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Haunting of Palmer Mansion Pt. 26


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"How's he taking it?" Daniel whispered. He tried not to smile. It was a somber occasion.

Penelope held the phone away from her face. "Not well," she whispered back. She put the phone back up to her ear. "Yes ... I ... ugh ..." Penelope rolled her eyes as Daniel hit a sweet spot inside her. She would have to end the call soon. "I'll continue to ... stay ... with your mother." She listened for a while. "Well you can ... work that out with her. I have to go now ... Brad. I'll talk to you later." Penelope disconnected the phone abruptly. "He didn't want me to stay here."

Listening to Penelope divorce his brother was too much. Daniel gripped her hips tighter and let out a series of low grunts.

"Yes ... yes ... fill me." Penelope leaned back, looking up at the ceiling. She would never get enough of Daniel's cock. She screamed out her orgasm right along with him, her phone dropped beside her leg, completely forgotten.

When she'd finally taken his seed, Penelope rolled off Daniel awkwardly and lay next to him. She rubbed her sweaty, round belly. "What about your dad?"

"What about him?" Daniel looked over at her pregnant beauty.

"When he comes back from his vacation ..." She waved her hand above their nakedness. "Poof. No more of this. He'll catch on eventually, Danny."

"Well ... I don't know." Daniel shrugged.

They lay quietly for a minute as Penelope worked out a plan in her head. She'd take the dreamstone on a road trip. She knew what the twins had done with it. She could use it on Daniel's aunt and push her to seduce George. Maybe even get her to force George to confess his infidelity. "I'm going to go on a little vacation this weekend."

"Aren't you a little ... um ... big for a vacation right now?"

"Shut up, Danny." Penelope smiled at him. "I am perfectly dainty. Now get over her, I can't seem to move from my back. I need more."

Daniel smiled back at her and obediently climbed between her legs. He shoved himself back inside her.


A few weeks later, Julie was taking care of Daniel on their bed in the master bedroom. One of his enormous balls was in her mouth while she jerked him. From her bedside table, her phone rang. She awkwardly crawled to the phone, her belly dragging on the sheets. "It's your father." She put a finger to her lips to quiet Daniel, and then answered. "Hello, dear."

Daniel crawled over to his mother, positioned his head under her enormous left boob and clamped his lips to her distended nipple. He drank her milk while she made small talk with his father.

After a few minutes, he felt a hand on his cock. Daniel looked down to see his sister sitting cross-legged next to him, pumping his long cock. She mouthed "Dad?" to him, and Daniel nodded.

"Wait, what did you just say, George?" Julie's tone shifted from light and casual to something a good deal darker.

The twins looked at each other. Brittney continued to stroke Daniel, despite the turn from their mother.

Julie sat up straighter in bed, gave her eighteen-year-olds a stern look like they ought to find another time to pleasure each other like monkeys, and focused on her call. "With your sister? That's ... that's ... if that's true, why are you even telling me?"

Brittney dropped her mouth down to Daniel's bloated cockhead. Was their father sleeping with their aunt? If that was true, the thought of it certainly turned Brittney on. And judging from the way Daniel's dick throbbed, he liked it, too.

"Well ... I ... I never imagined you ..." Julie dropped the phone. "He hung up." She watched her sweet daughter blow her son. "Your father isn't coming back home."

"Is he fucking Aunt Becky?" David patted her thigh.

"I can't believe it. He is." Julie crawled to the middle of the bed and turned herself over onto her back. Sometimes she felt like a beached whale in her current condition. "I need you inside me, sweetie. I need it now." What better way to get back at that philandering fool than to hump her own son?

"Okay." Daniel pulled the slurping Brittney off him and moved in between his mother's legs. He lined himself up and slipped right in.

"Do you think the house made him do it?" Brittney climbed next to Julie, lowered her mouth, and held her mother's right boob with both hands. "I mean, that's pretty crazy that Dad would ... you know ..." She tightened her lips around Julie's nipple and drank from her mother.

"I ... ugh ... ugh ... don't know." Julie's pussy welcomed that long penis home. "It doesn't seem the house ... has much power ... anymore."

"The house still has ... power ... in the dreamstone." Daniel smashed his mother's butt and hips deep into the mattress with each thrust.

"It does ... oh ... Danny ... Brit ... you two ... are going to make ..." Julie screamed out her happiness as Daniel rooted out her pussy and Brittney drank her milk.


In the early summer, Julie was the first woman at Palmer Mansion to give birth. Penelope, Khadra, Brittney, and Daniel were all there in the hospital as the Andersons welcomed a baby girl into the world. They named her Eloise.

