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Hearts Academy Ch. 05

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The Two Princes of Hearts.
15.5k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/22/2019
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Disclaimer and Notes: Hearts Academy is an dark horror/mystery story focusing on the reluctant feminization of a young artist. There are many themes such that cause it to be disturbing for those who cannot handle terror or dread well.

This is a sequel to The Rose Diaries. While the characters are brand new, it does reference events and characters from the previous book. However, you can get along perfectly fine without reading the first book. You'll just miss out on a bit of foreshadowing and context.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter if you decide to continue reading. If you do enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment/feedback and let me know!

Thank you.


Time was not on his side in the hidden room. There were no windows, no sounds, nor any sort of sign of the outside world. But when he roused himself from his sleep and Warren groaned unhappily as he stirred on his lap, he instinctively knew that it was time to go. He didn't wish to leave this place. This oasis of serenity, peace, and wonder. He felt the boy's slender body against his own, the heat of their souls surging through his chest. Warren's eyes remained closed; his lips sealed but even then, Dana knew that he was in a state of pure bliss. He felt his soft breath against his chest and smiled. It was not one of joy. Instead, his smile was that of sadness and regret. It was time for him to go after all.

"Warren." He nudged the boy's shoulder with his hand. The name did not fit the angelic presence draped across him and he wasn't sure what name could. He waited for a small moment of time listening to the sounds of his sleep before trying once again.

"Warren." He spoke a bit louder this time. He could feel the hesitation in his throat. He could feel how his voice faltered as he attempted to gain strength.

"Warren." This time, even louder and he heard the soft groan of his friend as his eyelids twitched and his eyes slowly opened. He watched his own stunned reflection shine in those weary mint green eyes.

"Dana?" His voice soft and subdued and his hands quickly rose to his face to cover his mouth as he yawned.

"Yeah." Dana smiled down at him. Warren wiped his eyes and glanced quickly around before his face turning a shade of crimson and he leapt from his lap and on to the floor with a quickness Dana had never seen from him before.

"I'm so sorry!" He sputtered quickly as embarrassment seized control of those blessed eyes.

"Why?" Dana continued to smile. He found it hard to be angry at Warren. Someone who was tranquil, shy, and bashful as a storybook character. His newly made friend shrouded himself in a beautiful aura of naked charm. There was nothing that could not be gleaned from Warren Cox that Dana did not already know.

"I-I-I," His trademark stammering came back. His face still bright red against the soft light of his own hidden sanctuary. "I slept on you!"

"Yeah?" Dana laughed quietly. "I slept too though."

"B-But, are-aren't you mad?"

"Why?" He repeated incredulously. "Mad about what?"

"I-I-I slept on you!" Warren continued.

"So?" Dana's eyes drifted to the entrance above. To the stressful, secretive, and hazardous world that lay just beyond the threshold.

"I-I did-di-didn't ask." Warren swallowed as he scrambled further away.

"Warren, I'm not mad." He shook his head. "I'm fine. As far as things go, this was all really innocent for here."


"For Hearts." He sighed. "For what I've dealt with outside."

"I-I know." Warren's nearly whispered.

"Yes, I believe that." He remembered the taunts in the dining hall. He remembered how scared Warren was of them. He wouldn't let them do that to him again. As long as he was around, he wouldn't let anyone terrify Warren Cox like that again.

"Y-You promise?"

"Promise?" Dana cocked an eyebrow. He wasn't sure why he had this deep need to shelter Warren. But it was there, it was there for as long he stared deep into his eyes and heard his fearful stammering. It was there.

"That you aren't mad." His eyes fell immediately to the floor.

"Warren, I swear okay? I'm not angry. It was nice." He smiled once again.


"Really." Warren smiled again before his gaze met his.

"I'm glad." His voice was so much firmer and sure of himself now. His eyes glittered with joy as he gazed upon him. Dana felt at ease staring back but he knew that his moment of peace was soon to end.

"I have to go now." Dana nearly whispered. He didn't want to even say the words. He didn't want to leave this magical place.

"Thanks for being there for me yesterday, Dana."

"Of course." He stood from the chair and stretched. He groaned as his body fought to remain resting on the bean-bag chair. "I'd do it again, you know."

