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Health Club Visit

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Middle-aged man learns the benefits of gym membership.
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I'm usually pretty good at not doing what I don't want to do, but Nancy, my co-worker, talked me and a few others into lunch the other day at the new Italian place near the office.

As I've gotten older, my tastes have matured to the point that I've become a bit of a food snob. I like Italian, but I don't care for most of what passes for Italian today, but I went just to shut Nancy up, and surprised myself by enjoying both the food and the company of my co-workers. We talked about food, our diets, and exercise. "Jim, you played college football, didn't you?" Phyllis asked.

"Yeah," I said, "but that was a long time ago. Unfortunately my exercise routine hasn't kept up with my appetite."

"Oh, I don't know about that, you look pretty good to me." Nancy said and laughed. I never knew how to take Nancy; she loved to hear herself talk, and would flatter you one minute and then talk about you the next.

When the check came I inwardly grimaced at the expected argument about who ate what and how much each person should pony up. To my surprise, Nancy grabbed it and said "OK, everybody, I'll add the tip and we'll split it equally." What the hell is happening? Maybe the world is changing.

As we walked out, Nancy said, "Look, they're giving away free health club memberships!" as she pointed to a bowl with business cards in it. "Let's all put our cards in and maybe one of us will win!"

Everyone but me dutifully put a card in. Somehow this felt like a scam to me. One minute we're talking about exercising, and the next we see a health club giveaway. Bob gave me a hard time and asked if I was too good to exercise with the common folk. I laughed, looked Bob over, and said "Nope, I'm only better than some of you!" Everyone laughed at Bob's expense, and I had expertly diverted attention from me!

"That's OK," Nancy said, "I have one of Jim's cards." She then dropped another card in the bowl.

I reached to retract my card, but Bob and the others started teasing me and so I just gave up and walked with the others to our cars. As I said, I'm accomplished in avoiding what I don't want to do, and I always live by Sherman's mantra "If nominated, I will not run. If elected, I will not serve." so it wouldn't matter if I won, as I wouldn't accept.

Yeah, I had to admit that I had gotten out of shape over the years, but I felt like at 56, 6'4" and 235 pounds, I was in good enough shape. It wasn't like I was out on the dating scene anyway.

A couple of weeks passed, and I never thought about that lunch or that health club again.

Since then, I avoid Nancy and her weekly social gatherings, as I was happy to eat my lunch at my desk while reading the news online.

Late one afternoon, Nancy came by with a letter in her hand and a big smile on her face. Man, is she ever pretty! But, she drives me crazy with her never-ending sunny disposition. She had some of her gang in tow, and I knew something was up. "Jiiiimmmmeee." she said, really stretching it out, "I have a letter for you. It's from the health club, and it looks like you're a winner. Nobody else got a letter, so it looks like you're the only lucky one."

The letter said that I was 1 of 5 lucky contestants who had won, and that I was invited to a pre-opening tour and health review in addition to my free year's membership. I smiled and said that was great while knowing I wouldn't go to the tour, nor ever set foot in the place.

The date of the tour was one week from now, with a grand-opening the following weekend.

For the next week, work was a living hell as Nancy couldn't stop jabbering about me and the upcoming tour. Again, she wore me down, and just to shut her up, I promised to go.

So at 5:00pm the following Thursday, I showed up at the gym with what passed for workout clothes in my briefcase. I wasn't going to buy a gym bag for this one time. I was greeted by an overly friendly young black woman who checked me in, and told me that Rachel would be my tour guide and fitness instructor. Great! Another smiling salesperson that will try to convince me that I needed some kind of expensive upgrade. Rachel turned out to be a 30 something young woman with red hair and freckles. That combination has always been a weakness for me, and I thought that I'd at least enjoy spending a few minutes with this young woman before leaving.

"James," she said, "It's so great to meet you. I'm so excited that you won. I'll be your tour guide and health advisor for the evening. Anything you want, just ask."

The evening? I was only expecting to be here for 30 minutes, tops.

"OK," she said breathlessly, "first, I'll start with a brief health survey, then we'll tour the facility, then you'll change into your exercise outfit, and then I'll give you your fitness review. Then, you'll do some strength tests, do some cardio, and then I'll design an exercise routine for you, and then you'll shower and change, and then you'll be coming in, like, every day to follow the routine, and I'll show you how to use the computer tracking system, and like, the next thing you know you'll have a real hard body and you'll have to beat the women off with a stick."

