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David's Revenge

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Revenge for another wife chucking it all for some strange.
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This story is a stand-alone creation. It draws from "The Stolen Wife" by ConPulsion. I contacted him about writing a continuation; he suggested a stand-alone tale. It gives me a little bit of wiggle room and some leeway with the facts. I recommend reading the original.


Now, taking a page from saddletramp1956, the disclaimers:

1) Everyone is over the age of 18. There is nothing unnatural going on.


3) I realize life is not always fair, but I'm writing it, so it is what it is. I would handle this the same way if the bad guys were orange, white, yellow, green, or any place in between. They are the bad guys. As such, in my world, they get what they deserve. Notice the wife is white. She gets it too.

Enough said.

I recommend you read "THE STOLEN WIFE" by ConPulsion, for context and a feeling for my attitude. It was an excellent story; I just thought it lacked a happy ending. I hope this fills the bill.



I didn't quite know what to do. I made copies of everything.

When I went to see Julie, to 'convince her to come back'.


I had turned on my cell phone, hoping to get pictures or audio. No such luck with the pictures, but the audio was crystal clear.

I hemmed and hawed for more than eight months and didn't do anything with the divorce paperwork or the check.


Then one day at work, on a Thursday, about eight and half months after the incident, I got a package in the mail.

It contained a 10×12 color print of my wife, naked and holding a newborn infant next to a tall, muscular black man, also naked with a rather large cock. Her hand rested on his organ, and she had a serene smile on her face as she stared into the camera.

There were two letters, one handwritten by my former 'wife.'

The other official and typed. It was on stationary from the law firm handling her divorce.

It said that there had been no action on my divorce paperwork, and they urged me to sign and return the forms.

Also, the payment window on the 100,000 lb. check had been extended for 6 more months. To help me accept the 'arrangement.'


The letter from my wife was pathetic.

'David', it began, 'I wish you would sign the divorce papers and cash the check. Then you could get on with your life and find someone to make you happy. I know I have. I have found my true calling, being breed stock for handsome black men. The photo shows my first pregnancy. It is a little girl.

'I am bestowing her on my lover and his wife. It is a dream life, and I am being well paid. I have 5 years more on my contract.

'Do not think harshly of me.

'You could not compare with the experience I am having. Thank you for the seven years of marriage. It showed me what I was missing. You are my past. Goodbye.'


I started to sob, and everything I had been holding in exploded out. My sorrow and agony turned to rage and humiliation.

Then there was a knock on my door frame. My P/A Susan looked in and saw my condition. She entered and closed the door.

She had been my right hand for a little over five years and knew that my wife had left, but not all the sordid details.

She had been married to a Royal Marine, Leftenant Jamie Morris, killed in action in Yemen about three years ago. Since then, she had thrown herself into her work. I didn't know at the time, but she was sweet on me, and knew I was happily married.

Well, I was. She came over to my desk and sat down.

"I was going to suggest lunch, but I think you need something a little stronger."

Then she noticed the photograph. She recognized my wife. There was a slight gasp.

'Well, it's out of the bag now,' I thought.

I handed her the letter and wiped my face with my sleeve. Hey, I'm a guy. Big boys don't cry............ Much!

She read the letter and looked at the picture again.

Then she re-read the letter. Her mind was racing.

"Oh, David, I'm so sorry. That bloody cow was not good enough for you."

I sniffed and wiped my nose again.

"I'm sorry, Susan. I didn't mean for anyone else to know about this."

She came to a decision.

She picked up my desk phone and punched up our receptionist.

"Sally, David, and I have some business to take care of. We will be out of the office all afternoon. Thanks, Luv. We'll see you tomorrow."

"Let's go. You're coming with me," Susan said.

We went to a small pub around the corner. We got an out-of-the-way table, and Susan ordered two pints.

"O.K., spill it. I want all the details. I think you need help.

At the very least, you need a shoulder to cry on. I want to be there for you. We are a team, and we will see how this shakes out.

"Know this: I have feelings for you, but I would never make a move on you as long as you were happily married. When Julie left, I thought I had my chance.