"I know." Warren nodded as Dana took a few hesitant steps forward until he was able to shake his own shackles of lethargy from weighing him down. He let the words linger for just a moment in the air, a vote of confidence in his efforts to protect him. A simple affirmation of strength from the weak and fearful soul.

It filled Dana with joy and purpose and carried him up the stairs with the morning ahead facing down Mademoiselle Leblanc's lessons with courage and faith. He stopped for a moment at the hidden door before pushing the stack open and leaving his sanctuary behind.

The library was a bastion of silence. There were no students, no teachers, no souls other than him that stood in the room of knowledge. For a brief moment, he let that serenity seep into his lungs with every breath before he started back towards the door to the main corridor. The floorboards creaked under each step of his and he couldn't help but ask a rather odd question in his mind. Was that from age, disrepair, or was that built that way from the start? A rather insidious line of questioning no doubt. But, something smelled foul in Hearts Academy and Dana had knew that from day one.

The door creaked open and he let a rush of cool air hit his face before stepping out into the corridor once more. The sun greeted him immediately with a display of bright sunlight that filled the corridor and banished the darkness of night once again. He shot a small glance back towards the library, back towards the secret sanctuary before letting the door close behind him with a small groan.

This time he was not alone. Voices, full of anger and energy, carried their way to his ears. He recognized them and their direction. They belonged to his two teachers, Mademoiselle Leblanc and Miss Woods and came easily from Miss Woods' art studio. He knew it was rude to eavesdrop on such a heated conversation but his curiosity could not help but to get the better of him and with the grace and ease of a cat, he crept up to the studio just a few doors down and pressed his back against the wall just outside the door before peeking his head slowly in.

Mademoiselle Leblanc was standing in the center of the room with her back towards the door but Miss Woods traversed her studio in search of something unknown even at the presence of her fellow teacher in her studio. He studied Mademoiselle's posture for a brief moment. It was nothing like he was used to seeing from the seductive, sweet, and animated woman. Instead, she was rigid and erect with a certain coldness and frustration leaking from every pore. Enough that a chill went down his spine and forced him to hide himself once more. He was thankful that the phrase "eyes in the back of her head" was just that.

"Lillian, you overstep your position and responsibility. We each have an essential role to play in the function of this school. Yet how are you supposed to know your place if you do not even wish to be a part of our team?"

"Ugh," Miss Woods groaned. Her voice was full of annoyance and frustration to match that of Mademoiselle Leblanc. "Sabine, it was just one meeting. I've been rather present in everything else."

"Just one?" Mademoiselle Sabine Leblanc scoffed. "And how many more do you expect us to tolerate?"

"Tolerate?" He poked his head back in to watch their argument unfold. Miss Woods stood before one of her many projects tying a smock around her waist as she prepared to work.

"I have not said the wrong word, have I? Put up with? Excuse? Accept? Are these words more to your liking?"

"Now, you're just being rude." Miss Woods rolled her eyes. "Like I said, it was just one."

"One becomes two, two becomes three, four become five. Spare me your excuses."

"Oh, I shall." She smirked. "Does Madame Beaulieu feel the same way?"

"Madame has a different way of approaching things than I, Lillian. I thought I'd come to talk to you first."

"Respectfully Sabine, I don't need to explain myself to you nor do I have to tolerate your reprimand." Mademoiselle took a step back in shock. He watched as a hand fell to her side and then quickly turned into a fist.

"I am your senior still and you will listen to my words!"

"Oh, I agree. It's the reason I haven't tossed you out of my studio while I try to work. Speak your piece and leave. It's too early to argue."

"I did not come here to argue!" Mademoiselle stomped her foot down. "You are impossible!" She groaned.

"Then why did you come here? You're a smart woman, you should know that I have a different method of instruction than those you may have been trained by. I was held up by my work. I'm sorry that I missed a faculty meeting, but I assure you, it will not happen again."

"What work?" Mademoiselle hissed. "I'm taking care of our newest student. What are you doing?"

"See now you're being rude again." Miss Woods shook her head. "I'm doing my part in the curriculum. You know, the part that Mr. Morgan came here to study?"

"And when was the last time you saw Mademoiselle Morgan?" He felt his stomach drop at the feminine address she used for him.

"I saw Mr. Morgan a few days ago. He was here for instruction in his artistic endeavors. Something that I, the art instructor, am here to teach." She lied.

