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Heading Home For The Holidays

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College students snowed in on way home.
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Lots of college students carpool home for the holidays. Unfortunately, December in the northern hemisphere often has bad driving weather. When that happens, trips either get cancelled or delayed, or just take longer.

Ann, Betsy, Chuck and Darin had what would have been a 10 hour drive in dry weather. The forecast had a small chance of rain or snow, but seemed safe enough when they started. The first half of the trip was only partly cloudy, but the further they went the more ominous the sky became and the further the temperature dropped. Then it started raining, and the rain turned to sleet. There was enough traffic that the road wasn't freezing, yet.

"My aunt and uncle are about half an hour ahead," Ann said. "I'll call them and see if they can put us up til this clears."

"Sounds like a plan," Darin said from the driver's seat.

Ann placed the call. "Hi, Aunt Jane. It's Ann. I'm heading to my folks house with three of my classmates, but this weather is getting nasty. Can you put us up til it's safe to drive again?"

"Sure, dear. It'll be a little cozy but come on over."

"Thanks, Aunt Jane. Should we stop at the grocery store on the way into town?"

"That would help, especially since I don't know what your friends might like."

Traffic started slowing as visibility worsened. Darin had to crank up the defroster to keep the windshield from icing up. What would have been half an hour to the exit turned into two hours, then another hour to Aunt Jane's house.

There was a grocery store on the road to Aunt Jane's, so the students stopped and got what they thought they might want to eat the next few days. Darin also gassed up the car since there was filling station there as well.


They got to Aunt Jane's just as Uncle Jack was pulling into the driveway. He helped them get their stuff into the house.

"Your aunt told me we'd have houseguests," Uncle Jack began. "I'm glad you brought some extra groceries, because even though we try to be prepared for this kind of weather it wouldn't last long with 6 people."

"You also weren't expecting us, and we appreciate the hospitality," Ann replied. "We each got our own breakfast and lunch stuff, since we tend to go for quick meals. We got things that will work for family suppers, though."

"You always were practical, Ann," her aunt replied as she stowed the cold groceries in the fridge and arranged the dry goods on the sideboard in the dining room. "I see you got something quick for tonight, which is smart given the hour."

Their luggage was in the living room for now.

"It's a modest house, although each of the three bedrooms has a bed that will accommodate two people. The couch in the living room could open up to another double bed. That means some doubling up," Uncle Jack said with a hint of a smile. "I assume you're all at least 18."

"We'll figure something out, Uncle Jack," Ann replied, with more than a hint of a smile. She knew Chuck and Darin had been wanting to get into her and Betsy's pants for a while now. "The guys and I are 19, Betsy just turned 20."

"Your uncle and I remember college, dear," Aunt Jane added with an obvious wink. "Now, let's see about supper."

The kids had gotten a couple of pounds of pasta and ground beef and the makings of a decent sauce, which Aunt Jane started to prepare.

"Do you need any help, Aunt Jane?" Ann asked.

"No thanks dear, this kitchen is a bit tight. However, if you would set the table that would help."

Ann and Betsy got the table set for six fairly quickly since Ann knew where all the dishes were.

Uncle Jack got the boys settled into the living room and began the usual getting to know college students routine. The girls joined them after setting the table.

"Where do you all live?" He asked.

"We're all within half an hour of Ann's folks," Darin replied. "We went to different high schools, but all wound up at the same college. This trip was set up using the school's ride-share program. We're grateful for the place to stay til the weather clears."

"What are you majoring in?"

"I'm heading for physics. Chuck is looking at Civil Engineering. Betsy's got her heart set on premed. Ann I think is leaning toward political science. The first two years for science majors are pretty much the same, so we've got some classes together. Ann we rarely see in class since the liberal arts students only have to take a few science courses and the science/ engineering group only has a few liberal arts classes," Darin said.

"I see," replied Uncle Jack. "What living accommodations are you in?"

"We're all in dorms," Chuck replied. "They all went coed years ago, some by floors, some by wings."

"I was in a men's dorm," Uncle Jack noted. "There were times at meals that it was hard to tell, though, given the number of women eating with us. There were some women spending the night with their boyfriends, too. That was a lot easier to arrange than for the guys to stay in a women's dorm since my dorm had a bathroom shared by two double rooms or four single rooms. The women's dorms at my school all had communal bathrooms."