"But you did nothing. I kept waiting for you to announce your divorce, separation, or something. ANYTHING!

"But you just came to work every day and went along with your life. Now, we have the chance to make it all right. I will help in any way I can."

I was floored by her admissions. For the first time since this started, I sensed a light ahead. I had hope and possibly a plan.

I told her everything. How I kept and copied everything, and saved everything. Susan listened, took notes, and she asked only a few questions. Then, when I had finished my narrative, she assumed a pensive look and tapped her teeth with her pen.

"O.K., this is what I think we should do. Get everything you have concerning this mess, and we will go see a friend of mine. It's time we started to level the pitch, as they say. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING, ESPECIALLY THE RECORDING."

She pulled out her cell and speed-dialed a number.

"Hello, this is Susan Sullivan. Can I speak to Sir Robert Lawnvale, please?? Yes, I'll hold. Thank you."

She sat there, and I could tell the gears were still turning.

"Hello, Robert? Yes, it's Susan. How are you? How is Cynthia?? Really, six months along? Time certainly does fly.

Bobbie, I need a favor. A big one. Can we see you this afternoon? Yes, forty-five minutes will be fine. We have to get some additional documents. Great, we'll see you then, Luv."

"Come on, let's get my car, and you can follow me to my house. Then to your house. We'll pick up the documents and such. Then we'll go to see my friend.

On the way to Susan's 'friend,' I got the background on Sir Robert Lawnvale.

He had been a Captain in the Royal Marines with Susan's husband, and he had pulled him from a burning armored personnel carrier after an attack. Unfortunately, her husband was severely injured and died from his wounds.

They had become close on his discharge, and she was the godmother to little Cynthia, the child his wife gave birth to. Unfortunately, his wife passed in childbirth. They were two lost souls, but no spark existed.

He took it hard and almost lost it. But his bosses sent him to America, to Texas, to handle an estate claim that could have been done by Skype or telephone. They knew in their infinite wisdom that he needed a change of scenery, so to speak.

They were right.

He met some really good people, including his new wife. She was the spitting image of his late wife, right down to her name. Almost as if they were identical twins separated at birth.

Everything snowballed, and he met her family at their ranch and had Thanksgiving weekend with them.

He went home to England. He arranged to have her visit the following February.

When Cynthia McMillan deplaned at Heathrow Airport, she was swept up into Robert's immediate family. His parents loved her. His brothers didn't think he was good enough for her. His sisters loved that they had improved the ratio in the family, boy to girl- wise. Cynthia was slightly overwhelmed by her reception.

She was very taken with Robert's affection for her and looked forward to exploring the situation.

In a whirlwind week and a half, she was romanced.

He proposed to her, and she accepted. They were married six months later in Texas, and both families were ecstatic.

This was the 'good friend' Susan was taking him to see. Honorable, trustworthy, and a real straight arrow. She knew he could help him.

They pulled into the law firm's parking lot. They went into the lobby and were ushered into the offices of Sir Robert Lawnvale, Esq. His P/A Sharon seated them and went to get some tea for them.

Sir Robert soon joined them. He hugged Susan and shook hands with David. They sat around a circular table and were joined by a paralegal.

"Now," he said, "How can I be of service?"

David laid out his problem. He gave him all his paperwork and showed him the photo and the letters.

He gave him the divorce decree and the check for Lbs.100,000.

Then he played the recording from his meeting with the 'gentleman' and his wife. He apologized for not having any usable video.

Sir Robert noted everything.

He asked some questions while perusing the divorce decree and the check. He looked at the photo and read the letters. He shook his head and 'tsked, tsked' a few times.

His paralegal appeared to be visibly shaken and, at one point, almost cried.

David finished his dissertation and sat silently. Susan reached out and took his hand. Robert slyly noticed the interplay between the two people.

All other activities ceased, and everyone looked at him with expectations. He rubbed his forehead and sighed. Then he looked up and assessed the two people sitting across from him.