"I see." Mademoiselle Leblanc's posture relaxed for a moment. "How often do you see the other students?"

"As often as they come in here to practice. Am I supposed to hold office hours now?"

"Yes, which is something you might have known should have attended our meeting."

"Fair enough. Thank you for coming down here to fill me in."

"We are not done here." Mademoiselle's voice became low growl.

"I believe we are. Good day, Sabine." Miss Woods turned her attention away to glance down at her easel with a curious eye.

"You must come to the next meeting."

"I will." She spoke without looking up from her canvas. "Good day, Sabine." He saw Mademoiselle Leblanc's fists clench even harder as she marched up to her, each footstep echoing in the quiet hall.

"I am unsure of how things were handled in Blackstone, but I will tell you that such insubordination is not tolerated here. If you do not wish to be a part of this school in more than a title, then I suggest you leave immediately." Miss Woods' paintbrush fell from her hands as her eyes narrowed and locked upon her.

"Careful." She spoke through grit teeth.

"Did that upset you? How callous of me, Lily."

Dana didn't know what surprised him more. The fact that Mademoiselle Leblanc was genuinely angry or how explosive of a reaction those words had in Lillian. Her calm and uncaring look became consumed with red-hot fury as she tossed the easel aside with a crash and lunged towards her fellow teacher. Her movements, both full of grace and ferocity, were not those of an untrained amateur. In a flash, Miss Wood's swept Mademoiselle's right leg out from under her and then brought her hand against her neck to bring her to the ground. A shocked yelp escaped from Mademoiselle's lips before it was all over and Miss Woods held her steady and from completely falling to the hard floor.

"I want you to listen to me now, Sabine. If you ever invoke that name in front of me again. If you ever invoke that fucking name again, I will break you in two. Do you understand me?" She spoke in a low growl that send a cold chill of fear even down Dana's spine. He didn't wait for her answer before he ran as far away from their fight as humanly possible. He didn't dare to stick around.

He raced back to his room every step, every motion, carrying him further from their conflict and to the safety of his own room. A quick panicked glance made sure there was no ribbon tied around the brass knob before he pushed it open and quickly closed it behind him. He fell against the door out of breath as he let the images of Miss Woods' arguments flow through his mind. With his heart racing, his mind swirling with possibility, he marched out of the common room and to his bedroom to find the sketchbook he held so dear. Dana snatched up a nearby pen and quickly brought his thoughts to the page.

"Miss Lillian Woods can be brought to immediate anger by mentioning the name Lily. Must be short for Lillian and obviously painful for her. Knows how to fight? Or has knowledge of some form of martial arts. Can be violent when provoked. Came from a place known as Blackstone? Also, sore topic. Perhaps terminated from last position?"

He closed the book and placed it down gently back on his dresser. Or he would have if not the fact that fear and panic still coursed through his veins. He could not shake the image in his mind. Of how quick, ferocious, and deadly Miss Woods had been in a mere instant. His body trembled, his legs buckled, and he found himself on the floor as well. Just how well did he know Miss Woods? Just how much had been hidden from him? This he had to know. He had to find out.

He stood back to his feet before thrusting open the dresser drawers and removing his uniform. Carefully, he stripped from his female persona's clothing before neatly folding them and setting them to rest next to his book. What would she do in this scenario? The answer was blatantly obvious, a sweet girl like the one he imagined would never barge into anyone's business. What he had heard and seen was not for his eyes or ears. It was simply not for him to worry about. So, he followed in his imaginary girl's example and pushed those curious urges far out of his mind. After all, he still had today's lesson to think about.

He dressed himself with haste and care leaving no time to think about how the uniform felt on his skin. This would be the third day in a row that he had not worn male clothes. The first time in his life that he had been so far beyond his comfort zone. Dana was overjoyed at the prospect no matter how comfortable he had been. All he wanted was to return to his art. To go back to what he had come here for.

Peace and inspiration.

"Dana?" He hadn't expected her so soon, but the tell-tale voice of Mademoiselle Leblanc echoed from beyond his closed door.

"Yeah?" He called back suddenly. He wanted to waste no time today. The faster he finished these lessons, the faster he could put his reckless emotions on the canvas.

"Are you ready for today?" Her voice was full of cheer and sincerity. Any source of the fear he had witness had vanished. As did the anger.

