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Having Fun with Dycke and Payne Ch. 02


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On February 18th, Payne called him and said she had gotten a date for her surgery, but she did not sound happy. He asked her what was wrong and when she said "Nothing," Dycke said "He'll be right there!" When he got there, Mrs. Temple said to him that Payne's surgery date was March 5th and she knew that he would not be back in time to be with her. He asked Mrs. Temple why the operation could not be put off a few days. Her reply was simple and straightforward. "The three specialists that are needed for this surgery will not be available together for another nine months" she said. "Payne has waited eighteen years for this operation and we will not let her wait one day longer to have it done, even if it means you are not there."

He ran up to Payne's room opened the door and hugged her while she was crying. In order to try to make her stop crying and smile at me, he said to her, "Just think when he got back it will be like the first time they met! You wouldn't be naked, of course, unless you want to be, but it will be a whole new you!" She hit him, again but she did not laugh.

Payne said "You promised you would be there with me!"

Dycke said "If you want me there, I will forego my inheritance, and stay with you every minute of the day you are in the hospital and every day after!"

That is when she smiled and kissed me. "It's okay you can go, I just needed to hear that you wanted to be with me more than you wanted the money."

"I want the money for us" he said. "We want to live independent of our parents, remember?" Dycke said, "I want to buy you a ring! We can't get married without a ring and I won't have my parents buy one for you."

"Dycke, I love you!" Payne said.

"I know Payne! Where else are you going to find another wonderful guy, as good looking as me?"

After she finished hitting him, Payne said "Dycke, I don't want to go to the hospital a virgin."

He nestled his head next to hers and kissed her ear prepared for what his next comment was going to cost him and said "And who do you want to take care of that little chore?"

"Chore?" "You bastard! I'll give you a chore" she said as she stared hitting him with ferocious rights and lefts, while all he could do was laugh which infuriated her even more.

When she calmed down and they were kissing and holding each other, Dycke told her that when they made love, it was not going to happen in the back seat of a car or a dingy motel. They would figure a way to be able to enjoy each other and remember it all their lives. That is when she found out which one of them was the stronger of the two as he forced her back onto her bed and climbed on top of her. He pinned her hands above her head and said to her that if she did not behave starting right now, that the spanking he had promised her would commence here and now.

Payne stared at him and said "You and what army?"

With that, he smiled at her kissed her sweetly, took her right arm from above her head and began to pick her up. She thought she had won, until as it appeared he was moving to clear a way for her to stand up by herself; he took that arm and wrenched it behind her back, which folded her in half. She wailed, as he duck walked her in that position over to a chair where he sat down and pulled her onto his lap. He started giving Payne the spanking he had clearly been promising her. He would so have loved to be tanning her glorious cheeks, but that would have to wait for another day.

Hearing his daughter screaming in pain, Chad Temple was knocking on Payne's door asking if everything was alright. Payne immediately yelled for help because Dycke was hurting her. He went into her room and laughed. He asked Dycke if he wanted the paddle he had to use on Payne's mother when she got out of line.

Payne yelled, "Daddy!"

"Okay," Piker Temple said. "Dycke, no more than twenty."

"Thank you, Mr. Temple!" Dycke said.

When her father had closed the door Dycke asked Payne if she wanted him to continue or was she was going to be nice.

Payne said she had learned her lesson for now, but reserved the right to revisit the situation, at a later dated.

He kissed both cheeks of her ass and promised her they would be bare and pink the next time. He, also, might just take up her dad's offer of the paddle, if she was very bad!

14. Dates

He wanted to make love to Payne desperately but he did not want to hurt her because this would be his first time, also. He was leaving in ten days, which did not leave a lot of time for him to learn what to do, so Dycke decided to have Payne learn with him. "Head is...I meant two heads are better than one" he said leering at her.

She replied "Don't count your chickens before they hatch Dycke!"