"David, from what I can see, as despicable and replenishment as her actions were, she does not seem to have done anything illegal. Disgusting, yes, but not illegal."

David sagged in his chair and seemed to lose all hope. Susan put her arm around his shoulder.

"That's all right, Luv, we'll get through this. We still have each other."

Robert looked at the two people who seemed to lose all reason for living.

He sported a mischievous grin.

"Now wait a minute! That does not mean we have no recourse here. I am familiar with this law firm they used. It is a small boutique firm who don't have a lot of experience in litigation. They charge a lot for what they do, but they don't get much push back. There are several things we can do.

"First of all, what do you want to do? Do you want her back?"

"NO! I want to hurt her badly, along with the two individuals involved, and take them for everything I can."

"Fine- we will file a dismissal of their lawsuit and refile, using the original dates, for adultery and abandonment. Then we will demand a sit-down meeting with your wife and her litigators. Most of these are delaying tactics, but they will still be on the hook for everything.

"In the meantime, even though they have not asked for anything, take her name off everything- retirement, pension, medical plan, everything, credit cards, and bank accounts.

"You may have to split everything with her, but it will keep her from touching anything. Until it is resolved.

"The only thing I see possible is the Anti-Slavery Act of 1807, and then the Human Rights Act of 1998. We will work on that."

Great Britain had been one of the first nations to outlaw slavery.

"Meantime, I want you to go home and get clothes, etc., and move to someplace safe. Don't tell me where.

"Then come back here tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. We need to get some backup involved.

"We are going to war, and I want you to treat it as such. Do you understand me, Mate??"

I suddenly got a lift in my spirits. Susan stood.

"I need to use the ladies, Robert."

He motioned to the door and said, "On the left, Sue."

As she left, he turned to his paralegal and said, "Sharon, please get a hold of Mr. Hendrix for me. Thank you, dear."

As she left, he fixed his best command stare on me and stood.

"Susan is a special lady. I consider her family. Unless I miss the mark, she has deep feelings for you. Don't trifle with them. Do we understand each other, Mate?"

I stood and returned his stare.

"Other than Susan, and now you, I have no other rocks to hang on to. I was not in the military, but I understand your concern. NOTHING, AND NO-ONE WILL HARM HER!!"

"Do WE understand each other, MATE??"He stared at me and grinned again.

"Perfectly." He extended his hand, and we shook.

Susan returned, and we took our leave. Robert watched us go.

"Lord, help them, and watch over them." He smiled.


We left for my house and talked on the way.

"I'll take you home after I get some clothes and things. Then I'll go get a hotel room. I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow morning. I think that will.........."

"Oh no, you don't. Do you think I am going to let you out of my sight now that you're almost free??"

I looked at her.

"You're coming to my house. I have three bedrooms and locks on all the bedroom doors. The #2 bedroom has an en suite bath with a double walk-in shower so that when you are officially legal again, we can celebrate."

She grinned.

I looked at her again.

"Robert said I should behave myself, or else. He should have told you that instead."

She grinned again.

We dove to my flat, and I went in and threw together two suitcases full of clothes and a garment bag of suits.

Then we drove to her home.


Julie's story

My husband did not dance well.

Well, not as well as I did. And I loved to dance. In seven years of marriage, we went out often to clubs, and I danced with anyone who wanted to. David did not mind and often danced with me. But was not as accomplished as I. I seldom sat down and was never at a loss for a partner.

On that fateful night, we were having a great time.

At least I was.

Then I was approached by Samuel. He was approx. 188 centimeters tall (six feet two inches), perhaps 165 lbs., thin and quite muscular.

And he was talented. He held me as if I was an extension of his body, grafted to him at his groin. And his 'package' was quite impressive. At least it felt that way.

We danced for several songs, never bothering to sit down. Cha Cha's, tangos, mambos, several jazz numbers, and at least three passionate waltzes.

Finally, even I needed a breather. But instead of returning to our table, where David sat, obviously annoyed, he escorted me to his table and introduced me to his employer, Mr. Lucius Kincaid.

"Good evening, Julie. You look lovely."

