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Her Young Italian Bull Adventure Pt. 01

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My wife takes a kitchen pass to the extreme.
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I wanted to preface this by addressed a few of the more pointed comments I received from my earlier story (A Devil's Bargain).

1. I'm not a good writer: Check.

2. My plot does not always follow a per-defined kink template: Yes, that's the whole point.

3. My dialog sucks: See the first point.

If you enjoyed the story nonetheless, I'd love to hear from you. Criticism, good or corrective, is always welcome. If you hated it, and by extension me, and took the time to write your vitriolic spit-soaked comments below: Bless your heart.

This isn't for everybody. There a little bro-mantic stuff too.

Leo the Young Italian Bull

When Covid hit, a lot of people gained weight. Not us, my beautiful sexy wife Janet set up a gym in our garage and we, unbelievably, kept to a pretty rigid schedule: 30 minutes of yoga and stretching every morning, 30 minutes of aerobics and strength training over lunch. By the time travel opened up again, we were both in the best shape of our lives. Janet, shoulder-length red hair, green eyes, and the smile of a model. She's about five feet, nine inches tall and has a swimmer's body. She has wonderfully muscular thighs, lean and agile, and had slimmed down and toned, she looked younger than her 35 years and really got a lot of attention when we went out. She was focused and determined, doggedly pursuing what ever challenge she took on, it was one of the reasons I loved her. Myself, I'd dropped 20 lbs and really looked ripped for the first time since college, buff if I must say so. Fitness was the best defense against Covid and we were well positioned.

To celebrate, we booked a week in the tropics (a week is never enough!) and spent the days lounging at the beach and dining out, enjoying each other's company and getting to know each other again. This resort issues us both a coded bracelet to open our room and also to order drinks and such. It was a welcome feature.

Most of the other guests were our age or older, so when a group of 4 young men arrived at the volleyball court next to our lounge chairs, and started to hit the ball back and forward, it drew some attention. Janet looked up and watched the young men for a moment, before returning to her book and drink. I looked over at her and to make small talk when out of the corner of my eye I caught movement out of the corner of my eye; the volleyball was headed straight towards us. Straight towards her head. I started to shout a warning to her, but there was no time to duck or move out of the way.

Like a flash, Janet's arm came up and knocked the ball back towards the court. I think I unconsciously said "Whoa!", or maybe I said it out loud. Janet acted cool, like nothing happened. The guys just froze in place, like they'd just seen black magic. then one of them ran after the ball.

One of the young men jogged over to us, and started apologizing profusely but in what sounded like Italian. Janet looked at me, a bemused smile on her face, and then looking up at the young man, said "Do you speak English?"

He paused, and wrinkled his brow, and said (in perfect English) "Of course! But you are so beautiful and healthy I thought for sure you were Italian like me!" He went on to introduce himself as Leo and explained that he and his friends were skiers just finishing up a tour of the Rocky mountains, from beautiful and wild Banff in the Canadian Rockies to Colorado and as far south as New Mexico. This was his last stop before heading home.

Leo was talkative and charming, and even Janet put down her book and started to really engage with him. He was tall, lean and athletic, he moved with a powerful grace. His blonde hair was closely trimmed on the sides, but longer and curly on top. In the conversation, we learned he was educated, a culinary student in Tuscany. After a few minutes, Leo invited us to join his friends for 3 on 3 volleyball, and Janet winked at me, then eagerly agreed.

The other young men were Leo, Nico and Dino, we exchanged greetings and Myself, Janet and Leo took one side, the other boys teamed up. At first it was plain that they were thinking this was a friendly game, but Janet played beach volleyball in college and in no time we were ahead and then she spiked for the win. We trade sides and Leo offered to pair up with Janet, against the three of us. It stared out as a tight game but as it continued it was obvious that Janet was distracted by Leo; She intentionally bumped into him several times, giggle and flirted and completely lost interest in the game. Our side won, the boys thanked us and left to get drinks.

Leo stayed behind, talking to Janet. I was a little annoyed, but Janet was enjoying the attention of a younger man, so I thought "What's the harm?". We grabbed some cool drinks and walked north along the beautiful sandy beach. As we walked, she touched his curly blond hair and put her hand on his arm, or his shoulder, smiling and laughing while he told us of his skiing or his hobbies or whatever. I felt more and more like a third wheel, but could not bring myself to leave her alone with him.

