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Hannah's Pony Ch. 19

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And the winners are...
2.3k words

Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 07/11/2023
Created 12/19/2021
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As they turned the final bend Cody could hear the other team right beside him. Hannah increased the intensity of her whipping as she drove her team harder. With his blinders on Cody had no idea if they were ahead of the other pony team or if they were going to loose. Cody pulled the cart as fast as he could. His sweat streaming off of him as his sister strained to pull beside him.

The young ponycouple pulled even harder as the finish line grew closer and closer. Cody was too exhausted to notice the man raise the checkered flag as both teams approached the finish line.

Once Candy and Cody crossed the finish line, Hannah stopped whipping the ponycouple. Hannah pulled back on the reigns to slow her team and let them cool down with a slow trot around the track.

The crowd in the stands was standing and cheering but Cody and Candy still didn't know if they won or not. After their cool down lap, Hannah drove the couple into the center of the track and tethered the reigns. The crowd surrounding them was still too loud for Cody and Candy to determine if they won or lost. Finally they noticed several people congratulating Hannah so Cody knew they won. He squeezed his sister's hand tightly.

For Cody is was a huge relief that they wouldn't be caned, but even a bigger relief that he will be allowed to fuck his gorgeous blond half sister. After a few minutes Hannah made her away to her ponies and gave them water from a bottle. She kissed both of her ponies on their cheeks and said, "You get to fuck tonight."

Cody squeezed his sister's fingers tighter. Candy responded by rubbing her thigh against his.

As the celebration died down, Hannah gave her ponies some more water then drove them back to the pony barn. Fortunately Hannah kept her pony team at a slow leisurely pace.

Once in the barm Hannah removed Cody from the cart and removed his ponyboots and tail before bending him into the enema stocks. She gave him some more water before feeding him. While he was guzzling the ponyslop, Hannah locked Candy into the enema stocks next to Cody.

As they ever enjoying their drinks, Cody noticed that many of the other ponies were already gone since the summer break had officially started. Even Michelle's cage was empty.

After the ponycouple received their evening enemas and were then emptied, Hannah washed off their firm toned bodies then released Cody. She used heavy leather straps to secure him to spread eagle to the floor of their cage. Hannah then sat on Cody's stomach and unlocked his chastity cage.

Cody gasped loudly as he felt the stainless steel cage being removed from his neglected cock. Hannah softly touched his full balls, and gently caressed his insanely sensitive shaft. Cody whimpered as his owner teased his cock forcing it to harden instantly. Hannah's constant teasing was driving the ponyboy insane with lust.

Finally Hannah stood up and released Candy from the enema bench. She led her ponygirl to the cage and was about to lock the ponycouple in the cage, when Candy suddenly stopped.

Candy leaned in towards Hannah, and softly kissed her owner's lips. She sensed Hannah's surprise from the sudden kiss and gently placed a hand behind her owner's head, to hold Hannah in place. Candy then slipped her other hand around the petite girl's waste and pulled her closer.

Hannah reacted by moaning loudly and slipping her arms around the neck of her ponygirl. The two blondes continued kissing as their bodies remained pressed together.

When Hannah returned from winter break she mentioned to other ponyowners that she and Bre and broken up and that she was just going to sleep around with other girls without going steady. Although she did have occasional lovers, they were not often enough for Hannah. Especially with the school year coming to a close most girls focused on their studies instead of sleeping around. This put Hannah in a very vulnerable position as her ponygirl continued kissing her.

Still kissing her owner Candy led Hannah into the cage and pulled the gate shut behind them. Candy let her hands glide over Hannah's clothed body causing the blond ponyowner to moan loudly.

Hannah responded by gently caressing her ponygirl's ass as she pressed Candy's body snuggly against hers.

Meanwhile Cody was left secured spread-eagle to the floor forced to look up at the two women making out with each other. The desperately horny ponyboy whimpered loudly as he fought wildly against his bonds hoping to join the two women. His very aroused but unsatisfied cock throbbed wanting one or both of the women.

Eventually Hannah stripped of her clothes, so that she was as naked as her ponies. Hannah grabbed Candy by her hair to kiss her deeper. The two girls embraced each other tighter as they kissed until Candy grabbed Hannah by the hair and took control.

Candy eased her owner's crotch over her brother's face and gently lowered her. Moment's later Hannah's smooth hairless pussy was pressed against Cody's mouth.

Cody's mind began spinning at the smell and taste of Hannah's sex overwhelmed his senses. Instinctively Cody began licking Hannah's slit. As he continued Hannah let all of her petite weight settle onto his face. As Cody was tonguing his owner, he could feel something warm and wet pressing against the tip of his thick unused erection.

