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Hera Strikes Back Ch. 03

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Aphrodite settles in to her life in New York.
7.1k words

Part 3 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/22/2016
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"That is the most incredible story I have ever heard!" Hera cried as she sat dumbfounded and open-mouthed on Athena's throne. Turning to her right, she said, "What do you think, daughter?"

"Amazing!" Athena said, "it is an amazing story! That Carya was one lucky girl," she added as she winked down at Demetrius, kneeling at her feet. "My cousin Dionysus owes you big!"

"That he does," Hera said. "And I will be honest with you, boy," she continued as she glanced down at the tiny human. "That image of you, fucking the madness right out of Carya; and then offering your seed to Aphrodite, right in the very temple of the Babylonian Goddess of love, no less. Holy shit! No wonder she is so furious! I would have been pissed off too!"

"I am so sorry, Divinity," Demetrius said. "I meant no offense, but it just sort of slipped out. I mean..., it has been such a long time since I..., and Aphrodite was—,"

"—Yeah, but honestly, Demetrius," Athena said as she smirked and shook her head. "That really was poor form. We Gods, despite our great powers, have surprisingly fragile egos. And the Goddesses of Love, Ishtar and Aphrodite especially, are the two biggest Divas of all time! And, that gives them the most easily bruised egos of us all! You really screwed the pooch on that one, boy. It never is wise to piss off a Goddess, especially a Goddess of love."

"You can say that again!" Hera said as she rolled her eyes. "If you doubt me, go ask the Sirens about Aphrodite's ego."

"No woman," Athena said, "and especially a Goddess of Love, wants to be reminded of another woman in her own bedroom! I mean, come on Demetrius? Surely after all of these years, and all of the women you have been with; both human and divine, you must have learned that lesson!"

"Yeah," Demetrius said sheepishly as he looked down and swept his left foot in a circle on the floor. "My old girlfriend got really pissed at me once when I accidently called her my Ex's name, after we..., well, you know."

"Oh, I bet that went over well! Shit boy, I would have had your balls in a jar if that had been me," Hera said as she chuckled. "Remember Demetrius, Hell hath no fury—"

"—Like a woman scorned! I know, I know," Demetrius said as he completed her sentence. "But, I really am sorry. It was an accident, I swear!"

"Yes, and one that came with a big price tag, it appears," Hera said. "But..., that is all in the past, and one cannot unring a bell. I will say, though, this whole sword part of your story intrigues me most. What on earth could cause a rip in mid-air, and then suck two powerful Goddesses inside the void it created? What kind of crazy magic is this?"

"I believe that is the fabled Sword of Chronus, your majesty," Archimedes said as he stepped forward. "It has all of the hallmarks of that legendary weapon, and, it would actually explain quite a bit. It seems that the polarity of the stone, when it comes into—"

"—It certainly does sound like the sword," Athena interrupted, "But, what do you mean it would explain a bit? According to the legend, I thought the sword of Chronus disappeared from the earth millions of years ago, destroying Atlantis in the process. I wasn't around back then, so I don't know the full story, but..., how could it show back up now, when it was destroyed so long ago?" Turning to Hera, Athena said, "What do you say about this, Mom? You were around back then."

"Athena!" Hera cried. "I may be old, but I am not THAT old! All of that happened way before I was even a gleam in Mother Gaia's eyes. But..., let's not interrupt, dear." Turning to Archimedes, she said, "You obviously have some theory on all of this, so..., what is it?"

"Well, Goddess Hera, Queen of Heaven, most glorious mother of us—,"

"Just get on with it, Archimedes," Hera said with a grin. "You are starting to sound like old Ganymede over there."

"Hey!" Ganymede said as he finished his coffee. "I have been really trying to be succinct, your Majesty, most wondrous creature to ever live, whose..." He winced as he bit his tongue and resumed drinking his coffee.

"Yes, I am sorry, I was just kidding," Hera said. "You have done quite well keeping things short and to the point today, Ganymede. I was just trying to keep things light during this dark, dark situation." Turning back to Archimedes, she said, "So, finish your thought, but try and keep it simple. We aren't technical, you know. You need to dumb it down a bit."

Archimedes took a big swig of coffee, and then a deep breath, and said, "Well, it might be hard to explain, but..., here goes. You see, time is like a river; where the past, the present, and the future all are happening simultaneously. We happen to be located at one place in that river that we call the present. Now, of course, everyone thinks they are in the present, as that perspective is purely relative, but to those in the past, depending on the—."

