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Harry Baxter Pt. 02

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First of two alternate endings to Harry's saga.
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/15/2021
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Faith and Marc arrived at the hotel around 7:00. By then the place was hopping. They entered the ball room, and mingled with some people from Faith's work. Marc knew Harry Baxter would be here, and he kept an eye out for him. He had a glass of wine, and got one for Faith. When he got back from the bar Harry and a beautiful young woman were talking to Faith.

Marc approached, "Here's your wine, Faith. Hello Mr. Baxter, how are you?"

"I'm doing well, thanks. This charming young lady is Cindy, my date for tonight."

Marc recognized Cindy Mason as a woman who had been spending quite a bit of time with Harry for a while. In fact, Marc had seen no other women come ad go from Harry's place for months. But he only check in every two weeks or so.

"Hello Cindy. I'm Marc, Faith's husband. These two have worked really hard to make tonight a success. It looks like they have succeeded."

"Yes. Harry has been spending a whole lot of time on this. Too much, maybe. But the charity will benefit. Has Faith abandoned you like Harry has with me?"

That was really a loaded question. Marc wondered if Cindy meant it, or was joking.

Marc laughed. "Not really abandoned, I hope. After tonight, though, I believe I'll be seeing more of her."

Harry piped up, as a gong rang. "Time to get seated, I think." Faith and Harry led the way to a table with eight places set, nearest to the dais. They were big shots and got special seating. Apparently they both knew where to go. There were name plates at the table. Harry was seated between Faith and Cindy, while Marc was on the other side of Faith. They sat, and soon the emcee opened the proceedings by setting out the program. Wait staff were already moving to serve the guests. Several people from the charity were on the dais, and were served first. They were to eat, hear a small speech from the director of Homeless Help, and then dance to a band. About 11:00, the award of the Volt was to be announced by Harry. Then there might be more dancing for a while.

Marc spoke with Faith briefly, then she turned to Harry. They discussed some details of the program. Harry leaned in close to Faith. Marc watched. Then the waiter brought a salad, and asked about drinks. They all asked for wine. There came a time after the main course was being cleared when the seat next to Cindy came open. Marc got up and sat in it.

"We seem to be in the same boat here, Cindy. Faith and Harry are leaving us adrift. So, what is the status of your relationship with Harry?"

"You know, Marc, that's an open question. I do spend a lot of time at his place. Maybe three or four nights a week. That's been ongoing for over six months. But, we don't seem destined to be a permanent couple. Harry isn't the settling down type, I think."

"You're a really beautiful young woman. You could have lots of prospects. You could tell him to fish or cut bait. Why keep on?"

Cindy blushed a little. "Sex. Pure and simple. I like it and Harry is just the best."

Marc frowned. He looked over at Faith still looking at Harry as he spoke.

He said, "Oh."

"You know, Marc, I have wondered about Harry and Faith. They have seemed close when I've seen them together. Are you in an open marriage? Or are you worried?"


Desert was served then. Marc moved back to his seat. The band mounted the bandstand, and struck up a Buddy Holly song.

Marc said, "Faith, would you like to dance?"

"Love to."

They made their way out to the dance floor, which was a distance away, since they were at a front table. Harry and Cindy followed.

Marc was a very good dancer. Faith was okay, but not up to his level. When she danced with Marc, she was a better dancer. They broke into a jitterbug.

Marc watched Harry and Cindy as they danced. Harry was an uninspired dancer. But Cindy looked fantastic. She twirled, smiling all the while.

Another fast dance followed, more rock and roll. Marc and Faith danced a version of boogaloo. Harry just moved around, but Cindy danced around him with a certain sensuous rhythm.

A slow dance followed, and Faith melded into Marc.

She said, "Thanks for talking to Cindy while Harry and I were working on the last details."

"No problem. She's a very interesting and direct person, sexy as well."

"You like her, huh? She and Harry have a room here for the night."

"So, we can all drink and dance," Harry deadpanned.

Faith didn't catch Marc's sarcasm. "That's right. A big party night for all of us!"

"We'll see how that works," Marc was again emotionless. He was suspecting that Harry, Faith and Cindy had plans for later. He determined to keep a close eye out, and stop drinking.

After the slow dance, all four of them returned to the table. Harry ordered a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork, and poured all around. Marc sipped. Faith downed hers quickly. She was flushed, animated. She grabbed Harry's arm when the next song started.

