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Her Eyes Did The Talking


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He felt her take in a sudden breath, hold it for a moment, and then let it out, contentedly.

Her head tilted back, to be next to his. Her arms came up so that she could put her hands in his hair.

He drew his hands back to her sides, and then eased his hands up to cover her breasts.

Her back arched a little, and she leaned back into him.

Daniel slowly fondled her breasts, finding them nothing like he expected or had ever experienced. Her breasts were so soft; they were like two little down pillows.

As her fingers played in his hair, he searched for her nipples, and felt her hips start to move against him. In his search, he felt another soft, small mound at the center of each downy soft breast. In the center of each of these smaller mounds, he felt a hard button, but it barely projected outward. He assumed she must have puffy nipples, though he had never experienced them before.

He ran his palms down her flat stomach and used his fingers to frame her vulva, while his thumbs brushed her neatly trimmed and baby soft pubic hair.

Her hands fell from his hair, her back quickly straightened, and her legs began to quiver.

Daniel nuzzled her neck, through her hair.

Kaitlyn sank slightly into his arms, as her quivering legs sagged.

Daniel moved his hands back to her hips, and used the leverage there to turn her to face him.

Her eyes found his, and he saw so much pleasure registered in those blue eyes.

He wrapped his arms around and clasped her petite, firm butt, before he leaned down to kiss her.

Her lips raced to meet him halfway, and they locked in a much firmer kiss, with the tips of their tongues brushing each other's lips.

As they kiss went on, she slid her hands between them and under the waistband of his boxers. Her soft fingers wrapped around the top of his cock, trying to reach around his girth. She failed to touch her opposing fingers.

He gasped in her mouth.

She broke the kiss and looked up to see his contented facing looking down at her.

She moved her hand further down his thick shaft, and then bit her lower lip.

She moved her hand down a third time, reaching the base of his long shaft, and her eyebrows rose in the center, in an anxious expression.

She released him, and then pulled his boxer's waistband out until it cleared his erection. As she knelt, to slide his boxers to floor, she felt his hands slide off her butt and up her back.

She stepped back, and Daniel saw, for the first time, her rosy, puffy nipples, strawberry blond patch, all on a wonderfully proportioned body. And he noticed the sparse freckles that his mind had not even registered before.

He reached and flipped off the light switch for the overhead light.

Her hand caught his arm, still on the light switch, and her breasts brushed across him when she did.

He took the cue, and turned the light back on. Then he reached down to his pants on the floor, and fished out his wallet.

As he unfolded his wallet and reached towards the money in it, her smile faded.

He withdrew a wrapped condom from behind the bills.

Her smile flashed anew, as she saw what he held. She gleefully pulled it out of his hand, and stuffed it back into his unfolded wallet. Then she pressed her hands around his, to close the wallet.

He smiled, broadly, and then picked up their clothes, setting them on a chair. He set his wallet and wristwatch on her desk.

Kaitlyn bounced to her bed, and then folded down the bedspread and sheets, all the way to the footboard. She lain on the far side and held her hand out for Daniel to join her.

He settled in next to her lovely body, enjoying the contact of her warmth, her smooth skin, and her gleaming eyes.

Watching her watch him, he started to run his hand down her sides, her hips, and almost to her knees, before he reached the limits of his arm's length.

She responded with fluid motions of arching, shifting, and raising her legs to allow him to explore further down her legs.

His hand continued to roam down, all the way to her foot, and then up and across her stomach, ribs and across those so soft breasts, as he kissed her.

She quivered at his touch, and sank into his kisses.

He gently gripped one breast, and dropped down to kiss it, plus lap his tongue around it.

Her back arched.

He thought he had never enjoyed touching anyone so much, as nearly every new touch he placed on her skin was answered by her body with wiggles, or quivers, or twitches, plus those liquid blue eyes.

He treated the other breast with equal attention, as well as stopping to trace lines through the freckles in between.

Her breathing gained speed and her hips began frequent shifting.

With other girls he had been with, in this amount of time, a girl would have dropped to her knees to prove how well they could inhale his cock. But here he was with Kaitlyn, wanting this touching to last and last, while watching her wonderfully warm face losing its focus as the pleasures he gave took away her control.