Julie and baby Eloise had just returned from the hospital when Penelope went into labor. She gave birth to a baby boy, Christopher. A few weeks later, it was Khadra's turn to birth a baby girl, Yasmiin. Soon, Palmer Mansion was full of crying, fussing, and the comforting shushing of mothers.

Despite her swollen belly, Brittney worked hard and finished her senior year. On graduation day, she walked up to get her diploma from Erin, her twin by her side.

Daniel gave Erin's butt a little smack when Erin handed him his diploma. He didn't much care if anyone saw him. He knew he wasn't going to see Erin as much anymore with school out, but he figured her son would keep her busy.

Madison cheered her boyfriend and girlfriend from further back in line.


"Who's watching baby Eloise?" Daniel turned away from his computer when his mother entered his room. He'd just sent an email informing his would-be college he wasn't going to attend that year. Brittney had done the same thing a few days earlier.

"Khadra has her." Julie closed Daniel's door behind her and walked into the room. "Yasmiin is napping, so she's feeding Ellie for me."

"Great." Daniel eyed his mother. She was naked, as she was most of the time when home. She seemed to be getting back in shape quickly. "What's up?"

"You've been very patient with me, sweetie." Julie stopped next to Daniel's desk and played with his blond hair. "I know you need lots of ... exercise. And I've been so busy with the babies."

"It's okay, Mom. Brittney, Madison, and Mrs. Haskins have all helped out." Daniel reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small box.

"When is Erin's baby due?" Julie bent at the waist and bit his ear gently. She was aware of her heavy tits hanging and swaying below her.

"Soon, she looks like she's ready to pop for sure." Daniel opened the box. Five rings rested on velvet inside. Each was wrought from platinum with a single, black stone set on them. The black stones each had a vein in them that pulsed scarlet with the beat of a human heart. "I had them made specially. I chipped pieces off the dreamstone and polished for hours."

"I don't understand?" Julie looked quizzically into Daniel's eyes.

"You're still wearing Dad's ring. Take it off." Daniel watched as she straightened and then worked the diamond ring off her finger. "Put this on." He handed her the first ring in the box.

"Shouldn't you be on one knee?" Julie smiled with the joke, but she could see he was serious. She put George's ring on the desk and took the new ring from Daniel's palm. It had a heat to it in her fingers. She slipped it on her ring finger and held her hand out to Daniel. "Thank you, pumpkin. How does it look?"

"Perfect, Mom." Daniel pulled down his pants and underwear. His dick sprung up in the air. "Are you ready to ... um ... have sex again?"

"Yes." Julie nodded, still smiling, and climbed onto his lap. "Do you want my butt or my pussy, sweetie?"

"Pussy, please."

"You want to put another baby in your mother, huh?" Julie reached under her and guided his thick pole inside her. "Ugggghhhhhh." She'd almost forgotten how good it felt.

"I guess so." Daniel buried his face in her tits, and held tightly to her wide hips.

"This ring doesn't ... ugh ... mean I'm your wife, Danny." Julie got into a good rhythm. She could already feel her first orgasm building. "I'm ... still your mother."

"I ... know." Daniel's voice was muffled by Julie's boobs. "It's more like ... a promise ring."

"What are you ... ah ... ah ... ah ... promising?" Julie could feel the crest of her climax approaching.

"To keep fucking you ... Mom."

"That ... is ... a ... good ... promise." With the last word she ground her hips down on him and let out a shriek. Such pleasure hadn't existed before her son first put his monstrous thing inside her. Now she wondered how she'd ever lived without it.

About a half hour later, Daniel emptied his balls inside of Julie. And then two more times after that. By the time they were done, Julie was a whimpering, sweaty, cum-covered mess laying on Daniel's bed. She'd have to clean his sheets later, but no rush. He didn't sleep in his room anymore. He and Brittney were in Julie's bed every night.


"Hey, Brit. I want you to have this." Daniel lay next to his sister in her bed in the tower room. Golden sunshine streamed through the western windows. They were basking in the afterglow, both with their heads on Brittney's pillow. Daniel held out his hand, admiring the way Brittney's chest still heaved, her boobs hanging to the sides, and her belly sticking up like some hill to conquer.

"What's this?" Brittney took the ring from Daniel's hand. She held it up above her sweaty face and examined the black stone setting. "I'm not going to marry you, dufus."

They laughed together at that.

"It's just a gift. Put it on." Daniel watched her slip it onto her right hand. He didn't mind if she didn't want people thinking she was someone's wife.

