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Have a Nice Day

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Wife gets even for husband's cheating.
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Judy Drum was driving along the busy street when she saw a familiar car ahead of her. She would know her husband's Caddy anywhere. She saw he had a passenger. The license tag was proof she was right. It read DRUM4U. She dropped back and noticed that Fred, her husband seemed to be in animated conversation with his female companion. She dropped back and let another couple of cars get between them. What in the hell was going on? She had never had any reason to think he would cheat on her.

They proceeded for several more blocks and she saw his right turn signal come on. He turned into a Motel parking area. She kept going and went around the block and found another entrance to the Motel parking lot. She drove around the building. She saw his car. Then she saw him, from less than twenty feet away, he followed a gorgeous black woman into a room. The door shut behind them. She was devastated and pulled into an empty parking spot and sat and thought about Fred. She loved her husband and he was the only man she could even imagine being married to...

Damn him, how could he do this to her after all the months of shit he gave her when he caught her with Frank Brooks, that had been nothing but a little harmless recreational necking and petting at a party. Sure, Frank was feeling her up and was kissing her bare breasts while she had her hand inside his fly. That was as far as she was ever going to let it go. Fred threw a fit, acting as if she had let Frank fuck her or something.

Well, now Fred was going to be taught a lesson. She would put a big time hurting on him. Yes! She would teach him two could play this game. She had to be sure about this first. She didn't want to make a mistake. She didn't want to put her marriage in jeopardy in any way, she loved Fred and had fifteen years invested in her marriage, not to mention their three children. No a divorce was out of the question.

She pulled her cell phone out of her purse and set it to take telephoto pictures. She also selected the time/date label option. It was over an hour before he came out. He was putting on his suit coat and straightening his tie as he walked alone back to his Caddy. Judy got five good shots of him leaving the room. She watched as he backed out and turned away from her. As she started her Honda she decided to see where he went now. She picked up her cell phone and pressed speed dial 2. His secretary Marsha answered, "Hi Mrs. Drum, he is out of the office right now working with a client's books, he should be back any minute."

"Tell him I called, I couldn't get him on his cell phone and I wanted to talk to him. How long has this been going on?"

"Oh, I guess it has to be over a month and a half now. It isn't every day, but he says it is a very important client."

"OK, I try to not bother him at work, but it seemed strange that he didn't answer."

"Yeah! He has instructed me not to bother him while he is working on this case. I just put anything that requires his attention on hold until he gets back. He already told me he would be out of the office from 11 to 1 every day this week."

"Fine, listen, don't tell him I called, I don't want to disturb him, OK?"

"Sure, no problem! G'bye."

"Goodbye, Marsha."

Yeah! She thought, like he is really working in a Motel room for two hours a day with a gorgeous black woman. One of them might be working alright, but it wasn't dear old Freddy. How could he do this to her?

She thought for a moment and then called her best friend Joanne. She told her what she had seen and learned that day.

Joanne said she had the same problem with her ex-husband and it had ended up in a nasty divorce. She said she really missed the guy and she said it was the wrong way to go. "Listen girl, take my advise. Do not let him know you are on to what he is doing. Wait until you have more evidence, then spring it on him and tell him that the two of you now have an open marriage and that each of you can have playmates as long as you come home to each other."

"Hey, Babe, that sounds like fun. I hate the idea of him running around on me though."

"Hey, it won't work that way, if you want to play, you have to let him play too."

"Yeah! I know, but I don't have to like it. I still love him."

"Sure you do. He probably feels exactly the same way about you."

"I think you are right, I sure never would have believed he was cheating on me if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. He sure acts loving when he comes home. I'll see how he acts tonight. I will wear that sexy baby doll gown he hasn't seen yet and see what happens. If he turns me down I will know for sure he is cheating on me."

"Let me know how it works out. If you decide to get even with Fred let me fix you up with a couple of guys I know from work. They are real hunks and are clean, gentle, and discreet."

"Are they the two black studs you have told me about before?"

"Yeah! You will have the best screwing of your life, no strings attached."

"Would you come along and tape it for me?"

"Sure Judy, I'll do anything to help you out, what do you have in mind?"

"I thought I would tape me getting screwed by a guy or two, then tie him up and gag him and make him watch the whole thing, at the end I would tell him why I was doing it and that we were now even on the cheating. Then I will tell him how much I love him and he will have the choice of an open marriage or a messy divorce."