In one gentle thrust he could feel Candy's pussy swallow all eight inches of his shaft Cody silently screamed into his owners crotch as he felt his cock penetrate his sister. Cody was so enthralled by the sensation of feeling a pussy around his cock he stopped licking. A second after he stopped, he felt his nipples being twisted painfully hard when his owner moaned, "Keep licking or I will lock you back into chastity."

The teenage ponyboy was terrified and continued licking his owner. He could also feel his sister's pussy pulsating around his shaft. He desperately wanted to thrust into her. However the straps and weight of the two girls on top of his prevented any movement on his part.

As he licked he could hear the two girls kissing. It wasn't long until he could fell Hannah's clit stiffen and get hard over his tongue. A minute later she was squealing into Candy's mouth as his owner came from his tongue

After a brief rest Hannah insisted that Cody continue. As he renewed his licking he could feel his sister begin pumping his cock with her pussy. Slowly at first but quickly she picked up speed. Cody also noticed that she was obviously squeezing her muscles around his shaft as she got him closer and closer to a climax.

Suddenly Candy was softly squealing as she came on her brother's cock. A split second later and Cody could feel his cock get slightly thicker as he began cumin.

When his orgasm started; he stopped licking, but Hannah twisted his nipples again to remind Cody about his obligation to her. Cody was forced to resume licking his owner's clit as he continued cumming into his sister.

For Cody it was the single most incredible feeling he ever had. He was so grateful to finally loose his virginity and even more grateful to loose it to his true love, his half sister Candy.

Cody spent the next few moments shaking as the last few drops of sperm shot into Candy. When he was done he focused more on Hannah and had her screaming into Candy's mouth again.

He could hear the girls continue to kiss each other, until finally Candy stood up. She helped Hannah to her feet and guided her over Cody's crotch. Hannah responded by saying, "I am your owner I don't want to fuck him."

Candy grabbed her blond owner by the hair and kissed her deeply. It wasn't long until Candy guided Hannah onto Cody's crotch and he could feel Hannah's extremely tight pussy impale herself onto his cock.

Both Hannah and Cody gasped at the same time as Candy pushed down on Hannah to force her brother's cock deeper into her owner's pussy. At the same moment Candy straddled her brother's face and pressed her slit against his mouth. Instantly he began to taste the cum he had shot into her less than a minute ago.

Cody responded by licking his sister clean. Swallowing his own cum from her, while Candy continued to push Hannah further onto Cody's shaft. Occasionally Cody would stop licking briefly because of the overwhelming tightness of his owner's vagina around his still massive shaft. However Candy quickly grew impatient and twisted Cody's nipples harder to motivate his tongue to begin lick her clit.

With his sister twisting his nipples much harder than Hannah, Cody began licking his sister's clit as his cum continued dripping onto his face. Above him he could hear the two girls kissing continuously as his sister continued to push their owner further onto his shaft.

When Hannah was completely filled by her ponyboy, she began to slide up and down on his shaft. Cody silently screamed into his sister's slit as his owner pumped him with her extremely tight pussy.

Candy twisted her brother's nipples again and was cumming again in less than a minute. As Candy was cumming, Hannah was riding Cody's cock faster. Cody tried desperately to thrust up into her but his bonds and the two bodies on top of him kept him under her control and at her mercy.

After several long pleasurable minutes Cody could feel Hannah's pussy tighten around his cock as she began to orgasm. With his owner's vaginal muscles strangling his cock, Cody had no control over himself and began cumming inside her. The ponyboy could feel his sperm shooting deep inside Hannah as she continued to scream in pleasure.

When Hannah's orgasm finally stopped she pulled herself off of Cody's cock. Candy also dismounted her brother. The two women kissed each other and the fell asleep in each other's arms next to Cody.

Several hours later Hannah woke in Candy's arms and got up to get dressed. She wanted to go back to her dorm room so she could get ready to go home. However when she looked around she noticed that her clothes with the keys to the cage were tossed several feet away from the cage. Hannah tried desperately to reach the keys but couldn't and began to call for help. "Miss Watkins," the petite blond screamed, " Miss Watkins help!"

As she was screaming for help, Candy pressed her body against her owner and began to kiss Hannah's neck. Soon the petite blonde screams for help turned to moans of pleasure. Hannah turned to embrace her ponygirl and soon the two were locked in another passionate kiss. After a few minutes of making out with each other, Candy pulled Hannah back towards her brother.