"Come on, Harry, lets dance." Harry shrugged to Marc and followed Faith out onto the floor.

Marc looked at Cindy. "I think you danced really well. Maybe we should give it a try."

"I'd like that a lot. Harry is good at most things, but not dancing."

Marc took her hand and led them out to the floor. A fast dance ended, and a jitterbug tune began. Marc saw Harry and Faith over in a far corner of the floor, dancing close.

He turned to Cindy and swept her into a dip. Then he flung her out and twirled her. She was magnificent, and didn't miss a step. Then they really got down. People began to clap. The number finished.

Meanwhile, Harry asked Faith about her panties.

"Did you take my suggestion about no panties? I hope so."

"Yes I did." Faith was not embarrassed. She was just hot for this guy. Then they both heard the clapping for their partners.

The band swung into a fast rock number, and Marc and Cindy moved close to each other. Cindy wrapped herself around Marc, and then he did the same to her. These moves were over the top sexy. Their erotic dance continued, got even more explicit when Cindy came around Marc and rubbed her hands up his thighs, into rocket territory.

Marc moved around her, pulled her back into himself, pulled his hands up her thighs. As he was about to reach her hips he backed away and swung her around. She seemed to know what he was gong to do before he did himself. Marc was amazed, really turned on.

The crowd around them was hooting. Harry and Faith were a part of the crowd. Faith was shocked that Marc would dance like that in public. She was also shocked that he could dance like that.

The song ended, and there was a big round of applause. Marc and Cindy bowed, and started back to their table. Harry and Faith followed.

As they sat down Harry said, "Wow, you guys really tore it up. I thought you were going to do it right out there on the floor."

"Oh, Harry," purred Cindy, "Marc and I just seemed to hit it off."

"I'll say," said Faith. She was flushed. She thought to herself that maybe she could get Harry tonight if Marc wanted Cindy. That sort of idea had played in her head for a few days. But she knew, or thought she knew, that Marc wouldn't go for it. But it seemed entirely possible.

The four of them finished the bottle of bubbly. Marc again didn't really drink. But Marc was considering what might happen tonight, when they all reached the fourth floor. He was wondering if a night with Cindy might be worth letting Faith have her lust satisfied.

Then the emcee called out for Harry. Harry had an envelope in his pocket. He jumped up onto the stage. He waved the envelope.

"And now for the big moment. The winner of tonight's grand prize, a Chevy Volt donated by Pricer Chevy.

Opening the envelope, he read the paper it contained.

"And the winner is.........Cheryl Wilson." A scream erupted from the dance floor and Ms. Wilson, a twenty something blonde, ran to the stage.

Harry handed her the key, and she gave him a big hug. Harry held it a little longer than might have been expected. Then he handed her the key to the car.

"The cars is right outside. Mr. Wright here will take you out there. Folks, this raffle has raised 24k for Homeless Help. Let's all give a hand to Joe Pricer for his donation!"

Harry hopped off the stage and returned to our foursome. The band struck up 'Don't Be Cruel.' Marc held out his hand to Faith, and she hesitated, but took it. He led her onto the floor.

They held each other and rocked to the tune.

"Marc, would you like to sleep with Cindy tonight?"

"Yes, I really would like that, but it ain't happening. I think you and Harry planned this."

"No, well he did mention the possibility. But you and Cindy -- that dancing -- made it real. It could happen. We'd both enjoy it."

The band switched to 'Sixteen Candles.' Faith and Marc clinched.

"I couldn't enjoy it, because I'd know that Harry was fucking you. I WILL NOT allow that."

She sighed. She snuggled up and they finished the dance. They walked over to Harry and Cindy, bade them good night. Cindy looked disappointed. Not as disappointed as Marc felt, though. But Marc wasn't going to give up a marriage for one night.

Faith and Marc went to their room. As Marc was using the key, Harry and Cindy came out of the elevator. They walked by Marc and Faith.

Harry looked at Faith. "Rain check," he said. That phrase was a bad mistake.

That night Faith and Marc had a great time in bed. Each of them was thinking of other people. But still, it was an extraordinary night.

They had breakfast in the room and checked out. The weekend was spent at home with the kids. Christmas was on Monday. They had prep to do.

Sunday night after they were in bed Faith said she wanted to talk.

"Marc, I wish we had swapped on Friday. I know we had a great night, but I feel like I need one time with Harry. He got under my skin. A swap would have been great, no guilt."

"Did you ever hear the phrase 'one and done?"

