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Having Jasmine Pt. 03

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Fulfilling my husband's fantasy of having another man.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/20/2021
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Slowly, Adrian made small changes in me. First, he asked me to stop wearing a bra. All the time. Josh actually liked that idea, and I felt like they were teaming up on me. It was crazy, but they were scheming against me! They both liked how I looked with my nipples visible through my tops. I felt a little slutty, but it mostly just got me a lot of looks when we went out. I know not wearing a bra is the latest trend and since there was no real harm other than my reputation, I did as they asked.

Then Adrian started canceling outfits that didn't meet his approval. Anything with pants or long skirts he didn't like, except for my leather pants. He liked short skirts, short dresses and tops that showed off my boobs. He bought me clothes and I left some at his house, but they were all pretty slutty, to be honest. Josh even commented on my change in wardrobe.

Josh said he liked it, and even he bought me some outfits like that. I wonder if all guys really want their wives dressing slutty like that, or if it was just those two are freaks? I wasn't sure exactly how much, if any, he discussed these things with Adrian, as Josh never objected to any of Adrian's requests, so I was almost sure they talked. Of course Josh benefitted from it too - getting to see me dressed sexy every day, and he out right told me that he liked me being his "slut wife".

At first, I was very self conscious about going out in public dressed like a slut all the time, but after a while I stopped worrying so much. I was having fun, and maybe it sounds really crazy, but I was getting A LOT of good sex, and not just from Adrian. Probably 5 or 6 days a week with each of them. Josh is my husband, and if he really wanted to, he could stop it anytime, but he didn't. He was enjoying it, and I felt like I had two husbands.

The first really big change came one Saturday night, about five months after Adrian and I started "dating". We went out to a club, and I admit, I got drunk, which I think Adrian did on purpose. To be more precise, I got REALLY drunk. Adrian practically carried me out of the club.

About 2 am, I think, he took me to a tattoo shop where he knew the owner. I'll be honest, I don't remember a lot of it. Just bits and pieces. The next morning, Adrian sent me home to my husband with a butt full of his cum. Josh was up cooking breakfast when I came in. "Hi babe." he greeted me. "How was your date?"

I sat at the table and asked him to join me. "Babe, I've got something to show you, and I'm afraid you are going to get mad at me."

Josh sat beside me and chuckled. "I know about the tattoo. You texted me last night. I could tell you were drunk, so I'm not surprised you don't remember telling me."

"Did I show it to you?" I asked him.

He indicated that I had not, so reluctantly, I put my leg up in his lap for him to inspect the tattoo on my lower right calf. It is a big black spade, with a capital "A" in the center. I told him that I'd be happy to let him tattoo my other leg to try and diffuse any anger he might have, but Josh just looked at it. He inspected it for a while before asking, "I guess the "A" is for Adrian?"

I just shook my head, confirming it. My "boyfriend" had permanently marked me for all the world to see. Then Josh asked the question I feared the most. "Why the spade?" I was too embarrassed to tell him. I just told him that I didn't have the English to explain it, and he should google it's meaning.

"It means you are owned by or held exclusively for black cock only." Josh said aloud. Then he just looked at it, still covered by plastic on my calf. After being silent for a long time, he said, "You know this is going to make black guys hit on you? A lot?"

"That's what Adrian said this morning." I replied. "I think it was his whole intention. He likes seeing guys hit on me."

"Well, you know I do too." Josh smiled as he said it. The asshole actually liked it. "Guess I have that in common with your boyfriend. Honestly, I think it's hot." he immediately confirmed to me. As bad as that was, it was about to get worse.

"There's more." I quietly added.

Josh cocked an eyebrow at me and asked, "Another tattoo?" I just shook my head. I figured I might as well get it all out in the open. I unbuttoned my blouse and showed him my breasts. "Wow!" Josh exclaimed. "He pierced your nipples! That's so fucking hot!"

I laughed, partially at his reaction, and part because I was relieved he wasn't mad. The barbels made my nipples stand straight up ALL THE TIME. Now, instead of my nipples being slightly visible when I went out, they screamed at the whole world, "Look at me!" But as long as Josh wasn't mad, I guess I was ok with it.

My nipples are super sensitive, and it just encouraged both of them to play with my breasts more, once they were healed, so I got a benefit from it too. On the downside, I no longer could pass for sweet and cute. Now I only looked sexy and slutty, but I was having more fun than ever.

