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Harem House - Selene Pt. 18


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"That's what I've been saying!" Kat said, surprising herself.

Mindy giggled, joined by Selene. Rani rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Fine. We'll just tease you from the backseat." She warned.

Arthur chuckled and held open the front door while he waited for the girls to grab their things and head to the car. Mindy and Selene hung their WHORE and SLUT collars next to Kat's on the wall, but Selene left her brown leather collar on, as usual.

They were all out and in the car before long. Selene took the front seat, as called. Arthur drove. Kat, Mindy, and Rani piled into the back seat in that order, with Mindy in the middle. She opened her blouse a little, letting Rani play with her tits while Arthur drove, making him glance back in the rearview. Kat couldn't help but notice Selene reaching over and stroking him as he drove. Kat sighed and looked out the window, impatient for them to get to campus.

Kat felt the small spot in her stomach churn as jealousy started to seep into her mind. Then she had to stop and ask what she was jealous of. Sure, they were taking all of the attention, but that was nothing new to Kat. She grew up with Selene, who always did whatever she could to take the spotlight. Now, Mindy and Rani seemed to be taking it, but Selene wasn't jealous. It was like she was gifting the sight in the rearview to Arthur as she slowly stroked him. Was Kat jealous of her sister? Of Mindy? She didn't know. She didn't want to focus on it, so she looked out the window.

Mindy closed up her shirt as they reached campus, and Selene put Excalibur away with a pout. No one had gotten an orgasm, but they seemed pleased with their fun. They dropped Selene off first at the campus bookstore, then Rani and Mindy at their dorm. Each time the girl would get out of the car, grab her bag from the trunk, and head off with a blown kiss to Arthur and a wave to the others. Kat smirked.

"Okay, where to, Miss?" Arthur asked with a smirk and a glance in the rearview mirror.

"The library. I have work at the tutoring center." Kat sighed.

"You got it." Arthur nodded and pulled away from the dorm. The library wasn't far away and shared a parking lot with the admin building where Arthur worked. Kat wasn't sure if he had work or class first, but she didn't pry. She didn't care, really. She just wanted to try and think of something to say to break the silence that was starting to feel awkward now that the others weren't here to distract Arthur.

"I'm uh... looking forward to tonight." Kat said, finally.

"I am too." Arthur smiled at her in the rearview mirror. "Do you want to grab dinner at the cafeteria before our session tonight? Give us something normal to do before I take you home and show you the ropes?"

Kat rolled her eyes at the pun. Arthur was nearly as bad as Selene. She was so busy disdaining it that she forgot to answer and realized he was waiting for one when she looked up and saw his eyes in the mirror.

"Sure." Kat shrugged. "But... can it be just the two of us? Maybe we can get dinner at the cafe instead or somewhere not on campus?"

Arthur seemed to think about it for a moment, but only a moment. "Of course." He said with a nod. "You want to go somewhere nice or somewhere just okay?"

"Somewhere nice." Kat answered. "Spoil me a little, and I might show you how good a girl I can be." She teased him but judging from the look in his eyes, she wouldn't regret it.

"Somewhere nice it is." Arthur answered.

He parked the car and opened the door for Kat before she stepped out, which she appreciated. He retrieved his bag from the trunk and passed her hers as she approached the back of the car to join him.

"Should I meet you here for dinner?" Kat asked.

"No." Arthur shook his head. "Meet me at the doors up there." He pointed up to the doors by the library entrance. "I'll drive up and pick you up."

"Oh. Okay." Kat said with a nod. "What time?" Kat asked.

"Five." Arthur answered.

"Okay. Well, uh... have fun at work, Sir." Kat said. She couldn't resist the chance to get one last tease in.

"You too." Arthur smirked. He seemed hesitant as if he wasn't sure if he should hug her farewell or not. Kat mimicked the others and blew him a kiss as she walked away. He watched her go momentarily and then headed up to the other entrance where he worked. Kat turned her attention back to the library.

The tutoring center in the library was off to the side, away from the silent sections but closer to the tables laid out for group study sessions and meetings. Few people utilized it at this time of day, but commuters and others were always looking for help.

Kat clocked in and got to work on her homework in the back corner, interrupting it with tutoring others, primarily by looking over their work and providing editorial services. It wasn't an overly laborious job. The trickiest part was figuring out the idiosyncrasies of the different professors and styling each paper or assignment to match their quirks in addition to standard grammar. Still, she had multiple cheat sheets at the ready.