I was (like) exhausted just listening to her. I couldn't (like) get out of here quick enough.

Before I could get all of my excuses out of my mouth about why I couldn't stay, she asked "So do you go by James, Jim, Jimmy, Jamie, or maybe Jay?"

This girl had to be the most exasperating cute thing I'd ever met. I do have a weakness for her type, so I thought carefully about my response. I wanted to be witty and to impress her.

"Jim.", I said.

She explained that she needed to make sure I didn't have any health issues that would prevent me from exercising there. She soon learned that I took no prescription medications, and didn't have any heart issues or a family history of heart problems.

She appeared to suddenly remember that she should offer me their "health shake", which wasn't as terrible as I thought it might be. She said that I should drink it now before she conducted my tour, and so I did.

The facility turned out to be pretty nice. They had a large number of weight machines, free weights, and a large number of cardio machines including bikes, treadmills, stair steps, and some type of gizmo that is somewhere between a treadmill and a stair climber. Each one had a TV, and kept up with your progress. Pretty cool, actually. I used to love gadgets, and these really did interest me. Try to understand, I didn't want to exercise on them. I just wanted to understand how they worked.

They also had an area for group exercise, where she told me they did Pilates and Yoga. I didn't know what Pilates were, but didn't care enough to ask. They also had an outdoor heated pool and a Jacuzzi. I knew I'd only last about a lap in the pool, but the amusing thought of Rachel in the hot tub with me aroused me. "Damn.", I thought, "My imagination is getting away from me. This is just a girl, and nothing sexual is ever going to happen here, and certainly not with me."

Regardless, I was amazed that I could feel my cock growing against the constraints of my pants.

Finally, she took me on a tour of the locker room. Rachel said this was her only chance to ever see the men's room, as it would be off-limits as soon as she left after the tour.

She indicated that I was the only one of the three men that won who actually showed up. There was a steam room (more images of Rachel), and a sauna (still more of Rachel wrapped in a towel), and of course the communal showers (OK, another image of Rachel and her freckled body).

After the 45 minute tour, she said "OK Jim. You did say Jim, right? I'll wait out here for you. Just pick any one of the lockers and key in a 4 digit combination and get changed. I can't wait! I'll wait right outside for you." Wow! I'd hate to be around her when she had something to really be excited about!

I changed into a tee-shirt and gym shorts. My gym shorts were pretty old, and I realized too late that I should have gotten something a little more up-to-date. Mine were the old, very short gym shorts men used to wear but were no longer in vogue. They proved problematic since my boxers were too long for the shorts. I tried to tuck the boxers in, but that didn't work. Without a better alternative, I went native, hoping that no one would notice.

I had read that my converse tennis shoes were back in style, so I hoped my Chuck Taylor's wouldn't appear too passé. I was obviously feeling a little anxious, wondering how I'd gotten into this situation, and feeling a little flushed, which I attributed to anxiety.

Anyway, Rachel's face didn't show any amusement at my outfit when I stepped out, as she merely led me to the room where the fitness review was to be given. In the back of my mind I was hoping for a real physical with her wearing a stethoscope and making me undress for her pleasure. But the reality was a small cluttered room, with her holding a questionnaire, a blood pressure gauge, a scale, and a couple of pieces of fitness equipment laying about.

I thought it odd that she had some more health questions to ask since she had started asking those questions prior to the tour. Why would she have asked a couple of questions, and then stopped? I told myself that it was their schedule, and there were a couple of other people expected tonight. Anyway, we went through some more questions, which included my age (56), height (6'4"), weight (235), and my level of physical activity (low). She took my blood pressure (120/80) and my pulse rate (75). She asked if I ran, since those results were better than she expected.

I said "No. I only jump to conclusions, and only run stop lights." She just stared at me, with no response whatsoever. "Tough crowd." I thought.

She then had me hold a little device with both hands that read my body mass index. She showed me the result of 26.2, and said "Oh. That's a little high. Technically, you're obese. You don't really look like it, but the machines don't lie."