Once Cody was awake and saw the two naked women kissing each other in his cage, naturally he became fully erect again. The ponyboy pulled wildly at his cuffs. He wanted to fuck again before his owner locked him back into chastity. He watched as Hannah gripped their owner's ponytail firmly and eased Hannah back down onto Cody's shaft.

Hannah loudly gasped as she was once again impaled by her ponyboy's cock. Candy settled onto her brother's face and smothered him with her pussy.

Cody moaned softly as his owner's pussy engulfed his cock once again. He was able to thrust up into her as she lowered herself onto him. He actually felt like a man for the first time in his life being able to push into a woman. However his feeling of masculinity didn't last long as his sister pushed Hannah onto him and then Candy sat on his face pinning him to the ground.

Instantly Candy twisted his nipples hard forcing her brother to lick her slit. Meanwhile Hannah was pumping Cody's cock for a second time in his life. Due to the heightened sexual tension in the cage, Candy came almost instantly from her brother's tongue. However Candy wanted more and continued to sit on his face.

Hannah also came right away from fucking Cody, but Candy maintained a firm grip on her owner's hair to prevent her from getting off of Cody. The muscular ponygirl used her strength and control over Hannah to keep her fucking Cody.

Still inside Hannah's warm tight vagina, Cody was moaning in pleasure. He could feel another orgasm building in his loins. It wasn't long until the pressure in his cock was overwhelming and his sperm was once again shot deep into his owner's body.

As the three of them were revealing in the afterglow of another orgasm, they heard a woman's voice say, "Hannah I warned you about this."

Instantly Hannah and Candy got off of Cody. Cody glanced up to see Hannah's pony professor standing beside the cage.

'Professor Watkins, Karen," Hannah pleaded, "Let me explain!"

The twenty-something-brunette professor held up her hand to silence Hannah and said, "At the beginning of the school year I warned you of the law. That if a woman gets pregnant by a ponyboy she instantly becomes a permanent ponygirl herself."

Cody was shocked to hear this. However when he looked up at his sister he saw a knowing smile on Candy's face and he realized that his sister was waiting for just the right opportunity for him to get Hannah pregnant.

"You insisted," Karen Watkins continued, "That you were a lesbian and had no real sexual interest in Cody."

"But," Hannah tried to interject.

As Ms Watkins walked away to get a pregnancy test Hannah grabbed the bars of the cage and started sobbing.

Meanwhile Candy relaxed next to her brother and had a huge smile on her face before they began to kiss.

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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please finish! Gotta see how this turns out

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What a bad ending! I would read how his silly chastity keys would be melted down, and his arms would be locked behind his back forever too. All body parts ponies do need r only legs, ass, and tongue. Free cock and free arms r just ugly.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Please continue with story, Especially since you were gone for a year!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


I hope now that cody and candy are freed bc they can't be owned by a permanent pony girl themselves.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I hope Hannah does have to become a Permanent pony girl slave. And Alexa buys her, then rents her 3 holes out to everyone on the campus. She was one hateful bitch. Or he breeds her out over the next several years making babies to become future pony slaves......

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

This was great twist!

Any Chance you can write at least one more chapter (#6) to close out the "mom's pet"? I myself see no reason for her to go living, there is just no reason to, but you have a way better Imagination then I have....

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

So Hannah was on birth control? Was that because she was a Die hard Lesbian? I really don't believe Pregnancy test show up positive the next day. And if was negative that day she could go get it taken care of, right. I thought poor Cody was going to die a Virgin, or his cock was going to Shrink away nothing being Continuously locked up for over two years and still a virgin. Sure hope there will be more chapters..

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Boy did Karma hit Hannah right between the eyes! If anyone ever deserved to get fucked over it was definitely Hannah! The only sad thing is Cody, Candy and Michelle are still pony slaves. UNLESS their law there says if the owned becomes a permanent pony slave, all of their pony slaves are set free. Wouldn't that be a happy ending. Oh but wait Michelle would still be a pony slave, maybe Cody could buy her from Alex, since he maybe wanting to buy Hannah!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Oh boy that was unexpected, and I'm totally grateful that it did happened. It is funny that they haven't heard of the morning after pill? Now I hope Alex buys Hannah and breeds her. While keeping her SecureSecure d to the cage floor with horny Michelle sitting on her face every night as revenge and just being a body pregnant pony girl

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Can’t wait to see Hannah in chains. After what she pulled on Cody , Michelle and candy

TonyBeetsTonyBeets11 months ago

What will become of poor Cody when Hannah is unable to provide the teasing and torture he craves? Sad ending.

WomanEatingTigerWomanEatingTiger11 months ago


A reminder, folks. Don't fool around with your professor. It can come back to bite. I knew that would be her downfall.

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