She was in the habit of turning her phone notifications off at work, so she didn't see any until she was packing up to leave for lunch. She pulled her phone from her purse and checked to see that she had several. The Harem Chat was popping off with notifications.

Kelly asked how things went last night, and Selene, Mindy, and Rani took turns informing her of everything. Selene's job was pretty standard retail, so she had a lot of time to stand around and wait for customers to come in at this time of day. Kat didn't know what Mindy and Rani's schedules were like.

She also had a notification from Katelyn, her friend on the intramural volleyball team and Kelly's roommate.


Girl. Kelly just told me what's up with her and her boyfriend, and apparently your boyfriend too? What the fuck is happening right now? Has the world gone insane?

Katerine read the text and sighed. She didn't know how to respond to it right now, so she didn't. She checked her other messages instead.


What's this I hear from your landlord about the two of you moving?

Kat sighed and started texting her mother back as she walked from the library to the cafeteria for lunch.


We found a deal to rent a house with some friends of ours. Cheaper rent, better place, safer area, semester-long lease instead of month to month, so everyone wins.


You didn't think to ask me about it first?


I didn't think we needed to? I thought you'd be proud of us for taking the initiative to get better housing for cheaper.


And who are you moving in with?


Some girlfriends of ours.


No boys?


Everyone renting is female, don't worry.

She knew it was a lie by omission but didn't care. There was no way she would explain to their mother that she and Selene were moving in with their shared boyfriend to his parent's house. She had no idea how they would keep it from their mom long-term, but... she didn't need to know. And she was across the state. So they would figure something out by the time they had to deal with her wanting to visit.


Good. When are you moving?


Before the end of the month. Hopefully, next week over fall break. I have to make sure Selene starts packing soon.


Oh. I'd hoped you'd come home for Fall Break.


Sorry. I don't think we'll be able to with the move.


Well, how is your sister doing? Is she keeping up with her schoolwork?


Honestly? She's been slacking on her homework, but she's set apart sometime tonight to dig in and get it done.


Good. See that she does.


Of course.


Love you.


I love you too.

She knew Selene would have said something like Luv u 2, at least to someone else, but Kat had never brought herself to text with chatspeak. She texted in complete sentences with proper grammar. She was an English major, and she couldn't help it. Not that Selene would ever text that to their mom. The two of them got along about as well as two wet cats, and it was easy for Kat to see why. For one, they were too similar in personality sometimes, and for two, their mom was a bitch sometimes, and Selene was too rebellious against her rules. It was almost amusing, then, that Kat was the one who'd earned the nickname "Brat."

She didn't look up from her phone until she got to the cafeteria and heard her name. She looked up to see Katelyn in the line ahead of her and waved. To her surprise, Katelyn shuffled out of the line and dropped to the back to stand beside her.

"Hey." Kate said quickly. "Can we talk?"

"Sure. How are you?" Kat asked.

The look on Katelyn's face was one of surprise and a touch of anger. "I'm good. I was worried because I didn't hear back from you this morning." Kate explained.

"Oh, I was at work." Kat explained. "And then got pulled into a text convo with my mom. You know how she is."

"Right." Kate nodded and stepped forward as the line moved. "So..."

"So." Kat said, curious to see if Kate would be brave enough to broach the topic she so clearly wanted to ask about in the middle of a public mind. She was.

"So you, your sister, Kelly, and two other girls are all dating the same dick?" Kate asked.

Kat sighed as a few heads in front of them in line turned their way and then turned back, pretending they weren't listening. "Yeah, that about sums it up."

"The same dick who was over at my place last weekend?" Kate asked.

"For his date with Kelly, yeah." Kat nodded.

"Okay, but... why?" Kate asked. "You could date other guys if you wanted to, so why Kelly's guy?"

"He's not-" Kat started to protest his designation as "Kelly's Guy," but she knew it wouldn't be any use. She also knew Katelyn and her ex-boyfriend had broken up for his cheating on her, so she wasn't in the most receptive or accepting place right now. "Well, it's... complicated." Kat started. "But uh... maybe this isn't the place to hash out my love life. You know?" She looked ahead at the people with the faux decency to continue pretending not to eavesdrop.