At this point, I should tell you that when we were young, we did toy with the idea of swinging or swapping, but at the time we just never found another couple that did anything for us, or wasn't sketchy or something. We did have long conversations about possessiveness, jealousy, cheating, and the difference between love and sex. In the end, we simply forgot about it and moved on together. At one point I started joking about a "Kitchen Pass", permission from each other to have a fling, if the opportunity to sleep with someone that was crazy hot, a solo lover, so at lease one of us could have fun. We even joked about running into our favorite actors or actresses, and the threshold for a "Kitchen Pass" being someone so hot that we'd immediately call each other and boast about it. It never came to anything though, how often do you run into Famke Janssen (Phoenix from Xmen) or Alexander Ludwig (Vikings Björn Ironside) in real life? (Our top "Kitchen-pass" worthy actors)

Anyway, Janet was completely enamored by Leo, I think she would have stripped him and fucked him on the spot if he asked her, and Leo seemed to enjoy the attention also. Then, suddenly, he asked "Have you been to the north beach? It's off the resort, but very private" Janet heard the word "Private" and was eager to see it, I was just about to say something about her infatuation with Leo when he turned and said to her "You had better take your husband's hand, so his eyes do not wander too much, then we find a nice spot for sunset" and then he winked at me.

Well, that was a surprise. I expected a young testosterone-filled bull to butt heads with me, and half anticipated Janet getting frustrated and accusing me of jealousy. But instead, she took my hand and we made our way over the rocks to the north beach. There was a sign warning guests that the property ended here, but that was all.

The north beach was rocky, the surf rougher and the shore was littered with old lobster traps and broken seashells. We made our way over to a short jagged outcropping, then to the top. There, a tidal pool left over from high tide waited, the sun-warmed water felt wonderful and were about to settle in when Leo removed his tight Speedo and hung it on a nearby rock. If Janet was shocked, she didn't show it, she just removed her one piece, then nude, hanging it alongside Leo's suit. I followed, then all three of us leaned back nude, Janet in the middle, relaxing against the warm rocks.

At this point, I should say something about Leo' cock. It was a beauty. Leo was young, fit, powerful, lean, a real athletic build. His cock was either soft or semi-hard, thick, it curved down past his balls by a few inches. I'm sure it looked bigger than it was due to his lean, taut build, but it was still a work of art. (Oh, yes, guys notice each other, we just don't talk about it.) Janet was a goddess, lithe and beautiful. She shot me a glance as if to say 'Yes, I'm going to sleep with my Italian Viking". The thought kind of made me a little hard, I guess I started accepting this was going to happen.

We relaxed, being nude was surprisingly comfortable, and making small talk until nearly sunset. Then dressed and made our way back to the resort before it got too dark, Leo again insisting that Janet and I hold hands. When we arrived at the lobby, Janet tore the digital bracelet off her wrist and pressed it into Leo hand. He now had our room key and access pass. They took turns whispering to each other, Janet smiling and touching his chest. Then he turned away and left, she took my hand again and suggested we get fresh drinks before dinner.

We stopped at the bar, it was the first time we'd been alone together since volleyball that morning. Janet drank in silence, her eyes staring out into the night sky. She was beautiful, I just let my gaze rest on her pretty face for a moment. She turned to me and said "I guess I'll need that kitchen pass now." She was direct and matter-of-fact. I rolled the thought over in my head for a moment. It seemed like such an innocent joke before, now it was very real and terrifying. I was concerned at how my normally reserved, strong-willed wife behaved with Leo: she was like an obedient school girl, she was blinded to that loss of inhibition by her lust.

As you can expect, shadows of anxiety and jealousy kept appearing in my mind overthinking went into into overdrive with thoughts like: "My wife is going to kick you out of your holiday suite and our marital bed of 15 faithful years, into the cold night, so she can sleep with a volleyball player she met on the beach today; our marriage means nothing, find your own way home."

I grinned at the joke I made silently to myself. No, that's not what I felt. Drama was never my strong play. This was a roller-coaster ride, not a sinking ship.

"I've known that most of the day" I told her. "I'm not sure how to feel. I'm not really jealous I guess, but maybe I am. When this is over, how do I win you back from a younger man?"