He took his time, kissing her neck, using his tongue to trace around her ear lobe, across some freckles, and even kissing her eyes when they languidly closed.

Daniel propped himself up on one arm, and locked onto her eyes. Then he slowly slid his hand down her stomach.

Her body arched under his hand, the arch from her moving to follow his hand downward. He saw her eyes grow larger and her upper chest and neck were turning crimson. He was getting lost in those lake blue eyes, when they slowly closed in response to his hand reaching her baby soft pubic hair.

She dropped back onto the bed, and spread her legs in welcome.

His hand covered her vulva, and a finger slipped between the lowest part of her inner lips. He drew one finger across her wetness and then dragged her slickness up across her clit.

The smile left her face, and her mouth fell open. Her fingers danced around, erratically above her breasts; her face tensed; her whole body jolted sharply and then shuddered...more than once.

He was stunned. He had only touched her there once, but she seemed to have orgasmed. He watched the lovely emotions cross her face, which eased from tension to bliss.

She finally opened her eyes. Her look wandered around, not seeming to focus, until she found his face. Then her eyes glowed with utter pleasure, and a pleased smile spread across her face.

Daniel looked at her, loving her seemingly satisfied delight, but still wondering if she had actually orgasmed.

She nodded happily, recognizing the question on his face.

His smile grew bigger. He knew this night's goal; he would see how many times he could create an orgasm in this amazing creature.

He rested against her, feeling her body occasionally reverberate with small aftershocks. He used the time to formulate his plan.

He got up, and then answered her curious eyes by coaxing her to roll onto to her stomach. After she did, he had Kaitlyn put her arms out from her sides, and moved her lovely, wavy hair to one side.

He took one finger, and touched the top of her neck. Then he, gently and slowly, drew the finger down her spine to her tail bone.

Her forehead pressed into the pillow, her fingers curled to grip the sheets, and her hips rolled upward, as his finger ran down her.

He stood over her and placed both his palms and fingers around the upper sides of her ribs, his fingertips brushing her squashed breasts. Then he drew his hands down her sides, past her hips, and onward to her ankles.

Her legs spread slightly, her shoulders tensed, and her hips rolled the whole time.

He ran his hands up the inside of her legs, just skirting her labia.

Her fingers clenched and unclenched. Her hips rolled high and thighs spread, clearly presenting her glistening pussy.

His hands rolled over her buttocks, and smoothly slid up her back.

She melted back onto the mattress, her hips shifting, side to side.

He kept his hands traveling around her body for at least another five minutes. Sometimes he kneaded her muscles, other times ran his whole open hands over her, often accenting his touch with feathery brushes of either his fingertips, or from the backs of his fingers.

Her body never stopped squirming, rising, and momentarily tensing. Her breaths grew bigger and more frequent.

Daniel loved what he was doing to her, and he gained creativity with everything he tried. He felt himself still quite aroused, but had no immediate desire to enter her or to reach his climax. He thought he could keep touching her for hours.

He coaxed her to roll onto her back, but had to wait a moment for her to recognize his request, and for her languid response.

Kaitlyn slowly stretched her legs out, moved them apart, and then sighed, heavily.

He saw her eyes sparkle with lust and pleasure. He put his hands on the back corners of her jaw and lowered to kiss her. He offered his tongue and then ran it around the inside of her lips.

Her chest heaved and her tongue brushed his, welcoming it as it explored.

Rising up from her, he let his hands slide off her jaw, down her freckled neck, over her breasts and stomach, and then brush her pubic hair, before traveling on to her feet.

Her back arched, her hips rose abruptly at the touch of her pubic hair, and then she sank, lazily, as his hands continued towards her feet.

Daniel started to kiss the soles of her feet while massaging her toes.

Kaitlyn's knees twitched and bent, pulling him slightly forward, and then her legs spread a little further apart.

His hands slid up to her inner thighs, surrounded her outer labia, and he started to massage them, up & down.

Her stomach muscles rolled, her breathing halted & restarted, and her fingers clenched the sheets, firmly, and then released it to start their erratic dancing in the air.