In spite of that, after a while, I came to like both the tattoo and the piercings. I already had my belly button pierced, so the additions matched fairly well. Josh actually liked how guys would hit on me when they saw it. Specifically, black guys. Sometimes right in front of him. He said I was hot and it made him feel excited to know other guys wanted to fuck his little Asian wife. I'd just slap his arm and tell him that's how he ended up having to share me with Adrian, and he would just laugh. He liked teasing me that I should let them fuck me, but told him two guys is enough already. I am such a slut now. Adrian's prediction had come true.

The next month was Christmas, and a couple weeks before the holiday, Josh came home as Adrian was seeing how far down my throat he could push his cock. He came in and sat across from us right as Adrian filled my stomach up with his seed. Once he let go of my hair, I sat on the couch beside Adrian, wiping his juices from my mouth.

Unexpectedly, Adrian spoke up, "Hi Josh. I'm glad you are here." I saw Josh looking confused at the statement. "I need to ask you something," Adrian continued. I was shocked at him using the word "ask". Usually Adrian just did what he wanted. "My family is in Southern California, and I'm spending Christmas week and New Year's week there visiting them. I want to take Jasmine with me."

Josh took in a deep breath. "I appreciate you asking me. Can I talk with Jasmine tonight and let you tomorrow when you come pick her up?" I'm always surprised at his control over his temper. Josh is an amazing man. That could not have been an easy question to be asked. Adrian was basically asking Josh to loan his wife to him for the holidays.

"Yeah man. That's cool." Adrian replied before getting up. "See you guys tomorrow. Bye babe." and Adrian kissed me before he headed out. I sat in silence, nervous about it all. Adrian hadn't warned me he was going to do that.

Finally, Josh broke it up and asked me, "What do you think. Do you want to go?"

I was really nervous. Adrian had surprised us both, but I had more to tell Josh. "Baby. I told you I would never lie to you right?" Josh confirmed it was true. "I've been true to that, and I won't lie to you now. There is something I need to tell you."

I could see Josh getting concerned, and replied, "What babe?"

"Babe, you are my husband, and my priority. So I must tell you that Adrian said to me tonight that he loves me." I quietly declared. I didn't know what else to say, so I sat there quietly.

After a few minutes of consideration, Josh asked me, "Do you love him?" he asked me with worry in his face.

"I don't know what to say." I admitted. I was shaking I was so nervous, and I tend to ramble on and on in these situations. "I won't lie to you. I don't know what you believe, but I think it's possible to love two people at the same time. It doesn't change how I feel about you. You are my husband, and I will always put you first. I will break up with Adrian in a second if you asked me to. You come first, no questions asked. But the truth is we have been dating for like 7 months, so yes, I have some feelings for him. We have sex nearly everyday, so I think it is only normal that I would feel something for him. It's not the same as our love, but I do like him."

Josh considered what I said, and gave me a thoughtful reply. "I appreciate you being honest with me, and I think you are right. It is to be expected, and I believe you that you still feel the same way about me. You certainly show me everyday how much you love me, and I don't just mean just the sex. I don't want you to break it off with Adrian. I don't know why, but I'm not jealous.

I know you are happy, and I don't want to change anything. I'm happy too. Let's be honest. We started out doing this because our sex life was sluggish. Now, I have sex with you nearly every day. In a way, it accomplished exactly what I wanted it to. We still spend plenty of time together as husband and wife, so there is really nothing for me to be jealous about. Therefore my conclusion is that you should go ahead and go with him to California. It should be fun, and I know you want to see the beach."

In a way, I was relieved. I was sure telling Josh what Adrian had declared his love would be a big problem, and put my marriage on rocky ground, but I was not going to lose my husband. It was true, I would dump Adrian no matter what the consequences if he asked me to. I will always put Josh first, but I did have some feelings for Adrian. Maybe I wasn't ready to call it love, but I did like him. I told Adrian I would go to California with him. Needless to say, Adrian was happy. All Josh asked was that he take care of me, and Adrian promised to return me safe and sound to him in two weeks.

So I went to southern California with Adrian. Crazy doesn't even begin to describe his family. Adrian introduced me to his family, and his mother asked me how I met her son. I told her the truth. "We met at a club."

