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Hazed By My Girlfriend's Friends

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A guy meets his new girlfriend's prank-loving friend group.
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My relationship with Brittney was a whirlwind from the moment we started dating, but I had no idea the extent of havoc that that whirlwind would wreak in just a couple short months.

Brittney wasn't the wildest person I'd met, but she hung out in a pretty rowdy circle. We were a couple years removed from college life, but the spirit lived on in her friend group, especially with the guys.

From the stories Brittney would tell me about their escapades, they were a group that liked pranks and dares that probably went further than I'd personally be comfortable with, but she seemed like she was game for anything thrown at her and took things in stride.

I knew her friends were important to her and were around in her life for a while before I popped in, and I really wanted her to like me, so I decided to suck it up and go along with the situation. Brittney was a really kind, smart, funny woman, and I genuinely wanted the chance for things to keep progressing.

On our second date, before we'd slept together yet, she laughed relaying a recent story about the guys in the group getting into a pantsing fight, adding that she'd been pantsed by members of the group her fair share in the past.

A lot of thoughts started going through my mind. Her friends - well, I'll be honest, her guy friends - had seen her without pants on, and I hadn't even seen that at that point. I quickly imagined what kind of underwear she normally wore, and what she could be wearing right now. Sexy, cheeky panties? Had these guys even seen her ass in a thong?

I also wondered how far the pantsings in this battle royale had gone. Did she just see these mens' bulges in underwear? Did she see cocks swinging around unhindered? Did she like it?!

Mind you, I knew I was projecting a bit by the end there. Still, I couldn't say I wasn't at least a little insecure about her being around stripped guys, even if the context was non-sexual. In the same vein, it didn't settle my worries when she said they'd play strip games like poker or beer pong every so often.

It wasn't until a couple weeks into dating that I began to get an idea of the makeup of this friend group, or began to be able to recognize specific names of friends. The gang was a good split of women and men, but one person stuck out to me in particular.

Brittney said something about her friend Jake and added that he had a crush on her. She said it quickly in passing, not dwelling on it either because she didn't think it was a big deal, or didn't want me to think it was. Still, the name seared into my mind in that instant, and every time she mentioned Jake afterward the same thoughts popped into my head.

Did Jake still want to get with her? How many of the stories she was telling me without naming names actually involved Jake? Did he care that she was dating me? I started paranoid speculation any time she mentioned anything that involved this friend group.

Brittney had hung out with them for drinks at one of their houses the next Friday night, and things had gotten a little wild. She texted me periodically through the night to tell me excitedly (and a little embarrassedly) about the night's events.

When she told me someone had given her a wedgie, and that she wished she hadn't been wearing a thong that night. Had it been Jake who'd done the deed? Was it an excuse to stick his hands down the back of her pants? I didn't like the idea of this hanger-on with his hands around the straps of my girlfriend's skimpy panties.

And later in the night, when she said she'd been dared to make out with her friend Samantha - had Jake been the one to do it, because he thought it'd be hot? I didn't really mind this, after all, a dare's a dare, but I didn't want a man with a crush on Brittney to be getting her to do it so he could get turned on, and to a smaller degree, I wish I'd been there to see it as well.

There was one haunting text from Brittney that really struck fear into me, though. Near the end of the night, as she was taking a cab home, she texted me to let me know that she had told her friends all about me, and they were all excited to meet me.

"The guys want to give you a hazing to welcome you to the group!"

"What kind of hazing?" I nervously texted back.

"Jake said he wants them to strip you and make you wear women's underwear LOL." The colour drained from my face.

"They're joking, right?" I worriedly texted, thankful that Brittney couldn't see the expression of fear on my face right now.

"Probably," she responded before segueing to another topic. She talked about it so lightly, it must not have been a serious plan, right? Or was she just so used to the giving and receiving of pranks with this crew that she thought it was going to happen, but just didn't think it would be a big deal? How could this not be a big deal?!

At least I could spend the week with the satisfying thought that it was someone else who had gotten Brittney to passionately kiss someone else, or had exposed her thong from her pants. The next weekend was another story, though.

It was Brittney's birthday, so her friends were holding a party for her at another one of their houses. I was invited and planned to go, but had to be out of town for work. Part of me felt like I dodged a bullet by putting off meeting her guy friends a bit longer, and potentially avoiding this "hazing".

On the other hand, I was nervous about what kind of debauchery would go on without me there, especially since Brittney would be the focus of attention on her birthday. I didn't trust Jake, and didn't look forward to hearing about what would go down.

Unfortunately, it went a bit further than just hearing about it. Feeling almost helpless from my hotel room in another city, I started looking through Brittney's social media, finding her friends' accounts and putting faces to names for the first time.