His thumbs dragged through her moisture, and then up her, inside her labia, and then surrounded her clit. He massaged it gently, between his thumbs, knowing what to expect next. He watched her face intently for the 30 seconds, or so, that it took.

The crimson on her chest & neck brightened; she pursed her lips tightly; her breathing stopped as her neck arched and her shoulders rose. Then her eyes went wide as her body froze for a moment. Then her legs started quivering. Several sharp jolts shot through her as her mouth fell open. Finally, her body sank back to the bed and she started breathing, rapidly.

He slowly stroked her body, feeling the internal quivers lessen. He saw her eyes lock on his as she raised her head. He thought of fire on water, as the blue of her eyes was lit by the fire of her passion.

He moved to stand beside her, and started kissing her heaving breasts. Then, he started kissing down her stomach, with its muscles still tight and rolling at his touch. He ran his tongue around her pubic hair, and was just starting to slide his tongue down her center, when he felt her grasp his cock, quite firmly.

She saw Daniel look at her, and she gave him an anxious, desiring look, as she spread eagled her legs. She stretched her free arm out, with her palm up, positioned over pussy, beckoning him between her legs.

He moved over her, carefully, as Kaitlyn sat up slightly, but did not let go of his cock. When he finally had himself located between her legs, he took up a position on his knees and hands.

She put both hands around his shaft, and then rolled her hips up so that she could coat his large crown with her wetness. Then she positioned him at her opening, and gently pulled him down, into her vagina.

Daniel saw her concerned expression, her closed eyes, and how firmly she was biting her lower lip, while holding her breath. He paused to make sure she wanted more of him inside her.

After a long moment, Kaitlyn opened her eyes and started breathing in short huffs.

After a few moments, he saw her face relax, her eyes took on a wicked sparkle, and she rolled her hips up further, pushing him in another inch. Her saw her eyes close, briefly, and a gentle wince passed across her face.

She took her hands off his shaft and reached up to spread her lush hair out behind her head, before returning her head to the pillow.

When she looked at him with a smile and nodded, he pushed in another inch. He added the fourth inch when her fingers went to his waist and lightly pulled him closer.

Her mouth formed an "Oh" when he slid back out of her. She used her fingers to signal him to please reenter her, as she lowered her hips back to the mattress.

Daniel looked down to see about half of his shaft coated in her wetness, and he starting to pick up the lovely scent of her, too. He slid back into her, further than before.

Her back arched as she felt him spread her.

He watched her face as he continued to sink into her. When he had less than an inch to go before he was fully exploring her depths, her hands gripped his sides, and pushed for him to halt.

Biting her lip again, she locked on his eyes, and slowly rolled up her hips. She winced at the pressure he had hit within her. She worked slowly, rolling her hips, until her body finally cleared the way for his full length. She let her grip on his waist relax, and then her hands fell away.

When he felt her take his full length, and her grip ease up, he started in with long, slow strokes. He had never felt a girl that was this silky smooth inside. Also, for the first time, he could feel ripples within a girl, as he stroked her.

Her eyes tried to stay on his, glittering in her pleasure. However, her gaze kept wandering off, as the sensations he created flowed through her.

He was only a dozen or so strokes into pleasing her, when he saw her fingers starting their dancing, and the crimson blush returning. He felt her stomach roll against his. He felt her knees rise up, to press against his sides. He slowed his strokes further, but increased the length of each, by fully sliding out of her, then pushing back through her opening, before ending pressed hard against her.

Her hips fell into a rhythm with his strokes; her head began rolling side to side; her fingers danced faster between them, as if trying to touch him, but unable to manage even that little bit of control.

When he felt a small jolt, he buried himself in her and held there. Big jolts followed, and he fought to stay within her, at first, as she bucked, arched, and squirmed. Then he felt something amazing. Her vagina clamped around his shift, so firmly, that he could almost not leave her, if he had tried. He waited, held there, a long time, as all her shaking and twitches slowly ebbed.

She finally opened her eyes, fought to focus, and then found his face. When she did, she took a couple deep breaths, and then planted a hard kiss on his lips as her fingers wound through and gripped his hair.

He had never felt a more passionate kiss. He sank into her passion, pressing his full body on hers and feeling her heaving chest.

