that the two were staring intently into one another's eyes. "Anytime, and I mean anytime, you need some kindness you just give me a shout. I'll be there every day for you if that's what's needed. For all this equality talk, this is still a man's world and so we need to stick together. Whatever you need, I want you to promise you turn to me first, okay?" Carly said with a very earnest expression.

Lynn nodded her head and managed a croaky "Okay and thank you." She blew her breath out before adding "I feel I need to apologise to the girls, I'm afraid I didn't cover myself in glory." Her next comment was perhaps a measure of how she took Carly at her word as she added "I'm guessing I was just jealous that they were getting some and I haven't had anything closely resembling fun for some time."

"Oh sweety" Carly exclaimed as she pulled Lynn back into a hug, "You just need to have a word with hubby that's all."

Lynn let out a disparaging barked laugh "He's more interested in his golf nowadays."

Carly was reluctant to voice her next recommendation but did so anyway "Well this is the twenty-first century, there's always people online to hook up with."

"What?" Lynn gasped as she was the one who pulled back out of the hug this time "I couldn't do anything like that with a stranger, what about my marriage?"

It was Carly's turn to bark out a derogatory laugh "You mean that loveless marriage you don't much care for?" Adopting a softer tone, she then added "Look it doesn't have to impact your marriage if you don't let it. It depends on how it plays on your consciousness."

Lynn pulled a strange face as she replied, "I really can't see myself relaxing enough with another man, especially a stranger."

Without thinking Carly responded, "Don't make it a man then."

Lynn was still holding both of Carly's hands and her response was delayed while she found the right words "I wouldn't have a clue what to do with a woman, I also don't think I could relax enough with a stranger."

Carly shrugged again and replied, "Don't make it a stranger then." Lynn just looked back at the blond completely non-plussed and so Carly inched her one step further "Maybe you could ask your new friend to help you, you know the one that has already confessed to you that she's as happy with a woman as a man." Lynn sat rooted to the spot, her expression showing the shock she felt deep inside her. Carly's expression had a strange lopsided smile as she let go of Lynn's hand and placed hers on the brunette's knee. Lynn looked down at the hand and then back up to the smiling face before her.

"Is that alright?" Carly asked. Lynn slowly nodded her head prompting Carly's smile to spread, "And what about now?" Carly asked as the hand moved higher up the brunette's leg and tenderly squeezed. Another halting nod from the other mother, "You won't mind if I do this then?" Carly asked as she leant forward and kissed Lynn on the forehead once more. She pulled back and Lynn had a bit of a faraway expression so the blond leant forward once more but this time softly placed her lips on the brunette's.

There was a short pause before Lynn leant forward slightly and mashed their lips together more. She sensed the blond smile but didn't want to break the moment. She had opened her heart for the first time in like forever and this was the reward, she didn't feel alone anymore, she didn't feel unloved anymore; perhaps more importantly she didn't feel afraid anymore. Carly pulled back slightly but Lynn closed the gap and kissed back more pressingly this time and so Carly lifted the hand that had caressed the brunette's thigh bringing it up to cup Lynn's breast through her blouse. This produced a small whimper from the brunette but perhaps more importantly Carly could feel a prominent lump in her palm where the other woman's nipple would be.

Carly felt it best to confirm that she wasn't freaking out her new friend, "You are okay with this aren't you?" Lynn nodded enthusiastically and leant forward for another kiss which Carly was happy to reciprocate. She was happy to lead proceedings but was equally pleased when her partner placed her right hand on top of the blonde's left tit. Carly placed her left hand over Lynn's and made a squeezing movement before pulling her hand back, delighted that Lynn continued the action of her own volition.

It was now Lynn's turn to lean back and ask, "Do you mind me doing this?" nodding her head down towards Carly's chest.

Carly returned a broad smile and replied "Absolutely not. I so want to show you how much fun two women can have and more importantly, you can experiment without fear of being judged or ridiculed."

For the first time since setting foot in the house, Lynn's expression showed her delight, this was amplified when Carly leant forward, kissed her lips but then left a trail of delicate little kisses down the brunette's neck and down the exposed collarbone. Lynn's right hand cradled the back of Carly's head to her chest; this was the type of loving that she had wanted for all these years but now she was experiencing for the first time. Secretly she kicked herself for not allowing this avenue to be explored so long ago. There had been times in her student days when she could have but she wouldn't allow herself to be introduced to it.

Carly moved her hand from Lynn's breast to start to pop open the buttons of the brunette's blouse. She lifted her head enough to whisper, "You have beautiful breasts." The fact of the matter was that Lynn considered herself flat chested and it was her that should be complimenting the blonde on her impressive rack; she kept quiet though and just allowed herself to be carried along on a wave of emotions. She should have felt shame, not from doing this with another woman, she had after all reconciled herself to the concept, it was more a factor of disobeying her wedding vows to her husband. She then reminded herself how little she obviously meant to him at this point in their marriage.

Carly was progressively pulling Lynn's blouse apart, kissing her way as the opening allowed, until it came time to pull the garment from the waist of her conservative skirt. This was where Lynn took decisive action and couldn't get the blouse out and off her shoulders quick enough; she didn't want Carly's progress stifled in any shape or form. Her reward came as the buxom blonde latched her lips on the prominent nipple pocking out visibly. The shocks careering around Lynn's nervous system came as a complete surprise to her, it was like every eagerly anticipated sensation rolled into one and she found it strangely addictive. She continued to cradle her friend's head to her breast and the realisation that she was making her panties damp was another jolt she hadn't expected.


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