"—Don't get off track, Archimedes," Hera said as she smiled. "Stay focused."

"Yes, Divinity. Well, you see, if things are changed downstream, hence in the past, they affect not only the present, that we call now, but also the future. It is all interrelated. The future, past and present all swirling together like one of those eddies in that stream."

"But what does this have to do with—," Athena said.

"—Well, Goddess," Archimedes continued. "Sometimes, the future, can reach back into the past and affect the present; of course being in the future, it had to have occurred in the past in order to get to the present."

"Holy Mother Gaia, this is confusing!" Hera said. "Archimedes dear, I know you are bright, and I hear noises coming out of your mouth, but you are really not making any sense. Are you saying the future controls the past which effects the present that then feeds the future?"

"Yeah," Athena added, "are you purposefully trying to be obtuse, Archimedes? What you are saying is complete gobbledygook. Are you are telling us that this sword flew from the present, back to the past, and all of that had to happen in order for the present to occur in the first place! That is some complicated nonsense you are spouting there, boy. So..., in plain Greek, dumb it down a little bit more for us. Despite me being the Goddess of wisdom, I cannot follow your logic here."

Archimedes grinned, and said, "I think the rip Demetrius described, was a tear in the fabric of time, caused the power of Chronus. The space/time continuum was split by the sword, and everything in the nearby vicinity was sucked into the void and thrown somewhere in time and space."

"So, you are saying that Aphrodite, Ishtar and the Sword of Chaos are now lost in time? And that the sword was thrown back from the present and destroyed Atlantis?" Athena said. "Wow..., that is crazy to think about. The future, reaching into the past that effects the future! It's enough to make one's head spin."

"It is," Hera said as she took a big gulp out of her coffee and rubbed her temples. "But as a practical matter, Archimedes, what do we do now? Is Aphrodite lost in time forever? Even though she could be such a giant pain in the ass sometimes, I hate to think of her never able to come back home."

"Oh no!" Demetrius cried, "Please don't say she will never return?" He looked down at his cock, still one stroke shy of releasing his curse, and cried out again, "Oh no! Hera! Please say it—"

"—Shhh, Demetrius, calm down," Hera said. "It is going to be OK, just be quiet and listen!"

"I mean, if you are right," Athena said as she turned to Archimedes, "Aphrodite could literally be anywhere!"

"Or anytime is a better way of putting it. But, the answer to your question is, yes. She could any place and at any time, your majesty," Archimedes said. "And as to whether she could ever be rescued, well..., without another sword of Chronus at our disposal, I am not overly optimistic."

"You know," Athena said as she scratched her chin, "I wonder if the sword of Chronus is like your staff of Chronus, Mother?"

"Athena's right, your majesty," Demetrius cried as his downtrodden face lit up. "It was very similar and glowed and sparked blue flames, just like your staff. Perhaps it could be—"

Hera giggled, and said, "—You know, I almost forgot how familiar you were with the staff of Chronus. You got very acquainted with it in my barn, didn't you?" After seeing Athena shrug in confusion at her comment, Hera whispered, "I will tell you later. It is a hilarious story."

"Staff of Chronus?" Archimedes said as his eyes brightened. "You have the staff of Chronus! This is excellent news! There might be hope for Aphrodite after all."

"I do," Hera said, "and I have for centuries. But, I need to set you straight on a few things. It doesn't work at all the way you are describing. It only creates a bubble of time around the staff. It can't be used to slice through time itself! At least, I don't think it can? Can it? Maybe I should have kept the instruction manual."

"It might be able to slice through time, with some modifications, your Majesty," Archimedes said.

Hera turned, and said, "Well then, we shall just have to see, now won't we. Ganymede, go bring the staff of Chronus here so Archimedes can take a look at it. I think he might be on to something."

Ganymede's face dropped and sweat formed on his upper lips. He walked up to Hera, and whispered into her ear, "Divinity, I..., well, when we were back at the palace, and I was inventorying the items that were damaged during the attack; I..., I..., I saw the Staff had been shattered."

"Shattered!" Hera screamed. "Well, this is awful, Ganymede, just awful! My father, the Great God Chronus, gave that to me for a wedding present!"

"Shattered!" Demetrius moaned as he dropped to his knees, his balls reflexively pulsing at this dire news. "So close and then..."

"—Goddess Hera," Archimedes said, "I hope you don't mind if I interrupt, but, this may not be the disaster it appears. In fact, it might actually solve one of the problems I was just trying to work out in my mind."

"Oh?" Hera said as her eyes brightened. "What problem?"