She turned her head and looked at me directly, and rolled her eyes.

"Would you take me back?" She asked, playfully. "I might, we'll see." I smiled.

"You've got to admit, he's beautiful!" she confided. "Better than any movie star we used to joke about!" I agreed, reluctantly. Then, I asked "Do you think he could introduce me to the woman's ski team?"

Janet laughed, raising her eyebrows, "The whole team? That's a big challenge!"

I joked back "You know I'm up for it!"

"Mike, you know I love only you." she said, her attention focused on me for maybe the first time all day. "Today with Leo I've felt like I was 18 again, at the school dance, more alive than I have in a long time. Really out of my comfort zone! You can see it, right? You and I are both made for each other, a great, unbreakable team, safe in each others arms."

"But?.." I said..

She interrupted: "I feel like this is a once in a lifetime thing: he's sexy and sweet, and we're far from home. It's just a kitchen pass, remember? That was your idea in the first place. Let me have this adventure, make a memory while we can, and we'll be back to normal in a few days." I nodded, still not sure about it.

I was about to speak when her phone buzzed. She wrinkled her brow in confusion, but read the message out loud "Dinner is ready, come to the room, holding hands!" She sighed, took my hand and we went upstairs. Well, I thought, I can at least grab a pillow and maybe a blanket while I'm there.

We let ourselves in, to find Leo in a bathrobe, fusing over a dinner tray. There were three covered plates, an assortment of cheese and fruits, and a tray of tiny desserts.

Leo said "I spoke to the chef, he prepared this especially for us!" and uncovered the plates with a flourish. There were three lobsters, split and arranged like flowers, with colorful garnish, assorted sea foods and creamy sauces. When the aroma hit my nose I realized how hungry I was, having eaten almost nothing since sunrise. Leo sat Janet down on the couch and pushed the tray over to her, then took a seat immediately beside her on her left. I turned to grab a chair but Leo stopped me, and indicated I might sit next to Janet, on the her right. He took a long fork and speared a juicy morsel from the plate, and fed it to Janet, who took it eagerly.

I wasn't going to wait for Leo to feed me (as if!), so I dug in with gusto. The food was excellent, Leo poured wine for the three of us and at least my "last supper" was memorable. This was far better than the typical resort fair, Leo must have indeed talked to the cook.

As dinner wound down Janet had a hard time keeping her hands off Leo, and he did nothing to discourage her, then he moved over to the corner and pulled a folded-up massage table from behind a cabinet (When did that get there?) and indicated that Janet should law down on it. Leo took a position on her left side, and motioned me to stand on the right, then he untied Janet's top and helped her get nude. She eagerly complied. Leo looked at me and said "Mirror me" and started to massage Janet's scalp and neck, on his side, so I copied him on my side, slowly and deliberately, as if we were one. He applied a light, fragrant oil sparingly as we started. We worked slowly down her back to the base of her spine, then he moved to her feet and started up her legs. She moaned and writhed but Leo was focused on the massage: not to be distracted.

Now I have to tell you, that Janet doesn't take to teasing well. Here, he's been flirting and teasing and even getting naked in front of her, and at this point I'm sure she was close to exploding. I was enjoying her torture, at least.

We carefully turned her onto her back, exposing her beautiful smooth pussy and (Oh my god!) Rock hard nipples! Her labia was red and swollen, and dripping wet, leaving a glossy moist mess between her thighs.

Now, instead of starting the massage again, he lifted her leg and kissed her behind the knee, a long, lingering kiss. Janet gasped and moaned, but was not expecting what happened next.

I watched Leo kiss, nibble and lick his way from her interior knee up her inner thigh, and he indicated that I do the same. By the time we got to her hips, she was squirming and writhing, she had her fist in my hair and god knows what she grabbed on Leo. He turned his to face me and our faces were literally inches apart with her pussy between us. He then slowly licked her from her bottom up to the top of her labia, I did the same. He moved in and repeated, and so did I. The third time we did it in sync and our tongues were only separated by her swollen and wet clitoris, and he spent the next minutes tonguing her from one side, while I did the other. My head was spinning, Janet started an orgasm that shook her entire body (we had to cling to her legs and the table like we were in a storm!) and she came and quivered and moaned and screamed and swore and fought. Her body wracked with involuntary spasms, to the point I feared for her safety. We held on as long as we could until she finally kicked us both away and slid her legs to the floor, heaving and panting. We did the same. I had never seen any woman come so intensely, I could barely catch my breath myself.

