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Headstrong Ch. 02

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Why does Kay seduce her son? Kim seduce her father? Oh my!
15k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/02/2024
Created 02/03/2024
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Hi. Ted here. My twin sister Kim is busy and though she seems really pissed at me for some reason, she wanted me to keep telling our story because now we come to parts that she doesn't know.

Where should I start? At the beginning, probably. Kim - she suggested we both write about what had happened - and I compared notes last Saturday afternoon after we hooked up the night before. It took a long time. We kept getting, er, distracted, meaning turned on and horny, by what the other person wrote and had to deal with it.

It was amazing - and really hot, which led to one of our timeouts - to read what getting fucked was like for her. And how she loved me so much that she let me do it. God, I totally love Kimmy! I thought I'd been in love before, but...

I know she liked reading about how much I want her, really need her. Totally love her. And just crave her bod! And how her pussy - God! What a sweet contraption that is! - just took over on Sunday and made my cock shoot. Way sooner than I'd wanted, and way more. How she just kept squeezing my dick, even after it was so intense that I couldn't stand it. Cool. We needed another timeout after she read that.

Anyway, I've kept writing since, but I'll start back at the beginning. Give my perspective on our hookup.

A week ago Friday I'd taken Sara to a movie, after which we'd parked behind our church and made out. As always. We've been steadies for almost a year now, and I like her a lot, maybe love her. God! She IS hot, really beautiful, great body and her kisses always seemed so good. (Now I think Kim's are better, but maybe because kissing her usually leads to fucking.)

And Sara's tits are so soft, and really big, though I only get to feel them through her shirt and bra. Even though she's 18 - just like John, Kim's guy - and we all could legally fuck, Sara's got lines I just can't get past. Damn that's frustrating! Well, not so much now that Kim and I are fucking, but it sure was before.

As always, when things got really heavy, Sara put her hand on my dick and started rubbing it. Whoa! It was so fucking hot! Each time she's done it I've just prayed that she would keep going. It wouldn't be fabulous to come in my pants, but it would be so great to get to come. And since I have feelings for her, Sara bringing me off would be special. So much better than jerking off.

But no. I don't know what her game is, but Sara always stops. It's like she reads me, knows when I'm getting close to coming, and just quits rubbing my dick. WTF!

As you can imagine, I'd thought about this a lot, a hell of a lot, and all I could come up with is that Sara likes me, wants me to like her and keep dating her, but doesn't want to get really intimate. To go further. Idk. It frustrates the hell out of me, though, and leaves me so fucking horny after our dates that I just have to go up to bed and jerk off. It's like my balls totally ache, my cock is drooling, and there's nothing else that I can think about.

So I do it. I masturbate.

Last Friday our date was just the same. Only worse. We made out for a long time - I'd purposely chosen a short movie because I was hopeful that we could go further afterward - and Sara rubbed my dick big time. God, it made me SO fucking horny. But then, when I was really close, panting and twitching, she just stopped, took her hand off my dick, kissed me, and then told me she had to go home.

God, that pissed me off! Though I knew I'd probably give in and go out with her again next Friday, and still take her to prom, part of me just revolted. Said I wasn't going to put up with this cock-teasing bitch anymore!

Anyway, when I got home, only Kim was there, as our parents had left for the weekend. She was watching a movie on TV but really stared at me when I came in. I was pretty embarrassed, as I knew my boner - I was so turned on that it wasn't ever going to go down until after it shot - was super big and bulging in my jeans. I quickly said goodnight and rushed upstairs to take care of business.

I undressed, lay down on my bed, started stroking my cock, and quickly got into it. I pictured Jessica Lange in King Kong - she's fucking gorgeous, so luscious, curvy, so sexy, and I've always had a thing for older women - and was just getting my rhythm going when WTF! My door swings open and standing there, spying on me is my bratty little sister!

OK, we're twins and were actually born on the same day just over 18 years ago, but I'm way bigger. I've got 8 inches on her 5' 6." She says she's smarter - OK, she is - but I'm taller. And older. By 9 minutes, according to the doctors. So she's my little sister.

And now my little sister was spying on me, watching me jerk off. Shit!!!

I was totally mortified! And pissed! How does she have the nerve to do that? Just come to MY room, push open MY door and watch me jerk off! Now, mom has always called Kim headstrong, and she really does like to get her way. But this! Way over the line! I quickly pulled the sheet over me to cover up.

