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Heart Is Where the Home Is Ch. 03


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"Mm, you want a baby, huh?"

"You know I do. I'd put one in you right now if you'd let me."

We had a conversation about children on a balcony overlooking the Seine in Paris. She knew I wanted a family as soon as possible and she agreed. She told me that she wanted a large family too.

"Easy, big boy. I don't want a swollen belly in my wedding pictures," she said with a kiss on my forehead.

"I know. Let's elope. We'll fly to Vegas right now." I was only half-joking.

"No way! I want a big beautiful ceremony and reception. You don't get to cheap out just because you want to knock me up."

I kissed her and laughed as I felt myself getting ready for another round of practice.

*** Lainey

Christmas Day, we walked over to Kari's parents' house where they were celebrating Christmas.

Ken was nervous about the number of people that would be there and almost canceled when Kari couldn't leave her party to come to us. We had a smaller family gathering, so our leaving for an hour wasn't a big deal.

"Hey!" Kari screamed as she opened the door.

"God! I missed you, girl." I said hugging my friend tightly.

Kari and I had been friends since I moved to the area. We were inseparable throughout elementary school and high school.

"Kari, this is my fiancé Ken."

She pulled him into a hug and I heard her sigh as she squeezed him.

"Easy, that's my man!" I said only slightly kidding.

"Nice to meet you, Ken. Come on in and meet everyone."

I made her promise before we came over to not tell anyone that he was Kinsey Greer. She had to introduce him as just Ken, my fiancé.

As we walked through the house, Kari introduced Ken to everyone. I knew everybody and spent some time catching up with some of the cousins that were our age and had hung out with us.

When we finally got to the kitchen to see her parents, Ken was recognized for the first time.

Her dad was carrying a ton of cookies and dropped them when he saw us.

"Holy shit! Kinsey Greer!"

Ken smiled his best fake smile and said, "Hello, Sir. Please call me Ken."

In seconds the small kitchen was full of her family wanting to talk to Ken and take pictures. I was surprised that her parents didn't know I was dating him. Most of the town did once the story about the Millers broke.

After an hour of Ken having to be Kinsey, he gave me a pleading look. I never got to spend any time talking to Kari, but I knew we had to go.

"Ken, we need to get back to my Mom's."

He smiled and mouthed thank you as he made his goodbyes to the crowd.

"Kari, I wanted to spend some time with you catching up. How about if we come down and visit in a few months?"

"That'll be great, Lainey. I'm sorry my dad caused a scene and blew his cover. I wouldn't have known it was him without the beard."

"Don't worry about it. We'll talk soon okay?"

She hugged me, then Ken, and smacked his butt as we left.

She laughed as Ken smiled and wagged his finger at her.

As we walked in the cold mid-day air, I said, "I'm sorry, honey. That wasn't supposed to happen."

"It's my life, baby. Don't worry about it. I'm just sorry you couldn't talk with her as you wanted."

"I told her we'd come to visit in a few months. I hope that's okay with you?"

"Sure. I'd love to tour the Anheuser-Busch factory while we're there."

I laughed and said, "Yes, dear."

More to come

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I thought there was a little too much guilty until proven innocent in this one.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Much ado about nothing? If Lainey is going to react at Ken by guilt shaming him for every girl that wants to tempt him or provoke her, their relationship/marriage is doomed. Ironic how the engagement and wedding is so much more than the marriage, cheating and divorce. (All that glitters is not gold. Flash over substance?)

blackknight314blackknight3149 months ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story, although I didn't like that his family gave him so much flack for helping a woman in distress.

6King6Kingabout 2 years ago


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