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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 02


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With that, she shoved him over, climbed on top of him, and said, "Just remember, Dycke, 'It ain't over til the fat lady sings' and there are no fat ladies here!" Then she kissed him. He kissed her back, helped her up and they went outside to rejoin his birthday party, which was in full swing.

8. After-Shocks

Dycke had finished mowing the lawn, washing down the mower, cleaning the driveway and sidewalk, when his, extremely unhappy mother walked out of the garage and stood in the morning sun, glaring at her son. He looked at his mother and knew he was in trouble, but in his most high-spirited voice, he said "Good morning mom!"

"Don't you good morning me, mister! You started mowing the lawn when it was still dark outside. You woke me up."

He said he was sorry but he wanted to finish his chores early, so he could go over to the Temple's for lunch."

Bacillica Schneider laughed to herself and said "Lunch is not until 1o'clock Dycke!"

He said he knew that but he figured he would go over a little early so he and Payne could get to know each other a little better before that.

Mrs. Schneider said under her breath "Men! " As she turned around to walk back into the house, "I wish I had met Alletta a few years ago. It would have made the life of our children so much easier."

Alletta Temple is a LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) and her specialty is adolescents. She had tried her entire bag of tricks on Payne but without outside stimulus to help her, getting her to release her hostilities towards men was useless. She would not even try to start a conversation with any one of them and would just look down when in their presence. Then, one day, she had a problem with her business account at her bank and was referred to the bank manager, Bacillica Schneider. They realized they lived just a few miles away from each other but had not met because their children went to different schools. They got along famously and soon became friends. They began to talk about family problems and Alletta told Bacillica about the ordeal her daughter was still going through because of the accident that had happened on their way home from the hospital.

When Alletta was done, Bacillica told the story of her husband having to name their son Dycke, the Dutch spelling of the name and the horror he has been going through ever since a teacher pronounced it, "Dyke!" Bacillica continued saying they had to spell the name that way because of a supposed inheritance Dycke would receive one day. She did not think it was that much but it was meant to be her son's and they wanted him to have whatever it was going to be.

They continued talking over their children's problems and Alletta said, "I'll bet you a thousand dollars that they will be perfect for one another!" Bacillica looked at her new friend as if she was nuts but would not take the bet. She told Alletta about the upcoming party and the rules and after a few phone calls, they put a plan together they thought might work.

Their two teenagers would get to know each other, while, accidentally, locked in the basement, getting more refreshments for Dycke's friends and would only be let out when some of their friends notice they were missing and raised a question as to their whereabouts.

Bacillica walked into the house grateful that she had not taken that bet because of the way her son was acting. She decided that when she went out shopping later she would pick-up a beginner's supply of condoms. She figured 100 should do it! "I think I'll call Alletta and see if she wants to 'cum' along for the ride!" she laughed. She called the Temple's home.

Payne picked up the phone saying "Morning, Dycke!"

Bacillica smiled to herself and said "Sorry dear, Dycke is with his other love right now, he will see you later!"

Payne said calmly, "Oh, he must be out running."

"No dear, he is mowing the lawn," Bacillica said.

Payne laughed and asked, "Do you want to talk to my mom?"

Bacillica said, "Yes dear, that would be nice!"

The two mothers spoke for a short time and made their plans for the day. They decided that two cars would be the best option and that they would meet at the edge of the South Windermere Mall. Alletta Temple was wondering what was so hush-hush that Bacillica did not want to talk about it on the telephone.

9. Off or On or Off

Dycke came in and cleaned up. At 9a.m., he could not wait any longer and called Payne to see if she was awake yet?

Payne answered saying, "What took you so long?"

Dycke said he thought she still might be sleeping because she is a girl and it was Saturday and did not want to disturb her. He told her that he started mowing the lawn at 6:30 in the morning and had incurred the wrath of his mother because of it. "So, what gives" he asked. Should he go there, or can you come here, or what?

Payne replied calmly, "Does that mean you will recognize me with my clothes on?"

Dycke said to her that he would really like to see her naked, again, because she was beautiful that way, but, if she wanted, she could wear clothes. He really want to see her again and get to know you her better, so either way, he wanted to be with her. He told her that what he felt last night holding her, was better than beating her brother in the State Finals!"