"Katerine." Katelyn said sternly. "I've been dying to talk to you about all this. Kelly wants us to move in with this asshole. You're dating him. Selene's dating him. Kelly's dating him. And seems totally fine with this whole... arrangement. She's been really excited about it and him for days now. And I'm just... scared for her. For you. I'm freaking out."

Kat sighed. "Fine. But... can it wait until I at least hit the salad bar?"

Katelyn rolled her eyes and stamped her foot. It was a cute little gesture of frustration from the tall, willowy, and coltish brunette. Even in flats, she was nearly a foot taller than Katerine, who had to look up at her as they spoke. She was flat everywhere Kat was round, but she had the Taylor Swift build of a little flare at the hips, a slight bump in her upper torso for her breasts, and long legs that still made her attractive, especially in short skirts, shorts, or dresses. Her ex-boyfriend had cheated on her with a girl who looked a little more like her roommate, Kelly.

"Come on." Kat said, taking her hand. "Take a breath. I promise everything is above-board and okay."

Katelyn huffed. "That's what Kelly said too. I don't know how you can be so... so okay with it. He could be making out with Kelly right now, for all you know. Doesn't that bother you?"

Kat shrugged. "No, not really." She was surprised to find it was actually true. The idea of Arthur making out with the others didn't bother her. Seeing them get the attention she wasn't getting might set her off, though. She wasn't sure. The bit of jealousy she had the other day was him fucking some bitch she didn't know. Someone not in their circle that she couldn't trust to have her back in their arrangement.

She hadn't reacted well to Rani, but they'd figured that out eventually. Watching him with the girls she knew, like Selene, was pretty hot when she participated. Thinking of him getting intimate with Mindy and the others while she wasn't there was less desirable, but it didn't spike her jealousy the way she initially expected it to. It was just... part of the arrangement. Thinking of him making out with someone she didn't know bothered her a lot, though. Perhaps it poked some insecurities.

Katelyn frowned. "Really?"

"Really." Kat shrugged. "Look. When I first got to know Arthur, I was sure he was a creep taking advantage of my sister." Kat explained. "But he wasn't. He... cares about her. About all of us in different ways. I mean, sure, he's not perfect. He fucks up sometimes, and I try to be there to lay into him for it, but overall, he does a good job and looks out for whoever he's with. Plus, he's hot as hell and knows how to care for a woman. Y'know?"

Kate looked surprised. So did the people directly in front of them in line.

Kat sighed. "What I have with Arthur is casual. We hook up sometimes. We're both free to see other people if we want to. We all understand, and it's no one else's business." She said the last part a little louder for the people eavesdropping.

Katelyn still looked concerned, but she seemed to think about what Kat said as they scanned their cards and filed into line to get their food. "Kelly said the same thing, that is casual, that she liked the other girls taking up his attention so she didn't have to be a full-time girlfriend."

Kat scoffed. "That's one benefit, I guess."

Katelyn frowned but shook her head and moved off to get some food. When Katerine reached the cafeteria tables, Katelyn was still in line getting some pizza. Kat's salad was covered in toppings that would fill her up. She looked around for where to sit but was quickly flagged down by Mindy, who was already bounding up to her.

"Come sit with us! The harem has a table by the back." Mindy said, taking her by the hand and pulling her toward the table. Arthur was there, along with Rani, Selene, and Kelly. Kat rolled her eyes but followed along, letting Mindy guide her to the table. She sat next to Selene, who was next to Kelly, who was next to Arthur, who was next to Rani, who was next to Mindy. Moments later, Katelyn spotted Kelly and Kat and approached with her tray but hesitated when she spotted Arthur.

"Join us." Kelly waved her over. "You should meet everyone anyway if we're going to be housemates."

Katelyn still seemed wary, but she came over and set her tray down next to Kat.

"Welcome to the sex cult table." Rani offered.

Katelyn picked up her tray as if the table was electrified. Rani laughed, but most of them looked apologetic.

"She's kidding! She's kidding." Kelly assured Katelyn.

Katelyn frowned but set her tray back down. "If you all want to be alone, I can eat elsewhere."

"Don't be silly. We're just hanging out, having lunch as friends." Kelly assured her.

"Our boyfriend just happens to be here." Rani added. "Is that a problem for you?"

Kelly shot Rani a look, but Katelyn didn't answer. She sat and started to eat.

"It's nice to see you again." Arthur said to Katelyn.