Kim started apologizing, saying she didn't mean to spy, that the door was open - maybe, who the hell knows or cares? - and she just couldn't help but watch. She kept walking towards me as we argued.

I was so fucking horny from what Sara had done to me that the feel of the sheet rubbing my dick as it slid up over it made it twitch, which pushed the sheet up. I saw Kimmy's eyes get bigger when she saw it and, tbh it was pretty hot to have my sister staring at my cock. She's really developed in the last year and I've had to reprimand some of my buds for what they've said they'd like to do to her.

But this was none of her business, and I had to get my business done.

She said some shit, like she was sorry - but the way she kept staring at my cock under the sheet told me that was a lie - and that she just came to ask me a favor. WTF! Timing, Kim! I asked her what the favor was, hoping to get rid of her quickly. Nope. Her answer made everything so much worse. She told me she knew I came home horny from my dates with Sara and jerked off. And that she wanted me to do it quieter! Really!?

I told her to go to hell and she stormed out, slamming my door as she left. Good riddance! As soon as she was gone I just had to get back to business. Sara had me so worked up, so close, that I just needed to finish.

But then, just as I was getting close again, right at the edge, my fucking little sister barged into my room and told me I was an asshole! OK, so maybe she just said I was doing it again, and this time just to piss her off. Well, I WAS doing it - anybody could see I had my dick in my hand - but I needed to! Totally!

I pulled the sheet over me again, we went back and forth for a while, and she kept walking closer to my bed. And staring at my cock, which was tenting the sheet. We kept arguing, but after I finally told her that I just HAD to do it, that my balls hurt and I just had to get relief, things changed.

Kim said she'd never thought of that. Then she sat on the bed and blew my mind. She told me to go ahead and do it, to jerk off. But that she wanted to watch! Yikes! While it totally stunned me, there was something really hot about the idea.

Then she said she really wanted to see my cock! That she was really curious about penises - mine lurched against the sheet again when I heard that - and she didn't want to encourage John by asking to see his because he'd get the wrong idea. But she'd really like to see mine, and because we're brother and sister it would be OK. Then she said please. My cock lurched again and she said it was so cool.

Holy shit! The idea was totally weird but incredibly hot! My brain was completely out to lunch, and my mouth didn't work. Kim asked again, saying pretty please, just like she did when we were kids.

Shit! I was so horny, so aroused that I just went with it! I stammered OK, but then got scared, shy, idk what, but just lay there wondering what to do. My little sister blew my mind again when she reached out, grabbed the sheet and started lowering it. As she did she began talking, telling me she didn't mind that I masturbated, that everyone did it. Then she asked if I wanted to know a secret. I mumbled sure, and she told me that she does it, too.

Whoa! Little Kimmy masturbates!!?? And she just kept pulling the sheet down, then threw it off me. The air was cool on my dick, which felt really hot. As she stared at it, her eyes got really big and her mouth formed an O. She said it was amazing and seemed to like looking at it. I hoped so, and, man, all of the sudden I really wanted her to touch it.

She must have read my mind, because that's what she asked me if she could do, right then. I mumbled something meaning OK, and she reached out and touched the shaft with one finger. God, it was like somebody stuck a cattle prod on my dick! It lurched up against her fingertip and we both gasped. My body was totally tense and my eyes were locked shut, but I gasped again when she moved her finger up, then down.

She started sliding her finger up and down the underside of my dick and it was amazing. I think I started moaning, it was so hot. I could feel the cum inside me churning. It had been teased by Sara, then almost got out when I stroked myself, but now it was burning, boiling, knocking on the door big time.

Then she rubbed my pre cum all around the tip of my cock. My mind just went blank, it was so intense. But not as intense as when she wrapped her fingers around it and started moving them up and down. I couldn't believe it - my sister was actually jacking me off!

I was so ready, so turned on, that I almost shot right away. But then she stopped moving, and I felt my cock just throbbing in her hand. Then it lurched when she fingered the tip again, spreading the pre-cum all around. She squeezed me again, then fingered my tip. I was totally gone, but SO wanted her to stroke it again. I needed to get off!

She did start stroking it again, thank God, but slowly, stopping after each pass. Oh shit! I was terrified that she'd quit, leave me hanging just like Sara, but...