I think I finally scored something she thought was appropriate for me. It looked like she was pleased. I was a little unhappy with the result. I thought I might be on the heavy side of ideal, but not overweight. But I guess that's how they sell their services; scare the customer. She saw the displeasure on my face, and said, "Don't worry, it just means your improvement curve will be so much better. OK, now I need to get your height, weight, and other measurements. I think you'll enjoy this." That last statement didn't register with me, as I was still considering the implications of obese.

While I was still pondering my BMI score, she said something that I obviously didn't understand. I asked her to repeat it, and she told me to undress, so she could weigh me.

"Completely?" I asked.

"Yes", she said sweetly, "You'd be surprised that so many people cheat on their weight, so we always weigh you nude. It's only so we can provide you with the best exercise advice possible."

I wasn't sure what to do, but this certainly coincided with my earlier dirty thoughts about young Miss Rachel. Slowly, and with misgivings, I took off my shoes and socks, shirt, and began pulling at my shorts. "Everything?" I asked.

"Yes, everything James; It's no big deal, we're all adults here." was her cheerful reply.

I pulled my shorts down, and realized that this little conversation and the idea of being naked in front of Rachel had excited me a bit. My cock hung up on the elastic of my shorts, and it was obviously a little swollen as I pulled them down. She didn't seem to notice, and told me to stand on the scale.

The scale was one of the balance types with the weights on a scaled bar. She slid the weight on the lower bar to 200, and then moved the top bar weight to 35. The bar didn't tip. She moved it to 40, then 45, then finally 50 where the bar teetered up and down. She said "250 pounds it is."

Her look told me that she had found another culprit who would lie and cheat when it came to their weight. My reaction to disappointing her, and in my weight itself, showed in my cock as it drooped immediately.

She then reached up to move the bar that measures height. Rachel was only 5'6" or so, and so she had to stand on her tip-toes to move the bar up high enough to measure me. To balance herself, she put her hand on my arm, as she measured me at 6'4". At least I hadn't lied about my height.

She then had me stand in front of her and measured my neck, chest, and hips using a seamstress measuring tape. She turned around to record each of these numbers, and rested her hand on my thigh as she wrote the numbers down. The proximity of her hand had my cock twitching again, and I wondered how normal this exam was.

Should I be embarrassed that my cock had grown again? Should I be embarrassed that it hadn't grown more? She then said she needed my inseam and foot size. She measured my foot (12), and then pushed my cock aside with the back of her hand, while she slid the tape down to the floor: 36" inseam. Her warm hand against my cock really had me nervous and caused my dick to really harden. It was now at almost full mast, with the veins bulging out.

"Jim, I've got one more body measurement if you don't mind." she said and gave me her cutest smile.

At that point she could have asked me anything, and I would have agreed. I mumbled "sure." The next thing I know, she had my cock head in her mouth, and started slowly sucking me and fondling my balls while staring at me with her innocent looking green eyes. Not for the first time, I thought I must be dreaming. When I was fully engorged, she spit out my cock, got out her tape, and measured me.

"Seven and a half," she said, "very nice and don't worry, that doesn't go in the computer."

As if that had never happened, she said, "OK, time for your cardiovascular fitness test. I want you to step up on this platform to the beat of this metronome for 3 minutes, and then I'll measure your heart rate again." Then she added, "Here, I'll show you. On the beat, you put your left foot on the bench. On next beat, you put your right foot up, then the next beat, you put your left foot back on the floor, then right foot on the floor. Keep doing it until I tell you to stop."

I enjoyed watching her do the exercise, her breasts swaying to the rapid pace, and I said "Shouldn't you be doing that naked?"

She stopped, looked at me sternly, and said "Jim, I'm in charge here. You do what I tell you, and keep your opinions to yourself."

I was completely stunned! Where was the cute little red haired girl? With that, she stepped away, and said, "OK, Jim, your turn. Let's see if you can keep it up." I wasn't sure what she meant by keep it up, but it soon became apparent to me it didn't matter. I could barely keep up with the pace she had set, and with all the exertion, my cock had fallen flaccid again.

As soon as the 3rd minute was up, she had me sit, and measured my pulse again. "A hundred and twenty-three," she said, "Pretty good for a fat guy." and then she winked and pinched my ass.

