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Headstrong Ch. 02


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But where can we go? If dad gets the car out again, the noise of the garage door opening might be too loud and mom and Ted might hear it. We can't just stay in the house, as, once they're done fucking - God! I just can't believe they're doing that! - they'll come downstairs and see us. So I beckon with my finger and lead dad into the garage by the side door and up the stairs to the loft. It was my cousin Tom's apartment when he went to college, and so it's all furnished. The perfect place to hide out.

Dad seems totally in shock, and just sits on the bed shaking his head, mumbling little mystified, sad sounds. I certainly don't know what to say, so just sit beside him. Reeling. This just can't be happening! I feel so awful! Shocked, hurt, nauseous, angry, and devastated. Totally betrayed! Like Ted is cheating on me. We're SO much in love! How could he! But shit! He IS cheating on me! With my own mother, for God's sake! Who is cheating on her husband! My dad.

Just FUCK!

I'm stunned by how terrible I feel and it's like the world comes crashing down. Next thing I know dad is holding me, comforting me as I weep and wail. I desperately need something, anything to stop the pain, something to distract my mind from what I just saw, to keep what's bottled up inside me from exploding.

So I start talking. Blubbering, really. Explaining why I'm SO devastated. It's just totally stupid, but I just do it, start confessing to dad what happened with Ted and me. Trying to explain why I feel so betrayed and hurt.

As I keep spilling more and more, telling how Ted's big penis felt SO good in my pussy, dad starts stroking my back and sides with his hands, and I realize that it actually is making me feel a little better, getting rid of some guilt maybe, so I keep it up, telling everything. How neither of us meant for it to happen, but one thing just led to another and... How it was so great, how I never dreamed that having a penis inside me would be so wonderful... how it bonded us... how we fell in love...

Then I start crying even harder, blurting out how I just can't believe that Ted is hurting me so badly, betraying me by cheating on me. We're totally in love! How could he! And with mom! God, I'm weeping and wailing, just devastated.

Dad is so sweet, holding me, stroking me, comforting me. I can tell he is totally shocked, really upset to hear everything, and I suddenly realize and admire how strong he is, how he is able to console me so wonderfully, even when he has to be devastated by what I'm saying and how mom is cheating on him.

I keep leaning on him, melding into him. Rubbing up against him. It feels so soothing to be in his arms, and when I finally finish my story I just stay there. Snuggling. It makes me feel so much better, like I'm in some safe cocoon of warmth, approval, and love.

Then dad starts talking to me. Whispering really. Saying that, since I've been so open and honest with him, he'll do the same. I'm totally floored by what he tells me! I had no idea, none whatsoever, that he had an affair several years ago. That mom found out and almost left him. He says he told her he was so sorry, ended the affair, and did everything he could to make it up to mom, but she was just SO pissed.

Dad keeps talking, telling me everything. That he and mom quit having sex. Totally quit because she cut him off. Then, eventually mom came around. But, when she made overtures - even though I'm still really sad, I giggle a little when he calls mom coming on to him an overture - he found out that he just couldn't do it. Couldn't get it up. His penis wouldn't work anymore.

Which made mom even more mad. It worked just fine with that bitch, that other woman, didn't it! What's wrong with me! It made dad feel even worse. Like a total shit, because he'd ruined what had been so good. And that he couldn't be a man anymore. They argued and fought, and things just got worse and worse. Then they finally called a truce, hoping that things would get better. They began to get along all right, but his penis still just wouldn't work.

And now this - he walks in on her having sex with another man! His own son! I'm so sorry for dad, feel so awful for him, so close to him, so grateful for him trusting me, for comforting me even when he is so upset. Seeing his anguish when he confesses how sorry he is that he caused so much hurt and trouble totally breaks my heart! I put my arms round him, needing to make him feel better like he did me. I hug him hard.

I'm comforting him, rubbing his back, giving him little kisses on the forehead, making low, soothing, loving sounds. After I it goes on for a while, I think it's maybe working, that he actually is feeling better, when he holds me tighter and his hands start massaging my back. Then my waist. My shoulders and neck. My sides. All over... Umm. Much better.

All of a sudden it hits me. The change that has crept up on me without my noticing.

I wrote before how when Ted gets aroused, gets really horny and wants to fuck, that he, or his penis starts emitting this really special sexy scent, an unmistakable odor. Well, I'm smelling it now! And have been for a while. I glance down. Dad's penis is pushing his pants up! Somehow our hugging and helping each other feel better has aroused him. Sexually. He's horny! And it's me that made him that way!

OMG! Could my dad want to fuck me?!

And, just the way Ted's scent works to turn me on, like magic dad's smell has the exact same effect. My head starts spinning as the piquant, pungent odor explodes inside my brain and instantly my pussy is creaming! I'm horny, too!