"But Marc, I...."

"No more talk about it. You don't have to be around the guy any more. And you said you would avoid him after tonight. Well???"

Faith was disappointed. She thought that Marc was being unreasonable. After all, he really lusted after Cindy. What was wrong with him? She decided that she would discuss it with Harry. The Tuesday after New Years Faith called Harry.

"Hi, Harry. I'm sorry that Marc was so stubborn at the dance."

"Me too. I tried to get you alone, but he was always there. And then I thought Cindy was going to seduce him, but he wasn't seducible. What's with him?"

"He's just stuck on monogamy. He thinks we should never stray. Maybe he's right. But I know you specialize in seducing married women -- women like me."

"You know that?"

"Yes, Marc researched you. He laid out all of your past history. Seattle, Pittsburgh, other stuff."

"So why did you....?"

"Well, it made me hotter for you. I thought that any man who could do all that had to be the greatest fuck in the world. After Marc told me that, I almost fucked him to death. He figured it out the next day. That's why he stayed so close Friday."

"Why don't we just do it? I'll get a room and we can go there after we have the accounting meeting Friday. You won't regret it, I promise."

"I'll regret it if Marc finds out. That's the problem. He's very perceptive. If I let you fuck me, I don't think I can hide it from him."

"He's not superman. If we limit it to once, he can't know."

"Okay. Get the room. But I might change my mind at the last minute."

That night after Marc settled the kids in bed, Faith hugged Marc. She looked up at him.

"Marc, I do have one more meeting set with Harry for Friday. It's where we do the figures and write up a press release. We won't be alone."

"And then that's it? No more Harry problems for me?"

"No more. After Friday there will be nothing between me and Harry."

Marc was not reassured. He decided to do more investigating. He thought Faith might easily be unfaithful on Friday. He had purchased a car tracker and a small recorder. After another bout of intense sex, Marc went to the kitchen, ostensibly for water.

He put the tracker under her car in the garage, and slipped the small recorder into her purse. He also linked their phones. Then he went to bed.

Faith was jumpy. Marc noticed. Wednesday afternoon she called Harry from her office.

"Harry, I'm having second thoughts. As much as I want to be with you, it just seems too risky."

"Not risky. I already have a room. No one will see us or know. We still have the reconciliation meeting, anyway."

"I'm just unsure. The meeting could be handled by someone else."

"Well, we'll just see when the meeting's over. Please attend."

The call ended that way. Faith wasn't reassured. Marc heard her end of the conversation that evening when the recorder downloaded onto his phone.

Marc went out Thursday afternoon. He rode his bicycle out to the pick up truck. He put the bike under the tarp in the back of the truck. He drove close to his house and parked in a drug store lot. He walked home.

When Faith got home, Marc told her he was going to ride his bike for a while, to reduce stress. He walked out carrying his back pack, but not his phone. He rode his bike to the truck. He drove the truck to a part of the park where Harry usually ran in the evening. It was dark and he backed into the spot he chose. Then he got the tarp, the shovel and his taser. He posted up just off the path and waited. It was a day when Harry always took this route. Sure enough, at about 7:25 pm Harry came running along the pathway. No one else was nearby. Harry ran past Marc's hiding spot.

Marc came out of the bushes and ran up behind Harry, who had on earphones. Marc shot him with the taser. Harry stumbled and fell to the ground. Marc was on him and yoked him, turning so Marc's back was on the ground with his right arm across Harry's throat. Marc kept the choke hold, whispered into Harry's ear.

"You shouldn't mess with other men's wives."

After a few minutes Harry was still. Marc held it a little longer. He pulled Harry off the path to where he had the tarp. He waited there until two women ran past. They had headlamps, but never looked off the path. Marc rolled Harry into the tarp and taped both ends. He hefted Harry and carried him quickly to the truck. He dumped him into the back. No one was around. There was seldom anyone at this spot after dark.

Marc drove to the hole that he had dug farther out of town. He pulled into his small spot just off the gravel road. He hefted Harry and walked 25 yards into the woods. He found the marker with a flashlight. He put Harry's body into the hole, still wrapped in the tarp. He covered the body with the dirt he had dug from the hole. He pushed brush over the hole and jogged back to the truck.

Marc left the pickup, sprayed down with Windex, in a shopping center lot a few miles from his house. He left the keys in the ash tray. He rode his bike home.