"We see our share of couples practically living with each other. The easiest ones are when two pairs of roommates swap out. Otherwise, it gets a bit more crowded. Some couples who are really serious get apartments off-campus."

"Dinner's ready, everybody," Aunt Jane called from the dining room.

Uncle Jack and the kids moved to the dining room. Uncle Jack took his seat at the head of table. Ann and Chuck sat on one side, Betsy and Darin on the other.

"Should we call you Aunt Jane and Uncle Jack, or would you prefer something more formal?" Betsy asked, at long last.

"Aunt Jane and Uncle Jack will be fine," Jane replied.

The table was quite for awhile as they all dug into supper.

"We have two small bathrooms, but plenty of hot water since getting the tankless heater a few years ago," Uncle Jack said once they'd finished eating. "We're usually up by 6AM to get ready for work. Tomorrow it looks like we'll both be working from home due to the weather. I've got a meeting at 7AM I'll need to call into, so I'll need the corner bedroom/office for that."

"That's okay," Ann replied. "We're usually up pretty early to get a little studying in before our first classes of the day. If we do manage to sleep in, just wake us up and we'll get out of your way."

"If you'll each take your dishes out to the kitchen, that would help," Aunt Jane requested.

Chuck and Darin each too three sets of plates and cutlery. Ann and Betsy each took one of the big serving bowls. Aunt Jane got the leftovers covered and put them in the fridge, then put the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher, added soap, and turned it on.

They all retired to the living room and got comfortable.

"What are your plans after graduation?" Aunt Jane asked.

"I'm not sure if I'll wind up in grad school and then a big research lab or in some corporate lab straight out of college," Darin started.

"I had an internship with a bridge building company last summer that went pretty well," Chuck continued. "Whether I wind up there or someplace else depends on what I find between now and graduation and who's hiring."

"Pre-med is pretty obvious," Betsy added. "Right now I have no idea what I'll focus on in med school. There's a lot of talk about trying to get doctors into rural areas, so I'm already looking at those programs."

"I've been dithering between law school and some sort of public policy think tank," Ann said. "Politics has gotten way too messy for me."

"I took my mechanical engineering degree to a big manufacturing company," Uncle Jack told them. "It's had its ups and downs with the overall economy, but I've managed to hold on all these years."

"I followed my English degree with one in Education," Aunt Jane noted. "I taught for a number of years, then had enough of being second-guessed by the local school board and quit. Now I work for a tutoring outfit that does a mix of in-person and online work. It's been mostly online since the pandemic. Part of my pay depends on how well my students do, and most of them do very well."

"We also like to travel, when we can make the time," Uncle Jack added. "What you see throughout the house are mementos of our trips. I've been interested in big engineering projects, Jane has more wanted to see where great authors lived and worked."

"Sounds like a lot of fun," Chuck observed. "I've not been more than 1000 miles from home so far, and not yet out of the country."

"It's been fun," Jane replied. "A few trips abroad got a bit scary due to earthquakes."

Uncle Jack stifled a yawn. "Sorry about that, I was up at 4AM this morning to finish a presentation. I should excuse myself and call it a night."

Betsy glanced at the big clock on the wall. "Ten o'clock already?!" she exclaimed. "No wonder we're all beginning to look like things the cat dragged in."

"I'll get towels for each of you. Jack and I will shower in our bathroom. We'd appreciate it if all four of you would use the main bathroom so we can get to sleep. I'll put out extra towels in case you need more than one."

"Thanks, Aunt Jane. Goodnight to you and Uncle Jack," Ann replied.

"I'm not all that grungy, so I'll just brush my teeth and wash my feet," Darin said. "A shower would just wake me up, and I need to get some sleep."

"Sounds like a plan," Chuck added.

"The corner bedroom is usually cooler than the middle one, so whoever likes it cool should take the corner," Ann told them.

"Cool would be me," Darin replied.

"I like it warm," Betsy said.

"That leaves me with Darin and Chuck with Betsy," Ann summarized. "I, for one, need a full shower. So the guys can get cleaned up first. Betsy, shower?"

"I'm just sticky enough to want a shower," Betsy answered.

"Well then once the guys are done, Betsy can shower and I'll go last," Ann said. "So unless anyone needs the toilet right away, the order bathroom use will be Darin, Chuck, Betsy, me."

Since nobody needed the toilet right away, they went in the order Ann gave. The guys got done quickly and into their assigned beds.