"It feels warm." Brittney held her right hand up and admired the soft, pulsing red. "I like it. Thanks, Danny."

"Sure thing." He put his hand on her right breast and squeezed. "Want to go again?"

Brittney nodded enthusiastically.


"But we don't wear wedding rings in my culture?" Khadra was on her knees between Daniel's legs when he presented her with her ring.

"We're not exactly getting married." Daniel watched her bite her bottom lip and slip the ring onto her left hand. He didn't mention that she hadn't been wearing her hijab much anymore either.

"Oh, it feels ... nice." Khadra had to tilt her head to the side to look around Daniel's massive penis up to his blue eyes. "Thank you, Daniel."

"You're welcome." Daniel offered a sweet smile. Somewhere in the house, Daniel heard a baby cry. Listening to the noise, he realized it had been a long time since he'd heard the mysterious clock ticking. "Is that Yasmiin? Do you have to go?"

"It's okay. Penelope is watching her." Khadra smiled at the miracle of this goofy teenager and how he'd changed her. "I want to make you happy. What can I do?"

"In that case, climb on." Daniel gave her his hand and pulled her onto his lap.


"Oh, it's beautiful, Danny," Penelope gushed as she held her new ring up to the light. She tossed Brad's ring toward the trashcan, but missed and it clanked into a corner. "Does this mean ...?" She smiled her thousand-watt smile at him.

"I'm only eighteen. Too young to get married." Daniel wondered at the situation. Penelope was naked, bouncing up and down for joy next to him, her boobs shaking, and Daniel was turning her down. Before Palmer Mansion, he never would have believed he'd witness any part of that.

"You don't want to be my husband?" Penelope stopped bouncing and frowned at him. "I thought ..."

"I want you to ... um ..." Daniel hadn't thought she would take this so badly. "I want you to be my secret wife. Okay?"

Penelope's smile returned. "I understand. The world isn't quite ready for Daniel and his wives." She hopped onto Daniel's bed and got on all fours. She brushed her blond hair aside and looked back at him over his shoulder. "Well, what are you waiting for? It's time to secretly consummate our secret marriage." She trembled with anticipation as the mattress depressed behind her with his weight.

"Will you be a good secret wife?" Daniel got behind her, his dick hard as steel. He couldn't wipe the grin off his face as he gave her pale butt a smack.

"Oh," Penelope yelped. "I'll be your good secret wife. I'll make you so many babies. Ooohhhhhhh." Her eyes glazed over as he entered her. Her shoulders dropped and she fell to her elbows. "So ... many ... babies." She was already cumming.


Daniel walked out in the garden around the side of the house on a hot summer day. The insects buzzed and the world around him was an intense green. The rosebush looked healthy and happy. Red roses bloomed all over the thing.

Whatever magic the thing had seemed to be dormant now. But Daniel didn't want to get too close. The women were all inside the house, getting ready for Madison's going away party. She'd be leaving for college soon. Daniel had invited all the mothers that had visited him and Brittney in the school supply room. And their families too, of course. He thought, if Eloise could see the party from where she was, it would make her happy.

"I guess I'm secret married now." He took a deep breath and slipped the fifth ring onto his finger. It did feel nice and warm. Like a cozy bed on a cold night. "I ..." Daniel didn't know if she could hear him. Or if maybe Day Star could. "I just wanted to say thank you."

A breeze blew past the house and a single rose fell off the bush. Daniel thought about walking over to pick it up, but remembered how the thing had swallowed the Palmers.

"Okay, bye." Daniel turned and walked back toward the front door. He needed to help his women with their preparations. He really was looking forward to the party. Daniel knew he had all sorts of things to look forward to. Behind him the rosebush shook in the breeze. Next to him, the house stood as it had for over a hundred years.


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CH51143CH511433 months ago

Great story. Very fun. The only criticism I have is for people who hide behind

anonymity, criticizing these works which you're here to read free of charge. Rawlyrawls I'm sure works hard to put these complete series out. The least you could do is keep anonymous criticism to yourselves. Thanks for all of your hard work Rawlyrawls!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Felt a little rushed and seems there could be lots more to go on with

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Continue please. How about Daniel goes to college and breeds the whole female student body and staff? Daniel goes and visits his Dad and steals his aunt from his Dad as well. Besides surely that 1 aunt isn't his only aunt.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Amazing stuff. Thanks!

Bswihart7Bswihart711 months ago

You should start continuing this story with another 26 chapters. There's so much more that could be told

Bobbyd629Bobbyd62912 months ago

I totally enjoyed this story and could not put it down. Loved it!

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