When Marc arrived back to his house, Faith was a little put out that he had missed dinner. It was just after 9:00pm. Marc apologized. He went upstairs and looked in on the kids. Then he showered and put on shorts and a t-shirt.

Faith looked a little concerned when he came downstairs.

"Are you okay? You looked so tired when you got home. How far did you ride?"

"I went quite a distance. I stopped at a park and sat for a while. I was just tense, what with all I've had going on. Work is heavy and there's the other thing."

"You can relax. I'm sorry I stressed you out."

"Yeah, the long ride really put a lot of stress to rest. Wanna watch a movie?"

"No, I have a big day tomorrow. I'm just going to read a little and go to bed. You go ahead with a movie if you want."

This was Faith's way of saying no sex. That was all right with Marc. He watched a spaghetti western, and went to bed.

The next day Marc had the kids to get off to school. Faith went off to work. She had dressed in a business suit, but wore sexy underwear, just for Harry. She was nervous all morning. She tried to call Harry, but it went to voice mail.

The meeting was set for 1:00pm at the hotel. Harry was late. Faith was nervous as hell. She couldn't believe that Harry would be late. In the end, Harry never showed. Calls to his cell went to voice mail. They had all they needed for the meeting, and so they did the reconciliation and wrote up a press release. Homeless Help was getting $82K, enough to fund a new shelter they'd rent near the old one.

Faith was livid with Harry, and left some pointed messages on his phone after the meeting. But she went on home, arriving at 4:00. Marc asked why she was early.

"I didn't feel like going back to work after the meeting, so I came home. Harry never showed up at the meeting, and I can't get him on his phone."

"That's weird. I wonder if Cindy knows where he might be."

"Would you call her? I feel a little strange about that."


"Oh, never mind."

"No, don't worry, I'll call."

Marc had Cindy's number from the ball. He had made sure to get it, because maybe he wanted to see more of her.

"Hello, Marc? Good to hear from you."

"Hi, I'm sorry I didn't call earlier. The holidays, you know. But I'm calling now to see if I can locate Harry. He didn't show up at a meeting today, and he isn't answering his phone."

"No, I wasn't with him last night. Actually, I haven't been there since the dance."

"Oh, okay. I...I hope things are okay between you two. I hope our little display didn't cause a problem."

"No. It was just time. I have moved most of my stuff out of there. He knows I was not going to stay too much longer."

"Well, if you hear from him, have him Faith. She's looking for him.

"I'll bet she is. Okay. Bye."

Marc told Faith what Cindy said. Faith began to wonder what Harry might be up to. But she just put it off to his failure to get her to bed. She thought he might just have left town, since Cindy was leaving. She wondered what she would have done if Harry had shown up. She still wasn't sure.

Cindy took the rest of her things from Harry's place the next day. She left a note and her key.

No one reported Harry missing to police. His rent was paid up for two months. His employer simply sent his final payment to his bank account. Cindy thought Harry was just miffed, or just being Harry. She left a few messages, but soon gave up. Faith also left a few messages. No response. She didn't know what to make of it. After about 45 days she and Marc were on a drive to a resort in the mountains.

"Marc, I wonder what happened to Harry. I think something bad happened to him. Don't you?"

"I have no way to know. I didn't know him as well as you did. If you think he's in trouble, maybe you should call the police."

"I don't believe Harry would want anyone to involved authorities. I guess I'll never know."

The two of them had a great time at the resort.

Every now and then Marc had some guilt. He squelched it. He did so by thinking about all the happy families Harry ruined. That always did the trick.

Marc and Faith had a third child that next year -- a boy they named Harold, after Faith's grandfather?

The end.

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ViolentKnightViolentKnight17 days ago

He should have kicked her out the moment she told him Harry kissed her.

The rest of the tale was just unnecessary.

2 stars

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hmm. From little to no confrontation from Marc to Harry and Faith, then suddenly escalate to murder. He coukd have just followed her and broke up their shenanigans and filed for divorce. Whether they got divorced or not is a different matter. But nope he opts for putting Harry in the ground, even though Faith was anything but faithful. Her getting hotter for Harry, hearing he is a specialist at breaking marriages and seducing married women is retarded. Still well written. 4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

So someone couldn't keep his wife faithful so he murdered someone. Yeah, that's what we have the death penalty for. Anyone capable of doing that once will do it again and I don't want such people living free anymore than I want cheaters.

oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

Oh I liked this, great way of ending it

BSreaderBSreader8 months ago

Predator got what he deserved. Saved a bunch of marriages.

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