"It's nice to see you with some clothes on this time." Katelyn muttered.

Rani raised her eyebrow and looked at Arthur, who raised his hands in surrender. "She walked in when I was picking up my clothes after spending the night at Kelly's last Friday." Arthur explained. "I uh... hadn't had a chance to put anything back on yet."

"Ah." Rani chimed in. "So you've seen Excalibur."

Mindy and Selene giggled.

"Excal-?" Katelyn started to ask, but then it clicked, and she laughed too. "Yeah, I guess so. Didn't think it was impressive enough to hypnotize an entire cult, though."

"I wasn't hard." Arthur said a little too quickly. A quiet chorus of giggles and laughter at the table brought a blush to Arthur's cheeks.

Kelly put a hand on his arm. "You can't possibly feel the need to defend your manhood to any of us. We're all in love with your dick." Kelly assured him.

Arthur was still blushing but went back to eating. Kat glanced up at him but shook her head and returned to eating.

"Mom knows we're moving, by the way." Kat mentioned to Selene, changing the subject.

"You told her already?" Selene asked.

"No. She talked to the landlord, apparently. I put in to end the lease this month yesterday. So... sometime between then and this morning, she must have talked to them." Kat answered. "Or they called her."

Selene frowned.

"Is that an issue?" Arthur asked.

"Only that our mom is way too nosy, too controlling, and too chummy with that office manager." Selene scoffed. "What did you tell her?"

"I assured her that everyone renting the house is female and that it's better accommodations with cheaper rent." Kat answered.

"All true." Selene smiled.

"Technically, yes." Kat sighed. "I left Arthur out of it, obviously."

The others were quiet, but none seemed to have an issue.

"If it helps, I don't plan to tell my parents about this." Rani piped up.

"Aren't you worried they'll find out from the video?" Katelyn asked. "The one of you kneeing that guy in the balls?"

Rani shrugged. "No, not really. Not unless they put it on the school website or something." She scoffed. "So long as my grades stay up and I tell them I'm still looking for a wealthy Indian husband, they're too busy with their own lives and my other siblings to pay much attention to me."

"My parents can't find out." Mindy said. "And I'm a little worried. But so far, I don't think they've seen the video. No reason they should, really. But... maybe I should avoid doing anything in public for a little while." She was obviously thinking about the walk around the mall that almost happened and the walk around the neighborhood that did.

"My mom is pretty open-minded." Kelly shrugged. "My dad is less so, but he gets less say. They'll be surprised, but I don't think they'll condemn what we're doing."

"What about your parents?" Selene asked Arthur. "Do you think your mom and dad will be upset?"

"No." Arthur answered honestly. "My mom's already teased me about something like this happening, but she didn't seem to condemn it. So long as it's all consensual and above board, which it is, they're fine. They're... open-minded. I think." He shrugged.

"My parents would flip." Katelyn chimed in. The others looked at her, including Kat, who smiled at her. "If they found out I was part of a poly-whatever relationship like yours?" Kate looked at Kat. "My brothers would hunt Arthur down and beat him to a pulp. After they find Sean."

"How many brothers do you have?" Arthur asked teasingly.

"Six older brothers." Katelyn said confidently.

Arthur whistled.

"You can take 'em." Rani assured him.

Arthur laughed. "I don't want to!"

The girls laughed, and Arthur started gathering his things. "I've got to get to class. I'll see y'all later. Girls, take care. Kat, I'll see you at five?"

Kat nodded.

"Katelyn, nice to see you again." Arthur said as he rose. The others started gathering their dirty dishes and headed out shortly after Arthur, not quite all leaving at the same time, though Kat noticed Mindy had Arthur's hand as they walked along the path outside toward the admin building.

Kat and Katelyn finished their lunch within the next few minutes and yelled their thank yous into the conveyor belt of the kitchens as they dropped off their dirty dishes. They walked a little together until they were out of the cafeteria, talking about everyday things again and chatting about their plans for homecoming.

None of the girls at the table seemed to notice or care about the looks the table had gotten while they ate. Kat didn't even notice some of the stares or whispers that followed her after she left. It wasn't until people were still looking at her funny during class that she wondered what was happening. It was weird. It was like everyone was looking at her as if she had something on her nose, but a quick check in the bathrooms had told her she didn't, nor did she have any stains or anything on her clothes.


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