"If it was that good," Payne said, "you can come over, but my clothes will be on!"

Dycke was off the phone without saying good-bye and out the front door. His car was boxed in by his father's and instead of playing around with them he decide to do what he did best. "Run!"

13 minutes later, he knocked on the front door of Payne's home. Steve opened the door and looked around, did not see an unfamiliar car and said, "You ran here to see my sister?"

"It wasn't a run man, I didn't even break a sweat," Dycke grinned.

Steve shook his head and led him into the house. Steve closed the door and rammed Dycke into a corner hard. "If you hurt my sister you will need a new pair of legs!"

Dycke replied, "Steve, there is not one chance in a million, I could hurt Payne. She did something to my head last night and I am not talking about the little head. I couldn't get her out of his mind."

Steve released him and said "Good, but, I still won't go to the same college you do."

"Steve, do you know what college Payne is going to go to?" Dycke asked.

Before Steve could answer, Payne said, "Why don't you ask me."

He turned and saw Payne half way down the staircase. She looked stunning. Her hair and make-up were perfectly done. She wore a denim blouse, with a low V-neck to show just a hint of her creamy breast and a pair of jeans, that if she was comfortable in them, she surely was not making Dycke comfortable. "Well, ask me!"

He stood there, as he had all his life when it came to girls, not knowing what to do or say. Steve, finally hit him, in the back of the head, and said "Speak, Rover, Speak!"

Dycke said, "My god you are beautiful!"

"You already said that, Payne replied, "but it's okay, you can say it anytime you want. I don't believe that I'll get tired of hearing it any time soon!" She came to him, kissed him, and held him as she did last night.

As we stood there holding each other, Payne's dad walked behind them and said that this was a high traffic area and we would have to take our statue impression to another room. Payne grinned at her dad and led Dycke to her room. When they got there, she closed and locked her door, lowered the shades on her windows and told him to take his shoes off and to lie down on her bed. She said to Dycke that all she wanted to do was talk and cuddle.

He said that was fine with him but to watch out for roving hands because he had never been in this situation before and they might move on their own.

She smiled and kissed him! She lay down on top of him and he knew she could tell the effect she was having on him but it felt like she did not care. Neither did he. She lied about only wanting to talk and cuddle as he felt her kiss his neck and her tongue licked around his ear. "Not Fair" Dycke said." "You can move your hands," she said. That's Fair he said. Dycke did not try to move her from on top of him. He knew whenever she was ready for him to touch those parts of her that were now hidden, she would, one day, allow him to touch those areas later. He would not have it any other way. Dycke's focus now, was on her sides, her back, and her luscious bottom. From her arms, to her waist, his fingers tested, teased, and pinched every inch available and while he was enjoying her body, Payne seemed to enjoy it because she was moaning his name into his ear.

While he was memorizing her body with his hands, Payne was testing, teasing, and biting his. She was moving her hips and moving across his groin feeling his hardness and keeping Dycke on the very edge. Only an insane man would put up with this torture: Insane or In Love! He could never hurt this woman, never. He would put up with this torment until she relieved him of it, or he did himself!

Then, there was a knock at her door. Payne put her head on his chest and yelled "yes mother!"

Mrs. Temple said, "Your father and I are going out with Dycke's mom to do a little shopping. We will be back for lunch. Be decent when we get back!"

Payne replied, "We are decent now mom!"

"Okay bye."

"Parent's." Payne sighed! "They planned to throw us together and now they are trying to keep us apart." Dycke did not know the story, so Payne told him what her mother had told her.

We heard her family's car drive off and with that, Payne looked at me, smiled, took her blouse out of her jeans, and unbuttoned it. She had a cute little cream-colored bra on and Dycke smiled when he saw it. Payne lay back down on top of him, kissed him, and said, "Now, where were we?" They resumed their memorizations of the others bodies but now he had the pleasure of touching her warm, smooth flesh. As his fingertips grazed her back, he could feel Payne reacting to the touch of his hands roaming over it. He moved his hands from her back to under her arms and down towards her breasts. Payne felt this move and stopped breathing. Dycke's fingers traced the outline of the bra to the sides of her breasts that were exposed and touch them. She moaned and tried to roll away from his hands, but as she rolled one way, she pressed the opposite breast harder into his other hand.