My stomach sunk a little when I got to Jake's page. He was a bigger guy than I'd expected. I guess when running through worst-case scenarios in my head, I'd thought if the men tried to forcibly prank me in any way, I'd be able to fight them off. If Jake was going to be involved, however, I didn't think that'd be an option any longer. It was hard to imagine a scenario where he couldn't just easily overpower me.

As I started looking through his posts, I noticed that he had posted photos from that night. My heart started racing as I realized the subject of most of the photos was Brittney...

From what I could tell based on the captions and comments from other friends, they'd ordered pizza much earlier, and dared Brittney to answer the door in her underwear. I saw pictures of her while she was taking off her shirt and leggings. It bothered me all over again knowing that not only was Jake witnessing this, but he had permanent reminders of the occasion.

As I kept swiping through photos, I saw Brittney smiling and laughing, her bra perfectly framing her tits, tight panties clinging to her round ass while showing off most of her cheeks. There she was taking the pizzas from the delivery man. And then next... she was still in her underwear?

From the caption on the next photo, I inferred that they'd taken her clothes and hidden them. Maybe if she'd made a bigger deal about it, they would have given her the clothes back, but based on the photos, she didn't seem to mind. It wasn't surprising to me that Brittney would just go with the flow and spend the rest of the night half naked.

Still, I was feeling some mixed emotions. Her barely-clothed body was still turning me on as I went through the pictures, but I was growing increasinly uncomfortable knowing she was just hanging around these men with her body on display.

I eventually got caught up on Jake's posts for the night when one last one popped up - a video this time. I gulped, and pressed play. The video was clearly being filmed by someone else who was holding Jake's phone, and I could hear voices from various friends laughing about a "birthday spanking". Oh no.

The video turned to Jake, sitting on a chair around their kitchen table, while my Brittney walked over, still in her bra and panties, leaned over Jake's muscular lap, perked her ass out, and nervously bit her finger.

"One for each year!" a voice clamoured. With that, Jake started slapping the bare underside of her cheeks, not so hard that it would really hurt, but enough that there was a crisp audible snap every time his large hand made contact with my girlfriend's ass.

It was enough to leave a red mark on her bum after the first couple spanks, and as he kept going, I got the impression Brittney was involuntarily getting turned on by the ordeal. She started biting her lip around spank number ten, and on spank number nineteen I even heard her let out a subdued moan.

I watched the entire video, then rewatched it a few times, beginning to end. I hated that Jake had the power to do this in this friend group, but if this was their dynamic, who was I to march in and demand changes? I stopped myself from rewatching it any more, and tried to get it out of my mind.

A couple weeks later came the invitation I had been dreading.

"Samantha's throwing a party this weekend, I want you to come!" Brittney chirped, excited for me to finally meet her friends without knowing how much I wanted to avoid that exact scenario. She might not even have remembered what she'd nonchalantly told me about the boys' "hazing" plan.

I told myself there was no way they'd go that far. I was a stranger they were meeting for the first time, they probably just wanted to make a good impression, but wanted to have a little fun scaring Brittney with the idea they'd prank her new boyfriend.

But then again, Jake seemed like he still had feelings for Brittney, and with the amount of borderline-sexual pranks and dares he levied her way, he clearly still wanted to get with her. What if this was his excuse to get back at the guy who got to go out with Brittney and was sleeping with her?

I put it out of my head, but my stomach was still in knots as we headed to Samantha's house. As we entered the house, I was greeted with a much warmer welcome than I'd expected.

Over the next hour, her friends were great to me. I began to understood why they were such a tightknit group, and why Brittney liked being a part of this. Everyone was welcoming, even Jake, although the handshake he gave me was a little stronger than the others'.

I had worried for weeks about absolutely nothing, these were normal people.

I thought that for a time, at least. After my guard had been let down sufficiently, and I was in between drinks, I heard murmurs behind me, followed by a loud "NOW!"

I was swung around before I knew what was happening to me, a few of the guys pulling me out into the main hallway. My panic set in, although I was in temporary denial that the exact scenario that had played in my head many times over the last couple weeks was going to be carried out to a tee.

In the main hallway, Jake popped into my view, and easily held me down while I tried to struggle. It was completely fruitless. He pulled my shirt off of me without breaking a sweat. This was when the panic really set in.

With Jake pinning me down, another one of the guys pulled my pants clean off, leaving me now in only my socks and a tight pair of briefs. Samantha, who had joined the fracas, then stepped in, slid her hands down my waistband, and yanked the briefs down.

Now, I'm not normally too embarrassed about my cock. It's not exactly the smallest, even if it's pretty below average. Having it spring out of my underwear in front of a group of near-strangers to me is another story though, and I was humiliated. The only saving grace was that I was about halfway to an erection, I guess because of the adrenaline now pumping through me.