They went to the University of South Carolina Library in Charleston for a quick research project on Saturday. The assortment of books on the subject of sex was amazing! They stayed away from the medical texts and the advanced versions, like the Kama Sutra and just went with the books that had more pictures than verbiage. The variety of positions was astounding but the key thing they learned about was about foreplay. Arousal seemed to be the key to mutual satisfaction, so they both took notes and photocopied several pages, while the librarian smiled. After comparing our class schedules and verifying that both sets of parents would be away from our houses, on what days, we set the date for the following Tuesday.

They decided that they would both skip school on Tuesday. Payne would go in and say her mother was taking her to Dr. Sphinkter again for another checkup. In addition, Payne would tell Steve not to worry if he did not see her in school that day because she had a project she was doing. Dycke would pick her up after first period. He would have his mom call in and just tell them that he was ill with a severe headache. He had not been sick all semester, so she would not argue about his staying home for one day. She had no idea how 'hard' his headache really was! Now, all Payne and he had to do was make it through two more days.

He picked Payne up on Sunday Morning and she was absolutely radiant. Her smile was enough to brighten up the already bright blue sky. They kissed and got into his Ford Taurus and we drove into Charleston for the day. We walked along the seawall on Murray Blvd. and up and down the Farmers Market. We talked about everything, except Tuesday, which we both felt was a subject best left alone. We took a carriage ride through the city, just like tourists, and we got to know more about each other with every turn of the wheels. We even had lunch at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company Restaurant, where we peeled and ate shrimp til' they came out of our ears. When we left the restaurant, we were laughing like little children.

Charleston, besides its great southern history, is a city of churches. You cannot walk two blocks, in any direction, without passing one. We were walking back to the parking lot and as they crossed Broad Street, Dycke saw the spires of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist. He grabbed Payne's hand and started running. She yelled and screamed at him to stop and tell her where we were going but he said nothing. When they got to the base of the Cathedral, he stopped and said, "Payne Temple, will you marry me?" She looked at him in shock. She looked around and realized where they were and said to him "Yes!" Dycke said "Good! Let's do it!" "What!" she screamed as he grabbed her hand again and pulled her up the stairs. He opened the massive doors of the cathedral and walked in. There were no services going on but there were at least one hundred people in the vestibule and even more in the main body of the church. He walked Payne slowly down the center isle and she was numb. She could not believe he was doing this and Dycke did not think Payne breathe, even once, the entire way down to the front. When they reached the altar rail she was so stiff, he had to force her to kneel down. He said to her "Payne, you know all the words, ask me." She said to him "but this won't be legal!" Dycke said "It will be to me Payne. I love you with all that I am and all that I ever will be! Ask me." Payne started crying. Dycke said "Payne if you don't want to do this, we can get up and leave right now with no harm done." Payne replied saying "but...!" Again, I said, "Payne Temple, do you want to marry me?" "Yes!" she said with trembling lips. "Then say the words Payne!" "Do you, Dycke Schneider, take me, Payne Temple, for your wedded wife, to have and to hold and to love from this day forth til death do we part?" Dycke replied "I do!" Dycke said "Payne Temple, do you take me, Dycke Schneider for your wedded husband, to have and to hold and to love from this day forth til death do we part?" Payne answered "Yes!" Dycke finished by saying "Then by the power of the love that we share for each other, I now pronounce us forever married. " You may kiss your husband and she did and started crying, again, but she kissed him.

The young priest that stood behind them shook his head and smiled at the young couple. When Payne and Dycke stood up and turned to leave, he asked them to kneel again, which they did. Then much to the teenagers surprise he blessed them and asked them to stand and to follow him into the rectory. Payne wanted to run but Dycke held her and she followed him and the priest. Father Vincent turned out to be an alright guy, Payne thought. He seemed to have a sixth sense as to what she and Dycke were going to do and thought that the impromptu wedding was a courageous way for the teens to cement their bonds of love. He never asked for their last names or where they lived. He did ask if their parents disapproved of them being together and was happy to hear that the opposite was true. He gave them another hour of his time for a question and answer period and when it was over, they both knew who would be performing their real marriage vows in a few years.