She shook her head and scolded Adrian, "Dammit Adrian, she isn't another stripper, is she? I told you not to date those skanks!"

I was in shock, but Adrian spoke up, "No momma. A DANCE club! Don't be rude to her please. She's not a stripper!" While I could understand how she thought that, the way Adrian had me dressed, I still didn't want her to think I am a stripper. I don't know why, but somehow it motivated me to play the "good girlfriend" to try and impress his family. I know, I'm crazy, but I did my best to make him proud of me.

Otherwise, it was a typical American Christmas. I helped his mother in the kitchen, and she even asked me to fix a dish from the Philippines, so I made Adobo, as most American's like it. Really, other than being called a stripper, I actually relaxed and enjoyed myself. I blushed when Adrian's grandmother asked him when we were getting married. Thankfully Adrian just changed the subject and I didn't have to answer her question.

The hardest challenge was keeping quiet every night and morning when Adrian fucked me in his old bedroom at his parents house. They already thought I was a slut, and I didn't want to give them any more fuel for the fire. If they only knew the truth!

The two weeks flew by, and after celebrating the new year's with Adrian on the beach, we flew back home. I was excited to see Josh. He met me at the airport, and I ran to his arms when I saw him. I covered him with kisses as he nodded to Adrian before taking me home.

The next several weeks went by without any problems with my two men, except I got sick. At first, I thought it was just an upset stomach, but it carried on for over a week. By the time Josh got me in to see a doctor, it had been two weeks straight of me getting sick.

The doctor checked me out, and drew some blood.

He prescribed me some antibiotics, thinking I had some kind of bacterial infection. The next day, Josh and I were sitting at our dinner table eating, when my phone rang. It was the doctor's office. Josh saw my face turn white as the nurse talked to me. Josh was asking me what was wrong. I just finished my conversation with the nurse saying, "ok. yes. ok. thank you. Yes, Friday at 1. Good bye."

"What's wrong?" Josh asked me as soon as I hung up.

I took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. Like pulling a band-aid off, it's better to just get it over with. I announced to him, "I'm pregnant."

Josh jumped up and picked me up in a giant hug, shouting "That's so great!" He spun me around, making me sick, of course, as he declared his happiness.

All the time, I was just thinking "What the hell happened? I am on birth control. How the hell did I get pregnant?" Josh was ecstatic, and I was nearly in tears.

Josh set me down and looked at me. "How far along are you?"

I answered, "I won't know until my appointment Friday. Babe, there is something you aren't considering."

He stopped celebrating for a moment and looked at me. "What?"

"What if it's Adrian's? I asked him.

"I hadn't thought of that." Josh admitted. Then he got quiet and I started crying. Josh tried to console me, and all I could think is my life is over. Then his tone completely changed. "I don't care. You are my wife, and the baby is ours. It doesn't matter who got you pregnant, we are the parents. I will stand by you no matter what."

"Thank you for that." I told him. I put my arms around him saying, "I love you more than you will ever know. I will never deserve you." then a long pause. Finally, I told him, "I have to tell Adrian. If it's his, he deserves to know."

"You are right." Josh confirmed. "He should be told, but do it in person. Guess we will find out who the father is eventually."

Josh is the most amazing man I'd ever met. While I don't think this is entirely my fault - I was on birth control, but we both had to deal with it, and he didn't back down a bit. He is the rock I had always dreamed of. I'm not being dramatic, but I will spend my entire life trying to make him happy, if he will have me.

I called Adrian and told him to come over. He did, and we all sat down in the living room. It was the hardest thing I'd ever done. As bad as I struggled, I knew it wasn't Josh's duty to say it. I had to find the courage. Finally, I got out "Adrian, I need to tell you something." I really struggled saying it. He leaned in, all serious looking. "I'm pregnant." I finally got it out.

"Hell yes!" Adrian exclaimed and jumped up out of his seat. "I knew my boys were swimmers! Now you are my baby momma."

I immediately told him that we didn't know who the father is, and it was probably Josh, but Adrian wasn't hearing any of it.

"I'm telling you now, this big dick is the one that knocked you up. You will see." There really wasn't a lot else to discuss. We just had to wait and see. The one thing that crossed my mind, if it was Adrian's, I'd never get him out of my life, even if I wanted to.