Her hands finally released his hair, and she lightly pushed him up, so that his chest rose off of her.

Daniel gazed down and saw the most mischievous smile, and the most devilish twinkle in those amazing eyes, that he had seen yet. He felt her release her internal grip on him.

He took the cue of her releasing him to resume his slow, deep strokes of her.

Her back arched a bit, as her breathing stopped.

He got in few lovely, smooth strokes, before she played her ace in the hole.

She resumed breathing, lowered her back, and gave him a wink.

He felt her tighten around his shaft. Not as solidly as before, but certainly a firm grip. He knew his plans would be out the window at this point, for he was not going to last too long, with what her taut, silky tunnel was doing to him.

She watched his concentration start to wander; his eyes closed longer each time. She smiled wickedly.

He stroked into her a number of times, but a bit more cautiously, as he tried to maintain enough control that he could try to bring her with him, to be joined in that moment.

She maintained her grip, but other muscles of hers were taking on a life of their own. Her breathing huffed, with small "whooshes" coming out of her rounded lips, which had lost their smile. Her back stayed arched off of the mattress as the sensations surged through her, from each time he plunged into her depths.

He felt her back sink down, and then pull her legs back up, against his hips. He saw the crimson color spreading on her; her neck muscles & shoulders tensing, and her hips twitching. He felt her grip of his shaft soften, and he recognized that he had little time left.

He ramped up the speed of his strokes, slamming against her, again & again.

Her breathing ceased; her eyes froze open, wild and unfocused; she could not control her grip on him any longer, nor any other muscle in her body.

He hoped this was it for her, as he had only a moment left, which he used to take in the wild look on her face; the feel of her shaking thighs; those dancing fingers. The moment passed in an instant, as he felt his face contort, the electricity in his groin, and then his strong pulses exit into her, while he held himself firmly against her hips.

His final swelling, his depth within her, and the added warmness he sent into her, brought sensations beyond what Kaitlyn could contain. Her mouth went wide open; her legs captured his, holding him firm to her. She shook, violently; her hands desperately grasped his back, then her whole body tried to curl up around him.

Daniel struggled through staying deep within her writhing, shaking body, as he tried to control his own breath, and further tried to maintain eye contact with this wonderful being. Her felt her pulsing, rhythmic, clamping on his shaft.

It took some time for them both to return to regular, though rapid, breathing. The whole time, their delighted eyes stayed locked, and they both grinned like idiots.

Finally, his softened shaft oozed out of her, and he saw her saw face take on a playful pout. He let out a long exclamation of "WOW!"

She twisted her upper body under him, reached into the drawer of the nightstand and withdrew a notepad and pen. She quickly drew something with her left hand, and then turned the notepad to him.

He looked at the notepad and chuckled as he saw five giant exclamation points, each drawn with a heart replacing the dot at the bottom. He smiled broadly, thinking it was such a delightful bit of humor and passion, for her to have drawn that image. And how appealing it had been for her to play silent all this time, even through multiple orgasms...

His brain suddenly skidded to a halt, "...Silence?...Writing?...NO!...It can't be...Can It?!"

Kaitlyn saw the look on his face suddenly shift to confusion, or even desperation, and her smile faded.

Daniel's mind raced back through the years, thinking of how he had talked to his younger brother, Billy.

Daniel looked at her concerned face as he sat up. He brought his hands up, and slowly signed, "Are you deaf?"

"Yes, and mute, too," she signed back. Her face brightened with hope, and she watched, intently, his stunned face, knowing that the next moment meant everything.

Kaitlyn saw a look of clarity arrive on his features, and a smile start to grow.

"W-O-W" he signed, in individual letters, as he was pretty rusty with sign language, and his vocabulary had never been that broad.

Her smile grew, cautiously. "O-K?" she signed.

Daniel gave her a contented smiled, looked into those lake blue eyes, and then brushed her hair away from both sides of her head. He reached down to one ear, and gently kissed it. Then he repeated the kiss on her other ear. Next, he put his hand behind her neck, and added pressure to her jaw with his thumb, to have her tilt her head back. His next kiss was planted softly on her freckled throat. He let her head drop back down, and delicately kissed her lips.

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