"I am Julie Argent. How do you know me?"

"I've had my eye on you for a while now, and I have a business proposition for you."


He looked at me and nodded his head. "Yes, I run a unique service business that will get you a contract for six years, with the option to renew. You will provide a service for which you will be compensated. You will be trained, groomed, and taken care of with no expense to you. All your needs will be covered, and you will reside in luxury, possibly entailing international travel. Are you interested?"

She studied the large man for a moment, then took a guess.

"It sounds like you are trying to turn me into a high priced escort."

He grinned.

"Not really. I want you as breed stock for black men who want to have a white woman bear their children. They pay very handsomely for the service."

I was shocked, stunned,........ and very turned on.

"You will be with one man at a time, and every child you produce will get you Lb 50,000. The money will be held for you in an interest-bearing account, tax-free. You will be able to monitor your account, but you will not be able to touch the money until your contract expires.

"If you renew your services for an additional six years, you will get a bonus of Lb 100,000.

"If you conceive and bear multiple children each time, you will be paid the standard rate for each child, plus an additional Lb 25,000.

"From what I have been told, the sex and romance are quite pleasurably."

At this point, Samuel rose to get refills for our drinks, and I looked around for my husband. He was sitting where I had left him, looking decidedly upset.

'Well,' I thought, 'it's going to get worse for him.' My mind was running in a thousand different directions as Samuel returned with scotch and wines. I thought of my rather humdrum life and marriage.

'I have the chance to break out and make a lot of money and have great sex. David will not like this.'

Lucius continued with his 'sales pitch.'"We will take you for a weekend of physicals and training.

"We will contact your husband on Monday and make arrangements for you to see him.

"It will be your choice to take the offered contract or go back to your husband. No strings, no recriminations, your choice." He stared at my eyes.

"But we hardly ever get any refusals."

She took no time to make her decision.

"I need my clutch, please."

Samuel rose and walked to our table, said something to David, grabbed my purse, and returned.

Meanwhile, Lucius assisted me to stand, and as Samuel returned, he took my clutch from him, and I took Lucius's arm and followed him out the door.

As we exited, I heard a minor scuffle behind us, but I was fixated on Lucius's dissertation and paid no attention.


We went out to a large black Mercedes Benz and got in.

A large black gentleman was waiting at the door and closed it behind us. He went around to the driver's door and got in. Samuel got in the front left seat, and we were off.


Back to the present time, and David's story

Susan and I pulled up to her house. We went inside, and she showed me her guest rooms. I chose one (the farthest from the big bedroom), and she got me some linens. I took my bags to the bedroom and laid the linens on the bed. I picked up the towels and washcloths and went to the bathroom. As I passed the big bedroom, with the door closed, I heard soft crying.

I stopped by the door and listened.

"OH JAMIE, I am so sorry. I have fallen for him.

"He is hurt as bad as I was, and he has no one else to turn to. Please help me to help him."

I was shocked. What had I heard?

I continued to the bathroom and took a shower. My mind was a jumbled mess.

I shut off the shower and toweled off. I came downstairs to Susan busily fixing some dinner. She seemed relaxed and at peace, as if she had no cares at all.

We ate and talked about the day's events.

After cleaning up the dinner dishes, she turned to me and said, "I'm tired. It has been stressful today. I am retiring for the night."

She held out her hand and said, "Good night."

I returned her gesture, and she turned and left for her bedroom.

The last thing I heard was the turning of her lock cylinder in her bedroom door.


The following morning we went to work, and I talked to H/R and arranged for a leave of absence. I got all the financials taken care of, and Julie was virtually indigent. I got a computer hook up to our bank, and while there had been no action on any of her cards or checking, now they no longer existed.

I took her cell phone off my plan and set it up on a separate line.

Susan took some vacation time, and we went to Robert's office.


We were ushered into Sir Robert's office and got some tea and scones.

We went over the list of 'to-do's.' The paralegal noted everything I had done and could add nothing. Robert looked at his watch and said, "Our 'reinforcements' should be here soon."

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