"Wow girl, you don't mess around do you? I won't have much choice will he? It looks like a win win situation for both of you. He keeps his playmate and you get to play too."

"That's the way I see it."

A week later June brought Fred a cup of coffee in his den after dinner. They talked pleasantly for a few minutes. He looked at her and said, "Wow! All of a sudden I feel real sleepy." His eyes drooped and his head slowly slumped onto his chest. She lifted his eyelid and saw he was unconscious. She hurried to the garage and came back with rope, handcuffs, and duct tape.

She was not too sure of her knot tying skills so she cuffed his hands to the arms of his desk chair. She then used the ropes to secure him to the chair and to keep him upright until he awoke. The knock out drops she had put in his coffee were supposed to wear off in about 30 minutes. She put the DVD she had ready in his computer drive and set it to start in thirty minutes. She did not start the timer yet. She gathered her purse and things and rolled him out of the way while she opened the note to him she had put on his computer.

Dearest Freddy,

I discovered that you have been cheating on me for months now with your black girlfriend and I have given this a lot of thought. I saw you with her with my own eyes. At first I wanted a divorce but I do not want to loose you. I still love you very much and cannot imagine living without you. I must assume you do not want to leave me and live with her or you would have told me by now. Instead I am going to get even with you. I am going to record my little affair on our digital movie camera so you can see it actually take place. I have restrained you and gagged you so you have to watch all of it. I have recorded my ideas on where our marriage will go from here. We have several choices and I want you to have time to think about what you want to do.

Remember, I love you and always will, I will release you soon.

Your loving wife, Judy.

Fred slowly awakened, he tried to lift his hand to rub his eyes and found he was restrained. He struggled for a moment as his eyes cleared. He saw the computer screen in front of him. He looked around the den and found he was alone. He turned back to the computer and read the note. He saw the count down on the screen saying the DVD would start in two hundred and thirty seconds. He tried to think about what Judy said in her note. God, what had she seen? He couldn't come up with an answer.

The countdown bar inched toward zero. It seemed to take forever. He stared as the screen darkened, then brightened. He saw Judy standing before the camera. She was wearing a very sheer baby doll nightie. Her erect nipples were clearly visible and her mound appeared to be smoothly shaven. She looked very lovely and sexy. She smiled and said, "Good evening Sweetie, I hope you are comfortable and ready to watch your sweet loving wife get even with you for cheating on her with that black bitch. I think it only proper that I get even using black studs to service me. This young man is Jevon, look at the size of that cock. WOW! And if you are not impressed by that, gaze upon this hunk of manhood. This is Charlie, look at that chest and those arms, but most of all, look at that hunk of meat between his legs and those balls are the size and color of large plums. Watch closely dear and always remember; I love only you. As it was with you and your black playmate, this is only recreational sex. Enjoy."

She turned and wrapped her arms around Charlie's neck, she opened her mouth and her tongue led as she pressed her mouth against his. The camera zoomed in close to show their tongues at play with each other, then it panned down to show Jevon sliding Judy's little sheer panties down over her smooth ass. She spread her legs a bit and the panties were pushed down, she lifted each stiletto shoe so the panties could be removed. Jevon's black hands contrasted starkly with her pure white ass while he caressed and kneaded the soft skin. Her moan into Charlie's mouth was clearly audible when Jevon's fingers entered her pussy from behind. Judy arched her rear end towards Jevon and the camera moved closer to watch his fingers explore her cunt lips then slide in and out of her vagina.

Sweat ran from Fred's forehead and into his eyes. He shook his head violently and cleared his vision. Charlie picked Judy up in his strong arms and the camera followed as he laid her on a bed on her back. The camera zoomed in again to observe the purple head of Charlie's huge uncut black cock slip in and out of his foreskin when he rubbed it up and down in opening of Judy's dripping pink pussy.

Judy squealed when Charlie shoved the massive dick slowly in her. "God, that feels sooo fucking good." Her voice was cut off by the insertion of Jevon's longer but thinner cock into her mouth. She rolled her eyes and smiled at the camera as her small white hands grasped the shiny black shaft and her tongue licked around the crown. Her lips then slipped lovingly down over half of the length of his cock. Her cheeks caved in as she sucked hard on the now slippery dick. Her eyes closed while she seemed to really savor the taste of the penis in her warm wet mouth. Judy's left hand showed her engagement and wedding rings when the camera zoomed in very close. You could hear the slurping noise she made sucking and lapping at the ebony tool in her grip.