And I want to fuck. No! I NEED to fuck! To get rid of the edgy, nervous energy seeing Ted and mom created in me, to distract me from what I saw, what I feel. I don't even care who I fuck. Ted would be fine, even John if he was around. A random guy on the street? Sure. "Hey mister, wanna fuck?" Whoever. I just totally need to have a penis in me, filling and stretching my pussy, making my mind go away. And dad is right here. And his dick is hard, ready to go!

I know because my hand is on it.

Dad gasps when I grab it, and when I start rubbing it the way Ted likes it best, his hips start making little thrusting motions, like he's fucking my fingers. Just like Ted. I keep it up, thinking this is good! I'm going to get what I need.

But then dad's hand lands on mine and pulls it off.

NO! That's what I want! Not at all! I twist my wrist loose and grab his dick again. It jumps and dad winces when I squeeze it, so I know dad likes it, or at least his penis does. But he pulls my hand off again, holds it really tight and says, "Kimberly, no! We can't! It's wrong..."

I know my face looks as fierce as I feel when I stare him in the eyes, slowly put my other, free hand on his dick and start rubbing it. Take that! I'm headstrong, remember dad? I know what I want and I'm going to get it!

Dad's other hand springs up, heading for mine, but freezes when I simply tell the truth. "They're doing it, dad! Mom and Ted are fucking, right now! This can't be any worse than that, can it?"

He seems so flustered that he can't say anything, and doesn't stop my hand moving on his dick, so I press ahead. "I am SO pissed off at Ted, and at mom! How can they do this to me! How can they do this to you! To us!"

Dad's mouth is wide open and his eyes are saucers, but they flicker as I keep rubbing his dick. Good! I'm betting that its oozing out that pre-cum that Ted always gets when his penis is about to take over his brain. I keep rubbing, rooting for dad's penis to take charge.

I say, low and steely, "I want to get even, dad. I NEED to get even. You should get even, too!" He's breathing really hard and fast now. So am I. I rub his dick harder.

I think it, then say it. "C'mon dad, fuck me. Fuck me now!"

Our hands are tearing at each others pants, belts, buttons, zippers, uncovering the parts of us that need to be naked so they can get together. He's awkward, clumsy and needs to hurry up! I've already got his pants undone and he's just fumbling with my shorts.

Hurry, dad! His bare penis feels so good! And smells scrumptious! I rub the pre-cum over its head. It twitches and throbs. Goody! Hurry, dad!

Finally! His fingers plunging into my pussy are heavenly, and kindle the fire raging inside it even higher. I love the sounds he's making, groaning, grunting, almost growling.

Then I'm on my back, kicking off my shorts and panties, spreading my legs even wider as his cock plunges into my pussy. It's deep inside me and we're grinding against each other. Faster, harder, harder, faster. My hands are raking his butt and his are squeezing mine as he pumps me madly. Faster, harder!

My pussy spasms when his penis shoots inside it. So hard I feel it! Again, then again and again. I'm coming, moaning, crying, twitching, thrashing! He's jerking, thrusting, gasping, huffing, even growling as his penis does me, makes me come like crazy as it fills me with its cum!


Whew! That was SO insane! I love the rosy glow that's surrounding us now, how every cell of my body is totally alive and tingling. But even as I'm fluttering, still quivering from coming so hard, I can tell dad doesn't feel as good. His penis - it's not as big as Ted's, but it sure got the job done! - withers and slides out of me, and he rolls off, turning away from me on the bed. He moans softly. Such a sad sound.

No! I won't let this happen! He can't feel bad, feel guilty. I don't, not at all, so he shouldn't. I again just tell him the truth. I made this happen. I'm the one who put my hand on his dick. He tried to stop it, but I needed and wanted to fuck SO badly. To get even, to drive the hurt and pain inside me away.

I've got my arms around him from behind, I'm stroking him, rubbing my body against him, and it seems to be working when he rolls onto his back. I lie down on him, put my head into his neck, and snuggle, rubbing his chest. My brain flashes on how embarrassed Ted got after I jerked him off - how bad and down he felt - and also I remember how I made him better.

I quickly sit up, pull my sweatshirt off, then snuggle back into dad. And put his hand on my bare tit. It's not so big that it NEEDS a bra, so I went without this morning. Wasn't thinking about easy access, but... Dad's still hesitant, withdrawn, so I grab his middle finger and start rubbing my nipple with it. It begins to tingle and erects. When dad's thumb closes on it, I take my hand away and dad plays with my tit.

This is better.

Ooh! That's so good! How did he learn to tweak it SO well? It just feels the best! As does his other hand on my other boob. Then his mouth replaces his hand, which suddenly is in my pussy. Yes! This is more like it! I love how hard dad is sucking my nipple, and how his finger is rubbing my clit as it slithers so deep into my vagina. In and out, in and out, in and out. Swimming in our cum. This is heaven! Oh yes, dad, keep it up! I'm about to come again! Yippee!

NO! All of a sudden, dad quits sucking my tit and finger fucking me. Damn! I'm puzzled and pissed - that was great! Why stop? - until how he's kissing his way down my body makes me realize what's really happening. About to happen.

