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Hanson House Ch. 01

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Novices enter their training school.
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Part 1 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/30/2014
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Amanda stood in the main hall of Lovett House and looked around nervously. There were roughly 30 young women in the room and they all looked just as nervous as she felt. They were all sophomores, aged no more than nineteen or twenty.

She had been so proud and excited to be accepted into university and for her first choice, too. She'd excelled academically and earned a great GPA. At the end of her first year, being asked to apply to Hanson House only added to the thrill. Amanda had heard it was an exclusive college. She had never found out exactly why. She knew that Hanson had a reputation for high academic standards and that many of its alumni held positions high in business and the arts. To be asked to apply for entry was a high point of her young life.

There had been so much paperwork to complete for her application. Mostly it had been long questionnaires and surveys. Each time she had mailed back one set of paperwork another had arrived. Amanda had carefully filled it all out even while considering other houses she might want to join. A lot of questions were incredibly intimate. Surely that sort of information was not really needed for her application? Amanda, however, kept coming back to Hanson House as the place that seemed right for her.

Even on this first day on campus Amanda had found more paperwork was required. Each of the young women entering the hall had been required to complete a final questionnaire. It had contained still more questions about very intimate personal matters.

Everyone had also been required to sign what looked like an important legal document. It was something about confidentiality and everyone being sworn never to reveal what was about to happen.

Up front a tall, blonde woman was standing at the lectern. Everyone stood completely still. Hanson House was an important institution and no-one wanted to be thought of as misbehaving.

"I want to thank all you young women for coming along today," began the speaker. "You will know by now that Hanson House is a special place. Only the most suitable people are asked to apply and only a small number of those are accepted." At that a number of the women looked around briefly, feeling proud and wanting to measure themselves against their companions.

"I remind you all," she went on, "of the pledge you have just signed. You have promised to keep everything that happens today a secret. Failure to comply will be dealt with as harshly as possible by the management of Hanson House." Everyone understood what that meant or thought they did.

"If, at the end of this ceremony, you honestly believe you cannot keep our secrets please make yourself known to one of the attendants."

She went on. "You will learn much while you stay with us. At Hanson House we will help you to develop the skills to serve faithfully and to be content with your role as you go through your adult life." Amanda really had no idea what was meant. However, the mention of service caused a stirring in her. It was the same stirring she had experienced when answering some of the surveys.

"Each of you has been selected because you are suited to the lifestyle we will prepare you to enter. Each of you has shown the promise that you can follow what we will show. That you can do what is expected of you. That you can submit fully and openly to those who are above you."

That sent a larger stir through the group of young women. It sent a shiver through Amanda's body. The words lifestyle and obedience seemed to have a magic effect on her. Amanda was a strong, confident young woman. Nonetheless she felt strongly attracted to the idea of service and obedience as a lifestyle.

"I understand very well that as young people you first came to university hoping to experience all that life has to offer. I know that for many of your peers that included having sex. A lot of sex." The blonde woman paused and looked over them all. They all looked so fresh and eager.

"Each of you has sworn solemnly that she is a virgin. Each of you has promised solemnly that you will remain a virgin until you graduate from this place." Amanda heard the murmurs all around her. She had found it odd, to say the least, to have to answer these questions on the questionnaires.

"Hanson House was founded on the principles of self-discipline and of serving others. Maintaining your virginity until graduation is a critical display of your ability to maintain that self-control." The speaker smiled at the assembled group of women. "You are all academically gifted and that was a key part of your selection for Hanson House. You are all destined for successful careers. However, graduation from Hanson House will see you very well rewarded. Not only for your virginity but also for your capacities for self-control and service.

"If you honestly believe now, on reflection, that this commitment is not for you, I ask that you speak to one of the attendants at the end of this ceremony." Everyone looked around but no-one moved. It would have been humiliating to have done so and anyone who was weakening would surely wait until the end.

The speaker continued. "The staff at Hanson House are not teachers. We are instructors. We will instruct you on everything that you need for your new lifestyle. You will recognise us by our golden name

"You will be obedient at all times and you will be compliant at all times. Those young women who fail to maintain these most basic requirements of Hanson House will be punished." They were all a little shocked to hear that. "Perhaps there is one among you who will need to be expelled." That brought murmurs from the young women. No-one would want that shame.

"You will have noticed that we also accept young men here at Hanson House." There was a wave of an arm, indicating some equally nervous young men standing on one side of the hall. Amanda saw how good looking these boys appeared to be. 'These young men you see here are our third year students. They have already had some experience with us. That means they have been trained to the point where they can assist with your training.

"At times you will be required to obey the commands these male students give you. Their commands will be as important as anything you are told by your instructors. However, all these males have been warned not to abuse you or take liberties. Anything of that nature is to be reported to an instructor at once and the guilty male will be dealt with harshly."

A frisson of excitement ran through the young women. Each of them was reacting to the idea of spending time with these young men. Amanda was not sure why but she knew she liked that idea very much.