He asked Payne, "Do you want me to stop playing with the sides of your breasts?"

Haltingly, she said "No."

Dycke continued to massage the sides of those fleshy orbs, never trying to go further than the areas that were exposed. Payne raised her head, looked into his eyes, and kissed him with all the stored up passion she had. Dycke turned her over onto her back and for the first time, he was on top of her. He grabbed her hands and held them out to her sides. "Payne" he said, "I'm in love with you. I've known you for less than a day, I don't know your middle name, your birthday, your favorite color, what flowers you like and a million other things I'm supposed to know before I say that but I am" and he kissed her not knowing what her what her reaction might be.

She looked up at him and said, "I knew that yesterday Dycke, when you looked into my eyes and held me. I am in love with you, too. However, we have a very big problem that I will not be able to overcome Dycke.

He asked her what problem was so big that their love for each other could not overcome.

"Dycke" she said, "I cannot marry someone with a name like yours. Even if you change it, I would still know!"

With anger in his eyes and hurt in his voice, he said, "You won't marry me because my name is Dycke?"

"Oh, No," she said, "It's not that I can't marry you because your name is Dycke, I can't marry you because your name is Schneider!"

He looked down at her strangely for a moment before she burst out laughing!" It took him a second before he realized she was joking with him and then he started tickling her in earnest, all over again. This time it was directly on her skin, so it was even more fun and Payne screamed and laughed louder.

When her parents returned home, they had to use the access key to unlock the door to Payne's room because she did not answer their calls. They found both kids asleep, fully clothe. Payne was asleep on top of Dycke and his arms were wrapped tightly around her. They delayed lunch until 3p.m.!

10. Love & Parents

Payne surprised her parents with the rapidness of their admissions of love for each other. Her parents advised them to go slowly and learn more about each other because we were barely 18 and had a lot of living to do and a long lives ahead of us. They reminded us that college started in August and neither of us had committed, yet, and time was running short. We looked at each other and asked to be excused.

Alletta turned to Piker and said, "After what we saw Bacillica buy for Dycke today, I think it's about time I take Payne to the OB/GYN and get her started on birth control."

Piker calmly sat there, looked Alletta in the eyes, and said "Dear, if I had waited for you to think of that, I could have been a grandfather by now. I took her to the doctor 3 years ago! She has been on the pill since then."

"What" she yelled, "and you didn't tell me, you son of a bitch as she attacked her husband with a fury." Piker had always known Payne had gotten her temper from her mother, so he sat there and protected himself from his wife's' punches.

Dycke and Payne were behind her locked bedroom door in deep conversation and did not hear the commotion going on downstairs. Payne asked Dycke "What colleges have you been accepted to?"

Dycke replied, "I have athletic scholarships to North Carolina, Ohio State, and Penn. In addition, I have been accepted to Cooper Union to study engineering.

"Shit" Payne said, "I didn't even apply to any of them. I have scholarships to Duke, NYU, Emory, and Georgetown. I want to study Law."

Dycke said "Great! Payne you go to Duke and I'll go to North Carolina and we'll have to find a place to live somewhere near the middle."

Payne said "What about the 1st year. All first year students have to live 'On Campus!"

Dycke said shit, now. "Do you know how far away from each other they are", as he dropped his head in his hands and moaned.

"No" Payne said. "It has taken me too long to find a man who could love me the way that I am and I don't want to be away from you. I will ask my dad if he will pay for my college, instead of accepting a scholarship. I am going to go wherever you go!"

"No you won't!" Dycke said. "Do you realize what you would be giving up?" "Look at the experiences you will get at any of those great schools! North Carolina is a good school but it is not in the same league as any of the universities you got into!"

Payne cried, "Do you mean you would give me up?"

"Never" Dycke said adamantly! "You will be the only woman I will ever truly love. I may make love to a thousand more but I will never love them as I love you today, tomorrow and the day I die."

Payne gave him her most evil look. "Make love to them? We have not even made love, yet!"