"Just about." He added smoothing out his skirt.

"Whenever you are ready, my dear." She sang. He shot a small glance in the mirror and then with a deep breath opened the door.

Mademoiselle was as composed and beautiful as ever. She gave a small wave of her delicate hand and he watched the sunlight catch and reflect on her glossy red nails that adorned each finger. He studied her eyes for any shred of the previous encounter but found nothing in the dark earthen pools.

"Good morning, Mademoiselle Leblanc." He greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Dana." She smiled back. "Shall we adjourn to the dressing room?"

"Of course."


He held his tongue as they walked past Miss Wood's studio. He just watched her for any signs of fear or change. There was none, she was just as content to leading him back down the stained-glass corridor and into the large and luxurious dressing room. The room was just as they had left it the day prior, and he gazed upon the racks and racks of garments knowing that he would have to choose yet another ensemble for the day. He began to gaze around the room for anything that caught his eye as Mademoiselle Leblanc closed the door behind him.

"Such a beautiful reaction." She purred. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine, Mademoiselle." He answered letting a satiny gown slip through his fingers as he walked by.

"Did you speak any further with Warren?"

"I did." He nodded. "He's pretty cool."

"I knew that you two would get along." She laughed quietly.

"I'm glad that you thought we would. So, care to fill me in on today's lesson?"

"Oh, not yet. Why don't you get dressed first?" She laughed again. "What will she wear today, Dana Morgan?"

"Today," He cocked his head as he stopped in front of a dark dress that seemed to scream out to him. It's fabric adorned with swirling glittering sparkling flecks of gold like stars. "Something different."

He grabbed the gown from the rack and swung it around his body. The fabric danced with his movements as he smiled behind it. Such grace, such beauty, such divine feminine splendor. He hated to admit that this part was fun. To become something other than himself. When he stepped out from behind the racks and into her presence, he saw the approval in her eyes. The dress clung nicely to his bare skin and left only the very bottom of his legs uncovered. The chest was a bit roomy, but he had no desire nor wish to fill that part out.

Mademoiselle Leblanc did not speak. She just raced into the room taking a sharp right turn towards a rack of clothes and pulled a pair of black pumps from the bottom.

"No." Dana spoke firmly as he walked back towards her.

"Please!" She begged as she placed them in front of him. The high heels were narrow, and the shoes shined in the light. "You would look so perfect!"

"I do not think I'm quite ready for heels." He never took his eyes off them. The pair of shoes reminded him so much of those his mother would discard in foyer of their home. Even down to the red soles.

"They are not very high." She spoke tilting the heels to show him. "Not at all."

"I," He gazed down at them. He thought of how he would look, how he would feel standing in them. They weren't nearly as high on second glance and he knew his hypothetical second side would have adored their simplicity and beauty. "Fine."

"Oh, you are making me so happy today!" She clapped as he stepped into them and tightened the straps on his ankles. He felt his balance shift and the shoes forcing his feet into an odd position. He took a small step, stumbled for a moment, before correcting himself again.

"Just small steps, Dana dear." Mademoiselle smiled as he followed her instruction. "Swing your hips as you walk, don't fight it." He heard her clap as he fell into the rhythm. It felt as if his feet were born for these shoes. He took his eyes from the ground, his mind from his steps, and walked confidently towards the door.

"Are we done?"

"Yes. I am so proud of you." She beamed as she followed him outside. "You look amazing."

"Thank you."

"Why the dress?" She spoke as she stepped ahead to lead him further down the corridor.

"It caught my eye first."

"Interesting. No other reason?"

"Not that I can think of. It just seemed to scream her name." He shrugged. Dana was unsure of what came over him. Unsure of the sheer joy that the garment had seem to bring when he spotted it. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was more to this persona business than he thought upon first attempt. He followed her back into her office at the end of the corridor, the morning light streamed into the room as they entered illuminating every corner. She held the door open for him and then quickly closed and locked it behind. He felt strange being back in here again. The last time he was here, he had hurt Mademoiselle. If he strained his eyes, he could still see the small splatter of her blood on the carpeted floor. A reminder of his past mistakes. But he remembered Natalie's lips wrapped around the thick shaft of her toy, her eyes dripping with tears and saliva down her chin. How indecent and immoral of an act he had caught the two of them in upon his first visit here.

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