They left the Cathedral and drove home, both teens were lost in thought, and there was little discussion going on between them. Dycke dropped Payne off at her home, with a big kiss and told her that he would miss her tomorrow and see her Tuesday morning.

15. Monday Lost


If his mom thought he started mowing the lawn early, she would have been amazed to see him finish cleaning his room a little after four o'clock Monday morning. He had removed every piece of dust and dirt from his bookshelves, window casings, baseboard moldings, picture, and doorframes. If he could have put a muffler on the vacuum cleaner, he would have done that too, so he could really have finished cleaning. If he and Payne decided to come here, he thought, his room would be ready and hopefully, so would he. He had read, reread, and re-reread the notes he had taken at the library on the subject of arousing a female. He had looked at the pictures of the female genitals. He knew what they looked like. He now, knew the names of all the parts and hopefully how to use them to arouse Payne. All he had to do now was to get through today.

He got ready for school and went downstairs to have breakfast at 6 a.m.; He even started coffee for his dad, who normally came down first.

When his dad showed up, fully dressed for his day, he looked at Dycke and saw how tired he looked and asked him "What's up?"

Dycke said "Nothing! I just couldn't sleep."

"You need to talk with me or anything?" His dad asked.

He said "Oh no! He was fine. It was just something last night. He did not know. Maybe it was the shrimp we ate?"

His dad said "That could do it. Do you want to stay home today?"

"No dad, it's not that bad. I'll try to ride it out, but thanks."

Dycke's dad reminded him that he was leaving in 6 days and if he was not feeling well, the time to nip it in the bud was now.

Dycke assured his dad that if it got any worse he would come home from school early and go to bed.

His mother came downstairs, a short time later and joined the conversation. She grabbed Dycke's head to see if he had a fever. She was sure he did not but warned him of the impending signs of food poisoning.

Dycke enjoyed school. He was a nerd. Math and science were the loves of his life. Today, however, he could not add 2 plus 2 no less do Trigonometry or explain the symbiotic relationship between earthworms and soil rejuvenation. For him, today, the second hand one the clocks in his school moved like cold molasses down the wall of a jar. Then to make a great day perfect, his car would not start when school had ended. One of his friends gave his car a jump-start and he took the car to the dealership his dad used. The service tech told him the battery was no good and called his dad's office to okay the expense of the repair. His dad's secretary approved it without bothering Dycke's father and Dycke was on my way home in less than an hour. He thanked god it did not happen Tuesday morning!

16. Payne.

She yawned as she raised her head off her pillow at 7:10 a.m., looked out her window to see what type of day it was and stepped out of bed. If anyone was practicing to be a princess, Payne Temple had it down pat. She showered and did all the girl stuff she did every morning without the slightest deviation from her routine. When she finished dressing, she tidied up her room and went down to breakfast. To any observer, this was Monday. This was a school day. This was Payne Temple. Everything seemed normal, except for one minor thing. Payne could not keep the knot in her stomach under control. She was nervous but she would not let anyone see it. She was excited but she would not let anyone see that, either. She was going to go to school and have the best day possible. Then, she was going to come home for her last day as a virgin. She was excited about that, also. She definitely would not let anyone see that either! All the plans were made, she was in love with Dycke, and he was in love with her. All was perfect in her world and nothing was going to keep her from being happy again! Not even her former friends, who she was sure, would be at their worst as usual. She had not seen Cynthia for several days and was worried about her and decided to give her a call when she got home. After her usual non-communicative day at school with the other students, Payne was dropped off at home by Steve and Julie. Payne said good bye to them both and went into the house and thought that she would make her room really pretty for tomorrow, just in case she decided that she wanted Dycke to bring her back here to lose her virginity or if she chickened out, which she had no desire to do. She put her books onto her desk and looked around her room for something that needed cleaning. Unlike Dycke's room, dust, and dirt particles seemed to know better than to invade Payne's personal space, for to do so, they would incur a fate worse than confinement in the canister of a vacuum. Her room is made up of pink and yellow delicate floral wallpaper, which she had picked herself, after going through hundreds of books in over thirty wallpaper stores in her local area, Charleston proper and online. She had, even driven her mother, who was considered by many to be the consummate shopper, 'crazy', until she found this particular paper. Highlighted by high luster wall panels in each corner and crown molding on her ceiling, this was her room. This is the way she drew it up. Planned it and decorated it and came in on budget.