Betsy then asked Ann if they could shower together, since her back needed a good scrubbing only another person could do.

"It's a very tight shower, so we'll have to be careful swapping places to rinse," Ann observed.

"That's okay," Betsy replied. "We'll manage somehow, even if we have to turn the water off and open the curtain."

The girls closed the door, turned on the exhaust fan, and undressed. This wasn't their first time together naked, as they'd showered together after Physical Education class freshman year. Still, they took a moment to give each other the once-over. They both carried the notorious "freshman fifteen" added weight. Ann's had mostly gone to her breasts and butt, while Betsy had spread it out more evenly.

Ann turned on the water, gave it a moment to warm, then they got into the shower. Each girl washed what she could of herself, then Betsy turned around so Ann could scrub her back. They swapped places so Betsy could rinse off and then scrub Ann's back. Another swap got Ann rinsed.

"All done?" Ann asked.

"Yep," came the reply.

Ann turned around and shut the water off. The girls dried themselves, then put on their pajamas and gathered up their dirty clothes.

"So, do you think you and Chuck will do anything besides sleep?" Ann asked.

"Part of me wants to, but part of my wants to sleep. He may already be asleep by the time I get there. If he wants to make out or more, I won't object."

"Darin's been dropping hints all semester that he'd like to see more of me and get to know me better," Ann told her friend.

Betsy got to bed to find Chuck sound asleep, so she got comfortable and soon nodded off herself.

Ann found Darin wide awake in the dark.

"What took you so long?" he asked. "I thought you and Betsy showering together might go faster."

"It's a small shower, so an intricate dance to get clean," she replied.

"MM, HMM," Darin mumbled.

"Really, all we did was scrub each other's backs," Ann told him, trying to sound huffy. "Don't try to imagine a lesbian orgy."

"That's not what I meant," Darin defended himself. "Now, do we just try to sleep, or do we do something relaxing first?"

"I've found making out to be the opposite of relaxing while it's going on, and a good session leaves me wide awake for a while afterward."

"Well, then goodnight," Darin said as he leaned over to kiss Ann on the forehead.

"Good night."

The kids woke up to the smell of coffee and bacon from the kitchen. As advertised, Aunt Jane and Uncle Jack were up at 6AM.

The kids took turns in the bathroom, alternating boy-girl-boy-girl so they could get dressed in private.

"Good morning," Aunt Jane said. "Coffee's over there. Bacon's coming along and then we can do eggs or pancakes or some of both."

All four kids opted for eggs, as those would be easier. Ann started toasting bread.

"We had 6 inches of snow overnight," Uncle Jack reported. "Road clearing is slow after that much, so you're probably stuck here another day."

"We'll stay out of your way so you can work," Ann spoke for herself and her friends. "Is the basement rec room functional?"

"Yes, mostly," Uncle Jack replied. "It's too cluttered for pool or ping-pong, but the TV and couches are clear."

"We could also shovel the driveway and sidewalk," Ann volunteered. "Once the snow stops, that is."

"That would help a lot. Just don't overdo it," Aunt Jane cautioned.

Breakfast went down fast. Uncle Jack retired to his home office and got to work. Aunt Jane took care of the dishes, then went to her home office to start tutoring.


The kids went down to the basement, and noted the clutter.

"Two couches, two couples," Betsy noted.

"Yeah, plenty of room to make out," Chuck replied with a smirk.

"Ah, but who makes out with whom?" Darin asked.

"Once upon a time in a mixed group, we played strip poker," Chuck offered.

"Kinda cold for that," Ann replied.

"How about we just draw cards, then?" Chuck countered. "Guy and girl that get the closest card value pair up, and wider values spread make the other pair?"

"Still a bit chilly down here if we start shedding clothes," Betsy noted with an exaggerated "BRRR!"

"That's why there are blankets folded over the backs of the couches," Ann observed. "Cards should be in one of the drawers over there."

Ann went over to the cabinet she had pointed to, and came back with a deck of cards. She shuffled, Betsy cut, and each drew a card. Darin came up with the ace of spades, Chuck got the 5 of diamonds. Betsy got the 2 of clubs while Ann got the 8 of diamonds.

"So, Darin and I get together; and Betsy and Chuck. Just like last night, only lights on and ready to do whatever," Ann summarized. "However, I need to go to the bathroom first. I should also grab those extra towels Aunt Jane mentioned, in case we need them."