"Well..., let me see what shape the staff is in first before I make any predictions. I would not want to sew any false hope."

"Fair enough," Hera said. She turned to Ganymede, and said, "Go and gather up all of the remains of the staff and bring them here. I want Archimedes to have full access."

"Yes, Divinity," Ganymede said, "whose violet eyes charm the swallows in spring, whose melodious voice shames the songbirds of May, whose radiant visage dims the bright rays of—,"



"Oh, Great God Ganymede," Archimedes said, "Be sure and do not let any of the jagged pieces of the staff accidently slice into each other. It is vital the pieces remain separate."

"Oh," Hera said as she turned towards Archimedes. "Why is that?"

"Well, Divinity," Archimedes said, "We certainly don't want what happened to Atlantis to happen here, now do we? If one chip of Chronus' stone penetrates another..., well... KABOOM!"

"Hmmm, I see your point," Hera said. "That's a good safety tip, eh, Ganymede?"

"Yes," Ganymede nodded as sweat again began to bead on his brow, and he walked out the door of the temple, preparing to fly back to Hera's palace.


Aphrodite closed her eyes and sighed as the warm bubbling waters of the hot tub teased up her legs, and Chris, the naked and desperate horny frat-slave kneeling in the tub, lovingly massaged her foot. The hot tub was a welcome new addition to the house. Constructed of deep purple porphyry marble, mined from Crete, it was a stunning and outrageous addition to the tiny back yard of the Fraternity house in Greenwich Village. It would have cost hundreds thousands of dollars to purchase, had Aphrodite not spent a considerable amount of her manna conjuring it. The discovery of her ability to finally manifest solid objects was a welcome relief to the Goddess, as she was growing very tired of slumming it.

The tub was just the latest renovation she had made to her new "temple" in the frat house. Over the past few days, the Goddess had been very, very busy, and had fixed the place up quite nicely. It was unrecognizable now. Gone was the pile of spent kegs, broken bongs and empty pizza boxes lying out in the yard; replaced with a true oasis worthy of a divinity, right in the middle of the city. Vines of perpetually blooming wisteria hung from a silver etched trellis, while lanterns encrusted with gold, rubies, and pearls lit her shady outdoor retreat. The sweet, intoxicating smell of Jasmine and Hyacinth perfumed the gardens, as the Goddess had made sure that flowers, just as in her palace, were everywhere.

Inside the house, plates of gold and platinum replaced the boy's ubiquitous red Solo cups, and sheets of fifty thousand count silk now fit onto the enormous, pearl encrusted swan bed she had conjured up for her bedroom. It wasn't Olympus yet, but, to the Goddess of Love, it at least was a step in the right direction.

All of this luxury, though, came at a price; and despite having a house full of naked, and perpetually horny Frat-boy slaves, milked daily for their pre-cum, Aphrodite's mana reserves were nearly tapped out.

"Ow, bastard," she barked as she kicked her foot in the water. "Gentle, gentle! My foot is not a slab of veal, you know."

"Y-yes, great Goddess of love," Chris stammered as he started massaging slower. "I-I, it is just too—"

Aphrodite's violet eyes flashed, and her frown turned into a grin, as she said, "—it is too much, yes. I know, I know, poor baby." She smiled wider as she pulled her foot from his hands and ran it down his stomach and over his never wilting cock. Playfully pulling his cockhead down, and watching it spring back up and slap against his stomach, she giggled and added, "I guess I should dial down my expectations. I forget sometimes that I am stuck here in the world of you humans. I can be a bit much for your mortal senses to handle."

"Yes, Divinity, glorious Goddess of all beauty! I, I, I live only to—" Chris gasped as he leaned forward in the water and began showering her calf with kisses, his whole body finally collapsing between her legs as he was overcome with lust. "Please..., please tell me what you want. I live only to see you fulfilled."

"Well...," Aphrodite said as she glanced around, "How about you go fetch me the remote for that TV over there. It is almost time for Los Diablos Caliente to start on Univision, and I never miss it. This thing called cable TV is an excellent creation. You humans really are quite bright when you want to be!"

"Yes, Goddess," Chris sighed as he got up out of the water. Aphrodite cocked her head to the right, and smirked, as she saw his balls dangling beneath him as he exited the tub. They were so blue, they were almost black. With a malicious grin, she reached out and tapped the back of his testicles with her toe, and giggled as she watched them swing.