Janet slid off the massage table and onto the floor in front of Leo; his robe had fallen open and he was both very nude and very hard.

Then something happened that at once shocked me, made me angry and jealous, and turned me on more than I'd ever been in my life. Janet climbed onto his lap. With her right hand she grabbed Leo's cock and positioned her pussy over the head of that young man's meat.

She looked back at me, her husband, again who was staring intently at the sight of Leo's cock poised to fuck his wife. As he watched, she slowly lowered herself down on the first cock, other than mine, to ever be inside of her. Inch after thick inch disappeared between her stretched lips until she felt his pubic bone pressing into hers. She held him inside of her for a moment while she continued to look at me, still staring, disbelieving but getting hot. I looked up at her to see her smiling back at me as she began to move up and down on Leo's engorged member, fucking him without reservation. Janet raised herself up and lowered lowered herself onto Leo's massive erection over and over. The head of his dick disappeared into Janet's pussy, stretching like a silk glove. Little by little Janet's soaking wet and beautiful pussy took in all of Leo's hard dick. Her pussy lips stretched wide as it slid in deeper and deeper.

Janet was completely impaled by Leo's lengthy manhood and settled on his lap. For several minutes Janet simply rocked her hips back and forth while she and Leo were locked in a passionate kiss. Then She began to pick up the pace. Up and down she slid her pussy over Leo's hard cock.

I'd never seen Janet so turned on. Sweat was running down her back. Her hair was wet. It was as if it took her entire petite body to fuck that monster cock. Both Janet and Leo were moaning and grunting loudly, involuntarily, and I knew they were both getting ready to cum. Leo grabbed Janet by her hips and drove his hard penis deeper, pushing them to the point of no return.

"Oh fuck yes," Janet screamed. "Cum in me with that big fucking dick. Cum in me."

Leo cried out, tensed up and convulsing as loads of hot creamy cum were pumped into my wife's tight cunt. He must have been ready for a while as he and Janet were cumming I could see ropes of white, sticky man juice flowing down the inside of my wife's muscular thighs.

At last the two beautiful lovers collapsed into each others arms. They were breathing hard, sweaty and had their arms around each other. Janet lifted herself off of Leo's still-hard dick causing it to flop over with a slap and releasing more cum from her pussy. I thought she was done, but Janet began to lick Leo's cock, now just semi hard but still impressive.

Like a starving animal, she opened her mouth as wide as it would go and swallowed the head of Leo's massive prick. She started sucking the head of his dick while she wrapped her hands around his long, veiny shaft. She took him deep and them pulled off him to lick up the splashes of sticky cum on his abdomen, balls and thighs.

Janet stroked his foreskin up and down while continuing to suck the head of his cock. Leo had his head thrown back on the back of the couch and was moaning in pleasure as his cock slowly got harder and harder. What an incredible sight! I've enjoyed hundreds, Janet's amazing blow jobs during our marriage, but never before had I watched my wife so greedily or sensually give head, let alone suck another man's cock.

Leo looked up lazily and kind of nodded to me to take mine. I was in such a state of shock that I didn't realized how hard I was, or how close I was to cumming just as a voyeur, I moved behind Janet she lifted her hips so she was on all fours as she continued to orally worship Leo's penis. I knelt down behind Janet and pushed my cock into Janet's used and swollen, cum-dripping pussy, eager for sloppy seconds. I felt the heat from Janet's sexy pussy as I easily slipped in balls deep. Janet moaned and pushed back as I started to thrust rhythmically in and out, my shaft covered in her sexy wetness and of course, Leo fresh cum. Janet quickly returned sucking Leo cock while I fucked her doggy style.

I was so turned on from the hot, sensual show that I had just witnessed, my head was spinning and I felt dizzy. I don't know who long I lasted, or care, I just slid in and out until I felt Janet start to breath heavy and as her orgasm started to rise, it triggered my own and I think despite everything we came together. I pumped my spunk to Janet's already cum-slick pussy. Then I fell back onto the floor, spent.


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