Ann went back upstairs, took care of her business, and came back down with the spare towels.

Betsy and Chuck were already under their blanket, cuddling and kissing.

Ann joined Darin on the other couch and got under the blanket. He wasted no time, giving Ann a hard kiss on the lips, and pulling her tight so he could feel the soft warmth of her breasts against his chest.

"Not wasting any time, eh?" Ann said when they came up for air.

"Damn straight," the horny young man replied. "I don't know when lunch will be, but I want to have explored you like Lewis and Clark."

"Interesting comparison," Ann answered. "You realize they spent years not knowing quite where they were or what they were looking for."

"True. I know where I am and exactly what I'm looking for," he smiled a sinister smirk before kissing her again and forcing his tongue into her mouth. She bit his tongue, then sucked it. He withdrew is tongue, opened wide and let her tongue into is mouth.

While she probed his mouth, he put a hand on her chest, moving from one breast to another, pinching to see how hard her nipples were.

"Ouch," she said teasingly. Then she reached for his crotch, and gave his hardening manhood a good squeeze in reply.

"Ooooh," Darin crooned. "Is it time to get naked yet?"

Ann replied by undoing Darin's pants and reaching inside his briefs to grab his cock. Darin reached down and undid Ann's pants to reach for her cunt, which was beginning to moisten at the thought of what was about to happen.

"Shall we finish undressing each other?" Ann asked expectantly.

"Yes, let's," Darin replied as his imagination leapt ahead to when his hot rod would enter her hotter box.

He lifted up his butt so she could slide his pants and briefs off. Then she let him strip her below the waist. His next move was to pull her sweatshirt up over her head, then unhook her bra and slide it off. She unbuttoned his shirt, peeled it off, then his T-shirt.

"Looks like we need that towel," she said as she positioned herself for easy access of breasts and vagina. He slid the towel under her hot ass.

He laid atop her and they kissed again. Then he moved down to her breasts, squeezing and licking and sucking them til her nipples were as hard as his cock.

Her pussy was the end of the line for Darin's hungry mouth. He was glad she had trimmed down to what would have been a crew cut on his head, short enough to not get in the way of eating her steamy snatch but long enough to not be stiff and scratchy. He feasted for several minutes, then Ann suggested he come up for air.

"I want to taste you, stud," she commanded. He laid back so she could take his cock into her mouth. She sucked like a real pro, hard and deep, slow and fast. She brought him to the edge of a massive explosion.

"Unless you want a mouthful of cum, you'd better stop now," he told her. She still wasn't sure she actually wanted him inside her pussy, so kept on sucking.

"I'm gonna fucking cum in your mouth," he told her. She mumbled something around his throbbing cock, and he let loose a flood of jizz. She gulped and gulped, actually swallowing every drop.

"Wow," he said once he'd shot his last bit of cum. "That's the first time anyone swallowed my load."

Ann finally came up for air. "Glad you liked it. I wasn't sure I had the guts to actually swallow, but I loved it. And by the way, I had a nice orgasm while you were eating me. Not earth-shattering, but satisfying."

Meanwhile, on the other couch, Chuck and Betsy were also getting it on seriously. Their cuddling and kissing had progressed to crotch-groping and kissing.

"I need your tits," Chuck told her. "NOW!"

She took her hand off his crotch, shed her sweatshirt in one quick move, freeing her braless breasts. His mouth went to her chest, and he sucked her tits hard, biting her nipples as they rose to the occasion.

"MMMM," he moaned, not missing a bite as he worshiped her mammaries.

"Yeah, baby," she crooned in reply. He kept at her tits for several minutes before finally coming up for air.

"Now let me have your cock," she commanded. He shed his pants and briefs as fast as he could, freeing his cock for her attentions.

She stroked it for a few minutes, bringing several drops of pre-cum out to lubricate her ministrations.

He managed to undo her pants, and she lifted her hips so he could pull them down below her crotch. He slid two fingers into her sloppy snatch, eliciting a moan as he found her G-spot.

"Now I want you inside me," she ordered. She let go of his cock, shed her pants and panties altogether. He also got rid of his lower garments. He spread the towel where her ass would be, and she laid down on it.

"I assume you're on the pill," he said hopefully.

"Yes, now fuck me!" she begged.

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