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Headstrong Ch. 02


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She moaned when my middle one found her slit and slid inside. She moaned again when I pushed deep into her vagina. She started saying, "Oh, oh, oh," over and over and somehow our motions synchronized, me pushing into her vagina as her hand slid down my cock. Then, when I felt her rub up, I slid out. In and out, up and down. It was like we were fucking each other, but with our hands.

I'd been practicing finger fucking Kim a lot, and had learned how to make her come quick and hard. I guess I fell into that pattern. Mom's hand froze on my cock just before she gasped, stiffened, and began trembling. I fingered her faster, and her "Ohs," became louder, got closer together and I could feel her vagina clenching on my finger each time it pushed in.

When her hand landed on mine I understood that it had become too much and stopped. Kimmy did the same thing. I was surprised that she didn't pull my hand away though. Hers left mine as soon as I stopped moving, and she used both to tug down my zipper. Then undo my belt and button. It was only natural for me to help by raising my hips when mom pulled my jeans and boxers down.

I winced and bucked when she grabbed my bare dick. Holy shit! Her hand was on my exposed cock and moving up and down. Jacking it. Really gently, but insistently. And my middle finger was still up inside her pussy after having made her come. Even though I'd fucked sis last night and come twice, my system was used to producing many more loads per day, and I could feel the gism inside me, hot and heavy, pulsing, striving to get out.

As she lay back on the bed, mom clamped my head to her, keeping it attached to her tit. It kind of eased me over her, and her hand on my cock pulled me between her legs. Then guided it to her pussy. Once I was lined up, her hands cupped my butt and pulled. She moaned, "Ooohhh," when my cock slid into her, and she kept pulling on my ass.

Well, it was obvious what she wanted, so I pushed it in farther. God, her pussy was so warm and nice! And surprisingly tight. Mom whimpered and sighed as it sunk deeper, but kept pulling on my butt. It was awkward with me hunched over her, so I did what I'd seen on the internet. I pulled her ass to the edge of the bed and pushed her legs back and apart as I stood up. Her eyes were clamped shut, and she was breathing really hard and fast. I started pumping her. I got really good leverage by standing, and loved how I could drive into her so hard. This was simply excellent fucking.

She seemed to love it, too, as she started moaning, "Yes, yes, yes," over and over. I watched her big tits sway as my thrusts rocked her back and forth on the bed. I grabbed one. So soft, but her nipple was so big and hard! She seemed to like me pinching it.

Her hands - they'd left my butt after it was clear I was going to do what she wanted - grabbed the blanket when her legs began to tremble. I couldn't believe it! I knew that my cock was able to make Kimmy come, but mom! Wow! Her vagina squeezed my cock over and over, and her repeated "Yeses," turned into one long, loud, arcing, "Yeeeessssss!"

I wasn't sure what to do. Keep pumping while she came - that's what Kim liked - or stop and let her recover in case it was too much. I tried stopping, but mom whimpered and shook her head hard, so I started pumping her again.

I drove the idea that I was fucking my own mother out of my head and just fucked the woman whose pussy was surrounding my cock. I closed my eyes and felt how the inside of her vagina was sliding on my dick as I drove it in and out. It felt fabulous and just sucked the cum out of me.

I gasped and stuck my dick in as far as I could as the first load of cum burst out. I guess mom knew a thing or two, because after my first ejaculation, she squeezed my dick each time after that. I'm not sure how she knew when I'd shoot - maybe the sounds I was making? - but it was amazing, and kept me shooting long after I otherwise would have stopped.

When I finally did, I opened my eyes. Mom was looking at me, a blank, stunned look on her face. I couldn't think of anything to say, and maybe she couldn't either. When my cock slid out of her, she rearranged herself so she was lying on the bed, opened her arms, and I naturally went into them.

We lay like that for quite a while, both of us breathing heavy, and using our hands to stroke each other. Then, when she quit holding me so tightly and I slid onto my side next to her, she took my cock in her hand. It was still pretty big and heavy, but not hard.

Her voice was low and relaxed, like Kimmy's gets after she comes big time. "My goodness, how my boy has grown up. This thing used to be so little, so cute, but now it's full sized. Huge, actually." When she giggled, she sounded like a girl. The way she was massaging my dick felt nice. It was like she really liked it and naturally wanted to hold it, feel it, play with it. That was amazing.