That Friday, the doctor confirmed my worst fear. I was 8 weeks pregnant. Counting backwards, I was in southern California with Adrian 8 weeks ago. I was devastated. I decided to tell a little white lie. I told them both I was only 7 weeks pregnant, which put it right at the beginning of the year, meaning either one of them could be the father.

I know it was wrong, but I didn't want to tell my husband that Adrian was the one who got me pregnant yet. Josh was really great about the whole thing. He never waivered on his commitment to me.

After a MASSIVELY awkward conversation with my doctor, both Josh and Adrian came to all of my doctor's appointments. In June, I had another ultrasound, and we learned that my baby was a boy.

Honestly, it was around that time that I was a kind of grateful to have them both. I don't want to sound crude, but after I stopped getting sick everyday, my hormones went wild. I was horny non-stop, 24/7. I think I wore them both out, trying to keep up with me for a few months. I felt fat and ugly, but I still had to have a lot of sex. Lots and lots. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch!

Right after my ultrasound, Adrian's parents flew into town, and threw me a baby shower. I didn't ask for that, but they didn't give me a choice. I told Adrian he needed to tell them that I was married and my husband was likely the father of my baby, but again he wasn't having any of it.

"I told you, you got a little black baby in you so I'm the one that knocked you up. There is no need to tell my family anything. You are my girlfriend and you are having my baby." He really didn't want to discuss anything else about it. I didn't push it knowing the truth was he probably is the father. I was trying to buy time to figure a way out of this mess.

As if that wasn't awkward enough, Josh's family also decided to throw me a baby shower not two weeks after Adrian's parents. I begged and pleaded with Josh to tell them the truth. "They live close. They will come down here when I go into labor, right?"

To which Josh agreed. "They are going to ask who Adrian is and why he is there. They will find out eventually. Better to find out now instead of when I'm giving birth."

Josh looked at me, and asked "Adrian will be there?"

"What if it's his, Josh? He doesn't deserve to be there for the birth of his son? Wouldn't you want to be there if you were him?" I asked him.

"I would, yes." Josh agreed. "I just don't want to have to explain this to my parents. I know they won't understand." But, he said we would tell his parents after the baby shower. We would all sit down and talk. The thought of the whole thing made me sick to my stomach.

So, in our living room, with decorations still up from my second baby shower, we all sat down and talked. Josh explained it, and somehow the whole thing became "our" fantasy, not "Josh's fantasy". He laid it all out to his parents, even the part where I was blackmailed into being Adrian's girlfriend. He admitted to his parents that his wife had a black boyfriend who might be the father of the baby. They didn't take it well.

His mother called me a whore and slapped me so hard she knocked me off the couch into the floor. Josh had to physically restrain his mother as she shouted "You fucking whore! I'll fucking kill you!"

I ran to our bedroom crying as Josh took his parents outside. I heard them leave, and waited for Josh to come back inside. And waited. And waited. Finally Josh came in the house, but not to see me. He slept on the couch. We didn't talk for over two days. I had never been so scared in my life. I literally begged him at his feet not to divorce me.

Finally on day three, Josh sat me down and apologized. "My parents really upset me, and I was as mad at them and the whole situation. This isn't your fault, and I'm sorry I was mad at you. You didn't deserve it."

I just thanked him and begged him not to leave me, "I never wanted to split up." I told him. Josh is my husband for life.

The next two months were awkward. Things went back to the way they were before, me splitting time between my husband and my boyfriend, but everyone was on edge. I mostly just tried to keep them both happy. Josh really struggled anytime his parents talked to him. I was afraid they would make him choose between them and me.

Finally, on September 30, I went into labor. Josh called his parents and I called Adrian before Josh took me to the hospital. 9 difficult hours later, I gave birth to a healthy, beautiful, very black, baby boy. It's like he had none of my genes at all. I was too exhausted to care about anyone's feelings at that point. I just held my son and rested. Josh's parents left the hospital without seeing me or the baby. Our relationship with them has never recovered.

It crushed Josh, but he did a great job hiding it from me. Adrian bragged like crazy for a couple days, and I finally had to tell him to back off. "You got another man's wife pregnant. Think about that for a minute. The least you can do is show some class and not rub it in his face. Like it or not, he's going to be a co-parent of this child."


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