Still, that wasn't enough to stop Samantha from letting out a nervous "Oh my god, it's so small, haha!" Some of the other girls in the group were now gathering around, leading to a chorus of more nervous giggling. Then, another one of the guys pushed his way forward with what I could pretty safely assume at this point was a pair of panties in his hands.

"Quick, put them on!" laughed Jake, still effortlessly overpowering me. The group that had quickly stripped me naked was now hurriedly pulling my legs through the panties and yanking them up, my cock getting tucked into them more easily than I would have liked.

I looked down at the panties: a pink thong with a girly lace trim, and began to... wait, I recognized these. This was one of Brittney's thongs!

Samantha pulled the thong up high enough for the back strap to wedge itself between my ass cheeks, let out another "Oh my god!" and gave my butt a playful pat. Now fully dressed for the prank, Jake, still containing my struggling, pulled me up and started parading me around the house for the group.

Despite my size, my small bulge in Brittney's thong was still very noticeable to everyone at the party, especially as it continued to harden. Not one to let any potential humiliation go to waste, Jake was sure to turn me around without giving me the chance to escape, letting the group also get a good look at my round little cheeks in my girlfriend's thong.

I tried to take it in stride as well as I could, despite the soul-crushing embarrassment I was experiencing; after all, these friends would do these kinds of things to each other, and it must be coming from a place of love most of the time. Jake's intense hazing could be good-natured, even if he also wanted to totally emasculate me in Brittney's eyes.

But my mind still tried to wrap itself around one thing: how had the group gotten a pair of Brittney's panties? We came from her place, and others weren't there. Wait - had Brittney brought the panties herself for this prank? Had she known this was actually going to happen, decided to help Jake humiliate me, and to top it all off, chosen maybe the girliest thong she owned for the deed?!

I looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with the guys and girls as much as possible, but saw Brittney for the first time in the last couple minutes, and our eyes locked. She had her hands over her mouth to cover a guilty smile, but the look on her face said it all.

She lowered her hands, and stifling laughter, mouthed "Sorry!"

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

All nude fun and no shame.

That's the best kind of game,

Stripping and whipping.

Then spanking and wanking.

In such dreams, my joy is the same!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

The ending was too abrupt. I use the word "ending," very loosely. He's in the midst of being paraded around, catches the smirk and apology from his gf, and it ends. No rebuttal, no consequences, no discussion, hell, not even more humiliation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Was expecting that it would be revealed that Brittney had "donated" her panties for the hazing and was no longer wearing panties. Story ended too abruptly, much more to be told. Must be true love as I'd never see Brittney again after her setting me up to be humiliated. Brittney would likely know how her boyfriend's cock stacked up and should have not allowed this particular hazing to take place.

Pretty unsatisfying.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Needs revenge and a new girlfriend

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I agree with chefjess2039. Hand her the panties, tell her you thought she had more class and would protect her boyfriend, but, NO, she was just a slut. As she gasped and everyone started to get pissed, he told her he saw the video of her with Jake and the rest of her friends as she was spanked and spent the rest of the night semi-naked. Gathering his clothes, he faced the rest of the smirking faces and said, 's for the rest of you assholes, I have a group of friends too and my friends don't play nice. When I tell them what you did to me, and who each of you are, you'll all be getting a little "visit" from them. That Includes you too bitch. Hopefully everything heals properly over the next few months. Goodbye, again, slut. And out the door.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Terrible story, no redemption no characters to like at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

i found myself in a similar situation although mine ws more public. it happened at our firms christmas party held at local banqueting suite. I was grabbed while on the dance floor, pinned down and a couple of the girls from my office set about removing my trousers, maybe not an issue in its self except i didnt want them to see what i had on under my trousers. I like to wear small pants and on this occasion i was wearing a pair of my girlfriends knickers which were bright red and very small. My trousers were pulled down and right off which caused great excitement as my knickers were exposed to everyone. Worse was to come. Someone commented that my knickers looked very flat fronted which is not too surprising as I am not very well endowed . My knickers were pulled down and off meaning everyone in the room could see how small I am. I never lived it down.

chefjess2039chefjess2039almost 2 years ago

I would pull the panties off and hand them to my soon to be ex and tell her " I hope it was worth it because we are through"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good start, continue the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It just seems like a prologue to me.

rickylaw01rickylaw01about 2 years ago

Dump this girl immediately.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

girlfriend gone! Jake meets up with a batting practice to the knees and nuts.. good by bitches

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Love the story. Expand on this with the current party the beyond the party. So far it is hot but I want to read more.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

not impressed with the girlfriend

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