She went on, "Ted, I guess now I should apologize to you now. For this. When I discovered that you and Kim were fucking, I couldn't believe it. But then I guess I could. I know you love each other and, even though society, er, frowns on it," she giggled again, "there's nothing inherently wrong about it. Then I thought I'd better be sure before I talked to you about it. I got the little camera and put it in her room."

Mom sighed. What she was doing with her fingers - she had skills - had begun to have an effect on me, and my cock was tingling as it began to grow and stiffen again. "I watched the tape of you two, then the tape from Thursday and watched live last night. While I was appalled at first, it changed. You two seem very attuned to each other, and it was beautiful how you made love, sometimes hard and fast, sometimes slow and gentle. It moved me to see my children so considerate, so grown up."

By now my dick was almost grown up again, and she used just one finger, feathering it up and down on the spot where the shaft meets the head. Idk how she knew it was my most sensitive spot, but I guess older women know stuff.

I couldn't help but begin to catch my breath as the fiery sensations shot through me. Mom said, her voice low and suddenly really, really sad, "You should know that Jim and I have had some issues lately. He had an affair a couple years ago, and I almost left him. He apologized, ended the affair, but I was so mad that I wouldn't have sex with him for a long time. I eventually forgave him, but when we tried to make love, his penis wouldn't work. He was impotent.

"Which just hurt me even more. His cock had worked just fine with that other woman - the bitch! - so it made me feel there must be something wrong with me. I felt so abandoned, just crushed.

"Then you and Kimberley hurt me even more." What! God! I thought I'd felt awful before, but this! I couldn't believe I'd hurt mom without even knowing.

She said, "I was trying to adjust to knowing that you'll both be leaving next fall, and I'll be all alone. In an empty nest. Well, except for Jim, but he seems totally uninterested in me. I even wonder if we'll stay together..."

Shit! This just kept getting worse and worse. My parents might divorce...?

"Then, when we came back from the reunion, you and Kim totally shut me out. You were so into each other that you had no time or attention for me. On Monday, and every other day, both of you forgot to give me the hug we've always had when you left for school. And then again when you got back. You only talked to each other, paid attention to each other. It felt awful, like you'd already left the nest and I was totally alone.

"I've felt very denied, abandoned, betrayed and frustrated by Jim, and very angry. And I haven't had sex, which I totally love and miss, for over 2 years. Which I guess is why I did what I just did. Tried to get even by seducing another man. Who happened to be my own son. You see, watching you and Kimberly make love made me jealous, feel really badly. I was denied sex, but you two were having tons of it. Wonderful sex. I felt excluded by Kim, and by you, in addition to Jim. I wanted..." her voice faded, and I wondered why.

She sounded so sad, so hurt. I felt terrible and wanted to help. Needed to help. "What did you want, mom?"

"You should call me Kay now, Ted. Oh, I don't know..."

I hugged her to me. She seemed smaller, sweeter, really vulnerable and I wanted her to keep talking. "I think you do. You can tell me. Anything..."

Her voice was softer, silkier. I guessed that she'd decided to trust me. "Okay. I got kind of fixated on your penis." Her giggle was so sexy. "It's SO much bigger than I imagined, so much thicker. And I hadn't had sex in forever. I kept thinking about it, picturing it, amazed at how it could all somehow fit inside your sister!" I winced as her finger made my cock jump. She chuckled and went on, "I started wondering how it would fit and feel in my pussy. I really wanted it to find out, to have your big penis inside me."

Gosh. Just wow. But the surprises just kept coming. Mom, er, Kay lifted her head, looked deep into my eyes and said, "Okay, Ted. Now I've been totally honest with you. Told you everything. I want you be honest with me. Tell me how you seduced your sister. I want all the details. So you talk while I do this."

Holy shit! Kimmy had taken my dick in her mouth a couple times, but it was only brief, just to get me hard so we could fuck again. But mom, oops, Kay, was amazing. First she licked everywhere, even my balls. She just stopped for a second to warn me that I better start talking, telling her how everything happened.

So I did.

I figured that I wasn't really divulging any secrets that Kim would want me to keep. Besides, though my sister started the ball rolling, she only meant to ask me to be quieter when I jerked off. Things just snowballed.

So I told Kay everything while she did incredible things to my dick. A couple times when it became so intense that I felt the gism start to move and I couldn't keep talking, Kay stopped and squeezed the tip real hard, which seemed to settle me down. Then she went back to giving me head. Fellatio, I guess.