"Don't worry, Chris," Aphrodite said as the boy spun back around to look at her. His eyes started to roll back in his head, and he nearly fainted. The supercharged, cum denied, testosterone surging through his body had him light-headed, and this one touch on his body by the Goddess of Love was enough to have him nearly pass out.

"I think in another week, or so, your lust will have built enough for a nice sacrifice. I might just have to milk those babies myself. You seem to be building up quite a nice load of desperate pre-cum for me to harvest."

"Oh..., oh Goddess," he groaned as he got out of the tub.

"No, no, boy," Aphrodite said as she whistled and pointed over at the TV. "Remember..., the remote."

"Yes, Goddess," Chris replied as his face fell and he retrieved the remote.

"Goddess Aphrodite," Trixie said as she walked out the crystal French doors into the backyard, "I am going to the store in a bit, and I was wondering if..." She paused when she saw the hot tub, and her face beamed in a big smile. "Well now..., this is new!"

"You like it?" Aphrodite said as she leaned back in the tub. "I will tell you, there is nothing like the feel of pure porphyry on your ass, girl. Come on in, the water is perfect."

"It does look amazing," Trixie said as she glanced over at Chris. "And..., I am sure our little friend over there would love nothing better than to have me get naked and join you."

"No doubt he would," Aphrodite said as she winked over at Chris. "No being with a cock and balls; God or Man, can resist the appeal of some girl on girl action in a big tub," she added with a laugh. "And, you know, if we put on a good show for Chris, it might just help him up his seed production. I spent quite a bit of mana on this new acquisition, so I need to replenish."

Trixie, now reflexively rubbing her wrist, said, "Aye..., more manna! My arm already hurts just thinking about it." Grinning, she pulled her hand up and down in a mocking imitation of a handjob, and added, "it has been quite busy lately. You know, you need a lot of milk, Goddess."

"A girl has to have nice things, you know," Aphrodite said as she laughed. "Plus, come on..., not only will the warm healing waters help with your arm, Los Diablos Caliente is coming on in just a few minutes, and I hate to watch alone."

"Well," Trixie said as she began quickly stripping down, "you don't have to twist my arm!" Sighing as she sank into the warm, bubbling scented water, she said, "Holy fuck, Goddess! You weren't kidding. This marble feels spectacular on my ass!"

"See, I told you," Aphrodite said. "My palace bath back home is done completely in porphyry. My cousin Asclepius swears by it. He says the stone has natural healing powers."

"So, tell me, where we are in Los Diablos Caliente," Trixie said. "I missed last week's episode."

"Well, Javier was sleeping with the maid, when Rosita came in, and..." Aphrodite began.

For the next twenty minutes, Aphrodite and Trixie sat spellbound in the tub, watching the show. Los Diablos Caliente was, as it had been for twenty years, the highest rated Telenovela on Univision. Filled with busty gals, hot Latin men, and ludicrous plots, the reason for the show's enormous appeal was apparent. It was the prime star, Jose Fuente. Consistently voted the sexiest man alive, Jose had every panty on earth wet once he came on screen. Tall and muscular, his thick black wavy hair, perfectly sculpted body, and charming Spanish accent raked in the female fans.

"Should I get Chris to massage your arm, girl?" Aphrodite said as she glanced over at Trixie continuing to rub her wrists.

"I am sure it will be alright, soon," Trixie said. "Plus...," she added as she winked over at Chris, standing open-mouthed and drooling at the two gorgeous women in the tub, "he might be a bit too distracted to be useful."

"Yeah," Holly said as she entered the back yard with a big smirk on her face. "He will be pretty fucking worthless after watching you two." Glaring down at Trixie, Holly said, "You know, I have been waiting for you in the car for twenty minutes! We were going to go to the store..., remember?"

"Oh shit, Holly," Trixie said. "I am sorry. I got distracted—"

"Is this tub new, Goddess?" Holly said. "It is spectacular! I hope it didn't expend too much manna."

"It is! You like?" Aphrodite said. "Finally, this dump is starting to resemble someplace livable. And don't worry too much about the manna, will you." She pointed over to the visibly shaking, and drooling Chris, and added, "there is always more of that on tap. We just have to let it..., uh, ferment in the barrel for a bit, so to speak."

"Yes," Holly said, as she massaged her own hand, "But, I am getting carpal tunnel here from all of these slow teasing handjobs. And I will be honest with you, Goddess. I think the guys are tapped out. There is only so much pre-cum a human male can give, you know. After the working over Trixie and I gave them this morning, the whole house is asleep right now. We won't get a decent harvest for at least a week."


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