Her father kissed her, said that he was extremely proud of her for doing it so well and if she could "would she please teach her mother how to do that!"

Payne's mother, who was still in her room making little adjustment to the quilts and comforters on Payne's new mattress set, turned to say something to her husband but he was long gone and Payne had a big grin on her face.

Payne called Cynthia but she was not at home. Her mother was happy Payne had called. She told Payne that Cynthia had gone to visit her grandparents for a few weeks and that she would be back, two weeks from Saturday. Mrs. Morgan continued saying that Cynthia had taken the abuse her friends had given her extremely hard and if Payne had not rescued her that day, she feared for her daughter's life. She could have done anything to herself and no one would have tried to stop her, except you, Payne. When Cynthia returned, Mrs. Morgan said, Payne would be her first phone call.

Payne told Mrs. Morgan about her surgery date and the date that they would be leaving Charleston for Durham, so Cynthia would know where to contact her.

Mrs. Morgan said when Cynthia got home; she would have her call her either at home or the hospital, depending on the date. She wished Payne the best of luck with the operation and told she would pray for her. She, also, told Payne she was very happy that the nightmare that she had been living all these past years would finally come to an end.

Payne said "Thank you," hung up the phone.

13. Game On

Tuesday April 25. Dycke set his alarm clock for 5:15a.m. He put it under his pillow, so no one would hear it but him, when it went off in the morning. He was up before the alarm went off. He put it back where it belonged and went about with his plans to wake up his parents. Dycke went into the bathroom and wet down his head, chest and back thoroughly, returned to his bed and got in. He covered his wet body and soaked his pillowcase, top and bottom sheet, as best he could. He messed his bed up to look like he had a rough night and returned to the bathroom. Dycke flushed the toilet several times at roughly one-minute intervals. He went to the washbasin, turned on the cold water, and stuck his face into it and leaving the water running. He flushed the toilet one more time and shortly after that came a knock on the bathroom door.

"Honey" are you alright" Dycke's mother asked.

"Something's not right mom." he said. "I have a wicked headache and my stomach is doing things to me I have never felt before."

Chad Schneider joined his wife at the door and said "Open the door, son, we can't help you from out here."

"Door's open, dad" he said.

When they entered the bathroom, Dycke was leaning over the sink putting cold water onto his face and neck.

"Look at him" Bacillica Schneider said, "He's skin and bones."

Chad laughed at her and said "Dear, that's normal for our son."

He looked at Dycke and asked "Son, could be a continuation of what you felt yesterday?"

Dycke said "Yes dad, I think it is, because my stomach has that same feeling only the pain is much worse."

"Okay" his father said "No school for you today and no arguments about it. I will call the school and advise them you will not be in."

His mother said, "I'll was call the bank and tell them I will not be in today."

Dycke tried not to laugh and sputtered up a little water. He said to his mother, "Mom, do I need a babysitter to watch me lie down in bed and sleep all day?"

Bacillica Schneider looked at her husband and then back at her son and said you listen to me young man, "If you're not in that bed when I get home tonight, there is going to be hell to pay!"

Dycke said "Mom, look at me, where does it look like I'm going?"

She looked at her son's face, took his head in her hands, and said, "It still doesn't feel like you have a fever, let's get you back into bed."

He said, "Okay mom" and walked back into his room, stopping to get a dry tee shirt.

His mother got to the bed first to fluff his pillow and felt the moisture on it and then felt the bottom sheet. She told Dycke to wait a moment because she wanted to put dry linens on his bed so he would be more comfortable.

Dycke thanked his mother, when she was done and climbed into bed. His mother turned off his light, told him to feel better, and closed his door, as she left him alone. He started going over, in his mind, the things to do list and waited for his parents to leave for work.

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