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Hellie's Return 02: The Experiment

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Daddy injects Hellie and shares her with a new friend.
1.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 04/02/2024
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[I know I said Hellie's Return was standalone. I lied.]

At Hellie's next counseling session at Hendricks' home office, Hellie immediately noticed another man in the therapy room.

"Thank you for coming to your session today, Hellie," said Hendricks. "Since your previous experience with loss of sex drive, I would like to be overly cautious and give you an additional dose of the injection."

Hellie nodded, feeling especially agreeable to this. She eyed the stranger pointedly.

"Oh, my apologies Helena. This is Mr. Harding, a student of mine who will be listening in on our session."

Hellie nodded, even though Daddy's "student" looked almost as old as Daddy was.

Daddy smiled. "Now I see you wore a nice pair of shorts for me today. Daddy can see your pretty legs and ass so well!"

Hellie beamed. "Thank you Daddy."

"Can you come here for your injection baby girl, and Daddy will just pull up your shorts?"

"Yes Daddy." Hellie went to where Daddy was sitting and he bent her over his lap. He pushed her small sweatshorts up into her ass crack, then pulled so the fabric pressed firmly against her pussy.

"Daddy," Hellie breathed.

"That's my good girl." Daddy took out the syringe. He uncovered it, and stuck it in Hellie's generous ass cheek.

Hellie gasped. And then Daddy was putting a bandaid on her ass, patting her. "Very good sweetheart, you're always good for Daddy when he puts things inside you."

Hellie moaned. "Daddy.."

The man watching shifted uncomfortably.

"Now," Daddy said. "Daddy has a special drink for you." He handed Hellie a plastic cup with a double shot of vodka in it. "Can you drink this all up for Daddy?"

Hellie knocked the shot back and shivered. "Ooh, Daddy." She looked up at him eagerly.

"Can you take your top off for Daddy and his friend, baby girl?"

Hellie nodded eagerly and pulled off her tight t-shirt. She wore a pink bra.

"And now those tiny shorts, baby girl."

Hellie giggled and revealed her purple panties.

"Very good, sweetheart. Now kneel down for Daddy."

Hellie knelt down before the two older men in her underwear. The situation was making her hornier and hornier. She began to roll her hips, trying to bring her pussy some external satisfaction.

"What is it sweetheart?"

"Nothing Daddy, my pussy's just wet."

"Is that right baby girl? Is it wet enough for Daddy and his friend to fuck?"

Hellie looked over at the other man, sitting in the chair across from Daddy. She saw the bulge in his pants.

"Yes," Hellie whispered. "Yes!"

"Say please, sweet girl."

"Please," Hellie begged. "I need it."

"Tell us what you need, baby girl."

Hellie's eyes pleaded with him. "Please Daddy?"

The other man groaned, beginning to rub his cock through his slacks.

"Say it, sweetheart. Tell this nice man what you want."

"I need cock," Hellie sobbed. "Please, my pussy feels so empty."

Hendricks made a face of faux hesitation. "What will you do if we don't give you cock, pretty girl?"

Tears streamed down Hellie's face. She was bouncing her ass up and down, back and forth. "Please, I don't know. Please, I need it."

"Would you go out and find it?"

"I...I don't know."

"Would you walk out of this house, naked?"

"Yes," Hellie whispered.

"You want everyone to see, don't you? You want every man in the neighborhood to see your pretty naked ass."

"I want them to see you fuck me," Hellie whispered. "And I want them to want to be next."

"That's my good girl, that's my sweet-pussy Princess."

"Hendricks, I'd really like to get in there," said the man, nodding to Hellie.

"Oh how rude of me, please go right ahead." Daddy gestured to Hellie. He smiled at her. "Baby girl, I want you to be such a good fuckdoll princess for Daddy's friend today okay?"

Hellie nodded rapidly. "Yes Daddy."

"Be very nice to him and let him use all your holes."

"Yes Daddy."

"Go ahead, baby girl." Hendricks nodded to her.

Hellie took off her bra and her pretty round breasts bounced free.

"Oh fuck yes," muttered the man, still rubbing himself. He watched her breasts jiggle as she rocked, on her knees in only her panties. Watching her body move, he was mesmerized.

"You know you can touch her tits, right?" Hendricks said gently.

The other man paused. "Oh. Oh!" He reached out quickly and began to rub her breasts, flicking at her nipples, grabbing her firmly by the areola and jiggling a titty.

Hellie giggled and moaned as he played with her. Then she opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, and continued rocking on her hips. She looked up at him, her eyes expectant.

The man let go of her breasts, reached down and undid his belt. After some fumbling he pulled out his dick.

He popped it into her mouth and throat, immediately gagging her. Hendricks chuckled affectionately.

"My baby does love a dick in her mouth. Suck it good sweetheart."

Hellie nodded as the strange man began to fuck her mouth, her throat making a gloppy-glucky sound as he did. He held her head gently as he did so.

"Sweetheart," Hendricks said. "Daddy is going to run some errands and he'll be back. You let my friend use you however he needs, okay?"

"Hlehth hrrrgghh," said Hellie, her mouth stuffed with cock.

Hendricks shut the door.

"That's real good baby," said the man. He groaned. "Let's get your panties off now."

Hellie slowly released the man's cock from her mouth. She stood and pulled her panties down, bending over as she did so. She pushed her naked ass toward him as she stepped out of them.

"Oh fuck," he groaned, watching her bend over for him.

She reached back and spread her round ass and thick thighs for him.