The camera panned down to show Charlie's thick black cock slowly slide in and out of her pussy, then it zoomed in very close and he could see her fluids clinging to the skin of the black shaft and running down onto her asshole. He fucked in and out of Judy like a black machine for what seemed to Fred to be an eternity, then Fred saw Charlie stop and quiver while the muscles in his ass clinched tight.

After several minutes Charlie moved slowly out until the purple head of his cock just nestled between Judy's dark engorged pussy lips. Then he thrust forward rapidly again and again before he slowed to a stopped again. He pulled out of her pussy very slowly, his black cock covered with thick white cum. More cum dripped from the wide open entrance to her vagina. More cum could be seen deep inside her.

The camera moved along her body until it reached her head just in time to see her cheeks puff out as Jevon pumped her mouth full of his cum. She turned toward the camera and smiled. Cum seeped from the corners of her lips, she opened her mouth and showed her mouth full of cum. She looked at the long cock in her hand and saw a large glob of cum hanging on the side of the shaft. She scooped it up with her finger, then placed it in her mouth and sucked it in. She smiled and said, "Mmmmmm! Delicious, I want more." Fred felt his stomach start to roll.

Judy and Joanne waited until they thought Fred would be calmed down after watching the DVD, then they left Joanne's house and drove to Fred and Judy's house. They were surprised to see a large group of vehicles in front and in the driveway. There were flashing lights everywhere. There were police and fire trucks there. Judy jumped from the car and ran toward the house. A group of men were just coming out of the house as she ran up to the door. "What is going on?" she asked.

"Ah! I recognize you now Mrs. Drum. We have been looking for you." I am special Agent Johnson, FBI." Judy looked up as a lovely black woman stepped out of her house.

Judy exploded, "What is that whore doing in my house?"

Agent Johnson smiled. "I don't know who you think this lady is but let me introduce Alice Durant, Senior Agent, U.S. Secret Service."

"What?" Agent Johnson looked at Judy, Mrs. Drum you appear to be somewhat confused. Let me ask you a few questions before we go any further. First, did you handcuff and tie up your husband Fred Drum in the den of your house."

"Why, yes I did, not that it is any of your business."

"Oh, but I am afraid it is some of our business, you see your husband has been working in the strictest secrecy with the FBI and the Secret Service for about six weeks now. His instructions were to tell absolutely no one about this case. We were about to close a very important case against some very, very nasty people. Your husband was instrumental in solving the case by examining their records and books and letting us follow the money trail to the head of this organization."

"Mrs. Drum, did you also gag him with duct tape wrapped around his head?"

"Yes I did."

"We have viewed the DVD and read your note to him. Is Agent Durant the woman you saw your husband with?"

"Yes, I saw her clearly."

"What a shame, Agent Durant is actually Agent Thomas Dubois, Head of the Forensic Accounting Department of the Secret Service. Agent Dubois is very well known and he disguises himself as a woman to avoid attention. He goes through two hours with a professional make-up artist every morning when he has to achieve his present appearance. I have known him for twenty years and he is not gay at all."

Another man stepped forward, "Ma'am, I am Captain Forester of the Orlando Police. At this time I must place you under arrest. I didn't realize you here and were being questioned. Please do not answer any more questions."

"Under arrest for what? My husband will not press charges for what I did."

"Ma'am you are correct about that, however the State of Florida and the Justice Department of the United States WILL press charges against you in several categories, including, unlawful imprisonment, kidnapping, and second degree murder."

"Murder? Who is dead?"

"Mrs. Drum, your husband, Fredrick Drum is the deceased. From what we can deduce he was very upset by your actions on that DVD and he became actively ill. Because of the gag, when he threw up his nostrils clogged up and he drowned in his own vomit. Have a nice day."

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I'm guessing that there will be a special place in hell for her. This story could greatly benefit from a chapter two.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The story had potential. But, it should have been developed further. Rather than a chopped ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As some readers seem unable to grasp the deeper message of his story I will try to spell it out for them.

In many stories on this site, a man is left on his own, restrained as helpless as a new born baby for hours.

If a parent left his/her child without protection alone Child protection officers would be on them like a ton of bricks. THE MESSAGE IS N E V E R L E A V E A H E L P L E S S P E R S O N O N T H E I R O W N.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. Hubby died due to lazy unimaginative author. LP

BH54BH54over 2 years ago

The husband should not have died.

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