Ahh! I was so fucking ready that I shot on just the third or fourth stroke! It was mind blowing, the best orgasm I'd ever had! Kim started pumping my dick really fast and it just kept shooting! Over and over and over. It finally got so sensitive that I had to stop her and she took her hand off me.

I was blown away. By coming so hard, by the fact that it was my cute sister that had done me, just by everything. But then I suddenly felt really embarrassed, like I was totally exposed. Well shit, I was! Kimmy and I have always been competitive, and I was afraid she was going to make fun of me about this, about losing it so completely.

Though we totally love each other, we do tease and needle each other and I knew this made me really vulnerable. And I didn't like it, her having this to hold over my head. Plus, there I was, totally naked and covered with cum, and she was wearing her robe. She told me she really liked it, which helped a little, but then she asked if it was nice for me.

Well, shit! Of course it was, but here she was forcing me to admit it! To actually say it. Out loud. I did, but it didn't seem fair and I was about to tell her to get lost when she blew my mind again.

Kimmy stood up, dropped her robe onto the floor - holy shit! she was totally naked except for her panties! - grabbed my box of tissues and started wiping the cum off me. Geez, I couldn't help but stare at her tits! They're not big, but have a great shape, her nipples were really big and hard, and her boobs jiggled so temptingly as she cleaned me up. God, I wanted to touch them!

Then she gently grabbed my dick and wiped it. OMG, that was hot! After that she laid down beside me and put her arms around me. Snuggled into me. Man, that made me feel a lot less embarrassed. Then she told me she was amazed at how big my penis was - well, I've been in the showers after basketball practice, and I do stack up very well - how much cum I'd shot out, and how cool it was to see my penis ejaculate. How strong and ripped I'd become. Wow. Kim was making me feel a lot better.

I put my arm around her and started caressing her back, then her neck. Her skin was so soft, so silky. When my hand paused on her shoulder she rolled back a bit and it fell. Onto her tit. I immediately pulled it away - this couldn't be OK, could it? - but she put it back. Wow! Her tit was so soft, so warm. It was just wonderful to be able to feel it, squeeze it lightly, run my fingers over her nipple.

When Kim rolled onto her back, I moved my hand to her other breast and felt it up. So good. Then, on impulse, I started to kiss and lick the tit closest to me while I felt up the other one. I could tell Kimmy liked me sucking her by the way she pushed her boob into me, and I just let my hand do what it wanted and start feeling down her chest, then tummy.

I couldn't believe this was happening! It was totally awesome to feel her naked tits, to be able to kiss and suck the nipples, but I'd seen vids and pics of pussies on the internet, and SO wanted to feel one. And it seemed that if I played my cards right - meaning go really slowly, just one little step after another - that I might have a chance. That Kim might let me do it, like she'd let me feel her tits.

So my fingers just crawled down her body, really slowly, moving back and forth, up and down. And Kim didn't stop me. So they kept going lower until they reached the waist of her panties. It seemed a make-or-break moment to me. If she let me keep going it probably would happen, but it seemed like it would be too much to try to slip my fingers under her panties.

So I just kept playing along the edge as I sucked and licked her nipple. But then Kim rotated her hips up, and my fingers automatically slipped over the waistband. Whoa! Her panties felt so silky and nice, and were damp even before I reached the crotch! OMG! This was so exciting!

My middle finger, being longest, got there first. To her pussy. God! I could feel the cleft between her labia even through her wet panties! I ran my finger up and down, and Kim started moaning. It was so great! I really wished that her panties would somehow disappear, just vaporize, so my fingers could get inside. I was just about to summon up the courage to pull my hand higher and push inside the waist. But then my heart sank!

Kim's hand came down to her pussy. No! Please! Don't stop me! Just when I'm so fucking close!

But then, miracle of miracles, she just grabbed the fabric and pulled the crotch of her panties to the side. And my fingers fell into her pussy!

Of course, I'd never fingered a girl before - there's no way prissy Sara would allow that - but there's a ton of advice on the internet, and I'd read up, big time. After exploring for a bit I started finger fucking her, making sure that the shaft of my finger lightly brushed her clit as I cycled the tip in and out of her hole. And I payed attention to Kimmy, her sounds, how her body moved, so got clues as to how she liked it best.