Anyway, by the time I'd finished the story of how Kimmy and I came to start fucking, my cock felt like it was on fire. It had never felt as big or hard, or as ready to shoot. Kay took about two inches into her mouth, her tongue started licking that special spot, and she began sucking really hard while her hand jacked my shaft. Fast.

When her other hand grabbed and gently squeezed my balls, the cum just exploded out of me.

She kept sucking, licking and jacking, and, even though my mind was lost in the fire as my cock kept ejaculating, I heard her swallow, time after time. I can't really write anything that can describe the feeling. Just ahh!

Her tongue and mouth kept making my cock swell and clench, trying to ejaculate, even when nothing was left to some out. I felt like my head was going to explode as she kept making me gasp and writhe, and finally I had to put my hands on her head to pull her off.

When she finally let my cock quit, I was quivering in shock as she slid up the bed and lay half on, half beside me. I winced when her hand closed on my totally oversensitive dick, but she just held it tenderly. When she rose up and guided her nipple to my mouth, I sucked it. It got really hard and I couldn't help be realize that I was sucking the same tit that I had as a baby when she fed me. My cock twitched, but maybe it was because she gave it a gentle squeeze.

After I'd nursed on her boob for a couple minutes, Kay whispered, "Did Kim ever do that to you, Ted? Suck you off?" I could tell that she hoped Kimmy hadn't, that Kay was still feeling bad, insecure because all three of us had excluded her, and hoped that what she'd done was really special.

I said, "Uh, no. She took my cock in her mouth a couple times, but once it got hard, we just went back to fucking, er, making love. What you did was just amazing! Awesome!" My hand had found its way to her damp thatch and my fingers were unconsciously combing it. It was nice to have my hand on her pussy while hers was on my penis. It was cool how Kay started breathing deeper and squirming around a little.

Her voice was a little more husky. "And did you ever do the same to her - kiss and lick her pussy?"

Again I sensed that Kay really hoped I hadn't and was glad I could tell the truth. "No. I've heard about it, but sex was so new to us that we didn't have time to experiment much."

She sighed. It sounded happier. Then she giggled. "Then it's time you learned how, Ted." Kay lay back, spread herself open and said, "Go down between my legs, Ted. You're going to be there a long time, so get really comfortable."

I did.

"Now kiss and lick all around my pussy." I wanted to lick her clit, but she stopped me. "No, not inside yet, just circle around the outer edges."

I did.

"Do you taste your cum, Ted? I just swallowed a lot of it - it was a wonderful ejaculation! - and I like it, even if it is a little bitter. Do like it, like your cum?"

I did, well, at least I said I did, then went back to licking my mother's, well, Kay's pussy.

"Mmm. That's nice, Ted. Now, do you know which are my labia majora and labia minora?"

"Uh, I think so..."

"Good. Now take your tongue and lightly lick the edges of my bigger lips. Go from just inside to outside and travel all the way around. If you do it right, it should open them up. OK?"

I did, and after I'd circled her pussy, it looked amazing. It really had opened up, and the hair all around it was brushed back, so I had a really good view. Kay told me that it felt wonderful, that I was a good boy, and then to lick all the way around again.

I did.

"Good, Ted. Do you see the valley between my outer and inner lips?" When I'd told her I did she said, "Now, run your tongue up and down the valleys on each side. But, Ted, do you about the clitoris?"

"Uh, yeah, I think so." I'd fingered Kim's a lot and also got Kay off caressing hers.

"Good. When you're licking my valleys, make sure you don't lick my clitoris. Do you see my hole?"

"Yeah," I did, and my cock started stirring, thinking it would be fun to get back inside it.

"Just below that is my perineum. Lick from it, all the way to the top. Then slide over to the other valley and lick down. Make circles around my inner lips."

I did. I could tell mom, er, Kay, was getting quite aroused, as she began sighing and moving. Also, she was starting to produce juice again, which tasted great, even mixed with the salty taste of my cum.

After several circuits she told me to change direction.

I did.

"Wonderful, Ted. You are really talented at this, at cunnilingus. I'm proud of you. Now, go down to my perineum, push your tongue in between my inner lips and lick from inside to out. Open my inner lips just like you did my labia majora."

I did. When I got to the top of her pussy, I'm sure I accidentally touched her clit a couple times, but Kay didn't complain.