"OK Jim, time to lift weights and do a little cardio. It's your choice: nude or dressed. You're the only guest still here, and there are only a couple of employees still working. Either way, I'm going to be driving you to excellence. A proud man will go out there naked and dare anyone to make fun, but if you're not ready for that, I understand." I couldn't make eye contact with her as I picked up and slid the shorts up my legs. I was ashamed and I knew she was ashamed of me too.

After I got dressed, she took me to the weight room and said "Jim, I'm going to have you work out on a number of devices, and I need you to do your max weight for 8 reps. I'll use that to develop your program. Our first machine is a seated row; it will test your back strength." I sat down, she showed me how it worked, and I did 210# for 8 reps. My back was starting to spasm when I finished, but I finished. I saw a little flash of the kind Rachel as she smiled, and said "I can tell you used to play ball, that was pretty good for a guy who hasn't worked out in years."

Did I tell her I played football? I must have, but I don't remember it coming up.

I then did a seated chest press, 200#, seated leg press 275#, seated shoulder press 130#, and seated back extension 300#. "Wow," she said, "you've got a lot of power in that body. I'd love to see more."

She said we had one more strength test, but without weights; ab crunches. She must have seen it in my face; not my favorite exercise.

She had me sit on the floor as she explained "Raise your knees and put your hands behind your neck. You need to raise your body up until your elbows nearly touch your knees. I need to see how many you can do in a minute. But, before you start, lift your butt up." I picked up my butt, and Rachel yanked my shorts down over my knees and off my feet. She smiled, looked down at my cock, and said "Come on, Jim, make me proud."

This was not the cutest pose I could think of, but I felt like I had restored a connection with Rachel. She lifted the stopwatch she wore around her neck, and said, "Ready, set, go. 1, 2, 3..." she started counting.

"This is easy." I thought.

Around 20 it was no longer easy, and I struggled to 30, and had to stop. I was done, but Rachel didn't buy it, she said "Come on, Jim, do it for me." She squatted down, and began to massage my balls and cock. "Come on, Jim, the clocks running". I started and she counted "31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Times up Jim." I fell back, feeling the tightness in my stomach, and fully aware of Rachel's hand on my cock. Somehow, at some time, I had regained my hard on. Amazing!

Rachel slowly stroked my cock and said "Jim, you've had enough for tonight. Hit the showers." On the way to the locker-room, I became aware of the girl at the front desk who had watched this performance. She was pretending to work on her computer, but she couldn't hide her glances or the big grin on her face.

Rachel left me at the locker-room door and said she would be working up my exercise routine. I was disappointed; I had hoped that she would be joining me for some suds and a rub in the shower.

I undressed in the locker room, thinking this was the oddest experience of my life. I considered just putting on my street clothes and leaving, but I was feeling unusually flushed, and decided to shower.

Normally, I'd be self-conscious in a public shower, but I was the only one here, so I took the shower even though I still had a little bit of a swollen dick.

I was standing there, trying to get the temperature right, when I heard a distinct knocking sound. I turned around to see Rachel standing there, naked and smiling, asking me if she could join in. Well, my cock nearly exploded right there and then. I said "Come on in, the water's fine." I hoped that sounded cool, but it probably didn't.

She walked up to me, maintaining constant eye contact, and grabbed my balls and rubbed my cock. She said, "You're going to get real lucky Jim, but first, I'm going to explain my rules here. Do you understand?" I just shook my head yes, and moaned as she continued to fondle me.

"First, you will exercise here no less than 3 times per week, and I'll personally track your progress. I expect you to lose 1 pound a week, and to improve on all of your strength and endurance tests. Do not expect to have playtime every time you come; it will only happen on your progress reviews, and those will only happen when I think you're ready. Do not ever tell anyone about what happened here tonight, or it will never happen again."

After a few moments, she added "I videoed your workout and fitness test today and I'll publish it online if you fail to show up, or fail to improve your workout results. Your friend Nancy is actually my aunt, and I'll make sure she sees those videos. You know her; do you think she can resist sharing them with everyone else? She actually put me up to this. Well, at least some of it. She volunteered to pay for your annual dues. She likes you, and she'd like to fuck you, you know."


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