Then she came! It was incredible how her body trembled, the sexy little squeals she made, how her neck locked back and how flushed she became. How her vagina squeezed my finger over and over. I stopped immediately when her hand landed on mine - I knew from my reading that it could get to be too much - and then pulled her onto her side next to me and held her, stroking her back as she recovered.

I felt so different towards Kim now. Really close, tender, warm, and protective. SO loving. But my cock had its own ideas and was getting hard again. It knew that there was a sexy almost naked girl in my arms, whose pussy was hot and slick. It wanted to get inside that pussy.

I lay there really torn - my mind feeling tender and loving vs. my cock being horny - but then Kim decided it. I gasped when her fingers wrapped around my dick, and moaned when she started playing with it. It was amazing. My little sister was stroking my hard penis again.

Then she kissed me. God, it was good! Better, sweeter, and hotter than any kiss I'd ever had before. I just did what was natural and eased my fingers under her panties and back into her pussy. She gasped, which ended the kiss, but I grabbed the back of her head, pulled her lips to mine, and we kissed again. So hot, kissing her hard while her hand stroked my dick and I finger fucked her pussy!

This incredible heavy, achy and urgent need just welled up inside me and totally took over. It was SO powerful, like nothing I'd ever felt, and I knew what I wanted. What I needed. I just had to fuck. To fuck Kim. I'm pretty sure that she only grabbed my cock again to give me another hand job - I know she liked that, making me come - but if I could fuck her it would be beyond amazing.

So I told her what I wanted. To fuck her.

Kimmy gasped, and I was pretty sure it was because she was afraid it would hurt. Well, I'd read up on this - fucking a virgin - and knew that if I went really slow, was really gentle, it wouldn't be too bad. And that she'd like it in the end.

She said no, but I knew she didn't really mean it. Well, she might have, but I don't think so, considering what happened next.

I asked her again, said please, and that it would be totally awesome. God, I wanted this more than I'd wanted anything in my life! I was so thrilled when she didn't say no again!

My cock almost sprained itself lurching up when she pulled off her panties laid down on her back on the bed. And spread her legs. Her pussy opened up and the shiny pink lips spread apart. Sweet Jesus - this was really going to happen!

I told myself to go easy, to be gentle, and promised Kimmy that I would. I got between her legs, used my fingers to open her pussy lips even wider, then grabbed my cock and slid the head up and down her slit to lube it up. I pushed a little as I did. I wasn't sure where her hole was, but thought that some pressure would sink the head in when I found it.

Kimmy moaned when I did and I knew she was ready. I pushed harder and felt the head of my cock compress as it wedged into her opening. I pushed a little harder and it suddenly popped in. OMG, it was so tight and hot!

Kimmy gasped, "Ouch!" so I knew it had hurt. I felt bad. I wanted this SO much, but I didn't want to hurt her.

I was wondering what to do - should I stop, pull out? - but then I knew it was OK when her hands slid around my butt and pulled. Kim wanted me to keep going! God, I loved her! So much!

Now that my cock was seated inside her, I took my hand off it and started feeling her tit, gently kneading it, thumbing her nipple. She'd liked that before, and I wanted to make her feel good. I pressed my cock in a little more and felt her wince as it slid in just a little further. But her hands on my ass pulled again, so I pushed in deeper. Then again and again.

It was SO hard to go slow, but I'd promised and was so thrilled that she was letting me do this - fuck her - that I would have done anything just to keep it happening. I was also totally thankful that I'd come so massively just minutes ago. Otherwise I'm sure I would have shot way too soon, and this was so awesome that I wanted it to go on forever.

After I got about half of my penis inside her, I started cycling it slowly in and out. She was really tight, there was a lot of friction, and I wanted to get her juice on my shaft so it wouldn't hurt her. After a bunch of strokes, my cock slid in and out much easier, so I pushed it in deeper. Deeper still. Then I worked it in and out again, lubing it up.

Her pussy was moving, pulling away each time I pushed in, which kind of limited how deep I could go, hindering our progress. I took my hands off her tits and gripped her ass, pulling it to me as I pushed in.

That was much better, and I was able to keep getting more and more of my dick into her. When I finally had almost all of it in, I just kept it there. God it felt so wonderful, like her vagina was sucking on every cell of my cock. It was so tight, so hot, so wet! I told her how wonderful she was, how great it felt.

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