"You will continue to attend your normal classes in the university. We expect you to maintain high academic standards. Hanson House has an arrangement with the university so that we can schedule special classes that will not interfere with your academic work." None of that bothered Amanda who prided herself on her capacity for hard work.

"These special classes lie at the heart of Hanson House. Through these classes you will develop your special skills and talents. These classes will help you to be ready for graduation into a wider world of service and submission."

She indicated a line of table to the side of the main hall. "Now we want you to line up behind the appropriate sign. You will be given your accommodation assignment. You will be given a list of classes you will attend and the times for each one. You are not permitted to skip these classes without the express permission of an instructor. You have been warned."

With that the opening address was over and roughly thirty young women started moving to the tables with signs marked with letters, indicating that they were to be sorted by family names.

Amanda noticed several of the young women heading for the exit. She smiled at that. She knew she was happy to comply and to serve and she knew she would work harder than anyone to succeed.

As each student received their new paperwork there were gasps and squeals. There was even one stifled scream.

"Look at these names," cried out a beautiful blonde ahead of Amanda.

Amanda looked at her copy of the list and saw the reason for the shock. The classes were like nothing she had ever seen. Anal... oral... masturbation... facial... rim job... lesbian...

A male instructor was close by and stepped forward. "Please don't be alarmed. You'll come to understand all this in time."

The other student was aghast. "This seems a list of quite disgusting things. Why would someone like me need to learn these things?"

Amanda spoke first. She had instantly grasped the purpose of Hanson House.

"Everything on this list is about sex. Our training will be about giving sexual service. That's why we were accepted into Hanson House. The future lifestyle the instructor spoke about is for us to be sexually submissive to men."

The instructor was smiling broadly at them both. "You are a very clever young woman. But service is about more than sex. And your submission might not always be to a man."

"Hello, I am Amanda," she said with a smile to the other. The other replied that her name was Grace.

"I admit I've dreamed about submitting to men," muttered Grace. "This might be too much though."

The instructor spoke again. "You have to understand why and how you were chosen." He smiled. "Every questionnaire we sent was coded in a subtle way. The questions were carefully worded to strike a chord with young women who have the strongest pre-disposition to be submissive. That was why you answered. Many others didn't answer, or didn't get past the later rounds, because they weren't affected by the trigger words. Each time we sent out forms for you to complete we sifted out still more women. Finally we were left with the best, those who will embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm."

Grace interrupted. "So you are saying I want to do all these things even if I find them disgusting?"

"No," he replied. "I am saying that we sifted through a lot of talented young women until we found the most talented. Women such as yourself. Women who have a powerful desire to serve. A desire so strong that they will understand and accept the need to master the skills you will learn here at Hanson House."

His words had the desired affect. Both young women were proud to be members of an elite group. Grace smiled broadly and ceased her protests.

Amanda had been studying the class timetable. "But I see we don't all do the classes together. I have classes at different times to Grace."

"We prefer small groups so you will do the same classes at different times. That also allows us to have young men as volunteers to assist when that is appropriate. But you don't need to worry. In time we will make sure everyone covers every subject."

Grace had another question. "It says anal. I can guess that means anal sex. But what if I am someone who cannot accept anal sex? What if it hurts me?"

"We will be training you to accept intrusions into your bottom. This is an important skill and you will learn how to avoid or reduce discomfort. But its a compulsory skill because the person you serve, man or woman, might insist on using your bottom." Grace nodded to show she understood but there was a worried look on her face.

"Sir, I don't quite understand," said Amanda. "There is nothing on here about sex. I mean normal sex. We all are virgins and we will be virgins when we graduate. If we are to submit to a man and to serve him sexually, surely we have to learn about sex?"

"Once you have graduated from here as a submissive of course you will have sex. You will have to be available to your future dominant for them to fuck you whenever they want. You'll learn that some dominants want their submissive to perform sexually for other people as well. Trust me, though, you will learn enough in our special classes so that you will be ready. By the time you graduate you will be thoroughly prepared for being fucked."

Amanda pointed again to the timetable. "There are some elective subjects. It says here piss and also spanking."

"You will find that they are not really elective," he replied patiently. "As a student here you will be required to take most of those subjects anyway. At best you can avoid only a couple of the electives. Some things, like piss play, have traditionally been considered so intimate that a student is given the choice of whether she will accept it."

"Spanking, on the other hand, is very hard to avoid. This will be done as part of training or as punishment. Most of you will find that in the future you will be spanked at some time by the person you are serving. It could be for enjoyment or for punishment. Its better to have some experience while you are here."

Amanda felt herself tremble. As a student she had always strived to excel. For that reason she'd always tried to complete as many electives as possible. She stared at the list now, realising what that would mean for her at Hanson House.

The instructor spoke again. "You two seem to be getting on rather well. I think I will speak to the Dean and have your accommodation assignments fixed so you are both in the same room."

Amanda and Grace smiled at one another. They'd only just met but at least they now knew one other person they could speak to. Each was taken by the good looks of the other. "Thank you Sir," they both chimed to the instructor.