"That's not my fault," Dycke said. "We have only known each other for a day!"

Payne reached for Dycke and placed his hands on her breast as she hugged him. "We have to think of something. I don't want to be away from you." She kissed him and said I love you and I do not want to lose you.

Dycke loved the feel of Payne's marvelous breast and replied that he would hate to lose her, too!

She asked Dycke "How far is Duke from UNC?"

Dycke released Payne's breast reluctantly and held her extremely tight because he knew what her reaction was going to be when he told her.

"Ten Miles" he said.

Payne screamed, "You son of a bitch you tricked me to get pity from me and to feel of my breasts!" She struggled to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't release her.

Dycke kept kissing her and nipping at her neck trying to calm her down but so far, it was not working. "Letting me feel your breasts was your idea Payne. I neither asked nor hinted that I wanted to feel them, although the feeling was extraordinary" Payne redoubled her efforts to get free and he let her go, just to see how really angry she really was. As he did this, he said, "We could always have letters written by your doctors saying that due to your condition, you require a single occupancy room and if none is available you have to be allowed to live off campus!" Payne was getting ready to attack him with a flurry of punches, when her fury vanished and her eyes glazed over with the brilliance of his idea. Dycke continued saying, "Our parents can either help us pay for our living expenses, or we can get part time jobs to cover them. Payne hit him hard, kissed him, and pulled him down stairs to talk to her parents.

When Chad Schneider got home, his wife was sitting there with a brown paper bag on the kitchen table, sipping on a glass of wine and a half-empty bottle next to her. "I should have worked later," he said to himself. However, he put on his happy face and said to Bacillica "can I join you?"

She said to him, "I think you had better get a tall glass, your bottle of scotch, a lot of ice, and some aspirin!"

He did not like the sound of her voice, so he did exactly what she said, except he brought out the entire bottle of aspirin. He asked his wife what had happened "it's Saturday, I've only been gone for 5 hours!"

"They are in love. She is going to Duke. He is going to North Carolina. They want to live together off campus. If the Temple's and we cannot help them, they will get part time jobs to support themselves. Do you want to know what really scares me?"

Chad said "Of course!"

Alletta told me that it took them less than twenty minutes to figure all this out. "I can't figure out what to wear on dress down Friday in less than an hour and they did all this in twenty fucking minutes!" his wife said.

Chad took his glass, put some ice in it, nearly filled it with scotch took out four aspirins and popped them in his mouth and drank some of his scotch. Then he said, "That boy is going to be one hell of an engineer!"

Bacillica screamed at her husband like a banshee. "What the fuck are you talking about? Our son just met that girl! He knows nothing about her and he already wants to live with her for at least 4 years. I won't have it."

Bacillica darling, "What's in the bag?"

She grabbed it and said "none of your business."

"I've already seen the label, dear!"

"You're a bastard, Chad."

"Dear have you been reconnected so that I have to start wearing condoms again or did you buy them for our son?"

"Get drunk dear and forget this conversation ever happened," Bacillica said.

"What conversation mom?" Dycke said. "What are you doing home," his mother said.

"I'm taking Payne to the movies and then either pizza or ice cream, which ever she wants."

'That sounds nice," his father said. While his wife mind was distracted, he grabbed the brown paper bag from her. He threw it to his son and said to him, "Son, your mother bought these for you, so that if and when you and Payne are ever ready to take your relationship to the next level, it will be a safe step for both of you. Always respect her wishes. Never force her to do anything she does not want to do. Treat her with love, kindness, and respect at all times and it will be returned 100 fold."

Bacillica looked at her husband with tears in her eyes and said, "You bastard Chad." Then she kissed him.

"Dad, we've had this talk before." Dycke said that "he and Payne were in love. I heard Mrs. Temple talking to mom about our plans for college. We talked about it privately and this is what we would like if it is possible. We would both appreciate it if both the Temple's and you could help us with our basic living expenses. If that is not possible, we are both going to get jobs to fill that void. We just do not want to be apart. We know it is very sudden. We both feel like we have been struck by lightning." He said to his parents that he had waited for this lightning strike for so long that he would not willingly give it up. Mr. and Mrs. Temple told us they would think about it and

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