He knelt down, his face at her ass. "Fuck, that's beautiful," he murmured. "You want it in your pussy, baby?"

Hellie moaned. "Yes please sir."

The man stood and carefully pushed his dick into her pussy.

"Fuck!" Hellie gasped. He managed to get deep inside her almost immediately, and then he held her hips.

"Jesus Christ," the man groaned.

"Please, please!" Hellie squirmed and begged, bumping her round and grab-able ass against his body, wiggling her wet, tight pussy around his cock.

The man groaned. "Baby no you'll make me cum too fast."

"Then I'll just make you cum again," Hellie said sweetly, continuing to squirm.

"Oh fuck, fucking shit." The man shook and shuddered against Hellie and came hard. She felt the hot liquid filling her, so much that it gushed around his cock inside her and some even squeezed out of her pussy.

"Fuck, you feel like my fuck doll," the man groaned. "Better than my fuck doll."

"You have a fuckdoll?" Hellie asked, as he continued to bounce her slowly on his half-hard dick.

The man nodded. "She has big tits, like you."

Hellie giggled.

"I'm addicted to her. Hendricks thought I needed a reminder of what real fuckholes feel like. Fuck!" He groaned as the muscles of Hellie's cunt squeezed around him.

"How do they feel?" Hellie asked.

"Fucking good."

"So you're not a student."

"I'm a patient, too," the man admitted. "I just wanted you to be impressed." He pulled out of Hellie.

"I'm not here to judge you," Hellie said. She looked down at his cum-covered dick. "Does your fuckdoll clean you up?"

Not waiting for an answer, she knelt down and listened to him yelp in shock and pleasure as she sucked at his cock, licked and sucked at his ball sack.

"Fuck," he murmured. She could feel him hardening again.

"Which hole next, Mr. Harding?" Hellie asked.

"I thought you forgot my name!"

"I just remembered now." Hellie gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I'm only a fuckdoll."

The man groaned. "I'm going to fuck your tight ass just like your Daddy said." He moved Hellie now to the couch. He carefully positioned her to kneel on the couch, facing the back of it. He moved her knee and legs apart, pulled her ass backward a little. Her ass pressed downward, her cheeks and pussy spreading just a bit for him.

"Let me touch you," he murmured. He dotted his finger with lube and began to tease at her ass, rubbing just the outside with his finger tip. Hellie shivered, and when he popped his finger inside her she gave a high gasp.


"Can you take another one?"

"I want your dick," Hellie moaned, fucking her ass back onto his finger.

He pulled out and she gave a gasp of frustration. "Please!" she whined.

"You know baby, my fuckdoll at home doesn't beg," the man said. "I definitely like this better." The man pulled lube from his pocket and generously stroked it onto his cock. And then his cock was stuffed up her tight asshole, and Hellie was whining pathetically.

"Oh fuck, please," she whimpered.

"That's right fuckdoll. He told you to take it and that means you have to take it."

Hellie moaned. "Fuuuuck." She turned back slightly. "Is it better than your fuckdoll?"

The man groaned. "Baby I think you have to be my fuckdoll now."

Hellie giggled even as she gasped in pain and pleasure. "Fuck," she murmured. "Fuck me the way you fuck your doll."

The man suddenly stopped.

Hellie turned back, toward him. "Are you okay?"

The man sighed. "The way I do anal with my fuckdolll...well...It's embarrassing."

Hellie turned forward again. "Do it," she said.

He bent down close to Hellie, up against her back. Tenderly he stroked her neck, her breasts. "You're doing so good for me," he whispered, moving slowly in and out of her ass.

Hellie moaned, feeling every inch of him sliding over her. At her entrance, he teased her rim with the head of his cock, moving in tiny strokes just slightly in and out of her asshole. "You're stretching so good for me baby," he whispered. "So tight for me every single time, the perfect fuck doll."

"Oh god," Hellie whispered. For an instant she considered that it was very sweet that this man praised his actual fake fuckdoll at home, and then she was caught up again in the pleasure of having her ass teased.

He pulled out and Hellie gasped. "I wonder how many fingers will fit in your hole now that I stretched it with my cock?"

He fucked her ass with two fingers now, then three. Then four.

"Oh my GOD," Hellie whimpered.

"Look at that perfect little hole," he marveled. "No matter how far I stretch it, it always goes back to being my tight little stroker."

Hellie giggled even as she moaned. "It feels like so much!"

He pulled his four fingers out and went back in with his dick.

"Oh my fucking god," she whispered.

This time, he held her body tighter. "You're so so good for me, aren't you? That's why I fuck you every day and you're my only girl. Now take it hard, take it hard in your tight little ass."

Still holding her, the man pumped Hellie's ass hard and steady. "That's it baby, that's it, that's my good, good hole."

"Mmmmmm," Hellie's mouth watered, her pussy clenched and dampened, and her ass grabbed at his cock as it moved inside her.

When he finish, he pulled out and sprayed his cum on her lower back and her ass cheeks.

Hellie moaned, then turned just slightly. "You don't cum inside your doll?"

"Not always. It's easier to clean up on the outside." He shrugged. "Or not clean up, if that's how I feel."

Hellie grinned. "I think I'd rather wear your cum on my ass for when Daddy comes back."

Harding dressed and left. Hellie waited, naked and covered in cum, for Daddy to get home.

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coolstrangeravenuecoolstrangeravenue11 months ago

you lied to us!!!!!! (I'm so glad)

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