Once he left the young women studied the other papers they'd received. One was a list of rules and it was headed by a stern warning to comply or face harsh consequences.

There would be four women to a room. Apart from what they did in classes, sexual contact between them was strictly forbidden. Sexual contact with any of the male students was permitted only when indicated by an instructor. As second year students each woman was required to keep her cunt completely bare. Shaving was required at least every second day. Third year students were permitted waxing. Before graduation their pubic hair would be removed permanently.

The correct uniform was to be worn at all times when inside Hanson House. This was especially important because the uniform included a short skirt that would need to be removed in classes with a requirement for "participation". Underpants were banned at all times other than monthly menstruation where these could be worn only with the express permission of an instructor.

The list also stated the women would be required to undergo regular medical or physical examinations whenever the staff of Hanson House felt it was necessary. The first would take place that very day, after the final registration process.

The list went on for several pages. They would have to study it later. The instructor had returned and the two new friends were escorted to their room. Then they were taken to a smaller hall and told to undress completely so as to prepare for their physical examination.

Amanda slowly removed all her clothing. She had never experienced public nudity of any sort. There was no avoiding it now, however, and she supposed that this, too, was part of the training she would receive at Hanson House. Amanda actually had a wonderful body, fit and athletic. Her legs and bottom were shapely and well toned. She had well defined waist and hips and her breasts had developed to the point where she sometimes needed extra effort to find bras and shirts that would fit her.

Grace seemed even more shy about disrobing in a room full of people. Amanda noted her long blonde hair and her thick pubic bush. She also couldn't help but look at Grace's very large breasts. They were larger and fuller than a young woman should be and they sat high on Grace's chest.

At one side of the room a series of tables had been set-up with an instructor in attendance at each one. Names were called out and the young women took turns to visit a table for their inspection. It was explained that originally this step had been introduced as a virginity exam. Later, when people came to accept that this was a foolish concept, and an inaccurate test, the inspection had been retained. The governors of Hanson House had felt the test had other benefits, equally useful.

It was a humiliating experience but Amanda maintained her happy air and told herself it was totally necessary. She was determined to do as well as anyone at Hanson House. She was happy to accept the need for obedience that was being demanded of her. Amanda had never really considered the idea of submission until today. She had realised immediately, however, that the idea suited her very much. Amanda felt as if the proposal of submission as a lifestyle was even more to her liking than the idea of taking up her chosen career.

For the test itself the women were inspected and measured in so many different ways. Their height and weight were recorded as might be expected. Their breasts were measured and fondled. An instructor pinched their nipples, both sides, and their reactions were noted on a file. Even nipple size was measured and recorded. Other testing was done, for example to measure a woman's ability to balance on one foot and to test aspects of her physical strength.

Each woman was required to bend over fully and part the cheeks of her bottom. It made for a lewd display. It felt worse when an object touched a young woman right on her anus. Again, more notes were entered into the files.

Measurements were taken of the size of the young woman's clitoris. Each had to climb onto the cold, hard table and stay perfectly still as a metal speculum was inserted into her vagina. Two instructors would then peer inside her before muttering about the result and making still more notations.

At long last the women were told to get dressed. A female instructor addressed them all. "Are you enjoying the physical inspection?"

"Yes ma'am," a few voices replied without enthusiasm.

The instructor smiled. "Its OK to speak honestly. But I believe we have proven the wisdom of our governors in keeping this tradition alive. Some of our new students arrive feeling overly sure of themselves. Too much confidence can interfere with your goal of submission. The physical inspections are a humiliation. Even more because it is so public, done like this in front of the staff and your peers. It helps you to realise the need to be humble. You need to focus on service and not competing with the other students."

With that the students were ordered to return to their rooms. Once there, Amanda and Grace discovered their other two roommates. There was Lisbeth – a thin, dark-haired woman from a Danish family. Amanda thought her a little plain looking but she had glimpsed at Lisbeth during the medical exam and saw she had very large nipples. Finally there was Jasminda, a tiny Filipina woman with a gorgeous smile and lovely brown skin.

Tomorrow was to be their first day as sophomores and as members of Hanson House. There was so much to prepare and still the evening meal to come. All the same they talked a lot about what had happened to them that day and why they had been accepted into Hanson House.

Each of them confessed to being nervous and a little afraid about what lay ahead for the next three years. Every one of them, however, admitted that they had been chosen correctly – they were all intrigued by the notion of submission and eager to find out whether they would one day be chosen for a life of sexual service.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I love it. If anybody else agrees please chime in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
A great story - I look forward to more

You have a point, Phil_Patsfan, but when you consider that pretty much all the stuff here is concerned with things that never happened to people who have never existed, fantasy in other words.

You either accept them for what they are or you look somewhere else for entertainment; I don't think there's not very much that is entertaining in the MSM, but as with all things, YMMV.

Thank you mjar65, and please have five stars.

Phil_PatsfanPhil_Patsfanover 10 years ago

A school of submissive and sexual servitude training within a college is a little strange. Do their parents know about this? I'm curious to see where and how far this will be heading.

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