After I'd made several circuits, she had me suck each inner lip into my mouth gently and run my tongue all around it. I noticed that her right one was larger than her left, but she seemed to enjoy what I was doing equally.

The next step was for me to flick my tongue as I ran it up from her perineum, plowing the valley between her inner lips, stopping just before I reached her clit. Up, then down, up then down. I was a good boy again, and improvised grabbing her ass to keep her still when she began moving so much that it was hard to keep my tongue where it was supposed to be.

Which by then was on her clit. First across the hood, then up and down the shaft, then finally on the tip. Kay gave me detailed instructions all at the beginning because she predicted that her voice would quit working at some point.

It did.

I quit licking immediately when her hand touched my head, and improvised kissing and nuzzling her whole pussy. After a bit she wanted to come again, then again, after which she pulled my head off and up her body.

"Oh, wonderful!" she exclaimed when she saw that my dick was hard. She pushed me down on my back and mounted me, just like Kim had last Sunday. Like with Kimmy, I conformed to mom's pace - I would have liked her to go much faster and harder - but it felt great and it was so cool how she made herself come two more times rubbing her pussy on my cock.

After her second orgasm from fucking me, she got off, tossed aside her wrinkled dress, told me to stand by the bed and take off my shirt, and then got on her hands and knees in the middle of the mattress. "Okay Ted. Now get on the bed, stick your cock in me, and fuck me from behind. Doggie style." As I moved towards her, her voice became lower, almost gruff. "I know you wanted to go faster and harder before, Ted, and now's your chance. Fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

I did.

It was so cool how her big, soft ass jiggled each time I thrust into her. And how I could reach around her and feel her tits as they swayed to my pumping. And the sounds she was making! Especially when I did what she said and smacked her ass! My grunts matched her gasps, and I don't know who was louder, or who was loving this more!

I found myself really torn. I SO wanted to shoot! The cum inside me seemed to be boiling, seething, just needing to get out. But I was loving this so much that I wanted it to keep going. In the end I did my best to hold back, and I did keep fucking Kay for another couple minutes, but then I just couldn't help it, and I filled my mother's pussy with my cum. Again.

Kay said that we'd better stop after that, that Jim and Kim might be getting back soon, so we took showers. I wanted to take mine with her, but she said it would be too distracting, so I did a quickie then remade my bed.

When my sister and father got back, things seemed really weird. Like Kim was totally pissed off at me for some reason. Idk what was going on, but dad was acting strange, too. I sure hope they don't know that mom and I fucked! But how could they? Oh well. I'm signing off now. Maybe Kimmy will explain what's going on with them.


Fuck Ted!! He's such an asshole!!! And God! How could he possibly do what he did!

So yeah, Ted is right. I'm pissed! Llivid, never been so mad! And I'm going to find a way to get even! You just watch!

Why am I so mad? Okay, here goes: dad and I get back from shopping early. We found all of the stuff on mom's list in the first couple stores we went to, so didn't have to go all the other places mom told us to. Which saved time.

So when we get home, while dad is parking the car in the garage, I take in the first load of groceries. I hear these weird noises coming from Ted's bedroom, so I drop the groceries on the kitchen counter and wander upstairs to his door - it was open - and OMG!

My mother is totally naked! On all fours on his bed! And Ted is fucking her from behind! Really hard and fast. His bed is thumping against the wall, the springs are squeaking and groaning, Ted's hips are smacking against mom's ass with every thrust, and both mom and Ted are gasping and moaning! Really loud!

I feel sick! I'm devastated, but transfixed, even more blown away than I was when I'd first watched Ted jerking off.

Next thing I know, dad stumbles into me from behind. I glance back and up at him. His mouth is wide open, his eyes are totally locked on what is happening on Ted's bed, and he just runs right into me. Being jostled breaks me out of my trance and I'm finally able to think. The only thing more horrible than seeing Ted fucking mom would be if one of them sees us watching! A total disaster, an impossibly awful scene! So I turn, put my finger to my lips and motion to dad that we should get the heck out of there. Pronto!

We do.

My mind is racing, and by the time we are back into the kitchen, I've made a plan. I whisper to dad - I probably didn't need to because they were making so much noise upstairs - that we should go somewhere, hang out for a while, then make a racket when we pretend to be just getting home. Maybe we can figure out what the heck to do about all this in the meantime.

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