His tongue is electric, and sparks shoot through me when it presses in between my pussy lips and starts licking! OMG! I'd heard about getting eaten out, but never imagined it happening to me. And that it would feel SO amazing! I totally forget about everything - Ted's betrayal, mom's big ass bouncing as Ted thrust into her, that it's my father who is eating my pussy - and just go with it.

I surge right to the edge and am hovering there. God, dad sure knows what he's doing! He slows down just as I'm about to burst, and my whole pussy seems to start vibrating, quivering and pulsing. Hurry, dad! Please! His finger driving into my vagina just makes my head explode. It's all I can do to try to pull fragments of my shattered brain back into my head, but dad licks and flicks my clit again and I'm gone.

Arcing trails of fire blast out of me with every lick, scattering bits of my mind farther and farther away, over and over. I scream! Dad sucks my whole clit into his mouth and just keeps licking the tip! I scream again! He licks! I scream! Over and over! Louder and louder!

I can't take anymore and grab dad's hair. I'm surprised that it doesn't rip out, I pull so hard. Pull his head off my pussy and up my body. To me.

I've kissed my father before, but not like this! How does he know how to use tongue? I'm so fixated on how it's pushing into me, how it's fucking my mouth, that I don't even think about his cock until it rams into me!

Wow! If I didn't feel his rock hard penis pounding in and out of my pussy, I wouldn't believe that dad is able to fuck me again so soon. He's ancient, almost 40. Old enough to be my... Oh...

Oh.... Oh... Oh..Oh.Oh!

OH! I'm coming! Again! Then again!

Finally I find my senses and am able to fuck dad back. I hear how his sounds are peaking, feel how his dick is swelling, and I squeeze his penis, as hard as I can. And rake my fingernails into his ass, clawing at him. Leaving marks.

I love how he gasps and shudders each time his penis ejaculates, and then how, when I work my hips like I did with Ted, my vagina sliding on his penis makes it keep shooting. I keep squeezing and milking it and dad can't help but come again and again. Then again. His gasps and groans get higher in pitch, closer together, and I know that it's getting to be too much.

I don't care! He kept sucking and tonguing my clit even after my brain exploded, so I dig my fingernails into his ass deeper to keep him controlled as I keep wringing his dick! He collapses down on me, but I still keep squeezing his cock in the rhythm of his ejaculations. He thrashes, twitches and moans.

Finally gasps, "Oh God! Please Kimberly..."

Like a kaleidoscope twisting, everything instantly changes. The love I have for him just sweeps through me. I stop making dad come, wrap my arms around him, hold him tenderly and kiss his sweaty forehead as he starts to settle down. I shake my head in wonder at how this has bonded us, made us as one, then sigh when his penis shrinks and slides out of me. Like always with Ted, I feel the creamy cum pouring out of my pussy after the plug is removed. It's SO nice.

We clean up as best we can after it's over, after we stop shaking. We don't say anything but kiss and hug whenever we're close. It's so intimate, so nice. I've never loved my dad as much... Everything's going to be all right. Somehow.


I feel the fresh glob of dad's cum ooze out of my pussy as we walk out of the garage carrying groceries, making lots of noise as we pretend that we're just getting home. The cum streams around the soaked crotch of my panties and starts running down my inner thigh past the loose leg of my shorts. It's totally distracting, will be completely incriminating and I SO need to blot it up. But there's no time. Instead of being early, now we're late. Really late, and need to rush.

Even though I've just come like crazy a bunch of times, I'm nervous. Really tense.

Shit! I'd forgotten that I'd left groceries on the kitchen counter earlier! Now they're on the table. Right in from of mom. And Ted. The looks on their faces tell everything. After they finished fucking, they came downstairs, saw the groceries, and looked for us.

And found us. Probably heard me screaming, dad gasping and growling. Damn.

Dad's arm falls away from my shoulders the same as Ted's does from mom's. Oh, God, this is going to be bad! And I SO need to wipe up the big river of dad's cum running down my leg.

Mom's eyes become daggers as they see the drip, then bore into mine. Oh my...


Author's statement: I received a number of comments after Chapter 1 warning me which direction this chapter had better take. Or better not take. Sorry to those of you who are disappointed. I've published over 2 dozen other stories under another nom de plume, and my characters, once alive, develop on their own, and their interactions always dictate the plot.

Look for Chapter 3 next week.

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wamo2wamo27 months ago

Great Story can't wait to read more. I'd love to know your other works what's your nom de plume

Drummer7Drummer78 months ago

I thought it was great. The parents coming in made it so much better. Very hot! Keep writing please.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Liked it!

oscar47oscar478 months ago

Great, now we can get on to the full family fucking.

WyndsofChangeWyndsofChange8 months ago

Damn! Which way will they go? Excellent story so far! The sex is really hot, but the suspense is off the chats! Can't wait to see where it goes!

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